Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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with unwelcomed gu ests of hi s own. Kurt Dimick's Yamaha Motor Sports of Lovelandsponsored FZR was the first to bid "goodbye" to the group a s he set off after Hjelm. The party broke up ear ly as j on Terry found the door open and left aboard his G ran Prix Motorsports/ Super T ech /North Star Texacosponso red Yamaha. It too k Dim ick until the closing lap s to catch Hjelm on the back strai ght and seize the lead . Dimick brought along T erry to keep Hj elm company on the final lap. Hjelm's best efforts to ent ertai n his guest were turn ed aside as Terry mad e a bid to trade pos itio ns. At the end of the back straigh t he braked h is way into second place for the finish. Only eig h t points cover T erry , Dimick, Schelligner and Hj elm in the top four positions of the 600cc Superbike sta ndi ngs wiLh five mo re races to go. . Results ROR ·GT U: I. Run Dimi ck (Yam ): 2. Aaron Merri man (Yam ): 5. Jon T erry (YOIm ): 4. Bobby Miosek (Ya m ): 5. Don Hough ('Vil m ). RQ R·GT Q: I. Cnlff Co~a l (SUI); 2. Dan T urn er (Sut) : 3. G r~ Cur li, (Kil w) : 4. Ph illi p Noyes (SUI ); 5. Rich Stark (Suz). 150 S/B K: 1. Aa ron Merr iman (Ya m): 2. J im Marchb a nk (Yam): 3. Mark Erickso n (Ya m): 4. Ja y j ensen (Yam ); 5. Bill Pee ples (Yam) . 600 SlBK: I. Kurt Dim ick (Yam ); 2. Jon T erry (Ya m); 3. John Hjelm (SUI ); 4. Bobb y Mio~k (Yam); 5. Aaron Merriman (Yam). 750 S/ BK: I. Jon T erry ( Yam ); 2. Grq Curtis (Kaw ); 3. Rich Slark (S UI) ; 1. Mike Surra u (SUI ); 5. Jim Forington (S UI ). OPEN St BK: I. Gfoo Cnmat (SUl) ; 2. G uy Cl asen (Suz); H CUrli~ (Kaw ); ... Mikr Surra U (S w:): 5. Pete Homa n 3. Greg (Sw). 600 S/S P RT: I. Bobby Mi~k (Ya m ); 2. Kurt Dimi ck (Yam); ! . T~ny Harnish (Kaw); ... Robttt O 'Dd) (Ya m); 5. M i~ Swralt (SULI. 750 SlSP RT: I. GnJIr Cnma l (Sw); 2. Rich Sta rk (SUl ): ! . Mike Surr att (SUl); ".jim Forington (S Ul); 5. Rober r O'Ddl (Y~ ). O PE N S/SPRT: I. Dan Turn~ (SUl) ; 2. Gu y CI.ilien (SUl ): ! . Prl t' Homan (Sul ); i . Phillip Noy~ (Suz). F-COLO: 1. jim For ing ton (Rlx ); 2. Don Ho ugh (Yam ); ! . Jim Son nleit ner (Ya m); i . Mikl!' Cu nni ng ha m (Rlx); 5. Mark Erickso n (Ya m). AM GTU: I . DOlV(' "rl!'rty(Ya m); 2. Danny Adamson (Yam ); ! . Ymukl!' H asrgawa (Ya m ): i . J im Son nlri mn (Ya m) ; 5. john lkldod (S UI) . • Md GTO: 1. Brad Holack (SUl ): 2. BmIt MilIn (Yam ); !. Doug Lyll!' (5 UL); i . Rich ar d Kimba ll (Suz): 5. j im Bro wn (H an ). NOV GTU: I. John Bddock (SUI) ; 2. Ja ck Jf'n!m (Yam ); ! . Cui, Dudl~ (Hon) ; ... Oiril TOIylor (Yam ); 5. Lachary EpP'(Ho n ). NOV CTO: 1. Br.ld Bolack (Sw); 2. Richar d MOIrUn (Sw ); ! . Dou g Lyle (SUl); .of. Aaro n Dickey (Sw); 5. Sroll BaiIt'Y (Ya m ). Lucas, Silvarole shine at Broome-Tioga Mo~ocross By Carla Nelson USll, NY, JULY 4 GP Racin g spo nsored the 5th Annual GP Day at Broome-T ioga Sports Center on the Fou rth of J ul y. O ver $4500 wo rt h o f tires a n d accessories were aw ar ded 10 the