Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Scott Stump leads the Expert class at the Best of Ohio Summer Seri es Dirt Track races at Wellston. Stump took the win over Donnie Estep and George Roeder. Steve Seaborn (67) led Rob LaCombe (Il l) earl y in Roebling Road's U nlimited GP, but Seaborn's bik e overheated and LaCombe ran out of gas. Donald Parton won . Rymer on lap three. Despite constant challen ges. th e riders held th ese po suic ns until the en d or th e race. In the Vinw ge clas s. Phil Lars en was first off th e lint'. Oand l Bri nk look over sl'cond posilioll on th e first lap, leav ing Monty Hume In third. Brink fo rced his wa y past LarM"rt on the S('("()lul la p to take the lead. T he ball ie bt.'twee n La rsen and Hum e con linued th roughout lht:' rac t' with ma ny pla rt in and hi , Honda CR500. '0 Resul ts 2.~ P R O: I. J a Wl J oh m o n (K.1w}::!. Sh a un Wno IMt (JU w ); n 3, R w-ky LUll ( KoI wl . 2. )() INT: I. Bill y Whifr (I -Iu !» ; 2. Mo nt y War r (Yolm) : 3. 1 1-", Pu ldM"vot,;Il1 (Uo n). VET PR O : I. Krn n y McKnuir l ~ w ): 2. o..W' Wcx K1 (JU W): .1 Ouo&M J u in ' ( JUw ). \' ET MSTR.: I. Prr ry Shrrman t KT M). aT MSTR: l. Sln 'r Frrrnn i (H HII). \'ET I~"': I. Rn n Jun krrl (JU ", ); 2. T ony Mil llf'r cVOjm ); 3. Ph il Mor r is ( Hon). VET JR: I. Amcm ) Alarn l Kilw); 2. Jrrry Cof'TlC"",nr (YOIm) ; 3. Miu CcJll1;a ( Koaw ). . UT H 1ST: I. J)- lif' P ill" (HHn ): 2, G Ullo Rrrqu u.t (SUI ); 3. d M.II1Y\\'OIldm (Hnn ). OT JR: I. Frdnk C Iff'VUl\ (Hnn) : 2. R..nd, Birrlr. lba", r (V.u n) ; S. Ron ~luLJ'rrn. (H u!>). 500 JR.: I. Cr:Ii~ Bun yard ( Raw); 2. D-nr D>, r IH o n). . 500 lsE G : 1. William Al1au (H o n) : 2. J im Burlr.hotrt (Hon ). R: J. Sr-.r.n RO (S u /) : 2. Mikr U r lh (Kaw ): S, CI ~ r lt"}' .... II (H n n) . ') BEG : I. John Su·, td (H n n,: 2. Bill y C Ulrr ( ~ w ) ; 3. o Ad ri.. Wrm.trr (H cm ). m 12." 11\ ,.: I. G r~ All rn ( Kaw ); 2, JUflh Bc.)'lr. in (H u n ); 5. . . Darrrn Kiumi llt"l' (H o n ). 12." JR: J. Sam Killo u (Ko1 w): 2. Todd Birck rlba w (VOI m ). 12. )8 EG : 1. CaM")' J on n (H n n ): 2. Prfllf'1JG Ulir rr irl (YOIm ); 1 5. Ch ri!> Bark " (S UI ). KO B.:G : 1. Jt"rr y HUKf"1 (Ka w) : 2. Sa ul Smo a l (Ka w ); 3. Be u J ud I((' (Kaw), 'a 60: I. Jt 'rry H an/ COY (SUI ); 2. Onl1UliOjIl Mil(h f'1I (Ka w), ~ Stump styles at Wellston Dirt Track By Bert and Deanna Shepa rd \\'EU.5ro:-i, OH, j U:-iE 24 " ;\Iy new mt" chanic Rick Stump set up Iht" bike j ust perfect - all I had to do was ride it ," sa id Sco tt Slump. Sl um p had j us l (·omplett'etj o ne of th e mO!lot detcrminc.-d ride s of lht" sea~(} n . He held o rf fell()\..