Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS the number two a nd three spots. Zumb run topped that duel at the finis h. When you see the entire pack run in a solid group, start 10 finish, you know it's the Open A class, and it was anybody's race right to the last lap. T roy Norris was on top as the laps ra n OUl. Pal Behrle didn't let the Camel Pro Series hOI shoes hold him back as he was in Norris's hip pocket, pla cing second agai nst Rex Fisher. ~ Atkinson aces Midway MX By Rolfe Otterness .., .... ... Pat Behrle (X) led the start of the 250cc class at Lawrenceburg, but' Brian Knippenberg (38) passed him to take the win. Rob Gene (74) finished third. Senior class winner Max George (IliA) goes under runner-up Joe Gately (6) and fourth-place finisher Bob Babcock at the Trail-Way Short Track. Majeski repeats at Trail-Way ST By Len Breech HANOVER, PA jUloIE 23 , Rob Majeski repealed his 600« Expert win of the pr evious week by winning the most cornpe u tive class by a IQ-yard margin on his D&:S Cycles/ Russ Royslon /TM Racingsponsored Harley-Davidson. While Majeski was repeating, two other Experts look their first wm s hera this year as jason Fletcher too k Ihe 250cc final and Eric Sassaman held off Majeski 's eight-lap challenge to take lhe 750cc final. Max Geo rge also look his firsl win in the Senior class as he rode his brother's "Iighlweighl" Harley single, compared 10 his normal 750, to a fairly easy win. Amaleur classes were again dommaled bv the Winsell learn, with RiCKy taking the 80 and 200cc finals a nd Jo hn taki ng Ihe 65s, while leam member Phil Li bhan again too k the 600cc Ama leur final. Virginia's Brian Strong had an easy time wi nning .lhe 250cc final. Mike Klopp held the lenative lead as the tig h tly bu nched 600cc Expe n field roa red oul of the second lum, with Majeski, Sassaman, Mik e Varnes a nd Ji m H oll isler closely bu nched behi nd him . Majeski too k the lead a t the end of the second lap, and after a bri ef bailie with KJopp, loo k il for good on the th ird lap a nd Stalled 10 pull away. By halfway, F1elcher had charged his way to a bat tle for third with Sassaman and Varnes lha l would lasl to the Oag, with Fletch er holding off Vames and Sassaman. Afler an opening lap cras h too k ou l Mike Vames and IWO other nd.".., the 250cc Experts gol u nderway with Ken Yoder grabbing the lead h om fellow Penn Sta te Cycles teammale Kevin Vames, and Fletcher. Once F1elcher got . hi s Edmonds Ra cing/R&:I Mfg .lWillcox RacinglFal Cil y-sponsored Honda roll ing he had th e lead by the beginnin~ of the th ird lap and pulled away . Vames displaced Yoder for second, while Gary Clark look over th ird around halfway, In the lal e stages , Yoder pressured Clark for third, bUI came up shon. Bob Babcock jumped into the lead of the Senior class with Joe Gately and George close behind By the end of Ihe firsl lap, George had taken the lead and Babcock was in th ird , Steve Heiser pUI his 250 into third by halfway, and started to pressure Galely for second in Ihe closing laps, bUI Galely held O asesl of the Amaleur fmals was the 200cc final, as Ricky Winsell, Brian Strong, Mike Hacker and Todd Wirtsell had only aboul a len~ belween them during moSl of the race, unul Strong dropped oul two laps from the end. This gave the win 10 Wirtsell for the second week in a row . Ricky Winseu had earlier won the 80cc final with relative ease while Todd Win sett, J oh n Winseu and Pa ul Lynch follo wed. Jerry Alexander go t by Lynch on the third lap , wh ile John Winsell 'slighler weight gradually gOI 10 Todd as John go t by him on the sixth lap, beating hIS older and heavier cousin for the first tim e. Brian Strong grabbed a lar ge lead at the begin ning of the 250cc Amateur final and j ust added to the margin over eigh t laps. Dennis Aungst, Roger Denrnyer and Mike Hacker follow ed in a close ly bunched pack . O n the third lap , Hac ker took over second wit h Aungs t a nd Denmyer got into a bailie for third for lhe reS!of lhe race. Results 55: I. J~ / ohruon (Vam); 2. Bm jOllmin Milkr (VOIIm); , . Billy Stillwd (VOIIm). . 