Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikSho WANT ADS Standard Electronic Odometer Rc!cls.8dJU5&abIe wheel size. SpoocI and Peak. Speed readout· the spen's mcsr ~lar odomeu:r . $179.95 A&Itanabc Pro :J Enduro Computer Easy progrwnming. pouibk: cb«k reIdout. buill-in deck.., I )'t:ar war'TaflCy • the Pro 3 has il aD for just S179.95 AutoCal ElectronIc Odometer Our last modcl a:hic lliCS the uhimal£ in Endwo .a:wacy - it au&clINbC:aJly re-cahtnll:S 10maICb the bike POd lO1a)'Ol& ea:h scccion! CompkIc kil w;!b ~ AAA · baacrics. full mounon& TlmeM_ _ Wnduro Clock A ruged clock dcslgnc:d JUSt fat E..bduroL $89 .95 The. origmal. md so li the best.Includes KTM moun ts. 539.95 hard....are for aD man y Dlber new feauKs is $199.95 c.JI ToII-F,.. todllY for more I n f o .... .-. ... __..... ~_ /·.il....• US A The "FABULOUS" and "FUN LOVING" HI-POINT TRAILER .~~ ~ D..-:: ""' :r ' ,. ,h _ / HELP WANTED [RIC JDlS Dl'S Kawasaki & Suzuki Mechanic ERIC'S MOTORCYCLE CO. ~ DUCAD' Husqvarna ~ MAlCO CAO'..,A Custom bu .n rc your specruceuc ns A n Bt!r od ynami . canv de Sign ed. all l iber gl a ss tr ai ler w it h ne w rubber s us pe nsion a xl es a nd etecmc br ak es A va ilabl e In 14 '. 16 ', 18 ', 20 ', and 24 ' sizes. bo th flat top and th e n ew rai sed roo ' model s Ro ll -bar co ns tr uc t io n fo r tha t e _, ra ma rg in of sete tv . M an y opti ons ar e ava ilable I Husqvarna .. : ' " I Jet Ski Accessories Fast growing distributor of persona l watercraft products need s qualified help in Shipping. Receiving and Telephone Sales. Positions ava ilable immediately. Appl ican1s mUS1 have 1horough knowledge of Kawasaki watercraft plus w atercraft or mctcrcvcle industry experience at the deale r or distributer level . Gr ea1 oppo rtun it ies for har d workers who can ge1 1he job don e on t here own. Pay comm ens urate with experience. Relaxed work env iro nment and M -F hours. PLOT JETSPORTS EQUIPMENT. Wh itt ier . CA. (2 13 ) 945 -4234 _ 1 327- 28) ~~ Wholesale S:'::I~~tor .. UPS Daily I=. ~ To Dealers ONLY! MUR" ICAN l WIfiIIOIHI ILD 4~ TAUJ. . AND WlOf. ere..." . ... n NT. CO l Oll .....TCM . . . . I.' llJiia'!1 : 140 ELCAMINO RI AL 1 "'T"'ICAOlRO. CA IM22 1.actl 2U · t U 7 o 'I CA 1-011 ' " • 1180'" CA ~ . Service Writer (800) 777-8107 US or (305) 587-8107 131.:- ""8' ] 4700 SW 5151 Street. Suite 212 Davie. FL 33314 t 01. III c...- 5alolene .- - Chall eng ing posit ion w ith large mult i-lin e dea ler. Must be experienced. ca ll for aapointment, ask for Den , FAY MYERS HONDA -KAWASAKI-SUZU KI, Denv er. CO. (30 3) 744 -66 32. 1 27· 28) 2 Yamaha Tech nician Call Gary at 8EACH YAMAHA. Huntington Beach. CA_(714)536·7555_ (22 6- 27 ) Service Manager ULTIMATE EUROSTVL E 1990 METAL FINISHING CORP. e(eJ ~ (714) 449-1271 POWDER COATING i~~.~m~~\·;~gr Custom Formu lations and Colors Street • Dirt • W atercraft All Types Of Metals One or a million pieces -~I.