Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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c , VIDEOS' BY~PROFESSOR BAILEY AIR MANIA Simmons in the final turn. Skinner won the rnoto, b ut Kurth took th e overall. , " All my fri end Donovan h ad to do was hold Kurth o ff a n d th e o vera ll would've been mine," sa id Skinner, who fin ished fourth in mota o n e. ' . Mike Mani scalchi p assed Jim Abshire early in the first 500cc Novice moto and then walked away with th e win . Jason Williams a nd Blayn e Hollenbeck also passed Abshire before th e en d of th e rn oto. Mota two wa s m ade more exci ting wh en Williams and Maniscalchi went down early on the first la p . Abshire led th e fir st lap be fore be ing passed by Chad McIntosh as Williams and Maniscalchi moved back toward th e front togeth er. Manisca lchi fell a few more times, while Williams got close to McIntosh before backing 0[[ to fin ish a safe second and ea rn the overall w in. eN Results so: 1. C hr istopher PROS AT PRACTICE AND PLAY $24.95 To."" look at the Top Pros on a day of pract ice a nd play. See what most people never L ~f~ -' -'-~\-'''. -'-" .' -._"'-~ .. ,-r": MOTOCROSS des NATIONS GERMANY 1989 Jeff Ward . . . Mike KitJduws/d .. Jeff Stanton . . . Only $39.95 ,yl.~ :~- · * * * * * * * * * nu J.\ ' .1 1 I';'~~~~r: * * * Collect t he USA's Eight Historic Victories All on Video in One and Two Tape Sets . . . seel Some of th e most awe- _ 1\, >p, " ' .J some lomg jumps, th e steepest uphills. plus some insane dropoffs perfo rmed by th e best: Bailey. OMara, Johnson, Ward, Dymond, Matiasevich, Sta nto n. Kehoe. Bradshaw and more. SPECIAL ON 1983 thru 1988 . .. 8UY TWO OR MORE YEARS ANDRECEIVEA 15% DISCOUNT OTHER TAPES AVAILABLE; 4. 1. PROFESSOR BAILY TALKS RIDER TECHNIQUE. Demonstrates from sta n to finish what the top pros do to go fast and win races . . . . . .. . . . • . . . . .. . . . . @ 49.95 TRAIL RIDING TIPS BY PROFESSOR BAILEY WITH DAVID BAILEY AND JOHNNY O'MARA. For anyone needing to 6. know more about wheelies. uphills. downhills , ruts. Also, some jump shots of David Bailey and Jo hnn y O'Ma ra you won 't be lieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ $ 4 9. 9 5 THE ART OF JU MPING. A Study of the B nations top riders in action at Supercross and . National events. You will be studing their jumping techniques on every type of jump used today. David Baily willexplainto you how to get stylish in the air @ $49 .95 BIKE SETUP MAI NTENANCE AND SUSPENSION. Week-to- week maintenance and how to keep your bike running and looking good. alongwithsuggestionsand ideason how to dial in yoursuspension . .. . @ $39.95 UPSShipping & Hand ling: "'.00 1st item + " .50 each' additional item. ForC.O.D ordersadd' 3.30 . THE NEW RIDER TECHNIQUE. This covers AL L CHECKS WILL BE HELD FOUR (4 ) WEEKSI body positioning. starts, cornering. jumps and Mail to: Video. By Profeasor Se iley passing. There arre quizzesafter each training P.O. Box 130. Dept. CN . Axton. VA 24064 se gment to help emphasize key points FAX (7 0 3 ) 6 50-21 20 _ • ~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • . . . @ $ 4 9. 