Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS .5 . !\nIl! fulchn ( Kc.w ); ... lanK~lhJll (SIU ). D..vid a .. bo.uKh (y ..m) : .5 Dan . OPES SOY: 1. John fuunt ( KT M I; 2. C....r.,-l .rM ay (Hon); . 3. Pa ul He..rh ( KoIw); 1. Krvin Ro.~holf1 (ATK ): .5 Kirk Gillrn, (Ka w) . OPEl" AM: I. Flint \'f' br.qut'1 ( linn). OPEN PRO: I. Jril M ~ ( ~''lll: 2. Dnrk Brown ( Koiw): 3. Ktvin Rrauc-h (H on).. VET NOV ; L St<"W' H ill ( I\..olw ); 2. n.m Pat/:f' (Ya m ); 3. Km l .aY«"\ ( Koiw); 4. John pd PV'" ( ...... n ); ~ . (S~:tT AM : 1. Don F.ckh•.,dl (Hon ); 2. T om n..vid a .nk WillW' (Y;em) : 3. John n,\'i.. (Hun):1 . Ed Roy (Hon):.5. Ho wi r.Shcor1(Ya m) . VET [ X: L Mikr IU pprinunn (Hun); 2. OwIRhl uc..Lmn .5 RrUlT M t Grr w IIn~t1; -t. C ary \\'nhu n in K ( Uun ); . ( Ylun (Ka w); 2. Vi(- l.innn (J~T:\(): 3. B,.w n Wo lf (lio n ); -t C,;l1)' Sh ir.uni/u (V.. m ): 5.J uh l1 . Bt-.. V"'(lion). SlSR : I. J im lung IV.. m ). Adam Burris was a contender in the 60cc Novice class at Thunder Valley MX. Bettencourt blasts Canaan USAShort Track By Pet er D. Giammalv o r.\ ;>OAA~. James Stephens (24) leads Peter Wensloff (829) in the Formula Two class ~t Sears Point Ra ceway in Sonoma, California. Wensloff passed Stephens for the WIn. Biscelia had tak en over third and it became obvi ous to a ll tha t he was n ' t Finis hed yet. On th e very next lap a nd in th e sa me downhill sect io n, Biscel ia powered hi s wa y pa st Gam a nd set his sigh ts on H art. ~i sce.lia gra d ual ly at e away at H a n 's lead until, with (our laps remaining, th e two riders went 0 (£ the runnel jump side by.side, H art managed 10 fend him 0 ([ , but Biscelia co n u n ued 10 pr ess. Wit h thr"" la p s left Biscelia got siq eways al the finish co rner. Though he managed to sa ve it . th e m ish ap provided Hart with a n additional cushion. Biscelia co n tin ued to drive hard a nd with two laps to go was right back o n Han's rear fender. Biscd ia used th e hills to make his mov e as he ca me o u t of th e hole with th e lead. Han appeared ,ired from the exert io n and Ga m sensed an opportunity. Wi th o ne la p left. Can t tried the inside lin e off th e tu n nd jump a nd the jump immediatdy following. bu' H art was determi ned and he!d him o ff. The twO riders went down ,he hIli close together, but only Han em erged . Ga m m a na~ to finish ~e moto in thi rd beh~nd Bisceh a a nd Han. wllh Berry and Browmn g rou nding out the top five. T he seco nd moto bega n wit h Han o n a: again taking the early lea d. This time Biscelia stayed u p righ t in seco nd . Brownin g foll ow ed Biscdia ' h rou gh