Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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**Hot Sales In Las Vegas** Buik Shop We hire only the cream of the crop . Only one posit ion ava ilab le . Mult i-line dealership. Top sa les earn top dollars., Mov ing expense s if credentials are right . EDELWEISS MOTORSPORTS. Call St eve , G.M., (70 21362-2530 Tues -Fri. NV. (326-2 7) ~ b..embo Salesperso n SCORCHER PRODUCTS ATV & Motorcycle Acces sories & M ail Order House, has an openi ng tor I an experie nced Tech nical Salesperson . Call for appointment. (805) 254-2122. CA. Salesman Needed Ora nge Count y's #1 vol u me Suzuki dealer is lookin g f or Or ang e Cou nt y 's #1 Sa le sm an. Commission plus benefits. Cal l M ark or Floyd. (21 3) 691 -3273. CA. """"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~~ (227 · 28) ~ FAST ~O e1.~ Se: SERVICE JWt~ A - ~ DEALER ~Y INFO ON REQUEST ~ . .... RZ 350 PIPES (2 24/TFN) '3 HP Increase. 2 0 lb• . lighter than st ock. Service Manager-Las Vegas w id e po werband. 4 dba over stock . Reta in s side and center stands. $2 2 9 includes 4 aluminum silencer• . R5· R D250 /350 / 400 Daytona exhaust. $189 in clud es 2 alumi· num silencers. Kawasaki H 1 I H1 1 exhaust. $229 incl udes aluminum silencer and hardware . Multi·l ine. t op ranking dealership needs experienced. agressive leader . Big bucks and movi ng expense s for right person. First ope ning in Serv ice in 8 years . EDELWEISS MOTORSPORTS. Call Steve, G.M., (702) 362-2530 Tue s -Fri. NV. (3 26-2 7) r ; (707) 463-1322 :~ = Experienced Salesperson W orld's lar gest span veh icl e dealer has immediate full time ope ning s. Great earning pot ent ial for mot ivat ed indi vidual. Sell motorcycles. gen erators . persona l wat er craft . w e have it all . Excellent benefits and pay. Relocat ion and housi ng assist - F.P.P.l8 16 -A Waug h Lane /Ukiah, CA 95482 • Bo lt -O n Rac ing Brake Kits For : BMW - Ducati - Handa Kawasaki - Suz uk i - Yama ha • Full Range OEM D iscs . Master Cylinders & Cal ipers, • Stainless Steel Lin e Kits_ BR EMBO AMERICA. INC _ P.O. Box 1. Mica , WA 99023 Phon e 15091924-51 31 FAX (50 91928·0918 DEALERS/D ISTRIBUTORS WELCOME All part s rewound t o m anuf-ac't u re'--- s spec s. using o.nly t he finest ma t e r~~~~ .!. DE:\" vER xIOT OI{CYCL E 16 18 LAFAVETTE STREET DENVER. CO 80218 a nce avai la ble . COLEMAN POWERS PORT. (703) 237-340 6. ext. 22. Northern Virg inia (10 miles I outsi de D.C.) (22 6- 27) BUSINESS /OPPORTUNITIES IELIt1lJ!! #1 in the Baja 1000 l ••il.... ot: Balwin Park, CA (818) 962 -2451 Honolulu HI . (209 ) 625 -2900 Inglewood, CA We 're looking fo( a few good men . To be ATK dealers. and sell the only Am erican made off -road motor cycles. It's t he A mer ican dream, Your own dirt bike . Your own dealersh ip. To fi nd out just how easy it is to turn your dream in to reality w r ite: (808) 373-2322 Visalia CA , " ATK Motorcycles (213) 678 -681 ,. San Bemadino, CA( 7 1 4) 883-8891 ATK MOTORCYCLES, Dept D, 5430 Union Pacific .Ave, City of Comm er~e , CA 90022 . (2 26/TFN) San Pedro, CA Ventura,CA _KTM - Husqvarna Franch ise. M otorcycles. bicycles. pans, accessories and tools , North west Nevada. S39K f ull price. ( 2 1 3) 548 -6874 (805) 648-2000 Van Nuys,CA ( 8 1 8 ) 786-8180 20 years, retoring . (70 2) 883-5853 after 6 PM. NV. (32 6 -27) ...JIiI• • .. ~~C'. SEND 514 95 ,CHEC ' 0' MON EYO' OE ' MOTO-VATED PRODUCTS 3193 WAYSIDE PLAZA SUITE 13 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 MOTORCYCLE CENT ERS COLLECTORS Motorcycle service. tuMups, Sf/11M ConveniMt CMifom;' LoudOM: U MiTWl. 