Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 03 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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swingarm hit my head and shoulder, and twisted my helmet around my head. I ma y have broken a knuckle or two. " The incident sent Ward back to the pits for medical attention and possible retirement for the day. Up front , Tichenor forced his way around Du bach as did Johnson, and Tichenor held the lead for two laps. Then Johnson sho wed the world he 's back as he took the lead . Stanton and LaRocco were the next 10 displace Tichenor to take over second and third. Stanton put in a solid effort to catch Johnson, but J ohnson was runnin g a slightly faster pace. Back in fourth Suzuki's Tich enor was trying to break ba ck into the top three. " I got a good start," Tichenor said, " and rod e real aggressive for the first few laps. Then I hit a (mental) wall, an d my arms started to pump and I faded. I started to feel better at the end, but by then it was too late." . Ti chenor found his way back around La Rocco for the n umber three spot shortly before Dubach and Bradsha w also passe d LaRocco. Toward the end of the moto , Bradsh aw a lso ma na ged to force ' hi s way around Dubach and Tichenor to earn a top three spot at the finish. Duba ch grabbed the holeshot again and set th e initial pace in moto two. Stanton quickly ended Dubach 's run out fro nt as he worked his way around Larry Ward and Dubach in a matter of minutes. J ohnso n was back in fifth tryi ng to ma ke up for his less tha n pe rfect start, and had tr ouble passing Larry Ward. O nce around Ward, J ohnson a nd . Ward went alter Sta nton and Bradshaw, who were go ing at it for the lead . The four riders moved wi th in two seconds of each o the r with Bradsha w holding the lead for a short while. Then it was Stanton's tu m to control as Brad shaw was knocked to third behin d J ohnson . Stanton led for a few laps before Johnson canceled his lead and pu t him in second. While J ohnson a nd Stanton were caug h t in thei r dogfight, they p ulled away from Bradshaw , who was passed for third by La rry Ward. . Accord ing to Yama ha team manager, Keith McCart y, Brad sha w began feeling pain in a leg he injured du ring the San Diego Supercross. Earlier in the day T eam Yama ha's Bradsh aw had recorded some of the hi g h est an d longest (appro ximately 140 feet ) j u mps near the fin ish line an d one of those jum ps caused so me pa in that forced . him to slow . Ba ck up fr ont, Stan to n wasn ' t letti ng J ohnson run away like he had in the first moto, Bo th riders kne w that th ey had 10 beat the other if they wanted a shot at the overall win. The pair contin ued to trade the lead and on one lap swapped the po int position back and fort h four times. Each rider had his own section where he was faster, and the lead seemed to change accordingly. At th e halfway point, Tichenor made his presenc e felt and slipped past Bradshaw and Dubach for third. Jeff Ward was back in sixth fo llo wed by Larry Ward, O 'Mara and Kawasaki support rider John Dowd. As the race wound down it was still unclear as 10 who wo uld win bet ween Stanto n and Jo hnson. Fo r the remainder of the race, neither rider backed off and J oh nson wo n in a'near photo finish. ".It was so close o ut the re,". Johso n said : ".1 didn 't have time to see if it was J eff (Stanton) or Da mon (Bradshaw) beh ind me. They were using someolthe same lines, and I just di dn 't know." But winning was the only thing that mattered to Johnson. ".You love to be in one of those races,". he added, "not at the time. bu t you like to loo k back on them. I rode my butt off and I was tired. It's been a lo ng time (since I won a National). and I feel I am riding up to par. There's ' still room for improvement, th ough." " I rode a good race ," Stanton said, " bu t Rick (Johnson) rode a better one. I'm not disappointed , it was real fun.". O¥ Resu lts 125 HEAT I: 1. J ean -Mich el Bayle (H o n); 2. Chri s Co lema n (Kaw): 3. Steven Childress (Suz); 4. J ell Becki ng to n (Su. ): , . Chris Neal (SUI); 6. Micha el Treadwell (Ka w); 7. l am es Eickel (Ya m ); 8. Bill y Whi tley (SUI ); 9. Jell Glass (Hon ): 10. Micha el Andr ews (Suz); 11. Gra ysOn Goodman (H e n): 12. Bill Wallin (Hon ); 13. j ason Langford (Yam); 14. Lan ce No rick (Ka w): 15. Da vid Beckington (Suz); 16. Stanley Ch omer (Ho n) ; 17. All en H ome (Suz); 18. Michael J on es (H on ); 19. Don Forma (Hon ); 20. T om Welch (Yam); 21. Rom H ans on (Yam); 22. Pa tri ck Waiu (KT M); 23. Pau l Hilario (Ka w ); 24. Jerry Benner (Su. ); 25. Peter Kane (H o n); 26. J ohn Fra nco (Suz); 27. Steven Lem on (Ka w ): 28. Bryan Lineman (Ya m); 29. Mark Pil1ion (Ya m\ 30. Todd Schmi u (H o n). 