th e first co rner. but. before th e first lap h ad ·b"" n co m pleted Cant had passed him to ta ke over third. Han a nd Biscel ia began to p u ll away fro m the ot her riders as th ey pr oceed ed 10 en tertai n the fa ns with a nother malO-long baule. O n th e founh lap'. Bisceli a made h is move o n the st""p u phIll j ump in front o f the gra ndstands . H e tk th e inside lin e away from Ha rt a n d h eaded down th e center slraig:ht in the lead. H an h it the berm in the left- ha nd co rner a t th e end o f the strdigh t hard and powered ba ck in lo lh e lea d. BisceJia was nOl 10 be den ied . however. and on the foll ow ing la p repassed Han fo r a secood a nd final ,ime. Cant repeated hi s third p lace fini sh a nd Bro wn in g followed with Berry taki ng fifth. In th e 250ec cla ss. Biscelia suffered his onl y defeat of the da y in the first moto as T erry H amness powered hi s Kawasaki to an impressive win. The seco nd ma lO was more to Biscel ia 's liking as he and Han gave a deja vu performa nce of th.e 125 race with. Ha!t lead ing up until the fmal lap when Blsceh a wen t by securing a moto win as well as h is second o vera ll for the da y. Resul15 W( PIW: I. 1\aX Daw wn (Vam ); 2. jUilin Ruth (Va m); .1 Mich4tt='1 Todd (Kaw). . 60 6-8: I. j awlR Ha ru.on (Kawl. 609- 11: I. Robm H ohgnow ( Ka w) ; 2. U K 80 BEG : 1. Bri ,m Ma n in ( li o n l: 2. Bill Moo"" (V.:.m ); .1. Jrlr LonKi r ( lU w ). . . 80 JR: I. john Will iam~ III (Kaw) ; 2. Kn m Pfr lft'f (Kaw): 3. T im H ol .n (Sull . 80 1ST: I. Vylam Nguym (Kaw ): 2. Col)' Fullrr (Kaw ). I ~ BEG: I. R ich ..rd AJlhur ( w ); 2. Trohmn\"lc-h (H u n ); 2. Juhn M(" !'o lm Jl: u (Hun ): 3. jim Sf'wrnan (Sw l. iO+ EX: l. Bub l..rach ( KT MI: 2. Jim P;lrk l H n n); 3. JM' Crf'"oIKrf I KT M I. Hagan, Deveau, Ernst earn Sears Point Road Race wins By Laura Elvin (formerly English) Photo by Nick Cedar SOSOMA,CA, JUSE 1 7 J eff Hagan. Dave Deveau aod J erry Ernst dom in ated the action at Sears Point Ra cew a y on a hot S u nda y afternoon. Although th ere wer e three red flags for th e da y. ,h e Am erican Federation o f Mot orcycl ists . (AFM) was slil able to run its seco nd full raa: da y of the seaso n. The first tWO red n ags came in th e first two races. J eff Hagan was overs ha do wing: lh e co m p e t i tio n in Open Supersneet , when a nothe r rider cra shed in the ha ybale ch ica ne and brough' ou' the early end 'o f th e race. More than h alf the sch ed u led la ps wer e co m p leted. so th e race en ded there with H agan tak ing the win . Hagan went o n to win the Open C rand Prix and Open Production classes", Ernst