· Buckeyes Dc)nni" Estep and Geo rge ROt"dcr in the rounh rou nd of the Best of Ohio Su mmer Ser ies. j ess Roeder a nd G eorg ie Pr ice posted victories in their respective divisio ns. The da y's .activities sta rted off with the ama teur portio n of th e program. Stars o f to morrow. Sha wn Thomas, J ustin Nied ern ire a nd Du sti n Kitts raced for the ho no rs in the 50 and 60cc di visi on . Yes terda y' s s tars domi na ted the rema inder of th e ama teu r prosram. Ex-expert Rob Gessner wo n th e Senior and 250cc classes, La rry Zum bru n blew the cobweb, o ut of hi, l o-year·o ld lead ers w ith the use 01 Dou g Davi s's XR -i 50 Harley to win the Open race. The Pro-Am qua lifiers were won by Jeremy Lu cy and Shawn McNary. j es, Roeder a nd Gordy Schopieray co ntro lled the junior hea ts. Flo rid ian Sha wn McNary sat o n the o utside po le for th e start of the Pro-Am mai n. McNa ry won the ra ce to th e first turn wit h L ucy and Price as company. Lucy wo rked the bo tto m of th e J ackson Co unt y Fa irgr o unds, while McNa ry flined with th e fen ce. Lu cy rep laced ~l c N a ry a t th e po int o n th e th ird to ur. :\IcNaT )' then fell in turn th ree o f th e next lap in an effo rt to regain the lead. He rem ounted a lap do wn and was cred ited with ll rh p lace. With the ha lfwa y sign d isp layed, Price joined L ucy a t the from . Two laps la ter Price's for cefu l style had him ou t front for the victory. Chris Moo re finis hed thi rd al ter a see-saw battle with Dan Marti n . The dr ama in the Ju ni or ma in started when Jerr y Vanderk oo i took his two mi n ut es for repa irs prio r 10 the sta rt, Near the end of Van derk oo i' s time th e. master lin k fell o ut of po le-sitter J ess Reader 's driv e cha in. The ap propria te pa rts were found a nd repairs were ma de ju st in ti me. Roeder won th e das h to the firs t turn . The Mon roevijle racer had Ja mes Han and Kris Kiser a lo ngside. Harold Dorsey mad e th e most o f h is la st sta rting spot to be fou rth a t th e exit of the seco nd turn. Gor d) Scho p ieray m issed a shift and was six th beh ind Re v Han , as th e field en tered tur n th ree for th~ firs t rim e. Roed er a nd Jam es Hart wou ld dista nce th ems elves Iro m the a ll o ut bau le fo r the th ird spot between Kiser. Sch cpiera y. Do rsey, Roy Hart a nd G reg Sims. With two laps to go Kiser and Schopieray had yet deci ded o n the o wnershi p of third place. Filth was a lso in flux as Dorsey had to ho ld o il Hart and im s. At the chec kers third belo nged to Kiser and fi Ith to Dorsey. T he first start in th e Expe rt main was not up to Bob by Lemm ing's sta nda rds a nd was repeated. Donnie Estep had th e initia l jump but SC li Stump was alo ngsi de. The race a facili ty yielded man y usa ble lin es and they were Iilied. Do ug Davi s had his hand, full with Geor ge Roed er, whil e Troy Norris and