~~ ~ ..... .. . . _. .. .. • Honda Suz uki M01orcycles. 2 years minimum exper ience. sala ry nego1iable. A sk for Shaw n. (714)623·6451. CA. 1227-29) Orders 1-800-526-6187 (818) 449-ERIC 18001 . ~ '\ Service Manager (803) 29 3-3608 1361 E. Walnut St. Pasadena,CA91106 KTM. B U LTA C O .CZ CA G I VA. M O NTES A . H USaVARNA 111 5 M ilan Ave.• Am hers1. QH 44001 (216) 988·4474 Complete Carburetor Kits For Motorcy c les & ATV 's MX. Road Race. Perfo rmance ...... ~. NE ED PARTS ? UPS DAILY Oh lin . & White Power Experts Su spension.Porting-Heliarc Weld in g Prec isio n Boring. M ach ine Shop SYSTEMS Carburetor Parts Warehouse ~ \..n II'GNITION • W e're h iring all Managemen1 positions. Pan s Personn el and M echan ics. Experience required. Good salary + pro fit shar ing. medical. dent al and more_Call Dave. (40 7)273 -3579. Flo (22 6- 27) Carolina Wheels & Props ~~~, ..'(} Myrtle Beach. SC And Now. The Fanu mc m ~ ~ New Swed ish-Built W~l!J Hi- Point Tr.iler. US A 1115 M ilan Ave.• Amher st, OH 44001 (21 6) 9 8 8-4474 II You Deserve Flo rida 's Best Models Now I. Stock Enduro/Hare Scrambles HQ I Husky Automatic Expens 19 90 »DCAD THE1990'. AREH[II[I ENTE:R THENEWDECADE WITH A NEWscoon IN A CLASS OFIT'S OWN Grea1 opport uni1 for hard worker w it h large mult iy lin e dealer. Experienc e preferred. Call for appoint ment. ask for Dan . FAY MYERS HONDAKAWASAKI· SUZUKI. Denv er . CO. (303) 74 4 6632. 1227·28} ' ; .. Send Inquiries To: Your Complete Source For Pa rts or Ca rbs UL T IM A T E METAL FINISHING CORP. 11217 W ilmington Ave•• D ept. C Lo s A ngeles. CA 90059 Call (2 1 3) 566 • 4607 DIRT TRACK STEEL SHOES Pro-trK IIKlt-2 Trailers Ken Maely. since 1 9 50 . Send boot. specify race type. 14" lace boot . S85.00. Everything for speedway. 20 · Ft. D.~.rt Runn. , . $3 4 9 9 Cusrom Buih T, D.di~t.d to Exc.lI.nn O".n Itfo~r S.tu,d.ys & Sund..,. 900 E. Jo hn. #D. Bann ing. CA 92220 8580 Bedf ord MOlorw.y. Coro ne. CA 91719 (7 t 4) 277-89 89 FAX (7 14) 277-0410 (714) "9-9212 LA _HARLEY· DAVIDSON; largest volu me dealer In the U.S . App lic ants mUS1 have comp uter & mechanical background. Call Paul at (213) 408 6088 for appo intment. CA_ (226 -29) Harley-Davidson Personnel 1 Busy Orange County Harle'y·Oavi dson deal ership needs experienced M echan ic and Service Wr iter or M anager. References required. A sk for Jim, (71 4) 897-5350. (714)531 -6440. CA_ (32 6 -28) Need 2 Aggressive Mechs Kawa saki dealersh ip. Top commissions . An ah eim, CA_Call Steve. (714) 821 -4710. (2 27) Parts Help Wanted A Full t im e Parts Person 10 work for Yamaha dealership. Ambitious and motiv ated, experience preferred. Ask for Derrec k. (8 18) 845·351 1. CA. (227 -28) Top Notch Flat Rate Line Techn ic ian wanted for bus y Honda ·Yamaha dealership. Year round work. excellent pay scale. benefits included. paid holidays. vacat ions. heal1h