Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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>- in the second mota, but Green took over the lead o n the first la p. Green pulled away as Matheso n a nd Rod Matthews battl ed for fourth place until Ma theson stalled for a second and Matthews got by. Messer went down and Math eson took over second place. H ill bega n maki ng his move toward the front, while Messer was knocked off th e track but reco vered and put on a charge to ma ke it back up to third. Matthews ha d pro blems and dropped o u t of the race. It was Chuck Gr een , wit h no competition. who too k the ch~ckered (Jag first followed by Mat heson, Hill and Da lton. Results « ~ ~ a: a: ::::> ::E !Xl o !Xl >- !Xl o lo :r e, ~ 00 ~ JR MINI: 1. Rich ie Herren (Yam); 2. Patri ck Gree n (Kaw); 3. Chr is Car lson (Sud; 4 . Jaso n Baldw in (Hon); 5. Robbie Horton (Yam). SR MIN I: 1. Ptric k Gree r (Kaw l; 2. Tild en Styron;. 3. Jason Baldw in (Hon); 4 . Chr is Carlso n (Suz); 5. Daniel Rich (Honl . SCHBY: 1. Patrick Slat e (Yam); 2. Tilden Styron: 3. Heat.h Stanci l (Kaw); 4. Marshall BiShop (Suzl; 5. Seth Noms . (Kaw). 125 C: 1. Chuc k Green (Hon); 2. David Hill (Yam); 3. Chad Matheson (Hon); 4 . Chris Messer (Yam): 5. Steve Dalton (Suz). • 125 B: 1. Rusty Coleman (Yam); 2. Ronn ie Yarbro (Suzl; 3 Thomas Invill e (SUI); 4 . Robert W il if ord (Hon). . 125 A: 1. Ji m Neese (Kaw ); 2. Patr ick Slate; 3. Kevi n Bowl es (Hon). SR MEN : 1. Steve Gent er; 2. Craig Collie ; 3, Den is Hilton (Suz); 4. Stuart Engli sh (Suz); 5. Chr is Brew er lX~ m ) . . 250 /0PEN A : 1. Kevin Bowl es (Hon ); 2. Wilha m Finc h ........ " 00 ........ .... . V ;.0 0 ..... U 0 Overall winner Chuck Green (26) charges ahead of Chris Messer (25) and Rod Matthews (5) at the start of a 125cc C moto at Devil's Ridge. Paul Krause was second overall at the Shamrocks Hare & Hound. Plessinger was awarded first-place Expert followed by Yamahamounted Tony Hendon , who latched on to that position early and held it to the end. Third-place Expert went to Chris Caplinger, who had to work his way up after a bad start and held off a la te challenge by Kelly Getz, the fourth-place finisher. Jim Stanfield stopped to help a downed rider on th e first lap, but was able to cat ch up to take fifth place. Six th place finisher Dwane Miinch fixed a fron t fla t tire after the second lap, and a rear flat on the fourth lap: Steve Le ivan, who also stopped on the first lap to aid the downed rid er, finished seventh-place Expert. The 250cc class winner, Carlo Cracchiolo, took the hol eshot at the creek and after first-lap problems, reto ok th e lead and held it to th e end. Jay Williams led th e Open class until the la st lap wh en his radiator hose brok e and Matt Sauerw ein, who worked his way up from 10th p lace, was th ere .to take the win. Kevin O'Brien took the holeshot in the 200cc class a n d finished wi th a sizeable lead. In th e l 25cc class, VinceThrockmorton took the lead from Spencer Ballentine on the second lap and held it to the end. Eddie LaChance, riding with a flat front tir e, held off last- lap charge by Everett Shinault to take the Fo ur -Stroke win . Bill Duffner and Bob Caplinger dueled in the Sen ior class with Duffner on top at the end. After early trouble and a late challenge, Shawn Taylor . took the Junior win. The Vintage race was held the previous day on a seven-mile section of the course. Dick Mann showed he could sti ll turn on the gas by taking the win in the one-hour event. a Results 0 / A: 1. Ron Naylor (ATK). EX: 1. Scott Plessinger (Kaw); 2. Tony Hendon (Va m); 3. Chris Caplinger (Cag); 4. Kelly Getz (Han ); 5. J im Stanfield (Kaw). OPEN: 1. M. Sa uerwein (Han); 2. M. Beck (Kaw); 3. M. Turpin (ATK); 4. R. McWhorter (K ; 5. K. TM) Kramer (A TK). 