Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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moro win and overall. Denig cruised to second with Flanigan third and Stewart fin ishing fourth. j ohn Sims led the Schoolboy class in moto one ahead of Mike Baker and Den ig. Sim s was kept on h is toes by the aggressiven ess of Baker, who eventually sneaked by Sim s on the inside of a ' turn to take the lead . Sim s went down as Baker pulled a way with a com ma nding lead followed by Denig, Michael Ho llen and j ason Stewart. Denig and Hollen tangled for second as Denig ma naged 10 hold to his position wh ile Hollen struggled in third to catch him. Holl en's charge for second was short-lived as he steadily dropped off the pa ce. giving Den ig a comfortable rid e in second Baker took the win with a commanding lead followed by Denig and Holl en . Denig fired off the line first in moto two but his lead was soo n diminished as Baker took com mand followed by Sims and then ·Denig. Baker held to first for the mot o win and overa ll victory with Sims taking second and Den ig sett ling for third. R.esults 1I so: l.ld f Gib so n (Ya m ); 2. Cort'y Arnold (Yam ); 5. David Whitcra l (Ya m); 4. Shawn Mi1Ier (Ya m l; 5. Derek Stu~lI (Y;un ). 65: 1. Mark Burkhan (Kaw); 2. 0uU Ikrry (Ka w); 3. Scou McMill in (KoIw ); 4. Jeff Gibson (Kaw); 5. Nicholas Cu mmings ( Ka w) . MINI JR: I. Mark Burkhan (Yam); 2. Wale)' Boyd (Sw): 3. Ja 500 Frecker (Ya m ): 4. Qui, Ikrry (Vam ); 5. T r.lIVlS Rudman (Kaw). MIN I SR: I. Robbi e Sturgell (Ka w): 2. Ray Dmig ( ; .5. Ja son Stewart (Liw):.4. Brian Flanagan (Ka w) ; 5. Ourh~ Dunaw;l J (Kaw ). 125 SCH BY: 1. Miu Bam (Kaw); 2. Ra y Deoig (H on); 5. John Sims (Ka w );

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