Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Harris Suzuki MK II $4595 Norton International Gilera Saturno Racer Bimota Parts & Motorcycles GuikShop 1984 Simata SB4 in fabulous condition. $14,000/ or trade. Pans For Sale: Simata racin g allo y wheels 40mm forks & rear sw in gar m. Pan s Wa nted : SB4 tank 8r. seetcover. fnt erest ad in Ita lian raci ng bikes. any conditi on. Looking for factory racing Moto S TheCamel Pro Collection PECIALOFFERI Morini. Call (213) 379· 5487 eves . CA . (328/321EOI) Want ed: HD XR750 Other din track bikes considered. running only. Camel Pro Crew Sweatshirt. Fits the exciting lifestyle of Alsostoek XR750 HD gas tanks. (216) 247·6021. OH . (330·34) ATK 604 Elect ric Start GamelPro riders. Itgives youunrivaledcomfortin an . All-American standard . $30 retail value. Just $'4.95~ Navy - S. M. L. XL. Easy-ea", Comel Pro Sweatpants. Great for workout or casuaJ wear. Retail value $30. Just $14.95." Navy -S. M. L. XL. . Excellent condition, street licensed , big bore kit , $4900. See at Pro Cycle. (714) 449· 12 71 or (7 14) (330 · 31) 97Q..6493. CA. "With twoCamel carto n end flaps. Send your check or moneyorder. or charge to )/Our VISA~ or MasterCard ~ Include card number,expiration dateand signature. Be " sureto include (2)Cameicarton end flaps, your date ofbirth and the signed Slatement " I certi fy that I am a smoker; that I am 21 years of age or older; and that I want to receive treecigarettes, coupons. premiums. or other offers In the mail. I understand that giv ing false information in order to accept these offersmayconstitute a violation of the law," MAI L 10 : Camel Pro Cons umer Appare l Offer. Dep artm ent 2786, Lubboc k. TX 69491. Please allO'N 6 to 8 weeksfor delivery. Offer expires December31.1990.OIferrestrietedtosmokers21 years of age or older. Offer void where restrieted or prohibrted by law. Offergood only in the U.SA All promotionalcosts paid bymanufacturer:Consume r COOL POW ER CLAM P ON COOLING FINS help yoo u r 81 cool ed e nqme r u n str on ger and liv e longer . r Send $2 9 .95 per pack age plus $3 .00 shippi ng to: BRANSON PRODU CTS. 66 15 N. 63rd A ve. Glenda le. A2 8530 1. (129·3 0 /P) must pay postage on ma ll-In oller requests . ~ G IIIMe'. PRO ~ . W Class Competition orld - ~ I""" e, I ~ ~ I ...,.- 1 mg. "tar". 1.0 mg. nicotine avoper cigarene by FTC m 5 ethod. 1985 YZ250 Motor un a strong . $475. Call Scott McManu s during • (21 3) 435·1191. ext . 278. CA . (13 0) 990 BMW K1 Red/Yellow 600 miles. adult r idden. pertectl 3 yea r w ar ran ty , 11 .260. No 8S calls please . (3 14 ) 534·1 164. Mo. (33Q..3 1) For loca tion of your nearest dealer and dealer inquiries call : 1-800-748-8454 anted: Dymag Rims Any Size 800)441·0182 or( 713 ) 977·4080. TX . (3 27 · 32) 986 Suzuki 500 Gamma SUR G EON GENERAL'S WARNING: Sm oki ng Ca us es Lu ng Cance r, Hea rt Disease . Emphysema, And May Complicate P regnancy. DIRECTIONAL ;... GU1DANC I:IL;;..:......:=-==-ili:..,; :;: SYSTEM ~'E -; - ITCON1#@V@rr T~ I hie title. one of the fastest motorcycles you can uy. ~nly $4600/08 0. (216) 6 52 ·9840. lea ve essage. OH. (329·30) NO Headsh a k e • Tote - A . Toy'" Is A n Engi neer ed Modular ~@ NEW ROTAX 600 ENGINE Sh ort Str oke. 6040c. ig port head. 45 'h m m carbo Call Tex Peel. (313) 2 1·9188. MI. (329·30) ew ' 8 9 ATK 604ES $4999 Canier Syst em Easily Recon fi gu r ed to T ran spor t Per sonal Recreational Vehi cles O f All Sty les & Sizes . up to 600 Ibs. • Designed T o Slide I nlo St anda rd NO A rm Pump 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver J 'S CYCLE SA LES & SERVI CE. A u st in. TX. (512) 53·6255. (226/TFN) • Will Carry M otor cycl es. ATVs. Per sonal Wat ercraft & Lawnmowers NO @ 990 TX2 50A cellen t condition, 5 races. new Ohlins shock, omplete spa r es kit . 11 t h Lou don Nat ional. 12.000 (313) 742·2701 .MI. (328·31) $200. 