Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 10 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• a: w 3: w a: !Xl ~ a f- >- !Xl CAROLINA WHEELS AND PROPS a fa :r: C1. Proudl y Presen ts 1990 HUSQVARNAS All New, In Stock Now! .... V .D o ..... u o Lighter Weight. More Power, Super Plush Suspension 28 GOLD MEDALS AT 1989 ISDE!! Enduro ~otocross W~X WXE 125 WXE 250 WXE 510 125 250 W~X 510 W~X Call Now To Reserve Your New Husqvarna Rider Support Packages Ava ilable Bank Financing Carolina Wheels and Props "Your European Motorcycle Headquarters" • :::E Myrt le Beach, Sout h Caro lina .. (803) 626 - 7920 1990 VZ Models In Stock Now Join Our 1990 Racing Team SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON BIKES AND PARTS TO ALL RACERS DRIVE A LITTLE SA VE A "BUNDLE" •••• •• • •• • • ••• 1989 YIs At Super Low Prices Call Us Before You Buy 2388 E. Thousan d Oaks Blv d .. Th ousa nd Oaks. CA 9 1360 (8 0 5) 497 -3 765 *Maico / M-Star* D ist ributor' s Parts In ventory LIQUIDATION SALE Incl uding: N ew O.E.M. parts 1979-86. she lv ing . f ix tures and related item s. Turn-key operation must be sold. Bu lk sale on ly . Make Offer! HERCULES DISTRIBUTING 38 (818) 882-8272 Sell your old motorcycle with a Cycle News Want Ad. (213) 427 -7433 .~ c... f ~fb\~t~ ~ 4!.~~ ~ ? V TR IMLINE 10X20 $159 12X 2 0 $16 9 10 Xl 0 $1 0 9 20X 20 $2 89 MAKES A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT HOLLIDAY CANOPIES 141 WOODBRIDGE DRIVE CHARLESTON, WV 25311 (304) 343-2277 ~~. Tom Kipp (1 6) rode hi s Wiseco Yama ha Superbike to the w in in the 1OO-K ilometer Solo Endurance race at M ic higan's Grattan Raceway. Stewert sizzles at Dade CityMX By Scott Shepherd DADE CITY, FL, SE PT. 16 Kawasaki-mounted James Stewert, sponsored by Kawasak i-Suzuki of Lake Wale s, Flor ida , rode hard and smart to ta ke an overall O pen Ama teur win with 2-} moio finishes. The first moto 0 l'!'n Amateur ho le-hot lead er was Honda rid er Jack Caffee. BGI Ca hills Yamaha rider Ricky Hampshire and Stewert were seco nd and third olf the line. Stewert look o ver th e seco nd spot wh en Hampshire spun out in a turn before th e back stra ig ht, They held th ose positions through th e first lap. Bobby Proul x ro unded o ut th e top four on a Yamaha. Ham psh ire wanted second place from Stew ert and cha llenged severa l umes, passing him ro min~ o u t of th e ha irp in tu rn before th e front stra igh ta way at the halfway po int of th e race. Hampshire . gained gro und on Calfee, and came within 15 yards o n th e fourth lap. As the leaders moved into lapped traffic, Caffee took a wide o utsi de li ne a nd H ampshire went ins ide. Hampsh ire emerged as th e leader o u t of the turn when Ca ffee fell down. It was Hampshire. Siewert . Proulx , a nd Vin tage ace. Yamaha rid er Ed Garlin, with th e top-four posi tio ns at the checkered. Ha mpsh ire and Stewert jumped o lf th e line toge the r d uring th e seco nd Open Amateur moto, Proulx went wide in to the first tum for the th ird spot. Earl y in th e Iirst lap, Stewer t took over th e lead and Calfee moved mto third. Hampshire aga in lost in th e hairpin tum. Siewert. ri di ng with renewed co n fide nce. churned up a 30·yard lead o ver new seco ndp lace ma n Pro ulx by th e th ird la p. Ca ffee was ho lding down thi rd whi le Honda rid er Eddie Sanderson mo ved into fourth spot, Caffee mo unted a good ch arge o n Proul x on the fifth lap, but cou ld not get around him, and th ey fin ished in th ose pos itio ns. Yam ah a rid er Steven Blakel y grabbed the fir st moto Open Mon ey cl ass ho leshot and led to th e Iir st ' turn. Yam aha rid er Donnie Delgad o went wid e a nd sho t around