ins ur ance and un iform s. Make the move t o beautifu l and af10rdable Western PA_ Call (8 14) 382-4821 . ask fo< Ed Abdo . (227· 28) Parts Person Large Suzuk i dealership. (8 18) 980-3 71 5 - CA_ (22 5/TFN) SA VE WITH USED PARTS! Technician Wanted 40% 1(1 60% Savings Over New 0 E.M. Part s Satellite Linked Part s Nerw ork Saves You Time & M oney! W e Are Sport Bike Spec i atrsts CAU US FO NEW O_E.M. SU R ZUKI & KAWASAKI PARTS = lili!il % CO LLIDEOSCOPE 800 365-6679 +DR.CYCLE~ EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN. CYCLE SCIENCE. Norco . CA seeking professional Techn ician servic ing all Japanese model s. busy growing shop . (7 141 279 ·1458. CA. (126 -2 71 CUSTOM LEA THERS Lettering. R epairs. Cleaning BOD'rWORK - PAINT - MAINTENANCE COMPLETE RESTORATION LOU'S LEATHERS BIKES· SCOOTERS · JET SKI • HE LMETS- ETC_ Call ( 714) 631-3252 1719 Monrovia A...... /fA. C osla Mesa , CA92627 ...0: ;:,.. Q ~, "='" PARTS 81 O.E.M. ACCESSORIES UPS DAI LY BMW of Daytona 190 41 677-9 5 11 HONDA SHOCK SPECIAUST TOO TECH ' RACING rebuilds/revalves th e same Honda suspension s that w e race every w eek. M alillml ze you r suspen sion pe rf orma nce . een..AI....., 'SIO R ick J ohnson CR sus".,i." 1 9 3 33 St ur g ess Dr . now iluilabl, " To rra nce. CA 90503 free Catalog 'If __ 3DG Peck Pike Rd.. Depl. eN Elkhorn. KY 42 733 (6 0 6) 787 -5029 LA RGE SELfCTIOIl O USED I RESTDREO MDTORCYCLf F S COMPLETE INVENTORY OF NEW ANOUSEOPARTS (21 3 ) 371 -3887 " Ser vi ce Wh Il e U W alt" r , Nt;J Pam for HaT/tty Oav idson Lig htweights 5 7948 · 78 A m erican &I Iralian ,... !OIL -7i~:- .~ ~ EST. ~1959 EXPERT SERYIC{ OEPT . • REBUILOBY MA C!C IL FULL PAINT FACILITIES ' C HROME PLATING DON H UTCHIR SOIl CYCLf 111fOURDtlT STREIT P.O lOX~. WAlEfIELD. IIA It . . TEL117-2<5-11I3 . ORO£R BY PHONE Z4 HAS • U P S OAlL y . Larges1 So Cal Honda BMW dealersh ip. top pay. excellent bene fit s. must be Honda tra ined . ca ll Tom at HONDA OF NORTH HOLLYWOOD . (8 18) 766. 6134. CA. ' . 1 26 -27) 2 Mechanic Needed Pay commensur a1e w ith exper ience. plus uni form. i n s u ra ~ce . profit shar inq. paid vaeenc n & holi days. Come. liv e In th e beautiful Smokey Mo untains of North Carolina . Call Doug at MR . HON DA . KAWAS AKI -YAMAHA . (704) 253 ·5646. NC_ (226/TFN) Mechanic Needed I need a good re liable mctcrcvcte M eChan ic 1ha1 w ants 10make good money. One of So Cars busies t st or es. Ge1away from 1he f ast pace and expen sive living an d t h e city_ Located DESERT SPORT CENTER, Ridgecrest. CA. For info ask for Shirley (226-27) or Greg . (619)375 -2540. CA. Mechanic Wanted 211 Washington etw .....ton . II 6 1920 2 17.:W5:~ -"=7:..: 7 UPS coo Z ......:==--=:=--, Journeyman Mechan ics needed . Excellent cppor tunity _YAMAHA COUNTRY, 776 N. 13th sc. San (22 5/TFN) Jose , CA 95112. (408 )287-2946-

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