Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ LOCAL EVENTS .~ e roo m to get away from the pa ck and take the main event win. Darcy Walters and Matt Powers shared top three honors with La mpe. Results SATURDAY 125 A: Kenny Kizzar (Su z); 2. Joseph Maurer (Suz ); Joe Maurer (44 ) leads Tallon Voh land (SO) and Kurt McMillen (28 ) into the first tum in the l25cc A class at Cincinnati's 'Riverfront Coliseum arenacross. George Lazor (2), Charlie Venegas (7) and winner Warren Diem (1) blast off th e line at the Budweiser Speedway Ice Racing National Championship in Denver. 3. Mark Mu sselm an (KTM ); 4. Davey Yezek (Ka w ); S. Micha el Sta hlma n (Kaw). :!SO/OPEN C: I. Cha d Bailey (H o n); 2. Pax ton Mendel sodlin (Ha n); 3. Sha un Verni er (H on); 4. Kevin Co ndo n (H on); 5. Willi am Neros (H a n ). 125 C: 1. J a y H ersh ey (Suz ); 2. Da ren Turne r{ Kaw); 3. Kevin Hildebrand (Suz): 4.' Dan J ackson (H a n); S. Larry Gessner (Hon). 250/ 0 PL'I A: I. Mark Musselm an (KT M): 2. Kenn y Kizzar (Suz):' 3. Mike Rot h (Suz); 4. Michael Stah lma n (Ka w): S. Kurt McMill en (H on). YTH: 11. G regory Rand (Ka w) ; 2. Rol and Diamond (Kaw); 3. Robbie Sturge ll {Kaw): 4. Rodney v aneperen (Kaw) ; 5. J ohn Hillman (Ka w) . JR: I. Mi ke Roth (SUl): 2. Phillip Alderto n (Hon ): 3. Russell O n (Han); 4. Ri ch ard Rob in son (Han); 5. Geo rge Fane lli . EDITORS RACE: I. Mike Dou gh ert y; 2. T ed Devol; 3. Tim Tolleso n; 4. Sca n Wa llenberg; 5. Ro bert Rex. . . 125 B: I. Rod ger Molnar (Ka w ): 2. Corey Sto ll [Ka w): 3. Douglas Conrad (Kaw); 4. T ob y Stoll (Kaw); S. Eddie Smi ley (Ka w) . :!SO/OPEN B: I. Steve Gilland (Hon ); 2. Richard Carpenter (KT M); 3. Co rey Sto ll (Kaw); 4. Toby Stoll {Ka w): 5. Steve Kiesler. SUNDAY 125 A: I.Kenn y Kizzar (SUl); 2. J ason G ray (SUl) ; 3. Will iam Fosnoc k (Ya m); 4. Mark Musselman (KT M); S. Davey Yezek (Ka w ). 250/OPEN C: I. Micha el Danratoski (SUl ); 2. Robert Knau (H an ); 3: Kirk Kruze (Suz); 4.Pa xton Mend elsod lin (Han); 5. Robert Radum (Suz). YT H: I. Gregory Ran d (Ka w): 2. Rob bie Sturgell (Ka w) : 3. Don n ie Decker (Ka w); 4. Jesse T humser (SUl ): 5. Rodn ey Vaneperen (Kaw ). 250/OPEN A: I. Kurt McMill en (Hon ); 2. Michael Sta hlma n (Kaw); 3. J ason Gray (Suz); 4. Kenny Kizzar (SUl); S. Mik e Roth (SUl ). 125 C: I. Jay Hershey (SUl ); 2., Kenn eth Gambill (Suz); .3. Paxton Mendelsodi n (Suz); 4. Bill Hasting (H a n) ; 5. Mat thew Robi nson (H a n). J R: I. Mike Roth (Sur ); 2. Phi llip Alderto n (H on); 3. Russell O n (Han ); 4. Troy Brads haw (Han); 5. Richard Robinson (H en ). :!SO/OPEN B: 1. Eddie Smi ley (Kaw); 2. Richard Ro binson (Hon ); 3. Richard Carpenter (KT M); 4. Co rey Stoll (Kaw); S. Steve G illa nd (Hon). Diem dominates Denver Ice Speedway By Liane Spector P hoto by G ary Densford Kizzar takes two at Cincinnati AX By Davey Coombs ClNCINAITI, OH, FEB. 17·1 8 en n essee Suzuki rider Kenny Kizzar was the top money class rid er at the 1990 AMA Yokohama/Motocross Action Aren across Championships in Cincinnati's Riverfront Coliseu m. Kizzar won both 12Scc A main events during the two nights of indoor racin g. Mark Mu sselman and Kurt McMillen won the 2SOcc Expert fina les with Kizzar pl acing second and fourth on Saturday an d Su nday, respective ly. The in door MX was held just a few blocks away fro m the ann ual Cincinnat i Deale r Expo, one of the motorcycli ng industry's biggest trade shows. Nea rly 500 riders ga thered for the first night of action, but on day two th e cro wd was down around 300. Saturday Wh en the gate dropped for the 12Scc fin al it was Mu sselman burstin g into the lead