9 5 CALL TO ORDER (703) 650-3030 HUGE PARTS INVENTORY Kawasaki's #1 Dealer Western Region 1989 Kawasaki of Riverside Same Day UPS Service Toll Free 1-800-442-3478 Wen suup (Sw); 3. Rog er Hau p tm a n (SUl); 4. James MacRay (Raw): 5. Rand y Ritchie (Raw). 125 tNT: I. Joel Albrecht (Kaw); 2. Billy Fells (Ka w): 3. Dan Barn ett (Sur); 4. Sean Pagel (Sur); 5. Dan Ulven (Raw). 125 PRO: 1. Eri k Keh oe (Han); 2. Rya n Hugh es (Raw); 3. Jack Azevedo (Sur); 4. Jere my McGrath (Kaw). 250 BEG 1>-1: 1. Eric Beingesser (Yam); 2. Clint Briska (Kaw); 3. Greg ·G iddings (Raw); 4. Jell Villarreal (Hon); 5. Ran dy Medley (Sur). 250 BEG 0-2: I. G rant Steele (H us); 2. Rand y Bellon (Suz); 5. Chr istopher Hu gh ey (Hon); 4. Rod Davidson ; ;. Craig Winhs (Ha n). 250 NOV 0-1 : 1. Danny Seyler (Ho n ); 2. Bryan Cun is (Kaw); 3. Chuck Ba ~ ell (Hon); 4. Kevin Cordua (Hon); 5. J ohn Detwiler (Hen). 250 NOV D·2: I. Phill ip Wurster (Hon ); 2. Tony Alessi (Han): 3. Igna cio Delacon cha (Yam); 4. Ji m O 'NeaI (Hon); 5. Ben Barn har t (Yam). 250 tNT 0-1 : I. J oel Albrecht (Kaw); 2. Kevin Geyer (SU2); 3. Bill Sauro (Ho n ); 4. Darre n Gallagher (Raw); 5. Kell y Pich el (Raw). 250 tNT 0-2: 1. J ake Trist (Kaw); 2. Scan Page l (Sur ); 3. David Diye (Hon ); 4. Tnny Seckman (Ho n); 5. Je remy Albrecht (Ka w) . 250 PRO: I. Ryan H ughes (Kaw); 2. Micky Dymond (Kaw); 3. J oe Waddi ngt on (Ho n ); 4. Will y Musgra ve (AT K); 5. Bryan Emi g {Ka w) . 500 BEG: I. Sco u Churchill (Ho n); 2. Mike Carr (Ho n); 3. Weston Reid (Kaw); 4. Kell y Prosch (Ho n); 5. David Berg (Hon ). 500 NOV: I. Ja son Will iams (Kaw); 2. Mike Maniscalchi (AT K); 3. Chad Mclntosh (AT K); 4. Blayne Hollenbeck (Hon ); 5. Jim Abshi re (Ho n). 500 t NT: 1. Mark Duva l (Ha n); 2. Tom mi Hamalainen (Hon); 3. Darren Lindh (Hon); 4. Ted Hoyt (Hon ); 5. Kevin Green (Raw). 500 PR O: I. GOrdon Ward (Hon); 2. Ron Turner (Hon); 3. Willy Musgrave (ATK); 4. David Bagwell (Hon); 5. Todd Lehmann (Ho n). :5-29 BEG: 1. Randy Medley (Sur); 2. Robert . Malyszek Hon ); 3. Scott Churchill (Hon); 4. Kelly Prosch (Hon); 5. Joseph Gran a (Ho n ). 25·29 NOV: 1. Bryan Cunis (Kaw); 2. Mike Manisca lchi (ATK ); 5. Fra nk Lowers (Han); 4. Troy Deherrera (Kaw); 5. Brian Allen (Suz ). :5-29 tNT: I. Mark Duval (He n]: 2. David Lynch (Ha n); 3. T . Tiger; 4. Darin Dayton (Ho n); 4. Steve Pia uo ni (Sw). VET NOV: I. Chri stopher Corum (Hon); 2. J im Ray Peters (Hon); 3. Frank Lavres (Kaw); 4. Ray Har old (Ho n ); 5. Dave Graham (Sur). YET tNT: I. Brian Kunh (Hon ); 2. Randy Skinnner (Suz); 5. Donn Sari an (Hon); 4. Steve Dono van (Han ); 5. Steve Fry (Kaw). VET PRO: I. Ron T urne r (Han ); 2. Eric McKenna (Ho n); 3. Brent Wallingsford (Raw); 4. Bob Ru tten (H on ); 5. Mike