opened Formula One racing in the lead. Altho ug h Joe Brell Williams ~ a th reat in the closing .la ps, Ernest held h Im off to the checkered. Wl lhams took seco n d and Peter Wen slo ff took th ird. The 750cc Superst'''''t race sa w Ernst o~t io ,he lead aga in. Actually, he was so fa r In t he lead no o ne co u ld beli eve whe n he cra , hed a ll by h im self in th e turn 12 ch ica ne. Strdigh t fro m the horse's mo u th : •.] jusl ro lled it o n much ." a lilli e The cras h lOok its 1011 o n Erns t as an a mb u lance was ca lled, a nd o n th e race as it was red-flagged. Ernst turned o ut o~ay -: he JUM had th e wind knocked out o f hIm. Sma: th e ha lfway point had al re' dy been reach ed. d he also ended u p ta ki ng firs t p lace. C eep T er ra nova was second when th e race wa s ha lted . '\'ith Eric McDonnell in third. Dav e Deveau, \ Vi Jlia m s, a n d Dw a yn e Chung made the 600cc Superstreet contest exci ting by trading the le~d. b.,ck an~ fo!'h severa l times, Although \VlIh a ms was m rust for mos, of ,h e bailIe. Deveau pulled o u t ,h e sto ps on th e seco nd ·ta-Iast lap a nd h eld firs' to the checkered. Williams ca me in ..-co nd . with Chunli in third. Deveau al so-won th e close 750cc Pr oduction race - d os e mean ing six rid ers. shou lder-tOo shou lder. heading inlo ha irpin (Iun li on the o pe n ing la p . Although Haga n went down a nd was out o f th e hunt. Deveau cha rged through, mO\·in~ up fh 'e places o n th e first lap. H e stayed 10 th e lead ' 0 the en d despi te a ha.iry moment exiting th e ch ica ne wh en th e b ike nearly pitched h im o fr. Dean Mizdal was beh ind him for seco nd and Ma rk McD aOlel took third; all Suzuki· mounted. '00 Resul15 2.~ PROD: I. KilL. H otp p nrr (Kaw ); 2. j n' H orppner (Kawl; 3. M ich"d L.~l (K" w ): 1. J rll tlKKin (Kaw ): ~. Fr..llk M..... r (Llw). u 'I ~ P R O O: I. S Oldn- A,::h..j a n i( VOlm);2. Tuny Bak r r (Y;tm ); . r 3. l i uKh Mar ch (Yam) ; -t J im R"wrr (V.lIn ); 5. J r (f I-{ , \("'hillr (VOIm ). .. 6OOPROO: I . Mic-h;Jt'1u rn("'\l( Y;tm) ;2. Oa v1' Ilrvr u (S u~ ); 3.."ilr vt" P uUin (K;lw); i . Ow aynr O n lllK (H n n ): 5. O..vld SI.;I n (Hnn) . JIlu 7r,o P RO D: I. O;j...r fkvr :1\l (SUI); 2. (>ran Mi /d;a1 (SuI) ; 3. M;jrk M(O an id (SUI); 4. jim j ("pM (Sill ): 5. (;("("p '1I T t"u; lIlll... (S ill). a O P F.N P RO O : I. jMf ll;l,:: n (SUI ): 2. ~t.. ik Mc-O r ..nil ,1(SUI) ; t 3. n-.Jrrrll C lin KMmOl Ii (Si ll ); - MiL.r Kryru llk (S UI) : 5. R .C Ptriffl"t (SUI) . 2.