250: 1. C. Cracchiolo (Han) 2. S. Martin (Vam); ; 3.J . Sledge (V am); 4. C. Graber (K aw); 5. R. Butler (Han). 200: 1. K. O'Brien (Kaw); 2. R. Thorpe (Kaw); 3. S. Branstetter (Kaw); 4. T. Berry (Vam); 5. M. Lynch (Kaw). 125: 1. V. Throckmorton (Cag); 2. S. Ballentine (V am); 3. J . Richards (Kaw); 4. M. Jam ieson (K TM); 5. R. Caviness (Kaw). . 4-STRK: 1. E. LaChance (Han); 2. E. Shinault (Han ); 3.L. Martin (Han); 4. M. Goforth (Han ); 5. C. Math is (Han). SR; 1. B. Duffner (Kaw); 2. B. Caplinger (Cag); 3 . R. Liv in gston (Yam); 4 . T. Br uml ey; 5 . A. Pr in ce (Hu s). S/SR : 1. J . Ramsay (Suz); 2. G. Erhardt (ATK); 3. J . Benard (Kaw); 4. J . Dukes(Kaw); 5. L. Li ndblad (Kaw). JR: 1. S. Taylor (Han); 2. G. Kennon; 3. J . Dunn; 4. N. Longo; 5. T. Evans. 34 . BEG : 1. J . Crawford (Vam); 2. M. Faletti (K aw); 3. A. Copeland (Vam); 4. J . Semones (Han ); 5. P. Barker (Han). VINT: 1. D. Mann (BSA); 2. G. Raecker (ez); 3. P. Smith (Tri); 4. D. Eaton (BSA); 5. G. Blackwell (BSA). Paiement paces Shamrocks H&H By Donnetta and Bob Murray R ED MO UNT AIN , CA, SEPT. 24 T he top ru n ners in th e Shamrock MC Timed Hare & Hound held a t Searles Sta tion near Red Mo untain, left the p it area Sunday not knowing who the winners were. Nearly a day la ter. the co mputers spit o u t the winner ; Derr ick Paiemen t riding a Kawasaki KX500 with a time of 6653 seconds. " I took a lot of cha nces at the end of the race to catc h Paul." sa id Pa iement of Paul Krause, wh o physically crossed th e finis h lin e fir st. "Hopefully, I got him timewise." Alter nea rl y mis sing his turn on the fifth row of the start lin e, Paiemen t cha rged right oil th e bat in hopes of getting th rough th e cro wd a nd acco mpa nying dust a hea d of him. He tried to pa ce himself through th e first loop, go ing just fast en ough to ca tch up with those In fron t and to keep thos e beh ind at ba y. Minor dump can pr obl em s co st him a few seco ~ds. but he soon hi t the rocks and th e technica l part of the second loo p in a good position . " I used the rock s to my advan tage: ' said Pai ement. wh o is spo nso red by Downhill Alexander/Kawasaki of R iverside/Scott USAf H i-Point. '" kept pa cin g myself , tryin g to mak e no mis ta kes. [ h it a bush and had a little get -oil. As soo n as 1 saw Paul's du st, I started goi ng a littl e faster and tak in g a few more cha nces." Paiement was second phy sically to pass the chec ke red (Jag . Kaw a saki T eam Gree n' s Krause, had a quick start in the third row and got th ro ug h th e riders of the two row s ahead of him so he could be du st free. He caugh t the leaders just befor~ the bomb and passed them by th e road crossl n ~. Krau se was second through the pits and fmall y caught the leader, Ro bert Baehr. O nce past Baehr . it was clear rid ing all the way in . He phys ically finished first and was second overall wit h a clocking of 6690,37 second behi nd Paiement. Placing third overall , a nd first 250cc rider. was