Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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on lap three, al low ing Walker a nd Merz intn second and third. Metz even tua lly gal by Walk er. while Maughan worked by Lucero o nly to go down. The fin ishing o rder was Frdmp to n . Men , \\'alker. Lu cero a nd T aft. Resul ts 2.')0 t:x; I. Bra d Fram p lull ( Hun ); 2. T r,,, ,i.. ;\IMI (Ya m); 3. Vine r Lu ct"Tn (Ho n). 12.1) EX: I. Brad F li ll n p lClll (H o ll ); 2. Curl,! Ma ug ha n (S Ul); 3. CUfli~ Co ukw-y (H u ll ). .. _ . 2,;0 " " I: I. R (~hb il'" Ta ll flU ..... ); 1.. A.; UUJ1 Paint " (H o n): . 3. And~' M UII:o.u n (H u n). 125 AM: I. ,\ ;n un Pa illlr r (Hun); 2. Gri fh n (SUi): 3. J U ~l i n Lordllo (Honl. 250 S Ol': r. Jun c.unrt ( h ln ): 2. RY n OI . C(la ~ (lion); 3. M.ui:. Andrnun (StU). 125 A S O\'; I. S llOl'olm C.hd'W"l (S u I); 2. S IM"r Duckw orth ( Ka",,'): 3. Juwi n Mirh..,n ( \";u nl. 125 R l"'O \': J. Brier Rul l,., (H u ll I: 2. P;wll"t>uT.\ Anderson (Sw): 2. Dusrin Head ma n (Hn n ). O l'ER }() EX: I. Dan Ln hu ' n lwl R (K.a w): 2. Da vid P i~hl:"u (H un): 3. 1>,,\1(' Don aldson (Y;",m). O l' ER 2!t A: I. R U ~ I Y H Un! (KT M). O \ ' F.R 2!". If : I. Urn d Judd : 2. ~blk Anderson: ~. j. And y Halvt"1. OVER .1 A ~I : l. MiK f'IOu H;",1I ( lio n ); 2. Ken Pedersen 0 (' (Ya m ). l O \ ' F.R :to XO\' : I. I\. Try Char tier: 2. T o m j UMnen; 3. Rub Petersou. WMS : I. Ru'nda Nuna l. 80 EX: I . Rw.~ Alld('rS(m (SUI ): 2. DUMi n Her dman (H u n ). a 80 AM: I. J(·u ·my ni(,1 (SUI) : 2. Bryan w alk er (K.l w ); .1 . Brad Rallill d (K.lw). 80 NO V 12- 16: I. Aaron Ik- Rcl!l(' ( Kctw ); 2. j aw b Cla rk t ; 3. Da vid AndM"!ioIJIl (Ha n). 80 NOV 7· 11: I. Jawn Chavel (Suz ): 2. Sr y4m Du vall (Yam); ~. E c ~ (Ya m ), n 60 A: I. Trrry H ;IU ~l ad (Ka w), 60 8: I. Kn ill MitC't' ( Kitw): 2. j oshua Maddock (Kaw); .5. Tyler Cc n u mi (Ka w). 50: I. J o)h j en sen (Yam ): 2. Kn- in L u n d('11 (Ya m ); 3. Muni rd 7(1 (Va m). .. 11.1 BEG ,\ : 1. n arre ll Co lli ns (lion ); 2. Layne o.u kel (SUI): 3. Wa yne An dM"S(JO (Suzl. BEG R: I. Rn an Koch (Hon ): 2. Cu rt K3waguchi (Hu n ): 3. Tre nt H u nsaker (5 uz,. Crowe tops rain-shortened Peoria Short Track By Da ve Hoenig Photos by Flat T rak Fotos Ives qu ickl y took over first . La m bert a nd Still mock staye d in hot pursuit and th e th ree pulled away from th e pack. Gallagh er was able to ge t tow ard th e front from a bad sta rt and began to ba ttle McRae for fourth. By this ti me Ives was beginning to lap th e field . As hi s pursu ers followed th rough tra ffic. La mbert got in th e ri gh t place at th e wrong time an d was passed by Still mock. G allagh er and McRa e. The race en ded with Ives ge lli ng th e chec kered flag first and Still mock, Gall agh er a nd McRae follo wing in tha t order. Gall agh er wo n first overall . R esu lts PWRL-\, II... JUliE13 G reg Crowe ran away with the 250cc class win as rai n began to fa ll a t ro u nd two of th e Tote Gray Rac m~ Association-sponsored ProAm Short Track Series at Peo ria . Brya n Graybeal worked h is wa y around j o hn Lambrick for second. Heavy rai n h it as the ch eckered flag flew, washi ng out th e remai nder of th e program . Semis were run through the 250cc class to establish the wi nne". wh ile the Senior, 4001 500cc a nd Pro-Am clas ses were based o n heat race resu lt.s, Greg Crow (50) won the 