Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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as McP herson slashed by .Watters. H uskey struggled 10 catch th e fleeting Peugh, an d at teh ha lfway ma rk got his cha nce. " I could get th e dr ive o n Todd (Peugh ) co ming o ut of tum two, whi ch was really breakin g up. He go t hooked coming out of it and I drove by underneath him in turn fo ur . I th ough t he was going to get awayl" related Huskey. Peu gh held tig ht on Husk ey fo r the remainder of the race, but cou ld not regain th e lead. McPherson took a solid third, with Yordy com ing out on top of Watters for founh . Danell Murphy j u m ped out in front of the 250cc Ama teu rs, wi th Mitch Ward ridi ng hard to grab the lead away. However, Ward broke his motor mo unts and dropped o ut, givi ng second to Allen H udson. After a hea ted battle, Hu dso n slammed by Murphy in to th e lead for the win. In a wi ld-a nd -crazy Kno bby class, Kevin Barth swerved around downed riders and held off a hungry Aaron Campbell for the win. Todd Gille spie went down in the early going, but ra llied for third by inche s at th e checkers. Resul ts O PEN E~ I. 10d Huskey (Ho n ); 2. T odd Peu gh (Rtx); 3. See n McP her:!lOn (H an). KNOBBY AM : l. Kevin Barlh (H u!;); 2. Aaro n Ca mpbell (H a n ); 3. Todd Gillespie (Yam). O PE N AM: I. Glt'nn Yo ung (Hen); 2. SLiimley Powerdri tl (ATK); 3. Homer Simpson (Ya m ). 250 AM: 1. Allen Hudson (S Ul ); 2. Dam-II Mur ph y (Hon); 3. l oh n Brooks (Ya m ). MICRO: 1. Malt Ward (Kaw); 2; S l~ Amdt (Kaw); 3. Travis Harper (Ka w) . PIW: I. Nickola s Co hon (Yam) ; 2. Co le Siebler (Yam); .5 Ban Simpson (Ya m) . . Carter, Rowley victors atArgyll MX By Nuklear Neukam DIX CA, JULY 29 ON, Kaw asa ki-m o unted Bill y Caner wo n the 250cc Beg in ner class a t Argyll Pa rk in rou nd five o f th e C MC/ F airfie ld Kaw a sa k i Sum mer Series, wh il e 77-yea r-o ld Ho ward Ro wley took his 1973 Pen ton to victory in the Vintage class. Michael " Wh eel" Barro w roosted hi s Honda into the lead of th e first 250cc Begi nner moto and started p u lling away, as Carter found h imself working from mi dpack. By m id m o to Carter wa s ba tt li ng Ka wasak i-m ounted Tom Maso n for second . After a la p Carter was arou nd and closing ground on Barr ow . At th e whi te flag , Carter made h is move andsecu red th e lead a nd co nti nued to the win wi th Ba rr o w and Ma so n second and : th ird, respecti vely. Barrow, agai n, holesho t in rnoto two, as Carter was back in fifth. After a few laps Carter closed in and took the lead , bu t the lo ng weeken d seemed to be tak in g its to ll as he soon tasted tu rf. Barro w took the lead , o nce agai n, as Ca n er rem ounted a nd gave ch ase. Wit h time run ning out Caner clicked his Ra lphie-tun ed KX into fu ll boost mode and closed in , once again. And again th e white n ag new as the Kawasa ki -p il o t made h is mov e on the Honda transport. Barrow, too, was get ti ng a little wind ed and Carter snuck by a ga in o ver the Rockin -R o llers. T his ti me Carter hel d on for the win a nd the overall with second o vera ll go ing to Barrow. Maso n followed Joe Canepa in fo r fo u rt h , sti ll