Kawasaki's Ted Hunnicu tt. Fo llo wing a cras h in the first loo p , H un nic utt passed both Brett Howell and Steve Kirk wi th som e hard rid ing through the rocks. poured it on and brough t his bike ho me at 6774. G reg Sear les piloted hi s 250<:c Honda to a fourth overa ll fini sh . claiming he could hardly see th e course. Kawasaki's Ken Parry was th e first Vet to cross the line and his time of 6882 was good eno ug h fo r filth overall. Baehr led until the second check of the second loop. befor e droppi ng back to sixth overall with a time of 6934. Dan Ashcra ft finished seventh o ver Steve Kirk. who enjoyed a bit of dicing wit h H un nicu tt during th e second loo p. . Sentimental favorite of th e da y had to be Kawasaki 's l25cc rider Brett Howell. T he race was dedicated to his father, Bill Howell , a Shamrock member and longtim e desert regular wh,:, had succ umbed to can: er l ~ days ear lier. T hIS was utmost In Brett s mi nd as he crossed the checkered (Jag ninth overall and first 125cc. Rounding o ut the to p 10 was Dow n hill Alexander. Results O/ A: 1. Derrick Paiement (Kaw): 2. Paul Krause (Kaw); 3. Ted Hu nn icun (Kaw); 4 . Greg Searle (Hon); 5. Kenny Parry (Kaw~ 6. Robert Baehr (Kaw); 7. Dan Ashcraft (Ya ~); 8. Stelle KirkJr. (Yam); 9. Bren How ell (Kaw); 10 . Downhill Aleltander (Suz). OPEN EX: 1. Derrick Paiement (Kaw); 2. Paul Krause (Kaw); 3. Mike Kornwinder (Hon). OPEN AM : 1. J eff Capt (Hon); 2. Gary Carmen (KTM); 4.Mike Davidge (Kaw). OPEN·NOV: 1. Gary LaChor it e (Hus); 2. Scon Fusco (Hon); 3. Gary Shaw (Hon). 250 EX; 1. Ted Hunn icun (Kaw ); 2. Greg Searle (Hon); 3. Robert Baehr (Kaw ); 4. Dan Ashcraft (Yam). . 250 AM : 1. David Ondas (Yam); 2. Dw ayn e Lew is (KTM); 3. Steve Ogren (Yaml . 25 0 NOV: 1. Tom Dittf eld (Kaw); 2. Brad St ieg {KTMI; 3. Leona rd Tobin (Yam). 125 ex: 1. Brett Howell (Kaw); 2. John Braasch (Yaml; 3. Eri c Hanks (Kawl . 125 AM : 1. Brent Farrell (Kaw); 2. Gary Mercer (Yam); 3. Gary Christie (Kaw ). 125 NOV: 1. Al an Kadlec (Hon); 2. Gen e Nardone (Hon ); 3. 8rad Vandenber g (Hon). OPEN EX VET: 1. M ike M cDonald (Hon l; 2 . Mike Mulconery (KTM ); 3. Bob Zahnow (Yam). OPEN AM VET: 1. Mi chael Hendrix (Yam); 2. Richard Reed (KTM); 3. Randy Hetema (Yaml . OPEN NOV VET: 1. Bob W illi ams (Cag); 2. Ed Sol ilt (Hon); 3. Clay Holl iste r (Kaw ). 250 EX VET: 1. Kenny Parry( Kawl ; 2. Peter M edina (Kaw ); f~OIl:~'V~~~ :t~r;;:iieSpellman 3. (Kaw); 2.J ack Shannon (KTM I; 3. Larry George (KTM). 250 NOV VET: 1. Jeffr ey Princ e (KTM I; 2. Greg Kau lick (Hon); 3. Bob Koontz (KTMI. OPEN EX SR: 1. T.V. Holm es (KTM); 2. Don Bur ch (Yam); 3. ~~~rtAT~r~R:~ ~~:~~:istensen. Sr. (ATK); 2. Larry Hall (YO~)E N NOV SR: 1. R'ay Hern and ez (Hon); 2. Joh n Erlandson (Hon). 25 0 EX SR: 1. Steve Thompson (Kaw) ; 2. AI Hull (Yam); 3. Ron Hall (Suz). 2 50 AM SR; 1. Frank Chamber li n (Hon); 2. J ohn Huegel (Hon); 3 . M ich ael Burn ett (KTM ). 25 0 NOV SR: 1. Bob Pryor (Hon). EX S/SR: 1. Denn is Davidge (Hus); 2. Al Guzman (Kaw ). AM S/ SR: 1. Bill Pridemore (Yam); 2. George Scott (Kaw). WMN : 1. Glenda Ja ckson (Kaw ); 2. Patri ce Payne (Honl ; 3. Ju li e Parr ick (KTM) . OPEN BEG: 1. Andrew Pichon (Yam); 2. Thomas West (Kaw ); 3. Donald Eckersley (Hon). . 