Mcleod storms to L.A.C.R.
Night Motocross victory
By Tony Alessi
Tom Smith (8) leads Michael Gilmore (behind) an d Mike Little (138) during a
250cc Novice moto at L A. County Raceway's Friday Night MX. Doug Allen won ,
overall wh ile Daniel Pazienza finis hed in
th ird.
Jason May clai med the overa ll win in the
Schoolboy class by win nin g moto one and
pu lli ng the hol eshot and the win in moto two.
T h ro ug ho ut both mot os William Berry ,
Thoma s H onzik an d Philip Thom pso n
cha sed after May for second and third place.
Honzik fin ished second overall whi le Thompson ended up third.
J am ie Pil tin clai med his first mo to victory
in moto one of the 80cc (14-15) class. Moto
two start ed with Pil tin in the lead , but he
gave it away to Brian Berry after crashing off
a j um p . Berry motored away with the moto
victory and the overa ll win . Brian Simpson
secured a consisten t second overall and Piltin
remounted to fini sh third overall.
The firs t 125cc Pro moto ended with the
Suzuki trio of J erry Seip in first followed by
Jason Rivas and John Franco.
Moto two proved to be a spectacular race.
Seip a nd Rivas collided in the first tum as
Franco pulled away with the holeshot, Mike
Micheals charged and passed Franco midway
into the first lap. Riva s, Mike Billardello and
Seip also passed Franco on the same lap. Rivas
picked up the pa ce with Billardello and Seip
right behind, and Rivas motored past the
leader Micheal s at the hallway point. Billardello and Seip battled for second place honors.
Rivas pulled off the mo to win while Seip
claimed second.
before the white flag he ma naged to ride into
second place behind Shaffer. Shaffer closed
every door for Smith a nd held his lead to the
checkered , despite all Sm ith 's efforts to pa ss.
In the second mot o Smith was out of th e
hol e faster, but not as q uickly as Cory
Pearm an . They r ode fender to fender un til
Pearm an bobbled and fell while comi ng out
of a set of S-turns. Smith too k the lead and
wasn 't challenged aga in in the moto. With
a 2-1 score Smith was the overall winner for
the day and earn ed the mark that would move
him to the 80cc Expert class in h is next race.
The Wom en 's class was dominat ed by
Mollie Bourk e. The first rnoto saw Bourk e
ou t of the hole in second beh ind Tracy
Frydendall. Bourke expertl y per formed a pass
into Iirsr on the first comer and from then
on, she was not to be challenged. Her perfect
I-I for the day earned her the big troph y for
the class.
Bourk e also rode the 80cc Novice class and
led the start of moto on e. J.L. Deckert did
everythi n g possible to pas s, but Bourke
wouldn't relinquish her lead.
Deckett took the holes hot at the start of the
second rn ot o while Bourk e was OU l of the hole
behind the crowd. She managed a sevent hplace fin ish for a fourth overall, bu t the one
to beat was Deckeu , who rode a perfect moto
for the win .
Resul ts
50: I. Ada m Bums; 2. Mau Liun; S. T im Vduqurz; ...
Ouis Brau ch ; 5. Ga brid Bmavidn.
60 NOV : I. Sha nt- Magrum (teaw); 2. Lukt- Johnson (L w);
J. Andttw Sho n (Kaw); .... Man Wh iun a rch (Llw); 5. Du, ty
Riley ( Ka w).
60 AM: I. O uis O1.rw (L w): 2. T ravis Rilt")' (Kaw ); S.
Bobby Fitc h (Kaw); ... Scon Burri . (Kaw); 5. Scon Mer"
JR MINI 7-11: 1. Bobby Merrill ( H on).
JRMINI1 2· 13: I. Jo hn Jasin, ki (Hon ); 2. Ericflagg (Hon ):
3. Ed Dondrro (JC.a w ).
J R MINI 14-15: 1. 8mn Bnty (Suz); 2. Brian Si mpaon
J..mn Pil ton (Sw).
125 AM: 1. BNn Mo lry (ltaw); 2. a u u Schmid (lta w);
(Kilw); S.
S. f~oC:~I~~~bardozi (Hon);2. Anthony Fri~
(Llw); S. Mike Co llina ( ltaw) .
12S N OV B: 1. Thomas H onzik ( Ka w) ; 2. j.n on MOll Y( Kil w );
S. WiJlWu 8nTy (Hon).
125 EX: 1. Jason Ri~ (SUI ): 2. JetTY Stoip (SUI); S. John
Franco (5 au).