enoul;h fo r th ird overa ll wi th Ca nepa claimi ng fo urth overall af ter a first moto fift h. Yamaha-mou nted Ben G ledhill (4-6) was fifth overa ll . T hree ancient Peru o ns a nd a 15- yea r-o ld KX250 lined up [o r th e Vintage class as three generations rep resent ed one family. T he younges t of this fa mily, 33-year-o ld Da vid Dotson o n the Ka wa sak i, topped h is 53year-old fat her an d h is '74 Pen to n in the first moto, w h i le R on ' s fat her-i n -l a w , Ro wl ey, held o n for third. R uss Powell took fourth a fter making a p it s top in midrno to to adj us t h is early-mode l Penton. Rowley's l uc k was p rime fo r mota two as h e took o ff to a h uge lead wh il e th e other three competitors fell in turn one. With Ro wl ey u p a lap , the tri ck y-tri o fin ally go t their machi nes to cooperate a nd they joined in o n the nosta lgic merriment. With the crowd c h eer i n g h i m o n, the n-yearyoungster roosted a way wi th mota two for th e overall, while Ron Dotso n took second a nd second ove ra ll ahead o f his so n, David. Po well settled for fo u rth ove ral l. Nick y Pounds topped th e 250cc Pro class at DeAn za Cycle Pa rk. 500 JR:1. Billl...t:a (Han) . VI NT : I. Howard Row ley (P en ): 2. Ron Do tson ( Pen ): 3. David Dotson (Kaw) . VET PRO: I. Dave Wood (Ka w). VET MSTR : 1. Dani el Sturgeo n (Ya m) ; 2. Ru u Powdl (KTM); 3. Ca st y Farref l (Suz). VET j R : I. Clyd~ Law ler (H us) ; 2. David Do tson ( KT M); 3 . Stt=vf'n Blak e (H a n ). OT MST R: I. Erni e Cabra ll (Suz) . OT I NT : I. Steve Bevilacq ua (Ya m) ; 2. Ro n Do lson ( KT M) . OT JR : J. Bob Hodges (H a n); 2. R icha rd Bloo mfield (Hom . Rochester roosts DeAnza MX By David Procida SUNNYMEAD, CA, AUG. 5 Mike R oc hester too k hom e the trophy in th e Vet Int ermedia te class today without even wi nning a mot o at DeAnza Cycle Park. In mo to o ne , Kawasaki -mounted St eve Glaus grabbed the ho leshOI but was passed o n the dow n side of the tricky uphill turn around-and-go-back-down start straight. Lenny Baker on a KX250 slipped by G laus, tu rn ed on the af terburners, a nd bega n to pull away. Recen t changes to the tra ck pr evented a ru naway when Baker wen t too ho t into th e 180 degree tum, rear-ending Ronn ie Gibson. T his dropped Baker way back in the pack and handed th e lead back to G laus. Glaus was by no mean s running away fro m the pa ck as th e Honda CR500 of Roch ester had closed to his rear fender. Rand y And erson, ridi ng .in Roch ester 's roos t, was not gai n&" to let th e leaders pull away and was r unning a strong third. Baker was back under way and gaining on the pac k, quickly closing o n R uben Felcon's Honda. . Up fro nt, the battle between Glaus and Rochester went a ll the way to the checkered na g with Glaus never reli nq uishing th e lead position. At th e checkered it was Glaus, Rochester, Anderson, Felco n and Baker in th e top- five positions. Baker came back in moto two wi th a vengeance grabb ing the lead a wa y fro m Rochester, wh o had no com pe titio n, pull ing everyo ne on the uphi ll start this mote. Once by Rochester, the Kawasaki pilot never loo ked back, con tinuing to increase his lead. . Rochester, realizing that he had