Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SOUTH FLORIDA TO UNADILLA AHRMA MX. 5 spaces available in enclosed 28' trailer. Bike and box of equ ipm ent only . Leaving October t tth. 6125 round tr ip. Reserve nowl (407) 340-3418, M-F days. FL. (330-31 ) '85 VZ490 FIRST$800 GETS IT. (714) 545-3845. (130) CA. For Sale: TZ500H Less than 50 miles. never raced. spare parts. mag wheels. 65000. TZ250S , Marvics, duar caliper Wtd: Eddie Lawson Replica Brembos . spare parts. 3 carb sets and more, $4000. (213) 823 -0193. CA. (330-31) Dell 'Orto Kits Guzzi, BMW, Ducati, Harley, Triumph, BSA, Norton. Carbs 30 -36 , 6109. 40, $159. Racing magnesium. 6129. E80E ENTERPRISES, (504) 488744 1. LA. (230) 1990 KTM 540 DXC. never raced. ridden a few times ••3200/0BO . (402) 734 -3248. NE. (330) HONDA HURRICANE 1000 1988, great conditi on, low mlles,' extras and spares . must sacrifice. $3950/0BO. Call aft er 5:00 P.M. , (805 ) 399 -6219. CA. (330- 32) '82 and '83 model. (818) 763 -0600 days. (213) 275-01 88 eves. CA. (114-38) In Stock! AP -Lockheed Variable Ratio Master Cylinders Wtd: 82/83 Katana 1000 And Uniqu e int erm ediat e lever allows precise adjustment of sensit ivity and pow er. A must for the serio us competito r. $1 65. KOSM AN SPECIALTIES, 340 Fell St.. San Francisco, CA 94102. (41 5) 861 42 62 . (226 / EFI/ P) 1985 YAMAHA TRI-Z ATC, mint conditi on. 20 hours use, must see to believe, many extras. $895. (201) 541 -6853. NJ. (330) Drop In Cams For Guzzi/BMW '88 GSXR Parts Wheels. forks . tr iple clamp, cal ipers . rotor s, bars and more. Best offer. (414) 567 ·2250. WI. (330) Performance w ithou t problems. $175 . E & E,(504) 48B-7441. LA. (230) 1100. (818) 763 -0 600 days, (2 13)275- 0 18B eves. CA. (114-38 ) *New '89 ATK 250 $2995!!* Fastest Honda Daytona '90 Brand new . not a demo l Call for details on th is and all 1990 ATK·s. Great rat es on shi pping. UPS daily. We wa nt to be your ATK dealer I KEARNYMESA YAM AHA. 8063 8alboa, San Diego. CA 921 11. (619 ) 292 -5454. (228/TFN) 174.4 ,:"ph tr a~ speed, RC-.30 superbi ke, complete HRC kit chaSSIS and engine WIth some special parts . Ser ious inqu iries only. $25,000. Race ready. Rueben Mc M un er anyti me. (519 ) 686 -4499. Onto Can. (327. 30 / P) 1984 RZ350 2800 mi les, or igin al and very nice. $ 1600. (517) 732 -4 288 . M I. (32 8· 30) Great Prices On Stainless Valves 1987 FZR750 RT And guides for Guzzi, BMW. Harl ey. Triumph, Norton. BSA. Dual plugg ing & all head services. E & E, (504 ) 488-7441. LA. (230) Never raced, nev er dropp ed, m int cond it ion . FZR1000 motor & carbs, oil -cooler , V&H Super . spor t w ith alu minum spic ket s, bra id ed lines. Dayton a damper, Stage III Dynojet & filt ers, Barnen clutch. Adult ow ned & main t ain ed. Fir st &5200. (513 ) 434 - 123B . OH. (32B -3O) Redwing Shocks Most Models $65 pair , larg e w ell made A SS saddlebag s, un iv er sal , $65 pair, En gli sh made" mufflers , excellent perf orm ance, $65 each. E & E, (504) 488 744 1. LA. (2301 198 9 KTM 350 EXC. all new plastics including tank . too many extras to list. like new . $2000. (614 ) ' 48 3· 100 6.0H . (3 29- 301 1982LAVERDA JOTA . 180 crank. 10XXX, run s great! Krauser s, manuals , morel (3 14) 534 -1164. . MO . (330-31) Wtd: Full TZ500 Less Motor CBX 6-lnto-1 Chrome onl y $275. Extra hp & torque. No rejetting requi red. Gr eat sou nd. Retains centerstand. (800) 327 -1 109.(305 ) 7B5-1180.