25 0 BEG: 1. Phi l Holcomb (Hon); 2. Steve Nakamoto (Hon); 3. Steve Wo rley (Yam). Greer grooves at Devil's Ridge MX By Hurley & Dot Short SANFORD, NC . SEPT. 24 Patrick Greer locked up the overall victo ry in th e Sen ior Mini class with }·2 mo to sco res at Devil's Ridge MX Park. In the first moto Ti lden Styron gr abbed the holesho t fo llowed by Gr eer and J ason Baldwin . T he leader went do wn on the first lap and Gr eer moved out fro m and p u lled out to a health y lead over the field . At the ha llwa y po in t it was G reer , R itch ie H orton and Baldwin , while Da nny Rich moved u p on Ba ldwi n and tried to tak e over fourth . Alt hough Horton put on a last-m inute hard charge, he had to settle for secon d behind Gree r wi th Baldw in, Rich and Chris Ca rlson fin ishing behind him . In th e second mo te Styro ne took the lead off th e starting lin e again. followed by Gr eer. Carlso n and Gage Fortson. Rich took over fourth as Styron stretched h!s lead , !Ju t Baldw in also made a move to displace Rich . On the finish it was Styro n o ver G reer , Carlson, Ba ld win and Ri ch. In the first mo ta of the Junior Min i class Bal d win took th e ho leshot fo llowed by Carlson and Gr eer. Hor ton mo ved u p to second droppi ng Carlso n back to th ird and Gr eer to fourth, and continued his pus h and passed Bald wi n for the lead.. <:reer dropped Baldwin back yet another pos ruon, a nd at the finis h it was Horto n first ahead of Greer, Baldwin and Carlson . G reer grabbed th e holeshot in the second mo to with Fortson and Rich right behind him . On th e first lap Harla n pr essured Fortson and made the pass for second , p utting Fortson in third and droppi ng Rich back to fourt h. Alter mu ch jock eying back and fort h. Gr eer and Fortson began pus hing each other to th e limit. Greer held o n to the lead hut at the hal fway po in t Horton ma de it pas t Greer as Carlso n held o n to th ird and Baldw in moved up to fourt h. At th e fini sh , it was Fortson ov er Greer, Car lson, R ich and Baldwin. • In the first mot o of the l25cc C cla ss the holeshoi was ta ken by Chuck G reen . who took a co mma nd ing lead as he was followed by David H ill, Chris Messer and Chad Math eso n. Matheson kept the pressure o n Messer tryi ng to take o ver third, while G reen widened h is lead over H il1. The big race contin ued to be between Messer and Ma theson as they battled each o ther righ t down to the checkered lIag . At the finish it was Gree n, Hi ll , Messer , Matheson a nd Steve Dalton. Messer and Gree n led the pac k off the line (H~~h AM : 1. Donn y Graha m (Honl; 2. Artie Murphy (Suz). 250 C: 1. Richard Burton (Han); 2. Clifford Pierce (Hon); 3. Charl es Dwye r (Kaw ); 4 . Ban Case (Kaw ); 5. Charl es Dyson (Kaw) . OPEN AM : 1. John Colli e (Kaw ); 2. Tim Jul ian (Kaw) . Davis wins three at Hallett Road Race By Simone Janssen H AL L ETT, O K. SEPT. 24 Dewayne Davis of Barling, Arka nsas . had a fie ld day by wi nn ing th e H ea vyw eight Superbike, U nlim ited Supersport and Heavyweight Supersport classes at the last round of the Hall ett Road Race Series. The second race of th e day, Heavyweigh t Superbike, saw Trys Wes.tby ,,:hee lie.and sta ll his Honda on the startmg h oe with Keith Brewer on a Su zu ki GSXR750 gett ing the ho lesho t, followe d by Ro bert Blevins o n a GSX R 750. Dewayne Davis on a Blevins Pa int a nd Bod y/ West a r k Cycle/Lockhanspo nsored GSX R750, an d J im Sabin, a lso o n a GSXR750 . Davis took command of the race and led over Sabin a nd Westby , who had recovered from