top fin ishers in each class. Western New York's Bart Lucas too k on Central N~w York 's j erry Newby in the Scnio r Expert class. Newby was leading mo to one in the beginnin g, while beh ind h im was Lucas and Gene Nighman. Within one lap , Lu cas was in front. leavin g Newby and Nighman to decide second and third pl ace. Lucas had a five-second lead at the finis h line a head of Nighman. Newby ended up thi rd foll owed by David Ahou se and Bru ce Stra tto n Sr. Newby was aga in the 'luickest th rough the first lurn in mota two . Nlghman . Ahou se a nd lucas were trailing in that order. Ahou se moved into second on the first lap. Lu cas was on the gas, and by mid-m olO had pa ssed everyone , inclu ding Ne wby. Newb y had a comforta ble gap betwen him self an d Ahou se. Aho use was ridin g hard, tryi ng to keep Nighman from pa ssin g him. With Ni ghman close, Ahouse pa used to throw off h is goggles a nd Ni ghman was able to spring by at that poi nt. Ahouse faded once hi s goggles were off and fini shed fourth, just ah ead of fifthplace rider Duk e Fin ch. Lucas won the overall while Newby wa s second overall and Ni gh man th ird for the da y. Over 20 of the top l25cc Exper ts in the Northeast put on an exciting sho w for the crowd. Doug Flemin g eame from ,h e far ou tside of the gate and took the holesh ot. Eric Koch , Bruce Stratton and Rob Nessel quickl y displaced Fleming from the lead. Flem in g lost his throttl e grip and had to ride the whole mota without it. Bill Silverole work ed his way in lO the lOp five on the first lap. Koch was leading, but Stratton was so close that an y mistake would result in a pa ss. Nessel was third until Silverale charged past h im. National rider Kurt McMillen was moving up through the pac k after a poor star t. The best battle of the day was between McMillen and Nessel for the fourth and fifth positions. McMill en tried everything he cou ld to II"t by Nessie. Nessel rod e flawl essly, maintaining hi s pace the entire race. McMillen wasn't abl e to pass and settled for fifth in the mota. Back up front, Koch fell victim to Stratton. Stratton won the mota by a five-second cushion ahead of Silverole, wh o also passed Koch. Nessel brought the crowd to its feet with his fourthplace finish, ahead of McMillen. Silverole and Ty Wall ace raced for the lead in mota two. For five laps, they rode sideby-side around the track. Stratton was only one second behind, watchin g thei r fierce battle. On lap six, Sil vero le went do wn a nd Walla ce to ok over the lea d . Silverale remounted just in front of Stratton , who had faded sli!;h tly. Silverole was able to ma in tain his speed and hold off Stratton . Silverole 's second in th e moto was good enough for him to secure the overa ll win , while Stra tton's third in the moto earn ed him second overa ll. Results PLU S 25 EX: L Mike Do ugh erty (KTM): 2. C reg Nelson (Stu); 3. Da ve Gree n (Yam ). PLUS 2S AM: 1. Scou Stewa rt (Sw); 2. Rich Ha na ha n (Han); ! . Scon Garrison (Kaw). SR AM: l. Kim Martin (Sw); 2. Steve H askell (Suz); 3. Jeff Simmons (KTM). SR EX: I. Ban Lucas (Kaw ): 2. Jerry Nt'Wby (Ha n ); Cene Nighm an (Kaw). S/SR: 1. John DiDomenico (Kaw ): 2. En Brau n (K:lw) ; ! . ~rgt' Denke (Suz). . 