Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 02 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Steve Matlock (7 9 ) gets chased by Gus Berquist (56) and w inner Jerry Ehlers (6 ) near.the beg inning of an Up t he Hill Junior class moto. said a cheerfu ll Murray. " Bu t I caugh t up and did wha t I had to do !" Jeff Dement powered h is Suzu ki down th e start straight a hea d of Spud Walters a nd Da mo n Hu ffma n in the o pen ing 80cc Expert moto. The three riders engaged in a heated di ce that ca rried them well a head of the rest of the pack. Dement rode smoothly, a nd held o n for .the moto wi n over Walt ers a nd Huffman. Dement again h o leshot in mot o two, but close behind were J esse J am es, Huffman a nd Steve Andrich . Walters bu zzed th rough the pack a nd on to Huffman 's rear fender on th e opening lap a nd th ey both worked past James a nd began to close on Dement. Dement held on to the lead , while Walters put a mov e o n H uffman to take second. Dement was th e o verall winner over Wa lters a nd Huffman. J oe Malich led Mik e C en zoli a nd Mike Ho rton a t th e sta rt of the first 250cc Begin ner moto, but los t th e lead to Genzoli on lap three. Malich retaliated, bu t once again Genzo li put his Suzu ki in to th e lead. Gen zoli took the mota wi n over Mal ich , Horton and Darin Nishimura . Genzoli took the lead in th e seco nd moto a nd never looked back. J oe Brown and Aaron Atha nas arg ued o ver second, with Atha nas co ming o ut o n top wh en th e chec kered flag fell. Gen zoli took th e overa ll with a perfect I-I score , while second o verall went 10 Mal ich and th ird to Ath an as. In I 25cc Intermed ia te action Derek Natvig grabbed th e holeshot in the first moto a head of Tommy Clo wers , Mark Easley a nd Chris R idgeway. While Clowers pressured Na tvig, R idgeway motored past Easle y a nd into th ird. Next to pressure Easl ey was Da na Wiggins, wh o had to work up -aft er a mediocre start. R idgeway went down hard o ver a do ubl e, moving everyo ne up a spo t. Cl owers o ut -bra ked Na tvig after th e back straigh t a nd assumed th e lead, which he held to the chec kers. Na tvig was second over Wiggins and Easley. Steven Arena led th e pack early in rnoto two , but Cl owers forced' h is wa y into the lead a head of Easley, Wiggins a nd Natvig. Wiggins pulled a lo ngside Easley o n a n off-ca mb er turn and took over th e runner-up spo t. Na tvig was nex t to move pa st Eas ley, but co uldn 't find his way a ro und Wiggin s. Clowers took th e rno to and overa ll victory, a head of Wiggins, Nat vig and Easley. J .J. Petch el holeshot the fir st I 25cc . Junior mo to a hea d of J eff Lewis a nd J ohn Blair. Whi le Lewis looked for a way around Petch el , R ya n Pa ul s storm ed th ro ugh the pack aft er a si xth-p lace sta rt . Pa ul s began to pressur e Lewi s a nd moved by both Lewis and Petchel to tak e th e lead . Lewi s also fou nd hi s way arou nd Petchell, j ust a few turns from th e fini sh. Pauls took the mo ta win over Lewis, Petchel and Denn is Dahl in. J imm y Butler holesh ot th e second mo to , bu t Petch el quickl y took th e lead. Also on the move was Pa ul s, who worked up fro m anot her mi dpa ck start. Pa ul s roosted past But ler and set his sights on Petchel, wh o lost hi s momentum in a mud ho le and Pa u ls sto le