foll owed by Kizzar, J oe Maurer , Davey Yezek a n d T all on Vohland. For five la ps Mu sselman led the way and ap preared headed towards the victory in th e IS-lap race. However, at the end o f a lo ng wh oop section Mu sselm an lost cont ro l of his KTM leavin g Kizzar in th e lead . One lap later Vohland was on the groun d, allo wing Maurer to maintain second with Yezek battling Mu sselman for thi rd. Musselm an got back by with three loops to go and finished behind winner Kizzar and Maurer. T 26 Musse lman was a t the front when the 2S0cc A main left the line with Maurer, Voh land and Ju nior class winner Mik e Roth in tow. Vohland displaced Maurer o n la p two and began to ho und Mus selm an for the lead. On the fifth go-around Vohland cras hed and DNF. ' With Vohland off his back Musse lman cru ised to th e win with Kizzar lead in g Ro th in second. McMillen fin ish ed fifth , j u st behind Mike Stahlman. Greg Rand pu t together a convincing start-to- finish win in the minicycle division. Roland Diamond and Robbi e Sturgell ran second and third. Sunday Billy Fosnock led Kizzar , Mussel, man, Gray and Mark Sta h lman when the l2Scc A main left the line. Fosnock held the lead unti l he got ou t of shape on th e whoops and let Kizzar past. Gray move d by as well, solidi fying the top th ree finish in g order. Neither Fosnock nor Muss elman ma de it out of the first turn in the 2SOcc A main event . Kizzar, Crowe and Bryan Stan ley were also he ld up in th e opening pile-u p. Out front McMill en was en joyi ng his first run 'at th e fro nt of the pack all weekend. He was trailed closely by Sta h lma n wh ile Gray shadowed both of them. For th e next IS laps the th ree ba n ged a bo u t for top h o n o rs. McMill en held on at the flag wi th Stahlma n and Gray in close order. Kizzer climbed up to fourt h with Roth next at the finish. In the l2Scc B class Roger Molnar was stu ffed into the wall at the start a nd DNF. That gave Kevin Lampe DENVER, CO, FEB. 16·17 ew York's Warre n Diem dom inated th e two nights of competitio n at th e 8th Annual Budweiser Speedwa y Ice Racing National Championship in th e Den ver Co liseum. Diem won every heat race he was in , the preliminary main event o n Fri da y and Sat urday's National Championship mai n.. It wasn ' t as easy as itmay sound for Diem , as there was am p le stiff comp et it ion a n d som e g rea t ra cin g throughout the weekend . T he o n ly dark cloud occurred early in the event on Friday as hometown favori te and rated second in th e world, Sco tty Ormiston crashe d hard whi le lead ing h is first hea t race. Accordi ng to Ormiston h is thro tt le stu ck o pen , sending hi m into the crash pad s at very hi gh ,speed. . T he res u lti ng im pact fractured Ormiston 's lo wer righ t leg an d a n kle. Orm is to n went to the ho sp ital for x-rays and diagnosis, left later to party with his ou t-of-town raci ng pal s, came to Saturda y nigh t' s even t to specta te a nd the n returned to the hospital for surgery on h is inj ured limb. In Friday ni gh t' s preliminary racing event , Warren Diem led th e mai n fro m start to fin ish . Finish ing second was Ca lifornia's Charlie Venegas, th ird p lace was earned by 1987 Nationa l Champion Mark Borgman fro m Colorado an d fini shing fourt h th rough sixth were Robert Cu rry from Cal ifornia, Pat Litt from Color ado and New York's George Lazor. Saturday nigh t's racing sa w 24 talented speed way ice racers p repared for battle with th e same goa l; win th e Na tio nal C ha m p io n sh i p and th e nu mber one plate for a year, the Silver I.C.E. Bucket given