La rry Pegram hel d th e field at ba y. Darren Erich sen wou ld be the fir st 10 be di sappointed when his brak e ca lipe r bracket broke. S' ump , Estep and ROl·der gave the crowd some lhi ng to cheer abo u t. Estep ow ned turn o ne but ("o uld not mak e the pass fui"lhe lead stick when it ('()lInted. SlUmp cros sed th e line o n hi s Ho nda with a lew lengths o n Estep a nd Roeder. Doug Da vi, ended up lourth. P,'g rdm pa ssed Norris o n th e last lap 10 end up sixth in h is re'urn debut. David Ra ybu rn held Curt Rehmert and T odd Martin lor ,he seven ,h p lace mon ey. Ro n nie Ra il ended up in 10,h when Rex Fisher 's ROla x locked up so lid. Resu lts EX: I .ScuuSl u mp( HolI ):~ . On nn ir U ltp (H · D};5 . Gr nrl!:r RlIr d n- (H-D): .1. OOUJl; Oavl!> l H· D): ~. url) Pl1(t"jm (\\'O R I. J R: I. I n .. Rum n (H ·n ,: 2. Jamn n Oin IR ex); 3. Kri!> Ki!>rt (Rill): -I. Gurd) SchoplnorY ( H· D ). PR ().AM : 1. C.ror~r Pri CT (W. R ); 2. J ('l'm lY Lucy (H· O,: 5. Duu Mour r (R llll; '4. Oan '-IOIrtin ( H- O): ~ . Kylr t onI!; (Rill). 50-60 : I. Sh.awn Tho ma 'l.( Kaw); 2. J U\li n f'"inkm ift' (Ya m) : 3. Du u in Kill10 ( Ya m ). SR : I. Rub Gn'l. nn IIWw ): 2. Mil t Moorr (Sw ). 2.'JO: I. Rub C~nn (JUw) : 2. Milr Mool r ( SUI ): 5. (".lI 11 Rt h m n {SUI }: t . Tnn) Mo tlff' (S UI): !'J . ScU ll J amiWln I H u n ). ~lfl (Ya m l: 3. O PE:'IO : I. t ~ fT) Zumb run (H · D,: 2. Johll C KUfl C.t'r "..i n!> k~ ( H o n ): -t. h 'a n Ca r l ( Vil m ~ S. J a ck dn \ 'OIl1 l un j (H nn ). Haines continues to steam at Savannah Road Race By Bob Applegate FAULK\lLll, GA, jU1IOE 23·24 Hot loca l no vice Robert Haines co nli nued h is winning ways in AMA/CCS Region al road racing ac tio n by p icki ng up four m o re vi ctor ies towards defendin g h is Nov ice Regi on al Championship, a ' Roebl ing Road Raceway. T he clo sest of Ha ines' four win s found Ihe you ng auto moti ve mt,<,ha ni c drag-racin g to the flag with Orl ando, Flo rida' s Lee Pou nd ers o n hi s Yama ha FZR600 bv a half a wheel a ' the str ipe . ' T he win ni nges t expe rt of the wl't"kcnd was T ennessee's Do nal d Parton , who kept both w hee ls on tht" track to tro unce the U nlimited Supcrsport and Heavyweig h, Superbike and Supt'Tspon cla sses. Parto n 's best ra("e was the hotly-co n ,ested $1000 Un lim i,ed G P. Bl u fh o ll . So u t h Carol ina r ide r Rob L, C .omb. loo ked good for hi> lirs, Roeb lin g Roa d win as he led th e sta rt foll owed by Mark Schi nd ler o n a Suzu ki GSXRllOO, Steve Seabo rn o n a n FZR600, and Parton o n his Suzu ki GS XRi 50. Sea bo rn tried his hand a t the lead, but a n o verhea ting engine dashed his hopes lo r the cash. LaCombe reesta bli shed h im self as Sh indl er backed o ff the lead pa ce, a n d Pa rt o n m ov ed