the lead. Pa uls took th e mo to victory over Petchel a nd Bill Sa yre. a tvig holeshot the first 250cc Interm ediate mo to , but was pressured by Clowers, Edd ie Reed a nd Andy Grider. Natvig rode a steady race a nd successfully fen ded off Clowers, w hi le Grider slipped by Reed for thi rd . Moto two saw Clowers gra b th e hol esh ot over Reed a nd Nat vig, Reed swept pas t Clowers a nd took th e lead, wh ile Na tvig did everyth ing he co ul d to also wo rk past Clow ers. The top three di ced heavil y, never more than a few bike len gths apart. Cl owers wen t down hard o n an off-camber section wh ile trying to ta ke th e lead a nd dropped fro m contention. Nat vig blasted into the lead o n th e back stra igh t and n ever looked back , winning th e .rno to ahea d of Reed, Larry La wrence and Ridgewa y. . Ch ris Co nne rs grabbed th e hol eshot in the first I25cc Beginner mo to , but right behind him were Mike Genzoli and Bria n Ch ak ed is. Gen zoli fou nd h is was past Co nners o n lap three of the five lap moto, but had to fight to 'maint a in th e lead . Lars Erik Larsson mov ed int o third and began to pressure Conners , who was pushing G enzo li. The order stayed th e same to the fini sh , bu t less tha n a bike length sepa ra ted th e leaders. . Conners holeshot moto two a nd never loo ked back, taking the win o ve r G enzoli a nd Tracy . Asher. Conners' 2-1 scor e edged o ut C enzoli's 1-2 for the overall win, whi le Larsson was th ird with his 3-4 tall y. J ohn Neary blasted off the line 10 lead the 500cc Junior class in th e first mot o, but was shadowed by Crai g Bunyard and J erry Ehl ers. Ehlers motored by Bun ya rd and set after Neary , but co u ldn' t ge t by. Neary too k th e victory over Eh lers a nd Bunyard . J e rr C hris te nsen h o les h o t th e second moto a head of Scott Hoffma n a nd Bunyard. Near y went do wn in a sl ip pe r y tu rn, whil e Bu n ya rd work ed into the lead. Eh lers scooted i n to seco n d, barel y edging o u t H offma n. Bunya rd too k th e o vera ll, whi le Ehl er 's 2-2 topped Neary's 15 score for second overall. Jimmy Butler (43). Mike McCloud (86) and Steve Drew (026) battled for positions in the f irst division of the 125cc Junior class, Brian Morgan (2) beat Daniel Blair to the f inish line in the second Pee Wee class moto and captured the overall victory. Br ando n a n d Br ia n Morg a n a rg ued o ver th e hol esho t in th e open ing Pee Wee moto, but Bra nd on hit the mud in th e fir st turn a nd was spi t off hi s Yamaha. Brian Morgan proceeded to lead Dan iel Blai r a nd Ji mmy Stewa rt onto th e track a nd pu lled o u t 10 a lead that he would ho ld to the fini sh , ahead of Blair a nd Stewart. Brando n Morgan recovered to fini sh seventh . Brandon Morgan _slOrmed ba ck . with a vengeance in moto two to lead Brian Morgan and Blair o nt o th e track. Brando n Morgan proceeded 10 o pe n up a lead tha t would carry hi m across the line a head of Br ian Morga n , Bla ir a nd Christopher T ruglio. Brian Morgan took th e o ve ra ll win o ve r Bla ir a n d Brandon Mor ga n. - Results P/W: 1. Brian Morgan (Yam ); 2. Dan iel Blair (Vam); 3. Brandon Morgan (Vam); 4 . Chris t ophar Truglio (Yam); 5. J immy Stewart (Vam). 60 O-B; 1. Reginald M itchell (Kaw); 2. Brandon M organ (Kaw); 3 . Chris M eNan (Kaw); 4. Chr istopher Tr ugl io (Kaw) . 