a poor start. Sa bi n picked u p the pace and too k the lead on lap seven wit h Westby falling back. Davi s retook the lead and the two stayed wheel -to-wheel. As th e checkered (Jag fell , it was Davis ba rely edging out .Sabin wit h Westby ho ldi ng third o ver Brewer and Blevins. Mike Su lliv an won the NOV ice cla ss over Darnell Darcy. Un limited Supersport found Brewer ta king the lead at th e start. only to be overtak en by Brad Peterson and Blevins at the end of lap o ne. Davis, overcoming a poor start, moved into seco nd an d bega n LO clo se in o n Peterso n , ta king over the lead on lap seven. Brewer, who got a good start and th en fell oil th e pace. recovered and passed Blevin s on the ninth lap. At the fini sh, Davis held o n for the win over Peterson , wi th Brewer edging Blevins at the line . Again , Su llivan won the 'Novice class, this tim e o ver Doug Wil kerso n. H eavyweight Supersport and Heavyweight Supertwins ended the day of racmg with Peterson o nce aga in getting the hol esho t over Davis , Blevins a nd Brewer . Peterson continued to lead over Davis to th e en d of la p two , with Peterson losing the fro nt end in turn 10. Davis inherited the lead. wit h Blevins holdi ng second over Brewer a nd Ash ley Peterson. Micha el Tate was lea d i ng the Novice class o ver Mike Su lli va n. Lap seven sa w Peterso n passing Blevins for third a nd Sull ivan pass ing Tate. At the checkered n ag it was Davis, wi n ning his thi rd race of th e day , with Peterson p uuing in a fine ride to finis h second over Brewer a nd 'Blevins, T ate won the Novice class over Su llivan and Greg McKi nstry. Mall Greene won the H eavyweig ht Supertw ins. The six th a nd final ro und of the K&N Ya mah a Go ld Cup Series saw K&N Racing's Phil and Sam McDonald come out o n top . mak ing it a perfect sixth win of the series. Results U/L GP: 1. 'J im Sabin (Suz); 2. Tryg Westby (Hon); 3. Robert Blevins (Suz); 4. Brad Peterson (Suzl; 5. Ashl ey Peterson (Suz). M / W GP: 1. Tryg Westby (Hon); 2. Den Ray (Yam);. 3. Bri an Hansen (Yam); 4 . Donny Meadors (Hon); 5. Charl es Inman (Han). ' UW GP: 1. Brian Hansen (Yaml ; 2. Jim Mosley (Yam); 3. Jer ry Perry (Hon); 4 . Gen e Zirger {Yaml; 5. Danny Dominguez (Kaw l. U/ L S/SPRT : 1. Dewa yn e Devis (Suzl; 2. Brad Peterson (Suz); 3. Keith Brewer (Suz); 4 . Robert Blevin s (Suz); 5. M ike Sull ivan (Yam ). H/W S /SPRT : 1. Dewa yne Davis '(Suz); 2. Ashl ey Peterson (Suz ~ 3. Keit h Brewer (Suz); 4 . Robert Blevins (Suz); 5. M ich ael Tate (Yaml . MIW S/SPRT: 1. Tryg West by (Honl; 2. M ichael Sull ivan (Yam); 3. Donn y Meadors (Han): 4. M ichael Tate {YamI; 5. Marty Coyn e (Kaw) . U W S/SPRT : 1. Jim Mosley (Yam); 2. Danny Dom ingu ez (Kaw); 3. Chris M ila n (Hon); 4. M ike Hart sel! (Yam): H/W S/BK: 1. Dew ayn e Davis (Suzj; 2. J im Sabin (Suzl; 3. Tryg W estby (Hon); 4. Mike Sull ivan (Yam); 5. Darnell Darcy (Yam). M /W S/BK: 1. Brian Hansen (Yam); 2. Matt Greene (Yam); 3. M ich ael Tate (Yam); 4 . Donn y Meador (Hon); 5. Charles Inm an (Hon ) U W S/ BK: 1. Jim Kiefer (Yam); 2. Matt Gree ne (Yaml; 3. Dann y Doming uez (Kaw); 4. Kevin LeGrande (Hon); 5. A li Allen (Hon ). . H/W SITW: 1. Matt Greene (M ·G ); 2. Mike Reill y (Yam). U W SITW: 1. Jer ry Perry (Hon); 2. Chris Mil an (Hon); ~N6~~~~t.d~~~r~~~i~~ 3. (Yam); 2. Romp and Stomp (Su:z); 3. Team Excel (Suz); 4. Team Buzzy (Yam); 5. Time Bandi ts (Honl .