Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• 3. Brent Greer (SUI); 4 . Mark Couch (Kaw); 5. M ike Gray (K~2'~ NOV: 1. Colin Cou1o (Hon); 2. Ron Stewert (Hon); 3 . Mark Vandewalle; 4 . Humberlo Baca ISUI) ; 5 . Robin Hall (Han). 125 PRO: 1. Tim Telford (Sud; 2. Ryan Carlisle (Kawl. 250 BEG: 1. Chrts lunl$ (SUI ); 2. Abie Laie Jr. (Kaw ); 3. David Ochoa (Yam); 4 . Greg Clark (Yam); 5. Peter J. Vaur i (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Byron Greene (Yam); 2. Chuck Demps:ey (Han); 3 . Mik e Blair (Kaw) : 4. Bryan Robens (Kawl ; 5. Rid' Sottile (Han). 250 INT: 1. Robbie Dunh am (Yam); 2. John Rudder (Cag). 500 BEG: 1. David Perc (Han); 2. Si eve Reeves (ATK); 3. Jason Neal (Han); 4 . James Baker {Yaml; 3 . Don Demyan (H~ NOV: ~ . Karl Allen (Honl; 2. Brian CUrry (Kaw ); 3. Larry Erisman (Hon); 4 . Ken M iller (A TK ); 5. Rob Wise (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Troy Welty (Hon). SR EX: 1. DaVid Rogers; 2. Steve Dun lap (SuzJ. VET BEG: 1. MI1ch B.nks (Hon); 2. Herb A llen (l aw ); 3. Mi chael Haines (Yam); 4. .Joe Silva Jr . (Han); 5 John Flanders (Han) VET NOV: 1. 'Bret Green ing (Kaw); 2. Tim Flanigan (Kaw); 3 . Kelly Gray {Yamt 4 . Dusty Rode; 5. Bob Du nahm (Yam). VET INT: 1. Greg Benton (SuII; 2. Karel Kramer (Honl; 3. Art Dan (Hon). .... V Emig, Schmit top dogs at Hot Dog Shoot-Out MX ..0 o ..... ByJVB COLUMBIA . MO , SE PT. 9-10 J ell Em ig and Donny Sch mi t took home th e winners' share of the 55000 purse a ' th e 6th Ann ual MXP HOI Dog Shoot-O ut held a ' Fin ger Lak es Stal e Park. The track per sonnel ha d' to work some o f their magic to ge l th e even I und erw ay as he-avy rain Frida y night left the track ex tremel y muddy. MXP brought in a th ird bu lldozer, added to the two already availab le from the sta te o f Missou ri , a nd by 12:30 Sa turda y th e track was read y. The 125 and 250cc Expert class es were packed wit h some o f the top rid ers fro m .JO sla tes. T he First 25(k c moto was a wrre-to-wire win for Jeff Emig [ro m Kansas City. Kan ~ s. Den n is Haw th orne ran second afte-r co rm ng from a seven th-place start. Third went 10 Bill Fosnock , fuurt h to Mike Sta h lm an and fift h to Mike Bosto n. M OlD IW Q was a re-pea t for Em ig. go ing wireto-w ire for h is second 250cc moto win . with second being tak en o ver by a di ffer en t player - Donny Sch mit, wh o had clutch trouble in moto one. Sch m it sta rted sixth a nd moved up, bUI co uld not ca tc h Em ig a nd had 10 sett le for second p lace. Den nis Hawthorne held th ird, Ro y Sche llen berg.". fourth. MOIO three sta rted w ith Dennis H awth o rne gelli ng th e hol esho t, At th e .end ~f the first lap it was Hawthorne. Sch m it, Mike Bo Sl0!l . Emig and Sta hlma n. O n th e second lap. Emig got past Boston. Sche llenberger moved :>hea d of Boston into fifth o n lap three. Schm it al so made hi s move into the lead . Just behind the lead ers, th e racing was in ten se for sixth through 10th. Among those to th e heat of th e baule, were ~eck in gton . H al stead . J a son Young a nd Bill Fosnock. At the en d 11 was Sch m it taking th e win, with Emi g seco nd, Hawthorne rh ird , Stahlman fou rth and Schellenberger fifth. With a 1-1-2 fini sh , Emig was the 250cc Expert o vera ll winner. T he 125cc Expert had 37 en tries. The first mo to sa w Emi g with th e ho lesh o t again. He kept hi s GE R Kawasak i KX I25 o ut fro nt for the wi n. The batt le for second thro ugh six th saw Do nny Sch mit wo rk his way. (rom a n eig hth-p lace sta rt 10 seco nd. J o hn Kl~sch