him for th e lead com ing out of th e dropof£. Al th e end of th e first lap, Delgado built a sizeable lead o n second-p lace Blakel y. Fred Vanwago ner , a lso o n a Yamaha , was in third. A good ba tt le was br ewing (or th e seco nd spo t as Vanwagon er and Kawasaki rid er Gary Paul co nti n uo us ly cha llenged Blak ely. Paul was passing Vanwag oner in th e co rne rs , bUI Vanwagoner's Yam aha would pull him down down th e straigh ta ways. Vanwagon er £inall y got around Blak el y o n th e sixlh lap . At the checkered flag, it was Delga do wit h the wi n o ver Vanwagoner. Blakel y was third and Paul finished fourth after chargi ng ha rd fro m a fo ur th -lap bobble wh ich dropped him back to last p lace. Vanwagoner look th e secon d mo to hol eshot but was beat o u t of the first turn by Delga do. Blak ely. Hampsh ire, a nd Hon da rider Bob Som erville ro unded ou t the top-fo ur riders. Ha mpsh ire endoed, but resu med the ra ce at a mu ch slower pa ce. By th e fourth lap Delgad o and Vanwago ner buill a lead on the rest of th e pack. Vanwago ner moved int o the lead wh en Delgad o fell to second o n the last la p. At the finish it was Vanw ago ner . Delga do. Blakely. a nd Sommervi lle. Results P/W 2 WH : 1. Kenny Burkh older (Yam); 2 . Jos h LUl!ltc i (VarnI; 3. Chal Nort hey (Varni. 0 -60 AM: 1. Ja rrett Tipp in g (Kaw) ; 2. Erik Wa ters (Kaw); 3 . Jason Linl e (Kaw l. 0 -60 NOV : 'l . Shaw n Beal (Kaw l; 2. J erem iah Doctor (Kaw); 3. Tom my Bragg {Hont . 80 A: 1. Kenny vcne (Kaw ). 80 B: 1. Jarrett Tipp in g {Yaml ; 2. Brad Lust ic (S u z~ 3. David Sanders on (Hon ); 4 . Tony Pocorobba (Hon). 80 C: 1. Jod y Cape (Suzl; 2. Erik Wal ers (Kaw ); 3. Vinny Hopper (Sull; 4 , Dan Tipton (Vam); S. Bobby Maddock(Vaml. 80 BEG: 1. Jeff Ponkey (Kawl; 2. Michael Hallel (Kawl; 3 . Joshua Kielty (V am~ 4 . Shan e Harrison (Kaw ); S. Brian Hansen (Honl . 100 S/MINI: 1. Kenny Yoho (Kaw l; 2. David Sanderson (Hon). 125 A : 1. Gary Paul (Kaw l; 2. Donnie Delgado (Vam). 12S B: 1. John Lauvine {Hon~ 2. Shawn Capulo (Yam); 3. David Sandel'$On ( Hon~ 4 . Eddie Sandarson (Hon); 5 . Rob a ntton (Hon). 12S C: 1. Tim Hafke (Kaw); 2. Bobby Proulx (Yam); 3. J .R. Wh it e (Hon ); 4 . Billy Broolts (Kaw); S. Br ian Merrick (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Roy Camp (Yam t 2. Roy Pierce (Hon ); 3. John Kay (Yam ); 4 . Joey Cunn ingMm (Hon); 5 . Keith Hart IHon). 260 A:. 1. Donnie Delgado (Yam); 2. Fred Vanwagoner (Vam) 250 8 : 1. Greg Dillow; 2. Rob Somrville (Hon); 3. James Stwert (Kaw) . 250 C: 1. Wesley Shallow (Hon ); 2. Paul Ridgeway(Yam); 3. Mike Bragg (Hont 4 . Doyle Wiggins (VarnI; 5. Ric Marshall ! (Yam)_ 250 BEG: 1. Kirk Stull (Kaw ); 2. Jason Warrington (Hon); 3. John Coleman (Kaw); 4. Bre" Siromsnes (Hon ); 5 . Bob Wood (Kaw) . V1 NT: 1. Ed Garlin (Yam).: 2. Dwayne Jent (Kawl; 3. Roy Pierce (Hon); 4 . Fred Litt le (Bull. 25+: 1. David Berge r (Hon); 2. Dave Fati no (Suz.); 3. A ndrew Saulo (Yaml; 4 . Deyte Wiggi ns (Yam): S. Dwayne J ent (Vam). 30+ SR: 1. Tom Bragg (Hon); 2. Wesley Shall ow (Hon); 3. Tim Haflte (Kaw ); 4. Jo hn W heeler (K8w); 5. John Coleman lK8w l. 40+ S/SR: 1. Tom Bragg (Hon); 2. Gerald Nuccio (KTM). OPEN AM : 1. James Sie wert fKaw); 2. Bobby Pro ulx (Vam); 3. Ricky Hampshire (Yam); 4 . Jack Caffee (Hon); 5. Eddie Sanderson (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Oavid Berger CHon 2. Tommy Sb"ingf ld ); 18 (Hon J; 3. Harttv' Oavidson (Hon ); 4. Jeff Morris (Yam) OPEN MONEY : t. Fred VanWilgoner (Yam); 2. Donnie Delgado (Yam); 3 . St even Blakety (Yam); 4 . Rob Somerville (Hon t 5. Cliff Giles (Yam). Kipp grabs Grattan RR By Tom Brewer GRATTAN, MI, SEPT. 