250 AM , I. Cim. Conpn ( Su.~ 2. C.... Mwphy CSw~
S. Ca>y Cr.oa:l>
Larry Roseler and Kenn y Perry dunng the
California Ra cin g Club' s Frid a y Nig h t
Motocross at Los Angeles Cou nty Raceway.
Riders were trea ted to a sho rt electrical
storm that watered the track to perfection
before the first Vet Expert mo to. When the
ga te dropped, McLeod powered his Scotts tu ned Hon da 10 the front of moi o one. Mike
Cosseloar was second for a very short tim e
befor e a freigh t tra in of Roseler , Todd
Peterson and Eric Casas blew by. :'vlc Leod
open ed a comforta ble gap over Roseler and
held it to the checkered flag. Peterson and
Casas ha mmered it out for six laps before
Casa s th rew il awa y on the last la p.
McLeod maste red th e sta rt ga te agai n and
p ull ed a perfec t b olesh o t I n m oro lWO.
Peterson pushed hard nn the ope ni ng laps a nd
was han ging tigh t to McLeod. Roseler sta rted
sixth and began his cha rge to the front, rai li ng
arou nd J im Sandelback and jump in g by
Go sseloer, Roseler closed up to Peterson a nd
dogged him for two laps before he go t by.
Peterson chased after Roseler but Roseler
inched a way to eventually close to the back
of McLeod. McLeod rode very defen sively and
successfu lly blocked Roseler to the checkered
Ilag ,
The 125cc Beginner class was the biggest
of the even ing and was split into two divisions .
In the first di vision , Ra y Sn yder battled by
Jordan Lie berman in the first mo to, only to
give up the lead on the fina l lap to a hard chariPng Nick Petra lia.
SOlder led the second moi o from start to
finish, l im Buntin applied heavy pressur e
duri ng the late stages of the second mot o a nd
almost wore Snyder down to the breaking
80 REC : I. JOIh Raptista (H on); 2. Camttun Dayid.on
(Suz): S. Scott R od J r. (Llw); 4. Bobby Kilhan (Kaw); 5.
Kn meth Teed ( Kaw).
80 NOV : I. I...annyTurner (Sw ); 2. Br-rnnm &lpt i5U (SuI);
S. Fred Ogrim C Hon~
80 . "'" I.
Th (Sw~
80 BIC Win.: l. Mark Jftllon ( KJaw ); 2. Oilf Cook; S.
Phil aUuin~ (lUiw).
125 BEC 0-1 : l. b y Snider (Ya m): 2. J im Bun li n (Suz);
,. 8 rt-u HeilUC"lman (Ka w): 4. Brian Cmll (Kaw); 5. Jordan
Lid>en=n ( Ho.~
125 BEG ()..2; 1. C ney Carbon (Kaw); 2. Anthony Bcoj;;arono
( Ka): 5. Steve Sta nui (Ya m); 4. JOt. Sfnmt (Hon); 5. Ma uo
Mareno (Hon ).
125 NO V: 1. Rich Ban on (Hon); 2. MOire Lippm (Sw);
5. Mark Va ndtwal ko (Hon ); 4. Mar k Al1m (Kaw); 5. Brun
Hill (Ya m).
125 INT: I. Jason Sim mo ns (Kaw): 2. Tony Alessi (H on ).
125 PR O: I. Ou i ~ b dl in ski (KTM ).
250 BEC : I. Co~ Nt"V" (Hon) ; 2. Brian Easdt'l' (Ya m):
5. Mih Davi!o (H on ); 4. Sha nt-R.<.meg (H on ); 5. David Stra tto n
(Honl .
250 NOV: I. Dou g Allm (lUiw); 2. Michad C ilmort- (Kaw);
, . T om Smit h (Kaw); 4. Mikt- Little (Suz); S. C tt"g Ketm
(Ya m).
250 1NT : I. J"I Moo tt" (H on); 2. Ikrrik Willi s (Yam); , .
Robb it- Dunha m (Yam); 4. Sc.:ou Walk n Jr . (Kaw); 5. C.nlfRt'
Wan~ (Kaw).
250 PR O: I. Ti m Tl'I ford (Yam ); 2. Edd ir H icb (H on);
, . Kmny Ziahn (Ya m ); 1. Mike Pasc:a
500 BEG: I. Jefl Pau ldint (Hun ); 2. Richard Maninr l
(Yam); S. Gr rs Tom y (Sw); 4. Bnnif' Seid llf' (Hon ): 5. Allt-n
Cnuh (Hon) .