50: L Mike Dougherty (Yam) ; 2. jusun Tyler (H a n); !. Lo nny Thunton Jr. (Yam). J R MINI 60: I. Casev H iggins (Ka w); 2. Chad Rockwell (Kawl ; ! . Cnrty T yner [Kaw ]. JR MINI 80: I. Casey Higgins (Kaw) ; 2. Matt Rockw~1I (Raw);!. Paul Bradl ey (Yam ). SR MINI NOV : 1. Scott Rich (Kaw ); 2. Tom La ke (Kaw) ; 3. Robert Manin (Raw ). SR MI NI: I. Wayne Scott (H a n ); 2. Larry Lashway (Kaw) ; 3. Rich Dal y (Suz). SC H RY: I. Wayne Scott (Han ); 2. Eric Reill y (SUI ); .!. Joh n Blakf' (Kaw). WMN: l. Carta Nelson (S Ul ): 2. Darlene Kapi ta n (Raw). 0·200 NOV : I. Kevin Sisson (Kaw ); 2. Bill Miller (Han): ! . T ony Kapko (KTM l. 125 A.\f : 1. Brian Ty ler (Suz); 2. Scan Skutnik (Kaw) ; !. Krvin Grin e (H a n). I ~ EX: I. Rill Silvt'TOl~ (Ka w); 2, Bruce Stra tto n (Ya m) ; 5. T y w at lace (Ra w ). 250·0 PEN NOV : I. Jdf Ma rk ha m (Suz); 2. Br ian Cro h (Han ); 5. DaV(' KristoH (Ka w). .. . 250 AM; I. Tom CoI~ (Kaw); 2. Kevin Cri n~ (Ha n); ! .. Bill y Maut'f (Kaw). 250 EX: l. Kurt McMilIni (Hon); 2. Rill Silveeole- (Kci w ); ! . T om Ri ce (Kaw). OPEN AM: I. earl WeilS (Kaw); 2. Jon Mor t'f (Hu n ); !. Bemi~ Andttjack (KTM ). OPEN EX: I. Dmck ~ u ino (KcIw); 2. Barl LUCOII (Kaw); ! . Joh n Young (Kaw). VINT: l. Larry Arno ld (K4J w ); 2. Cary Ch alit" (Kaw ); 3. Kl!'vin Ma hn er (Han). .s. Gutshill comes back to take Bear Creek Speedway win By Ellis Byrd .CANTON, OH, JULY7 After taki ng a heavy fall and br eak ing h is finger a week earlier. Randy Gutshill made an appeara nce at Bear Creek Speed way, ju st hoping he could make it through the whole sho w with his injury and a pair of twisted front forks. G utsmill made it th rou gh j ust fine as he to pped the Handicap ma in . Sta rti ng on the 40 yard line, with Dale Wak efield, Guts hill didn 't get a good start, being passed by j ohnny Racin who sta rted on the 50-yard mar k. All nine riders were so close together you could throw a to wel over them and with on ly two lap.s left on the eight h-mi le oval, Racin moved off of the ridi ng lin e just enough for Gutshill to move ahea d to take first. Results H DC P: I. Ran dr Gutl hill: 2. Da le Wa kdi~ ld ; !. J ohn Rari n; 4. Rria n Dai y; 5. Kt"Vin.Sm ith . SCR AT Oi : 1. Daaly; 2. Racm; ! . Wakerit' ld; 4. Hodga-. McDonald scores five at Hallett Road Race By Simone Janssen HAll.£1T, OK, JULYI Hallett Motor Racin g Club's thi rd event for 1990 was less than desireab le with lOO-degree tempe rat ures. But man y rid ers weat her ed the hea t for the Yama ha mon ey that was posted for this even L The first race of the day, Middleweigh t Su pers!?"rt, Middleweight Gran d Prix and Unli mned G ra nd Prix combi ne d, was a warning for the day 10 come. Ed Miles on a Kawasaki ZX7 go t the holeshot , but was qui ckl y overta ken by Phil McDon ald on his Yamaha FZR600-sponsored by K&N Racin g, Sudco, Bel-Ra y, T subaki, Bell Helmets