on ly to beat G laus to take th e overa ll win, was TIding a t a pace that kept him comforrably in second. G laus held onto the number three slot in fro nt of Anderso n and Felco n , makinl; it a two- way tie, po ints-wise, for the top posiuon. Breaking th e tie was the second-mote finish by Rochester, bettering Glaus' per forma nce wi th 2-2 co m pa red to the KX riders 1-3, O ther Vet action today featured the experts wi th Pete Vetra no an d Ro n Lawson swapping mota wi ns. Lawson's second mot o win was the deciding factor in the overall victory . At the o ther end ol th e class, in th e Begin ner ranks, Honda-mounted Ron Shel do n went 2I, holding off first-mOlowinner Mark Allen . Results Results 60: I. J.J. C ummings {Kaw ): 2. Dav id Bing ham (Ka w); 3. R icky Go nsalves {Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Jimmy Pierce (ka w); 2. Daryl Selix (Kaw ); 3. Anmony Aranda (Yam ). 80 f R: 1. Johnny Cipollina (Suz). 80 NT: J. Aa ron Cantr~ ll~ (Kaw ). 80 BW: I. Bri an Barringt on (Kaw ). 1%5 BEC : I. R icky For~s (Hon) ; 2. Al Machado (Han ); 3. Gary Pad~n (Suz). 125 JR: I. La na Bollens (Hon ); 2. Mik~ Morgan (Han) : 3. j er ry Cowl~y (H on ). 2SO BEG : I. Bill y Ca rt~r (Ka w ): 2. M i k~ Ba rr ow (Hon): 3. Tom Mason (Xa w ). 250 JR: J. Mik.~ Callaghan (Hon ); 2. Kt=Vin Cor dua (Han) : 3. Mik r hodgr s (Suz ). 500 BE.G: 1. J im G rey ( ~w); 2. j ay Ril ey (Ka w) ; 5. J am es West (Ya m) . 80 BEG: J. Ch ristopher Neiuel (kaw ); 2. Jason Nishijima (Kaw): 3. M i k~ Ancheta (Suz); 4. Eri c Anderson (Ha n); 5. Sha wn Fulgham (SUl) . • 80 NOV : I. Shawn O 'Brit=n (SUL); 2. Rob Gunter (Ho n ). 80 tNT:!. T racy Asher (S UL). 80 BIG WH L: l. Phil Mf'SS('nger (Kaw); 2. David Delgado (Kawl. 125 BEG : I. Cooper Kuna th (Suz); 2. Ron Tnry (H on) ; :J. Bob Navarro (SUL). 125 NOV : I. Sf'an Rund l ~ (Raw); 2. Knoin O 'Bri ~n (Han); 3. Mark Vandnoalk (H a n): 4. T racy ASM (Suz): 5. Chm Va~(Hon ). 125 t NT; 1. Kevin Shafer (Kaw); 2. Scou Murphy (Hon); 3. Todd Broussa rd (Hon): i . QlUck Cunla (H on) ; 5. ja~n Simmons (Kaw). 250 BEG: I. Bobby Ph illi p' (Xawl; 2. NaLhan Dom rits (Sw);3 . urryWardrop( Hon);i. Bill Juslia(Hon); 5. Dan ny Kolrnrr (Cag) . Mike Faria (9) won the Scratch main at th e Orange County Faigrounds in Costa Mesa, California. He re, Charlie Venegas (43) tries to hold off Faria and J osh Larsen. ) 250 NO V: I. Dou g Atten (Ra w); 2. jdr Eary (Han) ; 3. Kri s Bark er (Kaw l: i . Ow en Dickson (Ya m ); 5. Ga ry Holl on (H a n ). 250 INT: I. Ramon Nor eiga (Suz); 2.Mau Wyckoff (Ya m ); 3. Mi k~ Blair (H a n). 250 PRO: I. Nicky Pounds (Suz); 2. Richa rd Ge ra h ty (Ya m); 3. Levi Nob le (Kaw). 500 BEG: 1. Mike Lucas (Kaw ); 2. Don Cummings (Hon). 500 NOV : I. Randy Pa ulin (H a n) ; 2. S'Teve Sch rob lialorl (H a n). 500 INT: I. Tim Harris; 2. Ron Malon e (Ha n); 3. j oh n P ack (Ya m ). . 