65: I. Jo h n Win)('u (; 2. 8m WOIIhrn(JC.;iw); .5 Brod y Milln (YOIIm). . 80: 1. Rick y Wi ntdt (Suz); 2. J ohn Win~u (VOIIm); .5 Todd Winlot'u (H on); 4. Jerry Aleundtt ( w); 5. Pau l Lynch (Ho n). 250 EX: I. J OIIJOf1 ~ (H o n); 2. Kt'Vin V:unn (Va m); S. COllI')' Oak (yam); 4. Xen Yodn (YOIIm ); 5. Ib.w Lnnialc. (Yam). 250 AM: I. 8rWI Strong (; 2. Miu Hadn (H on); S. Dennis Aungst (Ya m); 4. Rogror Denmyn (V~); 5. Xm J-bcJutwl (VOIIm ). 600 EX : I. Rob MOlijo li (H ·D ); 2. Milt- Klopp (H ·D) ; S. Juan fktchn (RIX);4. MiuVamn (Yam); 5. Eric~ma n (Han> 750 EX: I. Eric Susaman (Tri); 2. Rob M.o1jok (Yam); i S. OOllnTlCt' Bull (Y<1lm); 4. JOt: Calt'ly (Trit: S. POli u l Crumling (H on). 600 AM : I. PhH Libhan (H ·D); 2. Ttd Muayk (K.w); .5. Tom Hannu m (H -D); 4. Ib.nyl &lrr (ETMt: S. Pa u l AthnhoIl (Ya m). 200: I. R icky Wi nldl (Sw); 2. Mile Hadtt (H on); S. Todd Win lttl (Hon); 4. Paul L ynch (Hon); 5. Roy Milkr (Yam ). SR: I. Mu ~ .D): 2. j"" Ca"'y(Tri~ '. HcUo:r (K.w~ • . Bob ( H·D~~. j im O>apman ( H·D~ s.... Daily speeds to Lawrenceburg Speedway win KEUOGG, MN, jULY I Mike Atki nson was the only rider to take overall wins in two classes at Midwa y Recreation Par k motocross as both the Min i Senior a nd Youth classes were captured with his skillful riding on the hardpack track. Atkin son 's tou ghtest baule came in the Youth class wher e he led early in the firs t rnot o over riva l Brandon Backes. Atkinson was on e of only two riders to consistently sail over the triple jum p on the far side of the track , and it helped him build a lead over Backes. But Atkinson fell briefly on another po rt ion of the track and dropped 10second , gi vin g Backes lim e 10 pull ah ead and secure the win . In the second mota Atkinson once aga in moved into the lead a nd soon buill a cushion which gave him the win and the overall victory. The 125cc A class featured a firS! mot o holeshot by Pal Donaho, who was the other rider ju mp ing the 60 foot triple. Donaho look ed set 10 blitz the mot o but a brok en chain on the second lap sent him p ushi ng his bike back to the pi ts. Jay Mercill in heri ted the lead and stayed OUI front for the win desp ite Chad Clendenen cha llenging near the end of the . mota. Clendenen closed in with two la ps to go but Merril l put out a little more effort under pressure 10 hold him off. Then Cory Keeney closed in on Clendenen after a drive through the pack, relegating the Iowan to third on the last lap . Bill Engstrom a nd Chris Bensen held third and founh . Donah o lore up the track 10 win the second moto with ease. Keeney once again took second after wor ki ng h is way by Clend enen a nd then Engstrom in the first half of the race. Clendenen and Bense a lso go t by Engstrom 10 take th ird a nd four th . Chad Winecke led the 250cc A class thr ou gh the first tum in First mala , but Keeney and Troy Doll ansk y got by on the first la p. Keeney held o ff Doll ansky for the duration of the moto. winecke look th ird with Ch ad Cunnin gham fourth and Marty Clark rounding o ut the top five. Wineck e a nd Dollansky were ou t Iront aga in when the second mo to began, but Dollansky was soon trailed by Bense, Keeney gOIby Winecke on the second lap j ust as Ben se closed on the leader . Dollansky wicked it on a lill ie ha rder and jelled away for the event ual win . Bense ball ied 10 hol d off Keeney bu t had 10 sell ie for Ihi rd. Winecke a nd Cu nni ng ha m trai led him in a l Ihe fini sh line. Resul ts MIN I P/W : 1. Mike Rann; 2. RY Olin M~w ; S. u n« CunninghMn; 4. R yan Broughton. MI~I l R: 1. Shd ly unn; 2. Shawn Wehla~; .5 Una' . Cunmngham: 4. Cory Corcoran. MINI S~ l. Mike Atkinson; 2. Tim P06p isil; S. JOlimie FOIIrnldholz;4. Robbie McDowell. 