16-17 AMA Championship Cup points a nd Yamaha purse money provided a powerful one-two punch to bring out a record 336 en tries lor the seaso n finale of th e AMA/CCS Midwest ' Regi on a t Grattan Raceway. Clear and sunny Mich igan skies greet ed the ride" determined 10 win the Regional Championsh ips and prize money. Bill y G raef and T om Kipp t>rovided a full season's worth o £ racing. excuernent in the Middleweight Superbike final. Graff led until lap five, when Kip p look the lead with a darin g move and a quick I :28.95 lap. Graef follo wed Kirt>'s lin es until lap eight, when i t was G rae m th e lead in turn three. Kipp in fou r, Graef in five and Kip p in six. Kipp n ip ped G raef at th e ch eckers with 1:28.68 lap. the fa stest of th e race. The Harley-Dav idson 883 U.S. T wins po ri race featured th e midwest racing debut of Jesse Roeder . son of former Grand National Champion Will Roed er. Roed er stood third o n th e podium while Darrell Jones loo k the top spo t and hi s thi rd consecutive $300 pa yout. Regional Championships were und ecided in eig ht even IS and the performances ol Larry Cohee, Mark Johnson. Mauhew Winnacker, Gerard Hoppa, David Doe, Darren Ch ic. Mauhew Sheldon and Jeff Plummer won each I of them a cro wn. Jerf Plummer was crowned , a four-lim e cha mp ion. Accordin g to race director , Kevin Elfion, the Midwest Regi on will be divided next seaso n into th e Dai ryland Regi on, with dates at Blackhawk Farm s, Road Am erica and Heartland Park, T o peka and th e Great Lak es region. wi th da tes a t G rat tan Racewa y. MidOhio a nd Roa d Ameri ca. Results SOLO ENDUR GTO: 1. Robert A. Sa ndy; 2. John V. Erdr ic h; 3 . Randy Gaddey ; 4 . Matthew Shekton; S. Greg Hutcheson. SOLO ENDUR GTU: Tom Kipp; 2. Ken Kosieracki ; 3. Darrell Cooney; 4. Jeff Plummer; 5 . Steve Kok. EXU.S. TW /SPRT: 1. Darre ll Jones; 2. David Klosterman; 3. Je sse Roeder. NOV U.S. TW /SPRT; 1. Tom CO ...,.. EX L/W SITW: 1. Manhew F. W ,nnack er; 2_ Charles W ill iam Lang ; 3. M ark W. Joh nson; 4 . Rick Blande r: S. David McDar.and. NOV L/W SITW: t . Timothy Seebold; 2. Tim Binge n; 3 . Roy Nichol son; 4. Greg M ell ing er; 5 . Tom Exinger . EX M / W S/ SPRT: 1. Ke it h D. M erryf ield ; 2. Ken Kos ieracki; 3. J eff Plummer; 4. Darrell Cooney; 5. Randy Gadder. NOV M IW S/ SPRT: 1. Dari n M . Chic; 2. M ark Tesch; 3. Jordon Brown; 4. Steve Croh ; 5 . Samu el T. Salaja. EX V W GP: 1. Sam Wardrip; 2. Donn C. Lewis; 3. J eff VOS; 4. M att hew F. W innac ker ; 5 . Kurt Koops. NOV L/W GP: 1. Greg Hutc heson; 2. Jordon Brown; 3. Will iam Whit e; 4 . TImothy Seebold ; 5, David J . Doe. EX HIW S/SPRT: 1. Robert A . Sandy ; 2. Matthew F. Winnacker; 3. Ma rk Er ickso n; 4. Gerard James Hoppa . NOV HIW S/SPRT: 1.- Stev e Sche ibe; 2. Steve Croft; 3. M atthew Sheldo n; 4. Jam es Holde r; S. Samuel T. Salaja . EX L/W S /BK : 1. Matthew F. Winnacker; 2. Bob Newby; 3. Charl es William lang; 4 . Wal te r Sakowski; 5. Tracy B. Doyle. . NOV VW S/BK: 'l . Greg Hutcheson; 2. Timothy Seebold; . 3. Tim Bingen; 4 . Aku Laht i; 5 . Alen J . Mc Phee. NOV MIW S/Bl< : 1. Steve Croft 2. Darin M. Chic ; 3. Rick Brewer; 4 . Greg Hutcheson; S. Mark Teach. EX MIW S/8K : 1. Tom Kipp; 2. Billy Graef; 3. Alan Bert agnoli ; 4 . Keith D. Merryfield ; 5 . Ken Koaieracki . '1 EX L/W S/SPRT; 1. Matthew F. WinNickar; 2. Kurt ) Horv ath . NOV VW S /SPRT: 1. Jordon Brow n; 2. Geral d Bertolini; 3 . Terry Bandstra; 4 . David J . Doe; 5. Elvis Ray Nicholson. I EX U/ L GP: 1. Ftlu Kling; 2. Billy Graef; 3. Tom Kipp; 4 . Andy Fenwick; 5. Eric R. Moe . EX U/L S/SPRT: 1. Mark Erickson; 2. Gerard James _ .

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