tow ards th e fr ont, La Combe had his Kawasak i 7..Xi in th e lead a nd looked good for the win when th e cro wd let o u t a sim ulta neo us sig h, react ing to that sputterin g so und tha t can mean o n ly o ne th in g - th e leader had ru n out of gas on the next-to-last lap; Pano n cruised to the win . j on Sta uffer took hi s first U.S. T win Sports win o r the seaso n, capitalizing o n Bruce N ield's mech an ica l problems. Nield, in his ina ug ura l ride won the former Tripp Noblespi loted Macoon Racin g H·D, slowed when a co il wire fell o u t. Ni eld pi ned, giv ing Sta uffer th e o pportun ity pa ss lor th e le- d. a Ho wever , th e Macoon Racin g team jumped o n Nield 's Harl ey, qui ckly lixing th e problem. a nd Ni eld reent ered the race 10 work back up to th ird befor e th e checkered. Sta u ffer too k ho me th e top pr ize of $300 with Stan Keyes co llecti ng seco nd pl ace a nd Nield third. '0 Resul ts L/W S/ S P RT NOV : I. Kenneth Mdutyre (Yam): 2. Mit'h arl M'CMlrr (Ya m ); ! . Neal Kitso n (Yam ); 4: Lo uis (V;;I m ): !'J. G rrgory Gmni. (Ya m ). M I\V S/SP RT NOV : I. Rohnl H a inn (YOIm): 2. Rodney Hull (Ya m ): 3. Jamn Ebe rha rt (Hom: '4. Gi o vani R o ja s ( Y a m ): ~ . Jrrry S/ u limki (H Ull), H I\\' S/ SPRT NO \' : 1. Rf,bt'rc H a ines (Ya m) : 2. Lee Pounders (SU1): ! . Tracy Th omason (Suz): 4. Fre McDanid d tSuz): 5. Thomas Rri ln- (Suz). L/W S/ BK ~ O V :. 1. Kt nn ct h McIntyre- (Yam); 2. LoUD Andt't:wJn (Ya m ): ! , C h u(·k BI..ckmo n (Y:tm) ; 4. Mich~1 :vJ OOfC' (Ya m): !toJ oh n Pa (Ya m ). M/W SI RKo 1\"0 \ ' : J. RobI"rc H a in n t Va m ); 2. 1..tofo Pounders (Hon j: 3. Jamn [brrh;m (Hon): '4. G icwani Roja !> (Ya m); 5. Rodtle-y H u ll (Va m). H /l\' SI RK !':O \': 1. Rnbrrclla inn (Va m, : 2. Lee Po unders (Suz); S. T~ Thom ason (SUl ): 4. Da vid Smith (Sw); 5. Feed Mc.Da n iri (SUI). L. W G P X OV : 1. Ilu'wld Freeman (Yam ); 2. LoWs / Ande rson ( Ya m) ; ! . Chuck RI;,rckmon (Ya m ): 4. J ohn Pa wlO'\ki (Ya m ); !to r;,~ry CO'ffin is (Ya m ). M /W G P f'"OV : I. Lee Pounder s (Hon ); 2. Robert Ha ines (Ya m) ; S. Do.... ld Freeman {Ya m] : 4. Rad nry H ull (Va m) : !to Ra nda ll Mf"O rl b n (H o n). L./W Sin" S O V: I. Jnrr Slory (Ca K): 2. Andrt w Pea rce t Kaw). H /W srrw SOV: I. L I'i t rct Thor pe (Du c l; 2. J nry Andtor~on SI Ory ICaR) . SPTM :"t f'"O V: 1. Chuck Blac kmo n (Vilm ): 2. J ohn Pa w Jc i (V4Im ), N l./W S / SP RT EX: I. Man J u n l!;k13u !> (Yam); 2. Jimmy ar! Morol..,. (Yilm ): 3. Brock BIH (H.D). ~ /W S/SP RT EX: 1. St("Vt Sea bom (Yilm); 2. Mo rr i. FOOT (Va m ): 3. Bob !':rwby ( H e n ]. H / W S/ SPRT EX: 1. DoIUId P'U1on (Sul ): 2. Rob LiKo mbr(JU w). U/L S/ SP RT EX: 1. Don;;ald Parto n (Sw ): 2. Rob Laco mbe (Kaw). l./W S/ BK EX: I. J im Mosl ey (Yam ); 2. Bob S rw by (Yam ): " . L.allA Hnpr (Va m) . lry M /W Sl BK EX : 1. Bob S ("l\by (H o n ): 2. RrU«' I\"itld. · H / W S/ BK EX: I. Donald Part on (SUl): 2. Rob Lacombe (Kawl . U W G P EX; I. Ji mmy Mc)\,le-y (Va m ); 2. La p !