r~e his T UF Suzuki RMl 25 '0 a solid thi rd, Sta hlma n was fou rth a nd Ha wth or ne fifth . M o te two had loca l Iavo ri re Jeff Sch u m- . acher leading a t the e-nd o f la p on e wit h . Schmi t, Em ig , Young. Fosnock and Ha,,:thorne close behind. O n lap two , Sch mit passed Schmacher for the lead. At the end. It was Schm i t, Ernig, H aw th orne, Fosnock and Schumacher. In moro three De-nnis Hawthorne put his KX u p front f;'llo wed by Emig, Schmit, Fosn ock, Stahlman and Beckington. La p two remained the same, bUI o n lap three Donny Schm it made a co u p le of big-league passes go ing aro und Emig and Hawl h~m e into fi~l place. At the end of moto three, It was Schmit, Emig, Hawth orn e. Fosnock a nd Beckington. That gave Schmit th e overall with a 2-)-1 to Em ig's 1-2-2. Kitsch provided o ne of the most excmng feats of the weekend when he was the firs t rider 10 ju mp his TUF-sponsored Suzu~i ~ver a triple never before made. It now has officia lly been named the "J o hn Kitsch III T ri ple " Results Jeffrey Helf rich {Yamt 2. Keit h Poole (Yam); 3. Er ic Fioerchinger (SUIt 4. Gregory Pursle y (Vem); 5. Gregory Pursl ey (Yam). 80 SEG: 1. Jon M ill er ( Kaw~ 2. Tony W enck (Kaw); 3. John ny Mu ell er (Hon); 4 . Rec rd J esse (Hon); 5. Kent York ha (Suzl. 60: 1. Brian Ston e (Kaw). 80 B: Andy Bowyer (Kaw ); . 2. Jason Kellogg (Han); 3 . Richard Anderson (Han); 4 . Jimmy Wil son (StIl); 5. Jody Slew ard (Kawl . . 80 A: 1. Mack VanderB eek (kawl; 2. Kyle Jolley (Kaw ); 3. Andy Hendrickso n (SUI ); 4 . Donn ie Steward (Kaw); 5. Chase Greening (Hon). BEG: 1. Ti m Hughes (Suz); 2. M ark St ice (Suz); 3. Larry Handshy (Yaml: 4 . Tim Jo hnson (SuII; 5. Ted Dun ham (Y~2~ NOV: 1. Kyle Joll ey (Kaw); 2. J ohn ny W ilhi1e (Yam); 3. Craig Hope (Kaw); 4. Chris Hunter (Kaw ); 5. Doug Slo ne (K~2~ INT: 1. Ben Heibel (Kaw); 2. Kirk Payne (Kaw); 3. Dan Al bright (Kawl; 4 . Doug Schu macher (Han); 5. Doug Finney (Kaw) 125 OPEN: 1. Sen Heibel (Kaw); 2. Doug Schum ach er (Hon); 3 . Kevin Kolka (K. w); 4 . Andy Hendnck son (SUI ); 5. Kei1h Lewandowsk i (Suli. 125 EX: 1. Donny Schm i1 (Han ); 2. J eff Emig (Kaw ); 3. Denn is Hawthorne ' 4 . John Kitsch Ill ; 5. J eff Schu mach er . 250 NOV: 1. Chri s Hun ter (Kaw); 2. Brian Lackey (Kaw l; 3. Jam es Crawf ord (Yam): 4. Ferd inand Aut (Kaw); 5. Don Froeh lich (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Brent Quellette fKaw); 2. Larry Yeager (Yam); 3 . Craig Noack (Kaw ); 4 . Rick Bien ias (Hon): 5. Chr IS Parks (Suzl u o Brandon Backes won the Mini Sen ior class at Spring Creek MX. 250 OPEN: 1. larry Yeager (Yam); 2. Rick Bienias (Han): 3 . Scott Cripps (Hon l; 4 . John Dixon (Han ); 5. larry Handshy (Yaml. SR: 1. Mark Greenley (Hon ); 2. Ronald Dow nen (TUF): 3. Denn is Poll ard (Kaw); 4. Kevin Poole (SUI); 5. Terry Chumb ley fKTM). ENDR: 1. J oh n Pursley IKaw); 2. Ronald Con ner (Hus) OPEN TROPHY: 1. Wayne Brooks IKaw); 2. Todd Ramsey (Han): 3 . Mark M itch ell lKaw); 4 . Craig Baldus IHus); 5. Ten y Chumb ley (KTM). 250 EX: 1. J eff Emig (Kaw); 2. Den nis Hawthorne; 3 M ike Stah lma n; 4 . Bill Fosnock: 5. Roy Schell enberg~" . Riley reels in wins at Spring Creek MX By Ro lfe Otterness MILLVILLE, MN . SEPT. 17 Pa t Riley aced bo th th e 125and 250cc A classes at j o h n Mart in 's Sp ri ng Creek Park mo tocross tra ck. In the first 125cc A mo to Donny Sch mit roo sted into th e lead with Robbi e Engstrom a nd Riley in to w . Sch mi t cru ised away for the win , with En gstrom falling short of his pa ce. Riley and J eff Co lber t circu la ted