500 P RO: I. Ga ry Sailors (Ra w); z.jerr Scot l (Raw). jR VET BEC : 1. David Sparks (Yam ). j R VETNQV: I . Ron W i lliam s(Kaw): 2.G~gK.t=im (Yam) ; 3. Kevin Davidson ( Ka w) ; 4. David Williams (H a n). VET BEG: I. Ron Sheldon (H a n); 2. Mark Allen (Han): 3. Steve Henson (Hon); 4. Duug How ell (Suz); 5. David Proc ida (ATK). VET NOV : I. T om Sch uen em en (Kaw): 2. Randy Puahn (H on ); 3.Kt=n Leyboe me (K.awO; 4. Tim Williamli (; 5. Mikt= Robres (Yam ). ~ VET INT: I. Mik.t= Rochester ( Hon); 2. Sieve G laus (Ra w); 3. Lenny Baker (Raw); 4. Randy Anderso n; 5. Ruben Felccn (Hon ). VET EX: 1. Ron Law .son (Suz); 2. Pete v euano (Suz). SR EX: 1. BUSier Lawrence (Ya m ). OT NOV 0 -1: I. jim Holl on (Hon); 2. Larry Popp (Han); ". Kurl Son.;I (Ha n); 4. Barry Simon (Han); 5. John Wf'bb (H on ). OT NOV 0-2: I. Bill Sta ley (Yam) ; 2. j ack. H oopa (Han); ; ". Doug Baumann (SUL) 4. jackie Lo ngton (Yam ). OT AM: I. jack Allen (H olI); 2. T o m Widi ck (Han); 3. Kdlh Phillips (Hon); 4. Richard Bealer (Yam); 5. Buu Moe ller (Han). OT EX: I. Alan Olson (Kaw); 2. Dennis McAda m (Ha n) ; 3. Ron Wa y (Han); 4. BenJ/:( j o bansec n (H a n); 5. Buster Lawren ce (Ya m). Hamill hammers Orange County Speedway By Scott Daloisio COSTA MESA. CA, AUG. 3 Young Bill y Hamill co ntinued to impress the masses In h is return to the U .S. with a wi n in the Handicap main at the Orange Co unty Fai rgrou nds, o n Friday night. In COors Scratch main ac tion , " Flyin' Mi ke" Faria took ho me the top ho no rs. Like the case two ni gh ts earlier at IMS, officials had Hamill o n the 40 yard- line instead of the 50. J ust can't do that - Tom Burba , fresh out of retirement, had the lead when the eight-lap race began, while Charlie Ven egas to ok seco nd followed by Ma rk Han nah, Shawn McCo n nell and " Billy the Bu llet." As Venegas was cha lle ngi ng Bu rba for the lead on lap two , McCon nell started to go inside Han nah. While the vetera n racer was doing tha t, Hamill came o u t of nowhere a nd went right between them. It was a sen sational pass that left the fans ho llering w r more. . . Burba kept his J awa in firs t until Venegas went inside of hi m in tu m one on lap three. Did Venegas come o ut with the lead? No l In his second spectacular pass of th e race, Hamill too k h is Monrovia Diesel Wesla ke aro u nd bo th of them and secured first I Christian got Burba on lap Io ur and then went a fter Venegas and seco nd . .H e got th e job done o n la p five , b u t by that time it was too late to catc h Hamill. T he 1989 AMA southern Ca li fornia hig h -po ints rider had h is third win in , three nights. The 1985 National Champion, Christian, took seco nd , whi le McCo n nell was thi rd, The Scratch main was all Faria . O ut of . gate three, he a nd po le sitter Brad Oxley p inched o ut Steve Lucero in tu rn o ne . Schwartz got a bad sta rt off four, b ut when Lucero was left hu ng out to dry, Schwartz got by him. By the end of the openi ng revo lu tio n , Faria, on the Russell Raci ng/ Sh oei/ Oilzall / Off Shore/Scou USA Weslak e, ha d a twol en~th lead over O xl ey. T he slender ri der mamtained that lead all th e way to J erry King's checkered flag . Oxley, Schwartz and Luce ro ro unded out th e field. Ra nd y Mcintyre and Ro bert Fox led every inch of the wayan their Varner Promotio n Kawasak i in the fou r lap Sidecar ma in . T he Ducati-power ed team of Dea n Steele a nd Dwayne Kin g came ho me seco n d wit h j ozep P etrgal ovic and Ernst Kuen~ thi rd . For the second time this week, Faria's teamma te, Lee Edwa rds , "too