Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-. overa ll victory . Wing claimed second for second overall. In l25cc Novice ac tion it was Rob Carlos taking the holeshot in the first moto followed by Jim Ferguson and Aaron Rogers. Carlos fell in the second turn. allo wing Ferguson and Rogers to pass. Car los quickl y remounted a nd chasing a fter the leaders . On the next lap, he passed Roger s in th e ro ck ers. Fergus on. however, cou ldn' t be caught At the finish. it was Ferguson taking first followed by Carlos and Rogers . Carlos again took the lead at the start of the second mo to foll owed by Ferguson a nd Rogers. Ferguson qu ickly moved u{' to challenge Carlos for the lead and the two nders batt led for the next few laps. Ferguson was finally able to ou tjump Carlos over the doubles an d moved awa y for the win and the overa ll . Carlos fin ished second and with Rogers com ing home in third. Fine A rt Print Sale When would you pay $99.00 for a piece of paper? Results P/W : I. Brandon Clark (Ya m ). MINI NOV: 1. Mik e Lopez (Yam ): 2. Bo Yates (Yam ): ! . Jason Fox (Suz). 125 NOV : 1. Jim Ferguson (Hon); 2. Rob Car los (Han); 3. Aaro n Rogers (H a n). 125JR: 1. Justin McCowan (5 uz): 2. Trevor Thomas (H a n ). 250 NOV : I. Chris Northam (Kaw); 2. Rich Benson (Kaw); 3. Kevin Henderson (Yam ). 250 1R: I. Sco n FI'llSO' (Suz); 2. Jim Zigman (Suz). O PEN NOV: l. J eU Jarvis (H a n ). VET: 1. Rolly Waldow (H a n); 2. Michael Rich (H a n). EXl INT : 1. Darren Kitzmiller (Ha n); 2. Tr oy Wing (Ka w); ,. T om Odekirk (Suz). Johnson tops Argyll Park MX By Nuklear Neukam DIXON, CA, JULY I - AXO/ Rich ie Ra cing's J ason Johson O Ul_ dueled H i-Poirr t/Arai -backed Shaun Wooten in the 250cc Pro class as the 1990 Fairfield Kawasaki Summer Series kicked off at Argyll Park . Johnson and Woo ten diced [or the first few laps in th e first mo to 'u ntil Wooten took control and pulled a big lead . J ohnson fell in a (Urn and twisted his knee, but remounted and con tin ued on h is way. Then Wooten tippe d over in a turn an d J ohnson once again took the lead. J ohnson stayed out front for the win whil e Wooten had to settle for second. T he battle con tin ued in .moto two but Wooten siezed his mach ine while stretch in g a lead when h is rear break star ted draggi ng. Jo hnson too k another win and the overall. Honda-moun ted Dan Stahr won both 250cc Beginner mo tos for the overa ll win . Richar d Bloo mfield foll owed Stahr by the checkered each tim e out with J.ohn Stead not far beh ind. AT K-mo un ted BIll McClinton ro osted both Old T imer Maste r m otes as KTM-mounted Jack Baken an d Suzu ki-mou n ted Ern ie Cabral were second and third, respectively, each rnoto for the sam e overalls. Results . 250 P RO ; 1. J aso n j ohnson (Ka w ); 2. Shaun wcoe en ( Ka w) . 125 PR O: 1. Ri cky Luu (Kaw ); 2. Joe Bru ce (Ya m). 500 INT:1. Dav e Pile (Hon). 250 INT:1. Tim Ri ggs (Kaw ). - 125 INT: I. Mark Kerlin g (Suz); 2. Joe Lawill (Yam). 60: U .J. Cum m i. gs (Koiw). n 80 BEG: 1. Sau l Smoa k (Kaw ). 80 tNT: l. Aaron Ca n trelle (Kaw ). 125 BEG : 1. Andrew Cabalo (Kaw). 125 J R.:1. Sam Kill ou (Kaw ). 250 BEG: l. Dan Stahr (H a n ). 250 I Re1. Mik. Callaghan (Hon ). VET JR: l. Wade Holbrook (H a n ). VET MSTR: l. Dan iel Stur geo n (Yam ). VET INT: I. Erni e Cab ral (Suz). OT f R : 1. Don Flaner (Ka w ). OT NT: l. Don Bloomfield (H a n ). OT MSTR: I. Bill McOin ton (AT K). Smith smokes Gran Prix MX By Peggy Adam ic CANAL FULTON. OH, JULY 7 Shane Sm ith routed his Honda CR 500 to double moto wins in the Open B class. as well as taking the 250cc B class victo ry atop hi s Brunsw ick-backed Suzuk i RM250 a t Gran Prix Raceway. Smith added two more rn oto wins, as he grabbed top honors in the Open Extra class [or a perf ect six-mo te sweep during the Saturday evening race. In the Open B cla ss. Smith rou ted hi s Andrews -backed Honda th rough turn one ahead of Mar k Moore and Thorn Smith. The top riders held their positions throug hout the six-lap rnoto with Smith build ing up a nearly 25-second lead by moto's end. In the second outing, Smith was on the gas again. as he led the field to the checkered flag . Moore and Thorn Smith again played run ner-up ,' 'as ,. . Shane Smith took .. 19,second win . Smith continual his winning ways, as he dominated the 250cc B competition. Smith holeshot moto one with Kevin Deyling and Tony Oloszko in tow. Oloszko mo tored h is Kawasak i ah ead of Deylin g within the first half -laF ' Once throul:h turn one . Smith began to pul away , building up a better tha n 20' .second lead through the checkered flag. Sm ith look another start -to-fin ish win in mo to two. as he never loo ked backed, Ol oszko held second ahead of Deyling as the two riders diced for second. Deyling camped on O loszko' s rear wheel for two laps before rou ting h is Yam aha W ell, if that is imported, museum quality D'Arches 22"x19" paper that carries an original Jeff Gundlach Super cr os s printed in nine perm anent colors and was breathed on, signed and numbered by the artist , I'd do it now. S I upercross i-s the las t limited edition fine art print .commissioned by Cycle News for you, the reader. In the senes am sure Supercross will delight the dirt riding contingent as much as Isle of Man, Bol D'Or and Daytona impressed the road racers, so Cycle News is offering the sa me guarantee: Your money will be refunded cheerfully (grr!) if you are not completely satisfied with your brand new Supercross fine art print. Charles Clayton Pres. Cycle News Inc. --------------------~COUPON·---------~--------- (No P.O. Box pleBs e l Name_....:. _ Address _ -'- City State · _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Phone _ o Payment e nclosed (c he c k o r money order, paya ble to Cyc le News) 3 (CA re s . add 6'.4% LA County re s. add 6 .4%) o Cha rge my Visa Charge 'Cust om ers : We · Ca rd .No . Expirati on Date Okay, rush me _ print(s) of the new Supercross limited edition at $99.00 each. I understand I can send the product back for a full refund within 30 days if I am not satisfied, . 0 C harge my Masterc a rd f ' 'J ''''' ' = [IIIII!Ia m ust have co mple te acco unt num ber a nd ca rd e xpirQlion dat e . -'----' S ignatu re Order Now Onl y $99.00 incl. shippin g, ready to frame c/ o Cycle Ne ws P .O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 ·0498 _ _ _

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