for third a nd fourth. Sch m it's Pro Cir cuit- powered bike ca tap ulted him into th e lead in the seco nd moto and he did anot her disappe aring ac t. En g. stro m cras hed early o n th e first lap and never recovered. Riley had to fend off th e cha lle nge mo unt ed by Cory Keeney in o rder to tak e the officia l wi n behind pro rid er Schmit. Tim Bartylla ran well 10 tak e third am at eur a nd secure seco nd overa ll. The first 250cc A m oto was t he best of th e day. As Engs tro m led the pa ck thro~gh th e fir st turn swee per Sc h ro ll was for ced In to (h e fence avoid a p ileup. He cha rged after the pack after losing 15 seconds bU I was up (0 23rd at the end of th e first la p. Engstrom set a ra pi d pace n ut front wit h Bria n F~rn and Ril ey dispu u ng seco nd. Engstrom bui lt wh at seemed an insurmountable lead b y the tim e Sch mit sliced his wa y to seco nd a t th e end of th e fo urth lap. Schmi t co n tin ued to gai n ground a nd just befor e th e ~hite n ag h~ ~w Engstro~ goi nt: do wn the hl.ll n~r th e finish li ne. Wh Ile go m g up the h il l WIde open m thi rd gea r o ne-han ded he pointed a t Engstrom to let h im kno w he was In trouble. T he n he made up a n eig ht-second defici t o n the final lap. a nd took the lead as Engstrom slid o u t near the end o f the race. En gstro m was up q uickly to take the Ama teur class wi n ah ead . o f a chargi ng Ch ris Bensen a nd Cha d Winecke. Jo h n Niemi and Jay Hoenk were next across the line. Ril ey led a ba ttle bet ween Chris H ugh es and En gstrom in th e seco nd rnoto . Schmit th read ed h is )25 through traffic to lead o ne lap , then eased off to let Riley tak e th e checkered. H ughes held off Engstrom until the last lap, bUI had 10 settl e for third. Fern and Ja ck La ne trailed H ughes a t the lin e. Results '0 Keep your cool. The right technique will help you maintain traction, even on a wet road. And that's what separates advanced riders fromthe rest. Take a Motorcyde Call1-8OQ-447-4700. sx/""": t MoacJCle 5afIry FoundaIIon 125 YTH: 1. Cory Keeney; 2. Brando n Backes; 3 . Scott Johnson. OVER 2 5: 1. Jeff Sorensen; 2. Joh n Niemi ; 3. J ack.lane. SR C: 1. Brad Weic helt; 2. Kevin McNamara; 3 . A.J . Kazlau skas. SR A : 1. Brian Carney; 2. Dan Zelal ny; 3. Jim Olson. SR OVER 40: 1. Jerry Becker; 2 . Larry Noble; 3 . Marlon 1Il~1W: 1. Shell y Kann; 2. Lance Cunningham; 3. Ryan Brought on. MI NI JR: 1. Tim Posp isil; 2. Ryan Smola ch; 3. Dust in Noble. M INI SR: 1. Brandon Backes; 2. M ike A1kinson: 3. Jim Distributors or Dealers Call for product Po;~~t 0 -1: 1. Lawre nce Beau champ; 2. Perry W olff ; 3 . (213) 946-3581 A,I ;25R~~~2: 1. M ike A1kinson; 2. Mark Gregor; 3. David W eylan d. 125 B: 1. Ja son Kempel; 2. Mik e W iedm eyer; 3 . Mi ke Lemk e. 125 A: 1. Pat Ril ey; 2. Tim .Barty lla ; ~ . Richard Riehm . 250 C 0 -1: 1. Greg Kal iS; 2. ChriS Schu le; 3 . Scott Wale(zko . 25 0 C 0 ·2: 1. Mark Gregor; 2 . David Camp10n; 3 . Brandon Slmr~: 1. S1eve Milverst edt; 2. Steve Eberly; 3. Kevin Nolan . . 2SO" : 1. Pat Riley: 2. Robbie Engstrom ; 3 . Chr is Bense . A OPEN C: 1.Mark Smi lanich; 2. Bren1 Herber : 3 . DaVId Je8~oN A: 1. Chris Bense; 2. Jay Hoenk; 3. J eff Sorensen. KNIGHT BOSS CHAMPION Gnm eca Brake SYS1ems. frame5 or roll mg chaSS IS fro nt spool. QU Ick change rear w heels, sprocke1S cams. carbs. pIpeS. s ,prtng kiIS. pisto ns. glass. fork s. spares I(&N. Marlocch, PERFORM ANCE ACCESSOR IES Neil Keen 3 14/426-6959 Oakland Sport Center 4232 Dixi e Hwy. Drayton Plain. M I 48020 (3 1 3 ) 673 -3366 UPS Daily 37