500 NO \' : I. Dan Baker (ATK) ; 2. Mike Boling ( ~ w).
JR VET BEC : I. T im Wahl bt'rg (Kaw); 2. Brad Chamlwn
(SUI ); , . Lior V"nn; 4. Alon Siihar (SUI): 5. Smu Brad y
(Hon ).
jR VET NO V: I . Crt'g Kd m (Ya m); 2. Miltt- Boling (Kiiw):
3. MOilk Hort on (Hon); 4. David Bloomfrm (ATX ); 5. DoOIvid
\\' ill iam ~ Ulon).
J R \'ET Ir-."T: I. Mike Link (Suz): 2. Richa rd Bunch ( lU!w );
, . F.ddit Armstrong (Hon): 4. T odd WiJM11 (H on).
JR VET EX : I. Eric Casou (Kaw).
VET BEG: 1. Mikt Hainn (Suz); 2. Mar c Kin g (Hun);
3. l1iyid Wam jes (Yam); ... D..n Thumpoon (H on); S. Pat
&l1ard fKTM ).
VET NO\': I. Cr~ Kmlon (Suzl; 2. OOl...-ro...nman (Yam );
,. St ~ Schrobsdon (Hon); 4. Dean GOilln (Yam); S. Ron
H upfield (uw).
VET (NT : I. Lenny Ball." ( Rawl; 2. Rob P~ri n (Kaw);
, . Ma rk MOillnOn (H on); 4. T om Schorn""OIn ( K.aw) ; 5. Joh n
('.;apcr ( Hon ~
VET DC: I. Brad McLrod (Hon ); 2. Larr y Roseln ( Kaw);
1. Todd PttlmOO : 4. Jim Smddback; 5. Mikt- Gouelaar
: Yam ).
WMN NOV : I. £lise Mo ir (Hon).
WMN 1:\7: I. Candy Hatil y (Yam); 2. Tina Zialun (Hon ).
SR 1!'\o"T: 1. Do n KitdI'C(Hon) .
SR EX: I. J im Onnl.
McBride brothers split
Champion Speedway wins
Morello third. Exiti ng tum two, Tuff wobbled
slightly and Morell o went back into second
down the back chute. Off tum four Tuff cut
to the inside while Lenny had his victory by
several bike lengths.
Tuff go t the ear ly jump in the Scratch ma in
as Lenny and Cornwell battled for second for
two laps before Lenny pulled ah ead. Tuff
stayed ahead of his brother to ca pture the win.
H OCAP : I. Lrnny McBridt (Cdn); %. T uff McBride (jaw);
3. Mar co Mtm'lIo (Cd n); 4. Oam im Com~1I (Cdn); 5. Ran dy
Sta uff Uaw).
SCllATOf D-I : 1. Tuff McBridt(jaw): 2. Lrnny M.cBri«
(Cdn l; J. Dam im Com~11 (Cdn); 4. T om B~ (Cdn).
SCRATCH D·2; I. Marro MO«'IIo (Cdn); 2. Ityko Dix on
(Jaw ); S. Tim Ma thl"W§f)Jl(Gd n): 4. Nick Ciardi (Wn).
SCRATCH O·S: 1. Karl Trrry (jaw): 2. Bob F~ (jaw):
5. Damon Lmglt (Hon) .
LECL1IJDS OF SP DWY: I . Ma rk Plew (J a w); 2. ~
Bomignoff' (J aw ): 5. Kmny Gthrn (Gd n); ... Hank Baut1:1
ICd .I.
Eickel stars at Athens
County Fair Supercross
By David L Patton
Jam es Eickel cap tured thr ee moto win s in the . .
A class division a t the Ath en s Co unty Fair
Supercross event . Eickel only topped the 250cc
A divisi on as cras hes held him back in l25cc
co m pe ti tio n, which was won by j eremy
The first 125cc A moto saw Mark Musselman lead at the start but Suzuki' s Buehl
quickly moved by a nd tried to p ull away from
the pa ck. Todd DeHoop moved to second and
cha rged after Buehl with Stevie Childress,
Musselman and David Hand trying to keep
up. After studying Bueh l's lines, DeHoop took
the lead and rode error-free to win by two
sec o nds. Buehl held o n 10 second over
Childress, while Musselman held off Hand
at the fini sh. Eickel crashed and ended up
seventh beh ind Jason Gray.
DeHoop pulled away at the start of the .
second moto and appeared to have the race
locked up by the th ird lap as he led by four
seconds over Eickel, who was dueling with
Buehl. DeHoop didn 't clea r a triple jump and
his crash paved the way for Eickel 's victory ,
Bueh l fell and turned second over to Hand.