250cc class at the rain-shortened Peoria Short T rack. , The SOcc class was dominated by Michael Oeh ler as he defea ted j on Champli n. j r. SCOll Wea th erin !,: lOpped th e 80cc class, eas ily bcating j u stin Filson a n d Sha ne Garnso n. J eremy Sm ith trail ed in fourth , . Scott Sh in n look his 200 to win th e 125 a nd 200cc class es. William Mill er, j r. stayed dose ori h is 125. T he 400/ S00cc class was ca ptured by th e Brinkers. Stev e and J oh n. Toy Rulli made th e trip fro m Des Moines (0 take th e Pr o -Am cla ss over Ret=d Bertolino and R i"k Kn uth. 60 : I. Orion Cn.wCo rd ( ): 2. U!It'Y Sm ith (lU w): , . Ph il Pedrojeni (Kawl . d 80 BEG : 1. Kei rn Johruon (YOIIm) ; 2. H("" lh Wol Ot"Y (Sw ): 3. Daren Murdoch (; 4. Jelrf Schulu ( : 5. Luke O'Brien (YOIIm ). !IOJR : I . RobmSrou (Sw); 2. Brgn Milln (~w) ; 3. G rq o.-Voung (SUIt: 1: Cody Cnwford (S UI): S. Wyall Wh inm . ( 125 BEG : I. Shaun Carm ichael (Kawt: 2. Buu Wil tOn ( Ka ~) ; ~ . Mik e SlifXcich (Kaw); 4. Ti m O 'Rri("ll (Yam); 5. auu &rker (Sw). 125 JR: J. Srum(' Esposito (Ya m ); 2. } uMin Eld" ( JU w ). 2SO REG : I. Mart y P iu no (Yam ); .... Wi llie l..l-rk (Ho n): 5. Wn T a ylor (SUI): 4. Tom Lynn (SUl); S. Dcr.rin [rl1\t (Ka w ). 250 JR: I. Tony Coco ( K.1. w) : 2. Anlhony PolM"II (KT M); O ~ . Davt' Park" (SUI); 4. Pet e YandenhMg (H u n): 5. KM'in Wab.h (KT M I. , 250 11\ : I. Dyla.n CallaKher (H o n); 2. Jeff I,," (Kaw); . 3. Smll St! " moc-k (H o n) : 4. Duk (' Lambert (Ya m ); 5. KM'in McRae (BSA). !tOO BEG : I. W" T aylor (H a n ); 2. Dull t' Ni(M'hk t' (Ya rn): 3. John T aylor (Ho n ). f,()() 1ST: I. J im Boody (Ho n ): 2. j oe Rob in !iollO (Ho n) : 3, Mik t' T unn (KT M); 1. John Hel mer (KTM). 250 /!)()() P RO : I. AII('o Berluti (H o n ); 2. Brian E1drr (Stu) : 3. Mi tch Gd lbghe r (Ha n) ; 4. Davt' L-h nor (SUI ); 5. RUld l Sti ll ml..:k (H u n ). MSTR: I. Duk e uunberl (Ya m); 2. Ra lph FC)IOter (KiIw ). VET/ 125 PR O : I. AII('n lkT lu ti (H o n ); 2. Darrt'll Olaprndl1 l Kaw): 3, Rick Wood~ JIl (Ka w);·1. Tim Dyer (Ha n) : 5. Rich Thorwaldw lI (H o n) . VET TR: 1. Danny Frinnl (Ya m); 2. Frank Pft"iC ( Yam ); rr 3. Kurt \\'('jl : t . P:u Oun lap (Ha n ); 5. G rt'g Burn~ ( KT M). UTI.. INT : I. Kevin McR.a(' (RSA): 2.. Joe Robi nsu n (Hun ). VET 1ST: I. P('((' V:mdmberg; 2. Do n Gerll inr (Ho n ); 3. Da W'Mt'li gan (SUl) ; 4. Alan Kuffel (Sw). Rosul .. 50: I. Mich;;ad <:khl~r (Ya m) ; 2. J on Champlin . J r. (Ya m); , . Ra ndall Moahnng (Ya m ): 4. 51r-vt' Bra nch. J r. (Ya m) ; 3. T ou IIgt (.liu,,; 'I. Mar k Mr O;tnirl I ~ III ) : . i. t...ird . I \\' h llr (.,",u l). l.I W Sl RK: I. Chri, Gardnt'T (Ydm): 2. Aamn "'"rim .1II u (Y.,.m, ; 3. ShiIRt' Turpin (Ya m); -t. J ohn Pr iC"1 (" ;, nl : 5. Rc-n Rc-hunin ( K.;.W ). M 1\ \ ' S IRK:, I. Aamn Mnri rrun (Ya m); 2. Shanr Turpin ( Yd ln ): ~. n-dVld (Ya m); -t. T uny Juhn'\CJO (Ya m ); !to Giu d un IYilln) . H /\\' S I HI\.: I. C:hr i ~ O ardner (Yam ); 2. nanNHl ('.arr ('SlU' ; 3. Kr t n .I\'id,,11l l Ko.w): -t Pt1t't Mu, du rh ( K.d w); S. Juhn . P rit-rlY,un ). ti l l , S, RK: I. Ch ri.. C~ rd nM" (Ya rn); 2. I... ird Wh ilt' (S UI ); 3. Pr lrr H nm .Ul ("U1 /1: 1. Pr HT Mu.dlJlh (lU w); S. KC'I n Ol\id "lll ( KiIW). XO \' G1"1. : I. Ma !Wumi Kim w (Ya m); 2. G...r u·1 P,Nt" I ( H ' .n ):~ . Rw.~ Rithat d "lII ( H u n ); -t. ( :r.cIR Mdrtin

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