~ S/ST: I. Kirk Hf)(·p pll t"'r (Ka w ): 2. R u~!'o Wdb (Su~); 3. j rff HIII'PIJlH"r ( Korw) : 4. f ro m\.. MillllT (lU w): 5. Jrff l.l"KK lll ( ~~S/~": I. Pa ul Ha n (Y.lln l: 2. :o.;oK!l"I AJ(h.ljOlll i IV" ml : 3. Pr ll'r .:uln in r (VOI m ): 1. G lnm Fil-.hi r (Vilm l: 5. T un )' R.iL.rl (V..m ). !1Oll S/ ST: I. ll ..\'r Drvra u (Y,lIn l: 2. J O( ' Will i,lIIn \ H OIl.'; 3. O\o,·a .,-r'H'" C hu lIK (H u n ); ... P('lf'r WI'u d .. 1f (Ya lUl:.'i . ll av ld SI.Jnt n n (B " n ). \ 7SO S,'ST: I./ru\· EUl!'o1 , V..m l; 2. CofT)J T1'1r.JI1Il·;.a cl,u / l: " . •~ r i, I ( S~ IIJ:". Chri.. \\"all r r IS' II ); 5. LlIv ~n n,m {."II I1I. O P EN S/ST: I. J dl H aJl:'".an (S ill ); 2. OilJT Cl inJ.;f"rman cll (Va m ): ~ . Iknny Ooh(·rty (Vim l); 1. c, 't"KJI: ('..tva n (S UI'; 5. n utl J,; K.:llnh u!l (Yam ). O PfN G P: I. jdl Hagan (SUI) ; 2. Oam·1I C ling rrm.. n (Ya m ); 3. Dt,uK Kamh ol l (Ya ml : .1. " ill nll Hnwf' (SUI): 5. Tim S,au lUk·u (S UI) . F·I : 1. J I"tT)' F.rn~t ('i"a~ ); .2. J ur W ill iilm.\ (U u n ).; 3. Peter Wrll !'o luff {Yam]: 4. Ila vlcl Sra n ro n (H o n ); 5. Ch Jl~ W.. llrr (S~~: I. Pc"' W(·I1 u', .... ~ff (YlIlU): 2. J, lInn Sll'pIK"ll~ (H u n ); 3. W.l ( ltaw ). .... FT·6.~ I . F.,ic SWOfu fill:urr ( uw): 2. j Ort.a50 Eklund (; 3. [milr Lnnoinr (("..01,:; ); 1. AI~ n McKn u u (lio n ); 5. '-brlr. RII.. (A.'If }. .1. jdlf F T ·OPES : I. ('.ordnn Sti rn (Our ): 2. P.. u l OrLlndi (D uc) ; 3. ;\;i, k H. ( RSA): ' 3. jlJhn :'\.1l1 (Ru l); 1. Slrph('n A hlll.ln (RSM: S. F.dward n L!('.ru,... (D\I~ ). Moore mows Thunder Valley MX By Sheryl Chew LAKEWOOD. CO, JUNE 17 Ra ndall Moo re .took adva n tage of pe rfecl Father's Da y wea ther aod a S RAC-Thunder Valley P romotions.· spon so red race to scn had passed h im . Fit ch tu rned up the th rnule a n d managed to regain h is position. cros~ing the rini sh li ne fir st. ;>OH. jl';>oE9 The li rst -evrr Sideways Pr om oti on s di n track a t till' Ca na a n USA Fa irg-rounds was a S U l·C~ despite the rlu eru o f wea ther. Da ve Be ttencou rt sto le the sho w with w ins in the 25(kc Pr o heat a nd Senior final. Torre n tial ra ins 0 11 Fr iday a nd most of Sa turday ma de the Ioreras; g loomy. bUI by noo n o n Sa turday th e sun had com e out a nd practice sl.. aned at 5:00 p.m, \ \' hl"' n the first o f the 65 riders rume ou t o n the wide, ba n ked", q uarter -m ile din oval for the hea t races , a cou p le o f ru ts had developed in turns thr ee and fou r. Eve n with on ly (our riders in the 250cc Expert class. they put on a heck uf a show. \Vat ch in g rhe fo ur ride rs, you would never kn ow th e dirrt'ren ff'~ in their agt"'. Kenny Coolht-th . Jr. i, jU >l H . wh ile I>'$e Bellen cou rt is eligible (or lhe Sen