a nd Metzeler . However, before the first la p was completed, a red n ag SlOpped the race as Ma tt Greene had high- sided hISFZR600 coming off tum two. On the restart, it was Phil McDonald wh o go t the holeshot with Steve Rhodden on another FZR600 in tow. Sam McDon ald, P h il's br o th er o n a not he r K&N Ra cing FZR600, passed Rodden in turn eig ht a nd set out after his brother. By th e end of the third lap, Phil held a two-bike lead over Sam and th e two began to put distance between themselves and Rodden, wh o held a fivesecond advan tage over Miles. Mark Suggs on an FZR600 had moved int o fifth . On lap five Sam came around leading with the next lap finding Phil back in the lead. On the white flag , Ph il and Sam crossed the line with Phil less than a wheel ahead. Sam made a mov e in turn two, taking the lead, with Phil tak in g it back in tum six. Sam made an ou tside pa ss in turn 10 to take his first win of the da y by a bike-Iengrh over brother Phil. Rodden was third with SuW'-compe ting in only hi s third road race, finIshing an im pressive fourth and first novice. Ed Miles took fifth. Race two. for Heavyweight Supersport and Ligh tweight GP machines saw Ed Mil es getti ng a good jump to lead Robert Blevins on a Suzuki C SXR 750 around for the firs t lap. Sam McDonald, on a borrowed FZR400, moved from a 10th place star t up to fourth on lap two. Blevins moved around Miles, with McD on al d moving into third. Bu t th en Blevins bega n to ha ve problems with h is gearbox: "T he th ing started downshiftin g on It ow n," he said after taking a close win . McDo na ld finished thi rd to take the win in the Lig htweight GP class. Results M / W C P: I. Sam McDo nald (Ya m ); 2. Phi l McDo na ld (Ya m );!. SIeve Rodden (Ya m); 4. Mark Su~ (Yam ) ;5 . Dan ny Dominqu ez (Sw). l../ W S/ SP RT : t. J n ry P~rry (H a n); 2. Fred Ada mi (Yam) ; 5. Mark Hansen (YOIm); 4. FR"d j en sen (Ya m); 5. Ra ymond Kierl (Ya m) . U/ L S/S P RT: l. Ed Milo ( Kciw); 2. Robert BIt"Vins (S UI ); !. lames Kidwel l (Sw). IIIW S/ SPRT: 1. Roben Bleviru (Su.r); 2. Ed Milo (Ka w ); ! . Jamie Ne n (Yam) ; 4. Larry Denn in g (Suz); 5. Ch r is Mila m (H a n). UW GP : l. Sam McDonald (Yarn ); 2. Ali Allen (H a n); 3. Jimmy Adam i (Ya m ); 4. Mike Ha nsen (Ya m); 5. Dal e Sorrels [Ka w]. MI\\' S/BK: I. Sam McDona.ld (Yam); 2. Phil McDonald (Ya m); ! . Sieve Rodden (Ya m): i . Mark SUKJ{5 (Yam); 5. William Houlto n (Ya.m ). . l../ W snw: I. Jerry Perry (Han ). H /W S/ BK.: I. Sam McDonald (Ya m ); 2. Phil McDon ald (Yam): ! . Steve Rodden (Yam): 4. Robert Blevin s (Suz); 5. Ed Milo ( . U/ L G P: l. Sam McDonald (Ya m ); 2. Steve Red den (Ya m ); ! . Ed Milo (Kaw); 4. OJ,arlo Martin (Sw) . M /W SlSPRT: ie Nrtt (Ya m); 2. Danny Dom in qu ez (Sw ): ! . Willi am o usto n (Yam) ; 4. Oris Mil am (H a n) ; 5. T ob y Grace (Ha n). YAM GOLD CU P EN DU R: I. KJcN Racin g (Yam) ; 2. G P Raci ng (SUI); 3. Inm an Racin g (H a n); 4. Romani Racing (Ya m) ; 5. T eam Slam (Yam ). Lee, Rider top Bremen Team Hare Scrambles By King Kelly