60 9-1 1; 1. Jo hn Meng (Kaw); 2. J ason Shirey (Kaw ); 3. J immy Varis (Kaw); 4. Craig Truglio (Kaw ); 5. Chad J ames (Kaw). BO BEG: 1. Paul Ito (Kaw ); 2. Lex Malan (Kaw); 3. Tim Santana (Suz); 4 . Jason Reed (Suz); 5 . J ason How ard (Kaw ). . BO OPEN: 1. Ja son Part ridge (Kaw ); 2. Joh n I Meng (Kaw); 3. J ason Shir ey (Kaw); 4. Travis Prest on (Suz); 5. J immy Varis (Suz). BOJR: 1. Joh n Leddy (Suz); 2. J eff W ill oh (Kaw); 3 . Travi s Presto n (Suz); 4 . Tracy A sher (Suz); 5 . J ason Harr ison (Kaw) . BO INT; 1. Sh ane Esposito (Vam); 2. Jas on Partr idge (Kaw). BO EX: 1. Jeff Dement (Suz); 2. Spud W ahers (Kaw); 3. Damon Huffman (Kaw); 4. St eve Andrich (Kaw); 5. M ichael Brandes (Kaw ). 125 BEG; 1. Chr is Conners (Suz); 2. M ike Genzoli (Suz); 3. Lars Erik Larsson (Yam); 4. J oe Brown (Vam); 5. M ike Mo un t (Han). . 125 J R: 1. Ryan Pauls (Han); 2. J.J. Petchel (Vam); 3. Bill Sayre (Han); 4 . Jo hn Bla ir (Suz); 5. J eff Lewis (Suz). 125 INT; 1. Tommy Clower s (Kaw); 2. Dana Wigg ins (Vam); 3. Derek Natvig (Kaw); 4. M ark . Easley (Vam); 5. Ty Bir dwell (Suz). 125 PRO: 1. M ike Heal ey (KTM); 2. Ryan Pederson (Han); 3. Jon Nelson (Suz); 4 . Ryan Carl isle (Kaw); 5. Chr is Voung (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. M ike Genzoli (Suz); 2. Joe Mal ich (Suz): 3. Aaron A thanas (Suzt 4 . J oe Brow n (Yamt 5. Darin Nis himura (Kaw). 250 JR: 1. Dan Castro (Varni; 2. Robert Drew (Yam); 3. Man Polasky (Suz); 4. Micheal Call aghan (yam ); 5. M ike McCloud (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Derek Natvig (Kawt 2. Eddie Reed (Yam); 3. An dy Grid er (Kaw); 4 . Chris Ridgew ay (SCR); 5. St eve Nelson (Vam). 250 PRO: 1. M ike Healey (KTM); 2. Ryan Pederson (Suz); 3. Lowell Thomps on (Suz); 4. Peter Murray ISuz); 5. Chris Voung (Suz). 500 BEG: 1. Chris Conner (Kaw ); 2. Rick Davis (Han); 3. Mark Riggle (Han); 4. Dan Nelson (Han); 5. Jason Soar es (Kaw). 500 JR: 1. Cra ig Bun yard (Kaw); 2. Jerry Ehler s (Kaw ); 3. John Neary (Han); 4. Steven Stor ie (Yam); 5. Scan Hoffman (Han). 500 INT; 1. Andy Grider (kaw); 2. Tim Alarcon (Kaw); 3. Er ich Shot . tall (Han); 4. Eddie Reed (Yam); 5. Larry Lawrence (Vam). 500 PRO: 1. M ike Healey(KTM); 2. Brian Wh eeler (KTM); 3. Craig Davis (Han); 4. Rex Stat en (Han); 5. Tim McClint ock (Han). UTH JR; 1. J erry Ehlers (Kaw); 2. Steve Matlock (Yam); 3. Darren Clifford (yam ); 4 . Steven Stor ie (Vam); 5. Gus Bergqu ist (Kaw ). UTH INT: 1. Randy Blair (Yam); 2. Merle Hammer (Yam); 3. Tom Berry (Vam); 4. Tony Moreta (Kaw ). VET J R: .1. Gary Shoemaker (Vam); 2. Gary A rnold (Han); 2. Steve Oombo (Suz); 4 . Gary Doggen (Suz); 5. John Peterson (Kaw ). VET INT; 1. Rich Boit eau (Suz); 2. Rob Healy . (Han); 3. Corey Robert . (Vam); 4. Don Pastell (Han); 5. M ichael Gibson (Han). VET PRO; 1. Peter M urr ay (Suz); 2. Rex Staten (Han); 3. Jack Law rence; 4. Randy Chapman (Suz); 5. !lo on J ohn son (Suz). VET MSTR: 1. Tim M arsh (Hon); 2. Jo n M Iller (Vam); 3. Jeff Kaplan (Han); 4. John Volk (Vam); 5. Robert Tipp it (Kaw ). OTJR : 1. Gary Philips (Han); 2. Russ Sears (Vam); 3. Randy Brickelbraw (Yam); 4 . Larry Kirsc h (Han). OT INT: 1. Gary Doggen (Suz); 2. Jay .Biery (Vam); 3. Sam Groce (Suz); 4. Erwin Fahbur g (KTM). OT MSTR: 1. Bill M cCli ntoclt (ATK). 17

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