ior rJa~~ a nd :"lorm an La v iol eue rid t· ~ S u per Sen ior ! &U t'llCourt Ic-d lh e pack a tToSoS th e finish when il cou med for a narro w heal ract' win. Tht'" 600cc Pro d a s~ was a re- l lhriller wil h d And y Sega lin i 1 in g from S(;)rt 10 finish. (';.ld Local rid e" Mik e Wil son a nd Bob H enry a ln n$" w ilh Roger Ourk('('" a ll lOok lu nls ru bbmg: Segalin i's fendt"'r in a n eHort 10 pass. The ra(:t'" (or Sl"'f'und lOok th e rid ers h ig h a nd low , p."lssin ~ a nd repa ~, in K'" Al lh e finish il wa ' Se".lim o v,'r Wi lson. Durkee aod H en ry. This was the fina l fini shing o rdt'r a s lh t' final was SlOp ped dw." to ra in . . \\' h h thealening weath('r faM a p p rooc h ln g the Supe r S('ni or m; had (wo fabe sta~IS . sending !\. ike M~ gonn back Iwi ~·e. The lh.lTd f sta rt was good with Magon n qUlddy mov mg 10 lh e hum, Mag(xJI1 lOok th t" win with Gordon McKcnney st"( ·Ul IU a n d Ed Nt'lson ,h ird . Bt'ut"'n(·o u n wok .ht· hu lt"'!\hot in th('" 250("(' P ro main . followed by J od y Phd I". OXJlbe , h and Lavio lette", T u rn!'. Ih rt'{' and fou r had lw o good lim's which !lad th e fil ' l llH"(",(, r ider s swappin g pos il ions. (""' o m i ng illlo IUrn lh ~ o n lh e final la p ", Ht"ltrt1nmrt "'t·1tt low whi le Ph dI" aod Ox.lh,·,h wen ' high, a nd at th e lin e n was Ph dp, firs' foll o w,-d by O x.lbe th a nd Bt"ut"nc·oUrl . \\'i th onl y two ri clrrs in lhe 750("(: class and S:.?OO for lhe winner . Ileitllt'r ~dntl-d to fin ish ~n)J} d . J Ot"I I ) h e l p ~ ~O l lh e j ump, bUI ~ Iid up hi gh ("om i n~ O Ul o f turn l ~(). a llowtng Du rk c.-e 10 pa!lo"o. Ou rk t"f' made II look easy. ru n ni nK u p h ig h and sidewap. lhrough th e turn s wi lh Ph r l p~ 10 ft"t·( behllld a ll th e wa y 10 Ihe (J;:lg. Res u l15 till; I. .\ ",u un ClI·.. ttrr 1 ~ "·I: 2. M.tt1 ~ UII " ) l li...l" -}. MO: I. MUl",,"u l c.. .n.·lh f K...· I: 2. M~If L. ( ;u ", l n ( K..J• •J: 1.. '\.;lInll Cu-;lI n."I l li...,\o,·1. SR: I. 0 ,,\ ';11 Ro ·llt ·III I'IUII I I.~n ,: 2. ·n.~IK I A IW ·R J: 3. ·U1 IUlh LII\ C Y;m... . S ",R : I . ~I i \..(· ~L!(UI~1 , RIll.I: t. (;"H"~l ~II t..:1'1ln I1 1H ' HIJ: ~. hlJ,;OI' :'I,;("I... ltl I Hnll l. 12:. ,H I: I. K..!'I (:,.,n. "h JI. I t..:o.".I: 2. O.IU'L. \\"hiwlUUlNl d ·I"ll r: :' . JI" "'0111111 Sl. lUnli 1. X"11 ,\ :"1: I. Su·w 1),1\+, ( 10;.;1\0,") 1. n.m (;nllin ' .....• .): " 1 ; , Res u l15 :\1 .1I 11 ·I I~dl l'1 il'l 50: I. Chri~ Rr;ltKh (l in n I; 2. :'cobl! w"rr (YOImr.S. F .d.·...rd Bow("O( ~n (S Ul); 4. Timothy Vda'lfIUf"1 (\' OIm ); 5. bnrl Ik-nrvidrl (Vam ). . 