0 0 DEVO L RAC ING 202 371hAve. N.E. -E Auburn. WA 98001 988 Ducati Paso Provides Extrem el y Stable Front End PhOne (206 ) 735-24 63 Fa~ (206) 939 -7243 500 miles, immac ulate . $4900. Oellortos and ntis ava ilable. (5 18 ) 370 ·2801 .Up per NY. (3 27 ·30 1 To Gel On Our Ma iling Usl We Have New Maicos* an d Receive a FREE D ECAL all t o reserve your 1990 now l In stock two 1990 sica 320 WR's. Large inventory of Maico pans stock. (40 8) 449· 7985.CA . (219/ TFN) anted : 82-83 KZ1000R ddie Lawson Replica 1 3) 977 · 4080 TX.(800)441 -0 18 2 US . • • (3 21 ·44) 19 84 ESQUIRE 27' MOTORHOME. 460 Ford. u81air, cr uise, tilt. generat or. sleeps four. hauls ur mot or cycles. Call Tex Peel . (313) 621 ·9188. I. (3 29 · 30) raco Enclosed Trailer • inte rior, wo rkbench , closet. overhea d cabi nets, ater tank, side awning, good condition. Wa s Tote· A· T oy, Inc., 17406 E. Nine Mile Rd., E. Detroit . MI 48021 Pa 18201 e WORTH THE OBSESSION. •""'lI_ " _ ":_ .. ... ''''_ '' '..-"'' FREDETTE RACING PRODUCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS .," .15 do ltl K OX·KX Ctl' lnll'lIdlll • . . . . u rU5 KXSpee K ••• • • • • KOXCtlainQuid. SllpPO rl .1 1.IS KOXSpltdOI Rtp ailld •• • UC.IS NowAvail..,I, FMF Pipes IIS ! .15 K OXPorting ••• . • • . • . . "9.15 HMlk..... ra• • • • •• • • •• • M2.15 18" CDII....I'IlOA K • ••. n il.l li ill UPS D.;1y - Call 0; Writ. For Cara /og 8123 W••t 1 89th St,..t, M ok en. , IL 6 0 4 4 8 (8 1 5) 469-4011 w tires, porting, suspension wor k by Jerry Eyers d Desert Sport Center. excell ent condition. 800. As k for Nick. (6 19) 375·2540.CA. (22 9 -30) 988 GSXR750 D & D PERFORMANCE EXHAUST For No Hype, Just A Wlnn."'. Plp._ CALL THE HOTLINE TO HORSEPOWER (800) 843-8961 It's Everythlne You'd Expect.•• AND MORE!! ott Russell's '88 bike, mu lt i angle valve job and , 990 Model Pipes Now Ava ilablel er size piston s, Fox shock, V& H exhaust and ntops. very fast , many new part s and some OynoJ et Oist ribu!orI Oealer Inquiries Wek:ome 5 Washin gton Ave nu e, Fairfi eld, NJ 07006 pl rts invent ory - Sl me 9.m -6pm; S.t ' 0.m ·2 pm. 260 Comm.rc. Blvd.. 8og. rt. GA 30622. (404) 54 3 ·0 2~ 5. UPS S hipping D aily Call (413) 7 8 6- 9 170 s fo r CR. VZ. RM . MX. KTM an d Husky; fro m O. COUNTDOWN. (8 18) 348·838 1. CA. (24 2/ EOI/P) FREE! ta g e · Fea t u re s ' Cata log gece - VIn Mol orcro ss · MU CH MOR E ! Low Price. - Fas1 Frie ndlV $el"Ytee HALMAR ~::i::~C:~:.~:~~ (516) 758-2777 ' Cerfoi· _ wIJ We've Got Your Numbers Cylinder HeadPorting -20 BHP IMPflOVEMENTGSX·R. FZR. lX. CBR V·MAA, NINJA. FJ. GS KZ . . EXCHANGE HEADS Oil 1 weEK0E11VEPY ComputerDesigned POIl$ R epairs seats Replaced CampValve Jobs l..----(305) 484-6969'- - - - - J 108 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE C. II or w rit e lor your n••resr DA ECO Distrib u tor day UPS servic• . Mon·Fri PARTS Ro ad .. FINI~!:! L1N~ fIJ.oPUCl~ C. O 76 ...., _ Awn.... Pmchotue.IlT 11771 CYCLESPECIALTIES OF ATHENS - DUelti. C.g. iva, l aw.rda. Moto-Guzzi. & Moto-Morini sales I nd service. Michelin & Pirallitires. South..s!'s BULTACO - OSSA echanical Odometer Kits ACC EPT 110IMITATlDII Sl WE ARE THE OR IGINAL AID BEST) ,..... . GEORGIA DEALER ares . no t it le . $3800/080 . (80 3) 58 7· 7 10 3 . (229·30) P.O . Box 5023. Santa Barbara . Ca l if . 93150 II. H "- II • • e..', Ii, it. .... will !lay JlMI • Why •., . . . fleG !lw • I I• • shant ,t,., wItH .... c. n Ii, YOIII' d.n1" IJ mllne' one la' U5 1 10 ...ner 110. bill it is. W. UI fir. it1 STREET RACERS 5 99. now $ 26 99 . Ask fo r Pat . (407) 277· 80.FL (22 9 · 30 ) 990 YZ 250 Yamaha MASHED P'PE? GET IT FIXED FOR US! HOGAN'S CYCLE SHOP DUCD 201 West " 0" 5 1.. W ilmin gt on , C A 9074 4 12131549 ·08 40 ~~~E~~~T~!~~2~L~~~~E~~ ~r.vJ ~ SIG oe IN SMITH GOGGLES. * $119.95 / P AIR PRO-VUE LENSES 10630 NW 3rd AVE ORONOCO. MN 55960 507-282-0323

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