BREMEN, GA, JULY I T ony Lee, an ex-MX ride r, team ed wi,h KTM rider Keith Ri der to take the overall win by a scan t seven seconds in the two-ho ur Team Har e Scrambles. T em peratures of 95 degrees made the T eam even t a welcome format. gi ving riders an opport un ity to coo l off. KTM riders All en Gravi tt a nd Mich ael Grizzle worked their way from fourth to th ird by the thi rd lap , and then moved 10 second on the seventh lap , bu t cou ldn 't overtake Lee and Rider in the next five laps. H&H KTM rid er Bob Shilli nger rod e the en tire 12-lap even t by himself, finish ing th ird , followed by KTM rider, Bryan Adams, also opt ing to ride solo, as did the fifth p lace rider , Cycle Specialty Yamaha rider, T erry Meal er. Barry and Patti Higgins, owners of H&H KT M of Mableton , Georgia, do nated a $200 cash awar d to the top three finisers of the A class. H&H KTM rider Brett Burkit t teamed with Suzu ki rider Martin Pruett to win the 201Ope n B class, leadi ng from star t to fin ish. Mar k Short and p hillip Dri ver held off Forrest and Steve H ardeman for the number two spo t. Fourth place wen t to Mi ke Levin e a nd Reginald Ja mes, follo wed by Bubba Best an d Ray mond Jon es for fifth . David Swea tt rode his Kawasak i KDX200 solo , leading for the first two laps, only to be overtak en by the team of Gary Barr and Sammy Paulk. Swea tt took the lead back on the fifth lap but was repassed on the sixth and held onto second the remai nder of the race. Third went to brothers Michael and Rober t H end erson , who led laps two , three and four. Robb ie Travis teamed with Mar k Fennell for the number four spot with fifth place go ing to Jaudon Bryant a nd James Dickin son _ Greg Mau won the 0-200 B class riding alo ne, j ohn Matu sek and J am es Ganopoulos were second with th ird go mg to the husbandwife team of David a nd Sue H eath. Honda rider Tom Osborne won the Su per Senior class. T he team of Leo Sti nne tt and G lenn Bridges fin ished secon d, with th ird going to Rod Ca udle on a KTM. The 201-0pen Rookie class winner was Mike Waters on a Suzuki. Pa t Williamso n and Doug Baum gardn er overtook the team of Brent Mercer and j oh n Hoover on lap six and held on for the number two position. Third place wen t to Bren t Mercer a nd John Hoover, Honda rid er Patrick Brow n an d Ch am p Cheek led alIIaps o f the Bein nge r class, followed by Randy Harper and Edd ie Day. Third place belon !;ed to the team of Michael Williams and Ketth Ruth. Fourt h placed _finisher was Buddy j ohnson on a Yamaha foll owed by Ronny jones, also on a Yamaha. A ,otal of 84 riders mad e for excellent racing and du e to the hea t and dus t, a creek section was added. At tim es, riders could be found layin g in the creek for a qu ick cool -off. Results A: I. T on y (Yam )/ Kf'ith Ri~ (KTM); 2. Michael Criule/Allm C r.lviu (KTM);!. Bob Shi lli ngn C IITM). 2OI-OPEN B: I. Brt"tt Burk iu (KTM )/ Ma nin Pruet t (Sw ): 2. Mar k. Short (KTM)/Ph i11ip DriYt'l"; ! . FOITnt Har

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