60 S O \': I . Robrrl Fit ch (KOlw ): 2. Brandon P("l JVJJl(Kitw ): r 3. ~ ichol .. ~ Pt1rrMm (; 4. Sc-Ull Me,," (Ka \o,'); 5. SIt;J1'H'" Ma Jl:l m ( u :t 1I,I\ iei Rr:"h 'lll lllll l fllu ll}. c.... ~ ~~:\ ~:. fh+~~~i~~K1;\o,'): 2. J.L fWtkrll (K" w); 3. fk n'k R.lllrw ( 4. J'I III1Mo rJl:a n (K..J w ): 5. Br:KI Amk nion ( K~)A M: I. Paul MOiKru m fKaw ): 2. Kirk Cn-i1 (K..w): 3. Lolnr Sw ink (Kaw ): 1. Oud Sa nK" (Kaw ):!J . Sha lJr Rr n nt"tl Mny~ ; (1U,,:,); (K::;} X: I. Shaw n Mo rlf.1Il ( lU w ); 2. M jc-th ~ . K.C. (' (lok ( ); 1. J('Jl'm y Hinril'h (Sill I: .1. r:lml Run . ' ( KI';:·~"U)\': I. Randall MC .IT(' (Kaw ): 2. T r rr v M ill in J.::lUll nuw ): 3. G..f)' ShOlfl'M' cK.oIW ): 4. j l'ff Juh n....n (l ln ll ); 5. j or l 11 1 ~llr ndnJ fM" (Sw). t 125 AM : I. Tra...i!> Ib,1l.'"11 (Hll n ): 2. CAJJbin f.( L.h;trdt IKa w ); 3. j l"fr :\ 11("0, (Ko w ); -I. Smll H ,lIler y (Kawl : 5. Tun." . ~k\'ry (Kaw l, . _ . 12!I P RO : I. t..:ip Si.llIIlrll cV m J: ~. Andy :\ I1l. Ih!l (K;lw ); .. 3. Snlll Fu ll hrr (KOIw ): 1. Shawn M"' I('1fI ( Ka w l: !'I. j.1I("'(1 C u hun (I'~"'.,n. 2,'",OS O \ ': I.Slrv r Brf"flfl.lnC .. 1lII: 2. Ilul. .. tl ulf m.m CII, onl: \, :t. nair S i,l.rll (II n lll: I. ~1 .J'\.. \tlll" r (t..:.....); .'i. Rrrtl \ '.. II'n tS~~ t. : ili!i: ()~\\..i i u ,\ \ 1: I. j l'J1 'mv J u lin C u nl; 2. h ..1l1. H I 3. Chue l. PIll It" l K~ wl: I. j("H KUIIII ( \" lInl:!J. , Hnn lo wJ: h u Grl/llIl1 ~I)() P RO. l. Or fl·1. R'm"'1\ 11. 1\0'): :!. ~ I ~U·" O M 111" ,11: ; ' '\.. :!:oO PRO: I. cl t ' " II. Jo.I~ Pl w· I I ", 'll c ~ I ): 0 1 :'1,; ,\ M: I. (;11·1111 T ;,II.·U ''- : t lUll Sllnll~ 2. K' '1 1C'.IIIII'111JI . ( ~ "'-): ' (;" ,\ I:~. Jilll M p i, L. cU .. ,, ): ( K h l. ii/MI I'RO : I. Amh "Mlt.llilli l RI,q ::!. ~Ii \..l· \\'il"' ~11 IU · n ,: 1. R ' 'f.:c·1 J)ul1.I1· IR I·" , 7~,n I'WO : I. K, '!ot,·, J)ml.c"l·1I 1·0 ,: :!. j,.·1 PI I(·II'" cll.lI l. Cole caps Broome Tioga MX By Ca rla Nelson LISLE. ;>OY. j U;>OE 16·li Tom Co lt, toppt'd th l' 0 1'(·11. B d ass o.f the \ Lo rella Lyn n '!\ Ama teur Nallona l Rt"glOna l Qu al if ier h e ld a l Uroom("'-Tio g:a Sports Cenll'r. The wra th er was hot a nd h u m id ca u~ i l1g man y ridt "'rs io tire qu.i(·kl y. P rmn Olt'r .J ~1C·k Skutnik h ;:l l) l h~ Ira("k In t'x(·dletll ("( md ll lOn havillK u!'ot't l a nt·w ....... «~fin g ~)'~t t"JII 10 kt"'t"'p th e dU~1 do wn", ;\01;111 ) pan~ o( tht· track were resu rfan 'tl wil h ':.Ind, St'\'l'tltC'f'n OPt"11 R cl a~s ~i d l" r s l hu lt() ~n-c.J inlo IUln Ont'. Allswt'rISJlkol t' n e/Smll h l DYfioPorl -h;:lCkcd Dal t' G rJ;~ Clffit'" OUI Wilh

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