Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the lead . Michael Gr afton temporaril y too k the lead 0 11 la p one, but a fter he bobbled in a tu rn, Gray go t by hi m. Withi n three laps. Tom Co le was in second and closi ng o n Gray. Dow n i ng Cycl e/G a le s Co le /Preci sion Performance-ba cked Co le had cha rged up from a last-place sta rt. G ra y picked up th e " pa ce a nd put a narrow h rap betw een himself and Co le. Co le gOI hi s seco nd wi nd on th e last two laps and was able to overtak e Gr ay for the wi n. The next motos belonged to Co le with Gray seco nd each tim e. Hayden Richard, mad e hi , trip from Ohio wort hwhile. He won four metes in th e 125cc B div ision. In the Mod ified class, his to ughest comperiiors were Jason Fowler and Rod ger Moln ar . Molnar was leading mo st of mow two unti l Richard took over. Ri chards started eac h mot o within th e top 10. a n d stea d ily picked off hi s co m pe titors. Greg Kr einbrook and Fowl er c has ed Richard, in the Stock class . Molnar had seu le for fourth overa ll in th e Stock clas s. T he A Stock cla sses were won by Billy Si lvarole and Scott Shea k. T eam Green /' Pr eci sion Per Corma nc e/Si lvaro le Cycle Answer/Scott/D unlop-backed Silva ro le was cha llenged by Sheak in each of th e 125 and 250cc mOlDS. MOIO two of th e 125cc class was exciting to watch. T eam Gr een/Fox /Scou/ Be li lT, u ba kiI D yno Ponl Dun lop- ba eked Sheak was leadi ng. Si lvarole was back in th e pack after falli ng two tim es in one lap . After remounti ng . Si lvarole rode harder than before trying to get L th e Iront, Desp ite hi, best O efforts, he cou ldn 't catch Sheak. .Tha t moto win gave th e overall La Sheak, Silv aro le followed in seco nd. Gr eg Krein brook had a successful day in the 250cc B Stock class. He rod e hi, Suzuki to the from in two mows, wrapping up th e o vera ll. Rich ie Zupko a lso won a rnor o and finis hed seco nd to Krei nbroo k in ano the r. T his ga ve him seco nd overall. Fine A rt Print Sale When would' you pay '0 $99.00 fora piece of paper? Resul ts Pl.l 'S 2~): I. 0, 1\ (" MOld ( K; n~' J : 2. SU'",c'n J Ohlll'oOIl (S Ill) : 1 . ';t T ull,1 S. ith (KT M); -I. (~ U'K Nc'l"nn (S Ul); 5. Ril YllIolld S il'hr l (SUI'. SR • .1 I. h l'jth 0: ~. M .U lIl ly .t1Tl) ; 2. Kidmd R"..!o(UT (Yam i: ' Ban LUl a . . ( Ka w): 'I. M ik, ' HUlh..mi .., (S UI) ; 5. J ar rt'U ;\kwby (U IIIl ). SR +10: I. Paul Et kh ;1l1 (S UI ); 2. Fred L Ul.U l Kaw); 3. J ohn nin. Mm ·lIio l (lU w J; 1. Erv Rmull (K (Ya m) . 12!'1 R Mon: I. Haydl"il RidMrd", ( Kotw ); 2. RodK"" Mo in a! (Kaw J: 3. j a~JIl Fowicol ( ; 4. ja'o( lII Ru utT (Kaw ): 5: Kt'vin C.rill(· ( lI u lI ). . 12.' A STK : I. Smlt Sh('ak ( ); 2. Rill" , ih',n " lr (K"w); ; " 3. OCI1 I.i~ T l llll pki ll . . (Kilw); ·J. El ic Kt lt'li ( H t lll );5. M '1l1 l~lTI d ( )(a W). 1 2.~ A MOll: I. IltJU HC K ·llIl (Ya m) ; 2. M .nk l"c id l'l hi 'oM" (1Iu n ): 3. Md'1. Ka nt O {H1Ml); ,I. Su-ve C.n lwrj KT MI: 5. J amc'!lo Eickl" (Ya m) . 2..l)() R STK: I. G n"R Krt' iuln cltll. (SUI); 2. Rich ir l u p k.. I H IIII I: l . Rriall TU'mbtl)' ( H Cl I): 4 . G.u)" Mi lh,N'1 (Kaw); I 5. G (,ClI,L, Molna r (KaW). O(" 2. R MOO: I. Sc.'an HII~'lII (KaW); 2. Til," Co il' (K;lwl: lJO L I~:~!:::II~la:~::). ( HulI): 'I. Kc·" j ll M W , !lo( ·1 (H Ull); 5. Rill 2ro A ." T K: l. . Rill )' Sih.llult· (Ka W); 2. M.II( Runel (Kilw ): ~, Som Shl'..k ( 10:.0 tw ): I. O""'id RUlKt'1 (Kilw ): :1. Mich: u'l :l.filrtin (Kaw ). I 2rrllA MOO : I. 1lt11l/i; Ht'm}' (Yarn): 2. Slc·"c· C.lclwc· ( KT M,: ,,,. MarL: K'II'" ( H n n ); 1. M'IIl. N rid('fhi~ 'r ( H Ull ): :1 J:IlI1t·.. . belt'l (Yam). OP t ' R ' C: I. Tum C::l Ik (KaW); 2. C'.ltl \\' t'1!o." ( Kaw): $. •• ();llr(;r.l}· (Kaw): I. Ra y EKlufl (HlIn ); 5, johu RI

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