Neuman (Yam). OT NOV: I. Ulrich Vasek (Hon ); 2. Buzz Moell er (Hon ); 3. Greg Young (Hon); 4. Don Flan er (Kaw); 5. Thomas Co lema n (Hen). . OT tNT: I. Crai g Walls (H on); 2. Bob Richard (Yam); 3. Leon Pr ice (Hon ); 4. Bob Rivenbark (Hon ); 5. George Spearing (Hon ). OT EX: I. Alan O lson (Raw); 2. Tom White (Hon): 3. Larry La'cey (Kaw); 4. Marvin O lson (Yam); 5. JOOy Weisel (Hon ). BtG WHL: I. Casey J ohnso n (Raw); 2. Larry Linkogle (Kaw): 3. Don ovan Placencia (Kaw ). GARY BAILEY·S SUPERCROSS RIDING 5. TECHNIQUES. Shows you how to ride supercross obstacles which are being added totheoutdoortracks @ $49 .95 3. McCli ntock (Yam). 60: I. Jesse Ketcham (Ka w ); 2. Craig Truglio (Raw); 3. Scou Conley (Raw); 4. Jerry Harvey (Pel); S. Robert Breckenridge (Yam). 85 BEG D·t: I. T odd Koehn e (Raw); 2. Michael Sharp (Hon ); 3. John Durden (Suz) ; 4. Brian Rocks (Yam); 5. Billy Ezemack (Hen ). 80 BEG 0-2: I. Billy Clift on (Sur); 2. J on Paul s (Sur); 3. John Pacheco (Raw); 4. Jerem y Zipton (Raw); 5. k evin Barclay (Raw). 80 NOY: I. Greg Yearsley (Raw); 2. Donovan Placencia (Yam); 3. Oscar Ancheta (Sur ); 4. Seth Young (Ho n); 5. Ezic Schnell (Raw). 80 tNT: I. Steve Hen geveld (Raw); 2. Greg Schell (Raw); 3. Rust y Holland (Raw); 4. Eric Wrigh t (Sur); 5. Casey J ohnson (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. Spud Walter (Ka w ); 2. Danny Nelson (Raw). 125 BEG n-r. I. Ja son Joiner (Kaw); 2. David Nickols (Kaw): 3. Mike Mount (Hon); 4. Matthew Miller (Hon); 5. Ben Cipollina (SU2). 125 BEG 0-2: I. Charies Vice (Suz ): 2. Richard T .R. (Han); 3. Randy Betten (Yam); 4. Damon Sisola (Yam); 5. Mall Ph illips (Ho n). 125 NOV 0-1: I. Ryan Pauls (Ho n ); 2. Shawn Mcintosh (Ra w); 3. Dennis Dahlin (Ka w) ; 4. Greg Allen (Raw); 5. Rusty Holland (Kaw). 125 NO V D·2: I. J oe DePallo (Sur) ; 2. Aaron THE DESIRE TO WIN The characteristics of the winning athlete, positive anitudes. the importance of fundamentals. adrenaline and nervousness with plerrty of slow motion of the perfect techniques. Includes Cassette .. ... . .. . .... . . . . · @ $ 5 4 .9 5 2. Trug lio (Yam); 2. Derrick . CORNERING. WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN. 7 . Top Pros anacking berms. flat turns, rutted turns. off-chambers jumping in turns. sand . turns. passing and much more . . . ... ...... ... ... . ... @ $49.95 (714) 781-5967 1605 University Avenue (714) 683-8839 Riverside, CA 92507 KX' KDX • Jet Ski' AND ACCESSORIES S:=NI5~~~ [ Il G n',.,....... ....._....... Raf) 1!{j l j,9 A 1 liiIl -.:=. mA - Goo d Times - COD BELL Moto IV's Team Kaw asaki (All Sizes) $99.95 r-----------------------------------------------~ I I I Attention Subscribers, I I I I I I I I I I I I When you move 1.For FASTEST service attach old mailing label in the space provided. If mailing label is not available. print your name and address in this box. I I • • • Please allow 3 weeks for change 10 la ke effect: I L ~