k the Ru ssell Raci ng Wesla ke past the co mpeti tion to wi n the Second Division ma in. Co lo rado's Rob Ball pl aced second wi th Chris McGee th ird. Roo kie G reg Appelma n wo n another main in the T hi r d Divisi o n four- tapper. wh ile John Ade n fini shed in the runner-up spot with Joh n O ' Neill third. R esults SC RATCH : I. Mikt= Faria ( Wo ); 2. Brad Oxley (Wo ); 3. Bobby Schw aru (Wn ); 4. Steve Lucero (Cdn). HDCP: 1. Bill y H a m ill (Wes); 2. Ala n Christ ia n (Wes): 3. Shawn McCo n ndl (e M) ; 4. Brad Oxlef (Wes). n ·2: I. Lee Edwards (Wt=S); 2. Ro b Ba I (Cdn); 3. Ch ris M ~ (Wes ); 4. Mark Mila uo (Wes). 0 -5: 1. Grf'g Appelman (Wes): 2. john Aden (J aw ); 3. j o hn O 'Nd ll (Wes); 4. M ik~ Boy lt= Uaw ). SDCA R: I. Ran dy Mcintyre/Rabat Fox (Kaw): 2. Dean Steele /Dwayne Kin g (Ka w); 3. Jozef Petrgal ovic/ Ern st Kuen g (Ka w); 4. Craig Dempster/Peter Lewi s (Kaw). Sorbo sets record at Hawaii RR By William Kresnak HONOLULU, HI, AUG. 5 Ed Sorbo set a track record and went o n to win the O pen Gra nd P rix class in the eig hth round of the Hawaii Road Racing Association 's (H R RA ) Championship Season at Hawaii Raceway Park. Sorbo, aboard the WERA F-USA Team Hawaii Yamaha FZR lllOO, cut a bes t la p time of 36.35 seconds o n th e three-quarter mile, six" turn track , beuering the prev ious mark of 38.19 hy almost two seconds. In th e first of [our 1O-lap sprint races involving the big bikes (Open G P a nd 750cc Superstreet), Sorbo gra bbed th e holeshot and wheelied briefl y dow n the front straightaway, lead ing the pack in to left-hand turn o ne. Tom He ller, aboa rd a Suzuki GSXR750, was secon d out of the first tum foll owed by Eri c Phillipson aboard a H o nda CBR600. Sorbo used hi s power advantage to pu ll o ut a comfortable lead by the end of th e second la p , while P hillipson shadowed Heller aro und the course. Ph illi pson got inside Hell er a t the end of the front straight o n the seventh la p an d dove inside a bac kmarker goin g int o tum o ne to block Hell er and move mto second p lace, ho ldi ng the position to the checkered flag. Sorbo too k the win followed by Ph illipson a nd then H eller. In the second heat race, Sorbo agai n I:0t the holeshot, wheelied and was go ne, keeping the lead to the end of the race. Phill ipson passed Hell er on the second lap , again in tu rn one, and held on for second, H eller fin ished th ird. Sorbo set his track record in the second heat. In the third heat. Sorho missed a shift at the start an d charged too fast in to tu rn one, goi ng wide and off th e track. Sorbo j umped hack into th e fray and found him self last at the end of the firs t lap. Dave G uerrero, aboard a Yama ha held the lead un til he was passed on the second lap in tigh t esses by Phill ipson, who was riding H eller' s Suzuki GSX R750 for lh e first time. By lap fo ur, Sorbo had cu t his way th ro ugh the pac k to challenge G uerrero for secon d pla ce. Sorbo powered by G uerrero down th e back straight leading to the esses, followed by Brent Chang, aboard a GSXR750, and held second pl ace going through th e off-camber tum followi ng the esses. Chang was then in

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