Chuck Reed led the field in the first 250cc
A heal. Eickel go t a good start and quickly
closed up on Reed's rear wheel , while DeHoop
got knocked down on the first lap and had
to rid e from the back of the pack. Reed
couldn 't keep his composure a nd went down
as Eickel pressured him for the lead. and wbe n
Reed crashed, Hand also got by. Once Eickel
gal out front . the race was over as Hand
couldn 't !?in on him. Reed finished third an d
Bueh l finished in front of Childress for fourth.
Eickel controlled mo to two fro m the start
as Buehl pu t in a strong ride to finish second.
DeHoo p wor ked up to third after a poor start.
while Reed garnered fourth ahead of Ha nd .
125 A: I. J"DJD y Buehl (Suz); 2. David H and (Hon); S.
Stt"Vit-Ch ildrns (Suz): 1. Todd DrH oup (SuI ); 5. J am o Eicltd
(Ya m ).
2SO A: I. James Eickd (Yam.): 2. Jerom y Buehl (Sw); S.
Q lUck R~ (Kaw); ... Dand H and (H on); 5. T odd DrH oop
MICRO: I . CoorTy Arnold (Yam ); 2. Shawn Mi1kr (Yam );
5. Brian Ba.r1It'tt (Yam ): 4. David Whitt'Cnft (Ya m); 5.
O1.rUlop h" Turrill (Yam ).
MINI ] R: 1. Ja.on Frecker (Ya m ); 2. Scot l Ruuell (Yam );
5. SCUllMcMillm (Kaw).
MINI SR: 1. Ray Dmig (Uw): 2. Pa tridt McPhenon (Yam );
5. H t'ath knnt U (Kaw); .... Bria n Fbnagan (La: ): 5. Jason
SlMfan (Kaw).
SC H BY: 1. Tommy Col lier (Suz); 2. Jason Sttw Oln (Kaw);
J. Mau hew Ha le (Kaw); 4. Patrick O 'Nail (Yam); 5. H ealh
125 B: I. Coil Albrig h l (Ya m): 2. D' Arc)' Wal thrr (Hon):
S. Ti m Lwulord (Yam ); ... Sha wn EnchaM (SUI): 5. Brnt
Ha wb (uw).
125 C: 1. Kril Rou (Hon); 2. Bryan Wal lacr (lta w): 5.
M.irthrw CLngo (Yam); 4. Darm "t umrr (i:a w): 5. Rob
Goebe l (H a n).
250 B: 1. Itn th G winn (Yam); 2. Brian Ad'Nnf1 (Ya m):
S. J riT RllSK'1l (Ya m ).
2so Co \. Eri< Thompoon (Y. m); 2. "rn 1"homo> (Hon);
3. Ittvin Scbnridrr (Hon): t . R~n Brid.Jn, (Ya m): S. StrYe
M"""", IHnn ~
OPL"Il B: 1. Tom Haw k (H us); 2. Eric Ra nkin (Liw): S.
OarislopOO PhillifM (Hon) ; 4. Rob McOelbnd (Hon) : 5.
Scot l Fnri~ (Raw).
25+: J. Brctd Wood (Suz); 2. Bryan Moo-e (lta w): , . Mik tMorgan (Hon): 4. Ti m Shtpard ( Yam );~. David Amp: (Ya m).
VET: I. Tim Shtpard (Ya m); 2. Knin Oark (Kaw); 5.
RodD4ry' Frnirr (H on); ... John Winklt- (Sw): 5. Bill Allm
By Larry McBride
Hames wins last Ascot TT
The victory circle at Champion Speedway was
occupied by both ha lves of the McBride racing
team . Sponsored by Mario's Pizza/Fox Accessories/Ken's Barber Shop, Lenny McBride
took the laur els in the Handicap mai n an d
older brot her T uff got the checkered in the
Scra tch main.
The Handicap main saw Marco Morello get
an early a nd lengthy lead over Randy Stauff
as the McBrides were trying to pick off riders
·in each la p. On lap four Lenny and Pro Cycle/
East Side Tavern-hacked Tuff both pa ssed
Wakefield and Cornwell and were closmg on
Across the line firs t on the white nag lap
was Len ny McBride. Tuff was second an d
By Maureen Lee
Pete Hames will be listrd as the last Expert
to win a TT at the fabled Ascot Par k, wh ich
is set to close a t the end of the year. T rack
sur face conditions a t the facility, includi ng
the restoration of the big j ump , were superb,
and the center part of the grandsta nd was filled
with race fans who saw some good TT racing
even if a star -studded field wasn't on hand
for the AMA Pro-A m program.
The only thing that really went wzong had
to do with paperwork technicalities. The
experienced helpers didn 't tu m up as promised and tha t l laced a real burden on those
who did a n n o t a liult: co nf usio n to