once ann ually and, N of course, the lio~ 's share of the purse. The racing reflected the significance of the event and was extremely intense. Each rider competed {n three, fourman, four-lap heat races scored by points. Three points were awarded for a win, two points for second place, one point for third place an d no po ints for finishing last. By virtue of their perfect heat race scores of nine points, Diem, Ven egas and La zor earned themselves a frontrow start in the main. Fourth through ninth in points earned a sta rt i n g pos itio n in the Last Chance Qualifier. The top three finishers in the LCQ would find th emselves with a back row sta rt in the main. In the LCQ Borgman, Curry and Canada 's Jan J ensen really had to fight to earn their transfer positions. Borg man m issed the start and had to battle his way through to finish fir st. Meanwhile Curry and Colorado's Rick Webb were having a nail-bimg battle for second place when going into the fourth turn. Webb cam e in too hard under Curry, thro wing both of them to th e hard ice surface. Since th e race was in th e fin al lap, referee J im Jaudo n 's decision was to ca ll the race , exclude Webb for causing the accident, givi ng Curry a second pl ace finis h and moving J enson from fou rth to third. In th e National Championship six lap ' main event the stage was set for the unbeaten front ro w riders Diem , Lazor and Venega s. As the tapes rose, Lazor made an electrifyin g start to take the lead going into the first turn. Coming ou t of the turn Lazor dr ifted a tad wide, allowing Diem to stor m th rough in to first p lace whi ch he do mi na ted co n vi nci ngly for th e rema inder of th e race. Back marker p lacing was aggressive and on lap th ree, 1987 Na tional Cham pion Bor gman got by 1988 Na tional Cham pio n Lazor for second p lace. The same lap saw J ensen take th ird, Ven egas fourth and Lazor dropping back to fifth. T hi ngs stayed that way until th e last lap whe n Je nsen too k a fa ll. T he final fin is h ing order be hi n d Diem wa s Borgman, Venegas, Lazor, J en sen and Curry, who had dropped out before Jensen 's cras h . Diem was ecsta tic that hi s long trip from the East Coas t had pai d off and he ha d establis hed h im self as the new do m ina nt for ce in ice speedway. But according to Diem, the most impor tant part 'of the weekend was win ning the Silver I.C.E. Bucket. " I' ve always wanted o ne of these and now I've got one!" With only one more even t in th e 1989-90 Winter I.C.E. seaso n remain in g, the World Cu p Ice Sp eedw ay Ch amp ions hip Fina ls in New H aven , Connecti cut, on Mar ch 3-4, " Diem" is defi ni tely th e main to beat! Results FRIDAY: Warr en Diem ; 2. Cha rlie Venegas; 3. Mar k Borgm an ; 4. Ro bert Curry ; 5. Pa t Lin; 6. George Lazor . SATUR DAY: I. Warren Diem; 2. Mar k Borgman ; 3. Charlie Venegas ; 4. Geo rge Lazo r; 5. Jan J ensen ; 6. Robert Curry . Morgan rules Lakewood MX By Sheryl Chew LAKEWOOD, CO, FEB. 25 Shawn Mor ga n ruled th e Amat eur class at the Sports Rider s Associ ation o f Co lo rado 's season-o pe ning mot ocross in Lakewood. Kawasa ki T eam G reen 's Mor gan was one of 33 riders o n th e ga te for th e first mot o a nd held sixt h pl ace a t th e end of the long'uphill tha t led to a fast right tu m . Morgan the n bega n a push th at ga ve him the n umber one spot before the end of th e seco nd lap. Wh ile Mor gan was incr easing hi s lead with each lap . Kawasaki-mounted Ale x .Nei r , who was bumped to th e ground for a last place sta rt . an d Lee Swink, wh o came o ut of the hole 18th , were winding their way through traffic.