125 YTH; l. Milr AIJdruon; 2. Brandon &ldn: S• ..uron e..tbon; 4. Matt Hill$. 25 PLUS: l. Bill Engwom; 2. Robm Ik'rptrom; S. Scott RUudmon: • . Jdl,.,. f1ou' ( K. w~ 80 I f\I,' T: I. lay Th~ (XTM). 125 BEC D-l : I. JUMY Mrndrbln. (K4I w); 2. J osh Bnwn (Suz): S. 0Kar Brjar.lno (JC.;iw); 4. wrml McLaughlin (H on): 5. Shawn O"Bri m (H o n). 125 BEC D·!: 1. Dmn i. Prtrillaa (Hon): 2. JO&h Da vis (Kaw); S. COII ~ e..tbon (; 4. Brian Mill n (Hon); 5. Tom McLaughlin (H on ). 125 NOV : l. Da.vid Pot ter (H on); 2. M;nk VOII~l k (H o n ); ,. Bob (JC.;iw); 4. Jodl C~ S. Robert . Andrnon (Suz). 125 L'. : I. j oel Tolunky (H o n ): 2. David c..a...da (Sw); , . Colin Couro (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Eric Samson (Kaw): 2. Ti~ Garcia tH oe ), 250 BEG : 1. M;nt y Ested (VOIIm) : 2. Bill POIIuJ (VOIIm ); 1 MMk Allen (uw ); 4. Brian Snydn (H on) ; 5. M...lcolm Solley ( u w). 250 NOV : I. D."",id &u-Io w -C lC.:lw); 2. Tram Mullin (Kaw); S. T om Smith (K."Iw): 4. George w Olin ia (K..a w); 5. Mike Blair (Hon). 250 11'1" : l. Bill y Mn citt (H o n); 2. Merle Hilmmn (VOIIm): 3. Tnry SWOli nJOn (Kaw); 4. Danny Slyl'RM"M (Ya m ): 5' Will . Dickson (VOIIm ). 250 PRO: I. Eddi e Hi cks (Hon); 2. T im Telford (Y:am): , . T o ny SulC'k (Vam) ; 4. Troy Wehy (SUI); 5. Tiger COlircia (H o n ). 500 NOV: I. J o h n Da vin (Ho n) ; 2. T ob y Law es (Hon); , . ]OIIS00 Myron (H on ). R VET BEC : l. Rick Scott (Yam): 2. K.un Hinu (Hon); S. Kd ly Law son (Ho n); 4. Mike McC~gor (Kaw); 5. Mike McCord (Yam ). R VET NOV: I. MOlirk Firlca (Vitm); 2. Roy FOIl" (H on); .5 olin MarOtta (Suz); 4. jdf Shrr-ll (K..w). . R VETINT: I. Crorgt' WOIIII4iI« (K.lw):2. Eddi e Arm5 u on g (Ion ). VET BEG : 1. Don GortSC'1t (Hon); 2. Pat BaIl Olird (KTM); .5 Robert DiRK (H on); 4. l-terbrrt Allen (Ka w): 5. Mike . le Hili nn (Sw). VET NOV: 1. Lenny Ritkn (K..w); 2. Jrrr Molson (VOIIm): 5. Dea n C4illn.(Vam); 4. MOlinin CiUT (Hon); 5'. HUl;h Blac: a k ( VET l!'o"T: 1. Mike VOlinAchn (Kawl ; 2. 01ris lLikM' (Vam); l 5. Mark Moln non (H o n) ; 4. Rod OOlividson (K.ilw). VET EX: 1. R uu H of fma n. SR BEG : I. Uny Kinch (Hon). SR NOV: I. Da~ Wrthnlord (H o n) . SR EX: I. J im DraW"l (H o n). l Merriman, Dimick sizzle at Second Creek Road Race By David Lucas DENVER, CO,J ULY I Second Credc: Racewa y ho sted the fifth evenl and the mid-po int of th.. Motoreycle Roadracing Associa tion (MRA) 1990 season. The medium displacement classes have been especial ly exo ting recently, and this weekend was no exception as Ih e 450cc Superbike race began with the Cycles of Boulder Yamaha FZR400 of Aaron Merriman leaving the pol e po sition in first place. A sp irited, race-long challenge was mounted by Chip Killinen astride the Summit MOlor Spons Yamaha FZR400. Despite Killinen's besl effons, Merriman maintamed first pJacr aaoss the finish line. Merriman also holds the lOp position in the 450cc Superbike class with 4I points over Killinen. Throughout the season, 600ce Superbike has been tach-twisting bouts belween Jon Terry's Yamaha FZR600, Kun Dimick on another FZR600, Mark Schellinger's Honda Hurricane, and the steadily gainin~ Suzuki 500 Gamma two-stroke of John Hjelm. On Sunday, the front row of the 600ce Superbike grid found the same protagonists looking sideto-side at each other, The Cycle Pans West! Crest AUlo Body/AI Hjelm-sponsored Suzuki Gamma was away firsL John Hjelm, knowning thaI company would be arriving soon, established a 2Q-yard lead by the turn eighl exil onlO the back sttaighL The Vanrnar PJastialCycIe Pans WestlVance II: Hineshacked Hurricane of Schellinger was dealing

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