125 H EAT 2: I. T all on Vohland (Kaw); 2. Kyle Le wis (Kaw ); 3. Denny Stephenson (Suz); 4. J ay Mann (Kaw) ; 5.1wuin Ja ckson (Suz); 6. Cliff Palmer (Suz); 7. Barry (:ancen (Suz); 8. Jim Ches ter (Suz); 9. Rich Taylor {Suz): 10. Ty Wallace (Kaw): II. Jimmy But ton (Hon ); 12. Patrick Barton (Sur ): 13. Joseph Mau rer (Suz); 14. Heath Kirk land (Hon); I, . DaVId lIcckington (Suz); 16. Peter Olson (H on); 17. Jim Randa (Suz); 18. Chuck Reed [Kaw ]; 19. Jimmy J ohnson (Kaw): 20. Doug Iddings (Hon); 21. Jefl Deveread y (H on ): 22. Dennis Decker (Ho n); 23. Timothy Beachak (Hon ); 24. J ohn 'Fickel (Su.); 2>. Greg Nelson (Su. ); 26. Rick Wcuel (H on); 27. l ordy La ird (Hon ); 28. Bill Eb y (H on ); 29. Stephen Cooke (Ka w) : 30. Danovan O 'Leary (Suz). l2Scc HEAT 3: 1. JeU Emig (Ka w ); 2. SIeve Lamson (Yam); 3. Brian Carrol (Suz); 4. Gra yson Goodman (H o n); :. . Jerom y Buehl (Suz); 6. Phi l Lawrence (Yam); 7. Brian Pryor (Suzl; 8. Chri. Young (Su. ); 9. Chad Pederson (Yam); 10. Bret t Salander (Hon ); II . Mark Rena ud (Su. ); 12. David J o nes (Kaw); 13. Michael Treadwell (Kaw); 14. Todd Wolle (Suz): I,. Wa lly Silva (Ya m ); 16. Peter j astrernski (Hon ); 17. James Mdlvane (Hon); 18. T racy Bachma n (H on); 19. Michael Mcdonald (Suz); 20. Richa rd Clarke (Hon): 21. Paul Ooyeue (Ka w}; 22. Brian Carrol (Suz); ~. Edward Morse (Hon )l 24. Brian Cavanaugh (Suz); 25. Mike Eiklenborg (Ya m ); 26. Chris Brynildscn (Kaw) ; 27. Ma rk Mu sselman (KTM); 28. Steve Ern est (H on ); 29. Keith Go vetre (Ya m ); 30. Chris Sh ipclark (H o n); 31. David Gaylord (Kaw). 12Scc CONSI 1: 1. Michael Andrews (Suz); 2. T y Wall ace (Kaw); 3. Brett Slander (H on ); 4. Bill Wall in (H o n); ' . Patri ck Banon (Su. ); 6. David jones {Kaw ]; 7. Lance Nori ck (Kaw); 8. Heath Kirkland (Hon); 9. Todd Wolle (SUI); 10. Stanley Chomer (H on ); II. Pe ter O lso n (Hon ); 12. Peter jasuemski (H on ); 13. Michael Jones (H on ); 11. Chuck Reed {Ka w): 15. Tracy Backma n (H on ); 16. Tom Welch (Yam ); 17. Doo~ Iddi ngs (H on ); 18. Rich ard Cla rke (Hon); 19. Pa trick Wai n (KT M); 20. Dennis Decker (H a n ); 21. Harold Vezina {Sua): 22. Jerry Renner (Su.); 23. J oh n Rickel (Suz); 24. Brian Cavanaug h (Suz); 25. Jo h n Franco (Suz); 27. Chris Bryni ldscn (Kaw); 28. Bryan Lineman (Ya m); 29. Bill Eby (Han); 30. Steve Earnest (H on); 3 1. Todd Schmiu (H on); 32. Chris Sh ipclark (H on ). 12Scc CONSt 2: I. Rob H anson (Ya m ); 2. Da vid Reck in gton (Suz); 3. J osep h Mau rer (Su. ); 4. Dou g H enry (Yam) ; 5. J ason La ng ford (Yam); 6. Allm H om e (Su.) ; 7. J ason You ng (Suz); 8. J im Ra nda (Suz); 9. J im my Johnso n (Ka w) ; 10. Don Forma (Hon) ; II. Wally Sil va (Yam ); 12. Mar k Musselma n (KT M); 13. Edward Morse (Hon); 14. David Gaylord (Su.) ; I, . J am es Mell vane (Hon); 16. T im oth y Beachak (H on); 17. Mark Rena do (Su.) ; 18. Je U Deveready (H on); 19. Jordy Laird (H on ); 20. Pa ul Hilario (Kaw); 21. Mar k Pillion (H on); 22. Pa ul Covene {Kaw ): 23. Rick W. Michael Treadwell (Kaw ) 17·1 , ; 16. J a y Ma n n (Ka w ) 13-24; 17. Dav id 8ccki nglOn (Su.) 23-14; 18. Justin Ja dson (Su.) 14· 26; 19. J efllleckinglOn (Suz) 37-14; 20. Chzis Neal (Suz) 20-17; 21. Doug Hmry (Yam) 27·18; 22. Cli!! Palmer (Suz); 18-27; 23. Bill Wall in (H on) 2>-19; 24. Steve Childress (Su.) 19-37; 2>. James Eickel (Yam) 29-20. 12Scc NATIONAL CHAMPIONSH IP POINT STANDINGS: I. (TIE) Mike Kiedrow ski/Jean Michel Bayle (17); 3. Jeff Matiascvich (40); 4. Gu y Ronn ie Tichenor (6) led pan of the second 250cc mo to, bu t was even tually passed by Joh nson and Stanton, Tichenor fin ished th ird overall wi th a 4-3 moto score . The second 250cc moto saw some of the best action of the day as Damon Bradshaw (8), Ri ck Johnson (13) and Larry Ward (17) battled with Jeff Stanton for first. Jeff Ward (3) was taken out in the first 250cc moto when Dennis Hawthorne cartwheeled his bike into him. Ward DNF the moto, bu t was six th in moto two . 7

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