14258 E. Imperi4 1Hwy (213/946·3459 - M ust Sell Wife's Bike Sun V.11ey 9007 Sunland AWl' 19 74 C8350-4 Hond a, 6500 miles, new pa int , looks a nd ru ns like new, $500. Larry, (30 3) 6472266 days, (3031 647-2318 eves . CO. Tonanw 246 6 What's happening? Cycle News Calendar. (BTB) 768 -9026 w s.,u1w1C68h1d . (2 13J530-03 14 AMhtlim 828 W. Veormont A IfWl'. t 1 14) 774 -1049 (326 ·271 C) Long BNCh 5210 Long Beach Blvd. f2 13}423-8878 Sout h G.,. 586 1 F ""stone S/wI (2 13J92 7-6895 1 9 67 BSA Spitfire Mark III Monro"';' 806 E. Hunting' on Dr/w For sa le. $1 795 /0BO . Stock exce pt for pipes. 1000 (8 181303-6382 , ... III (,J i ll , I, {,III dol \ "', I \ I, ( A Traditionin Engine Building Since 1967 i 197 3 Elsinore Street - Dirt Bikes - ATVs - Watercraft CR250. all origi nal . low hours. very clean . $ 12001 OBO. (4 15) 657-9798. CAo (327-28 / CI • Cr lUlk & Engi ne Re buildi ng o 3 Stage 2 Stroke Porting o Flow Be nc h P orting o Cylin der Boring.Slee vin g • Big Bor e Kits- P iston s • High Tech E ngi ne Coeting. KaJ- GanI TM Flouro-Tro n TM INTERSTATE OIL CO. DISTIBUTORS OF: Wanted : D irt Tracker It1II12' XL350 Honda Short Tracker. 8055, Champ ion . C&J . Mus t be good cond it ion . Call coll ect . (415) 5932999 days, (4 15) 573-0959 e ves. CA. (327- 29 / C) Kold ~ Kutter Pro,.,-All d -~-. DEALERS CALL 1830 Lakeview Terrace Lonl Lake. MN 55356 PHONE (612) 473-9073 FAX (612) 475-1441 1-800-369-0001 19 7 3 Kawasaki Z-1 2000 or iginal docum ented miles. mint . mi nt. mint. MOTORCYCU: PERFORMANCE One own er . $6000. (60 2) 966-2067. 9 -6, MST. AZ.. (326- 29/ C) .0 ( 1 All< 250 Engine Modilicolion' Large INentOlY cl AllO MactllnJng CUSlO~ callons EDDIE BRUsii P.o . Box 9626 M.rina Del Roy, CA 90295 ' - - - - -, 2 13 ) 392 -4 5 B6 -=--- - - ...J ( VINTAGE MX & SHORT TRACK. 1973 8ultacol Champion Ast ra 3 50 & 1972 Bulta co Pursang 350. $800 for both . (50412 75 -53 80. LA. (127 / C/P ) Vi ntage M otorcycles 1929. Harl ey-David son 45 " 750. mi nt or ig inal condu lon . $9OOOI 0 BO. 1929 Ha rley-Da vidso n . 350 original. very nice, $6 50010 8 0 . 19 30 Arie l Red Hun ter 500 , rare min t shape. $800010 80 . Call Dave . (6041 4 34 -0 285. Fa" (604) 434-755 2 . BC. Can . (12 6 ·2 71 C1 VVtd : T01 f e R1 1 Of9317 21H 1 R H2R. A 1R and other J apane se roa dracers . (81 8) 763 -0 600 days, (21 3) 8 51 -4 920 eves. CA. (114 -38/ CI **Hodaka Parts** S hipped ANYWHERE UPS. 24 ho ur a ns we ring machi ne , w e'u call you back ! PHIUPPE SERVICES. (71 4) 58 2·8332. CA. 122 6/TFN /C) = . . . . . . -..e.£8 ~ ~ ~ = CUSTOM OFF ROAD PANTS ~ = = KNOBBY S INT'L(619) ~7814 HOP 1943 Suite FFriendship Dr, ECajon, CA 92020 I ~ ~ ~ CAU FOR OEALEIf ",.F O "OTOCROSS THE " . ,ICEIH EUIIOPE. HOW IN THE U.$.A./ AMERICAN J AWA LTD . 1as EXPRESS ST.• PLA INV IEW, NY 11803 11 ~~ O I F. a: 51""1·2110 - HI CKMAN Racing JOIN 515 ·285·<332 Cr ank shaft - Po rtlnl' - BorinI' • 51• • vlne CL.tom Machlnlna:. SII.pen.lon Service 12 V• • n Experionc. 0 UPS D.Ry . . Sal •• • Perta • Acc: NOr_ e 682 Mom". IA _De, 1 Fleu r DR !)0321 Assc)('iat io n _ . ' Baja Off Road Tours • As s••n on "NlotoWfHk/ " • XR 2 50 or XR600 bib . p", ,,id«J. • No w ' • • turing Whit. Bros. S uspensio n • Finfln Trail riding so uth 01 ,IN bo rd . , • Pr esented b y Ch ris HMnfl, • VIS A . M .sI. ,cMd Ace.pIN 2!ll08 M_gutmt P'rwy. SUItt B·126. M ISS IOIl VIeIO. tA 92692 (7 ' 418 30 ·6 S 6 9 Amt'rica 's Premi er Road Racin g (704) 684-4297

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