>lC'y H o JX (Va m ); 5. Bub :'lOC'w b~i (VOIm ): 4. Brnc·1r. Biffa l1 (H · D), M /W G P EX: J. Bob f'"f'wb y (H o n ); 2. ~forri~ Fom (Ya m ). U/ L GP EX: 1. [)un.ald P.arton (SUl): 2. MnlTi.. Four (Va m ); ! . Ma rk Sch indler (S uz): 4. Rub l .acnmbr (Kaw ): !to S (~ & a bu m ( ). U.S. TIV / SPRT EX: I. JUII St;IUHrr : 2. SIan Keyt'S (H . Il J: 3. Bruer Nidd; 4. Brock. BiHan (H · D). L/W srn v EX: I. G reg FI.i&KJI: (Ka w ): 2. Tom Hi no (D ue); 3. W ill ~ m AIlUl!iOIl (H n n): 1. HnK-k BiHar! (H. D). H /W EX: I. Gr r K FlaJ;K (Kaw );2, Tom H ines (D ue ); 3. BrUt(· Nldd : 1. J ohn Br('t'(} (e.g): !t, William Alkimon tll (H o n ). SOLO eTO : I. TrOll)' ThUln .a"on (SUl ): 2. Am ma n Otnunr (Ha ll): ! . Rob La m mbl" (Kaw) : 4. 1..tofo Po undt n (Su z): 5. Thoma!> Reil C'r (S Ol) . SPTS M:o.: EX: 1. Rub Nf"Wby (Vam ); 2, Juhn Radekt (Yam); .5 J ilDM'!> Mu rph y (Ya m ). . SO LO GTU: 1. LrT Po un drn (Hon ): 2. RodnC'y H u n (Yam ): 3. L P iC'rC1" Thor p- (Doc ): 1. :'I1(" l Kiuon (Vam ): d 5. Mich Ojd MOClft (Ya m) . S0'W Frampton, Taft, Anderson top Buzzards MX By Dale Bohm OGDES, lff, jU:>IE 16 Plaza Cycle's Brad Frampton. Brid ger land Dental 's Scott Taft, and Suzuki rider Rus s Anderson were the big Expert win ners a t the Buzzards M.C. USRA point event at the challenging Ho t Springs Race Track in Ogden. " I lelt rea lly con lident toda y beca use a couple of the ,o p guys weren't here, but I feel as 'hough I'm riding bett er th is year than ever ," said 125 and 250cc Expert wi n ner Fra m p ton . Fra mpto n used per lect 1-1 molO scores in bo,h classes to tota lly demolish th e compeliti on . Taft used 2· 1 mo to li nishes to win th e Open Expert class ove r firsl mota win ner Mark Lu ndgreen. And erson too k ad va ntage of a sma ll field a nd won via 1· 1fin ishes over Dustin Headman in th e 80cc Expert class. The 250cc Experts were lirs! oil the lin e and Frampton blastl'd the stan a nd never loo ked hack. Suzuki rid er Cor ky Ma ug han held second over T ravis Metl , Vlll("e L ucero .a nd Mar k L undgT t'l'n. Seco nd mOlo ho leshot belo nged to Kawa· saki rider SCOll Talt wit h Walk er Cycle's L,nn ' 'Wa lkl'r , Met l , P lala Cvcle 's Vin ce . Lucero and South Valley Yamah a 's :'>like Thomas in tow. Frampton moved into first by lap on e and pu lled o ut a ,hret'-seco nd lead o ver T alt, Walk er, :l-Ietz and Lu cero. From th cn" th e Honda ride r pUI down co nsecu live fast lap tim es to win by to se("onds. Taft sta lled

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