·FL. (228/TFN/ EOI/ PI All calls ret urn ed. Steve, (319) 234-66 91 days, (31 9) 233 -5322 eves. IA. (330- 31) 1990 KTM ·s. One 250 MX , one 125 MX . Call for prices. F08 Idaho. (20 8) 52 2-7576.10 . (130) Moto Guzzi Sport Touring Good condit ion. readv to bolt on, minu s steeri ng ste m. $400/ 0 BO. (7 14) 73 1-1 835 . CA. (329-30) Tell th e worl d " Once a month is not enough " w ith the new Cycle New s baseball cap. Featu ring the Cycle New s logo in white puff -prin t on red, th is is the hat to be seen in at the track . Adjusta blel one size fits all . now avai lable for $9.95 each. shipping & hand ling are free .To order use the Cycl e News Products Order Form locate d below the Advert iser' s Index, GET YOURS TODAYI (5/ TFNI NEW 250 NINJA PARTS: Wor ks Performance rear shock $ 125, lockhart fo rk spri ngs $40 , Lockhan clut ch kit $30. shop manual $10 . Call (4 14 1628- 4053. w kday eves. WI. (129 -30) GET WET w ith th is like new '87 Wetbike. Very fast and powerful wa tercraft, 60 hp, 798cc , li ke riding a mot orcycle on w ater . $2 100 or trade f or late XR600 Honda. Call (2011 54 1· 6853. NJ. (32 9-30) Span. custom paint, many ext ras , $3125. (213) 221 -3886. .CA. '88 Husqvarna Fork Assembly Top It Off!! ... With A Cycle News Hat P) 19B7 SPII. new in '89, onl y 7,000 miles, mint, fast . many ext ras, $5 250 . Cagiv8 Ala zzurra 650 Sup er (130) 1990 ATK 406 Six speed Enduro . low hours. like new w ith ca rt r id ge f orks. $3 500. (408 ) 263 -7634. CA. (130-31) Wanted: KZ1000 Superbikes '18-'83 KZl000R-Zl A808, GPZ1 100-'82 8o 'J ' mod els stoc k. Road race or Drag face, also N.O.S. body pieces and tr ick whee ls. brakes, etc. BIKES -R- US. (B051659-463 1. CA. (130) Bolt-On Gold! "AWESOM EI" "U NREAU " " I COULDN'T BELIEVE THE DIFFERENCEl" is what people 'are saying about our NEW 1990 Gold Ser ies bolt-on power kit sl Avail able now for Honda, Suzuki , Kawasa ki & Yamah a mode ls . Get the edge over your competition in minu t es! All 80-125cc, $2 84 .99. All 250 -500cc, 6295 .99 . Comes with everyth ing pictu red. FMF. (213) 539 -6884. CA. (2 14/ TFN/ EOI/P) 1983 Maico 490 Spider Fresh motor , w heelsmith swingarm, pipe, reeds, n ew Metz elers, Renthals, a -s pee d. excellent condition . $ 1000 / 0 BO. (2 13 1 399·3 149. CA. (129 -30) 1988 KX500 M any extras . excellent condition, $1700 firm . (7 14) 88 7·8367. CA. (129 -30) r-------------------------------------------------~ WANT AD BLANK 213/427-7433 I • • • •• • • • • • • • Cycle News. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0498 24 Hr . FAX O~~~~.!{~~~,~,!I~~?:..~~~ WANT AD RATES COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED Prices A re Fo r One Is s u e On ly Per word • ••••• • • •• • • • • .• • •• ••• • $1 .20 Headl ine in bold type •••• ••••.• $11 extra B l ind Box Servic e Charge •• • • • • • . • $6 .00 Photo (no larger than 5 x7 ) . • • • • $17 extra Run my ad in the following special sect ion : _ _ Help Wonted _ _ Bu.iness Opportunities _ _ Collectors(1974 or older) _ _ Wen t Ad s PRIVATE PARTY Block end White Photos. No color slides lOne photo per od _ Printed imoge size limited to 1 112" high. 2 1 /4 " wide) Pe r Word • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . . • • • • • $ .50 Headl ine in bold type • •• • • • ••••• $5 extra Photo (no larger than 5 x7 ) • • • •• $1 0 extra WANT AD DEADLINE FRIDAY 12 NOON for next we ek's issue. No cancellations afte r deadline. Ad s are accepted on a first come first serve basis. Cycle New s reserves the right to edit/abbreviate copy & bold headlines. Any discrepancies m ust be repon ed wi thin one week of publica tio n to receive any adj ustme nt . Fill in the Visa/Master Charg e blank or send check or money order to Cycl e News at above address . CREDIT CARD LIMI T MIN IMUM $5.00 PLUS .50 C POSTAGE AND HANDLING. Sign atu re - r ' D . " • • • • • • • • • .... _ PHOTOS RETURNED .ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Print name, addreu and ad copy clearly. • · • • • • 1 '1 • I 1 1 1 1 Ple~se run my ad in . I # of issues. ~~ City Address FZR 1000 Motor For Sale! 22 00 mil es, not crashedll Will ship to doorstep fo r $950 . (800) 346 -4070 . Leave message days only . FL. (129-301 Ducati Sale Bring cash, make a deal. Motor cycles crated and shipped all over th e world. New '90 Paso 906 . new '90 Ducati 750 Sport . new '90 851 Superbike. new B51 race version with race kit. new Ducat i 851 Eurosport , new '90 Ducat i 888 in stock. New '88 750 Paso. red or blu e, $5500. '88 white limited Edit ion 750 Paso, new Mike Hailwood replica in crate, new Ducati F1 Lagun a·S eca in crate . Also used '86 Montjuich Ducati M ike Hailwood replica (3), '77 Ducat i 900 SS, silver blu e, spoke wheels, solo seat. origi nal conditi on, '82 Pantah 600cc, 2200 km. MV Agus ta s wan ted. '90 Bimota OBI SR. '90 8 imota Tuatara, in stock. U.S. largest DUC8ti dealer. Also new Cagiva Al azzurra 650 55, new '87 Elef ant 75 0cc, '87 Ducati Ind iana. Parts shipped UPS. GHOST MOTORCYCLE, 194 Mo in st. Port Washington . NY 11050. (516) 883 -5300, (2 12) 840-2022. Fax: (51 6) 767 -3632. (329-301 851 Superbike (20 1) 272 -3 677. NJ. 198 6 GSXR1100 . ALL STOCK. 3000 street miles. new K591 ·s. 8est offe r. (2 16) 67B·6074. OH. (329 ·30) 19B8 CBR600. RA CE READY, Ohlins, Progressive, Dynaj et, K& N, new ME Metze!ers . Yosh pipe. 8arn ett. Best off er. (2 16) 678-6074 . OH. (329 -301 1987 Beta TR33 8eta Trials bike, excelle nt conditi on, runs great. Mu st sell . $1350 / 0 BO. (404 ) 979 -7359 after 6 pm. GA. (3 29- 3) Ducati 900 SS 1980. superb original unr estor ed cond itio n. As new , Cont is and 40mm Dell ortos, orig ina l junk included, Imola cams, sing le and dual seats, new Metzelers, or igina l sales docum ents and records, has evervt hin q f or the coll ector , runs and looks fantasti c. Ju st dealer servi ced, needs nothing. $8900/080 . Scott . (708 1369 -4 672 . Please leave message. IL. (329-30) ZiP. State PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave spaces) Want Ad minimum $5 .00 • Bold headlines do not count toward. want ad word count. • I • 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . Patch Things Upl W ith a Cycle News Patch. This terrific looking patch w ill stand out no maner where you choose to p it . Sew it on your gear bag or over that hole in the knee of your favor ite jeans. Wherever it is, it will show th e prKle you have in your faver it sport . Order yours t~ay for only $1.50. To crde use the CN Product s orde r form located below th advert iser index. (5/TFN B 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 • • 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • • • • L • 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • • 29 30 31 32 33 34 39 • • • • _ J. • 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 • • 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 • • 50 51 51 53 54 ( 55 • • KX's KX 's KX's Dubl in Kaw asaki has all sizes. raced prepped and ready to go. DU8L1N KAWASAKI. (415) 829-4466. CA. (228/TFNI Cycle News Is not re_nslble for " llIbie phone numbers or copy. . Area Code/phone No. Pho ne ' coun" •• on. wo ,d RS750 Honda C&J, Skip Eaken engine, Ohlins. Work s,.sparetank, seat. adj usta ble Kosmans. Cost $26,000 to bui ld. $18 ,000 cash only . Call Ted. (91 6) 476-3333. CA. (329 -32 1989 CR500 Honda Excellen t cond itio n, low hours. Race Tech suspen sion. $2600/0B O. (7 14) 247-462 2 or (71 4) 338 6974. CA. (329 -30

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