Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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o season long, and it was the last main of the year . It was a good mov e as Jordan, lik e . Chrisria n, led a ll th e way o n hIS Sunscreen Window Tinting/Rosa Maria's Drive In / Oury Grips/K&N-sponsored Weslake. Louis Kossuth, co mi ng back after a two-m onth retiremen t, (ou ght 0 (£ th e consis tent challenges of Shawn McConnell and h is X-rated hel met to fini sh second. Results CiS 9 ~ ~ o U l/l >- '" l/l SCRATCH: 1. Alan Christian (Jaw~ 2. Phil Collins (Wes); 3. Ed Castro (Wes); 4 . Jim Sisemore (Wes). HDCP: 1. Kevin Jordan (Wes); 2. Lou is Kossuth (GM); 3. Shawn McConn ell (Wes); 4. Ed Castro (Wes). 5 :I: e, LEGENDS MATCH 1: 1. Bruce Penhall ; 2. Ron Preston . LEGENDS MATCH 2: 1. Dave Sim s; 2. Sonny Nutter. LEGENDS A : 1. Ma rk Dwyer; 2. Billy Me iste r; 3. Jay Gianeni; 4 . Steve NUIler . LEGENDS B: 1. Tom Burba ; 2. Mike Mazzacane; 3. Gene Woods ; 4 . Mike Dwyer. LEGENDS C: 1. Jimmie O·Oell; 2. Jeff Tomlin; 3. Joey Donaldson; 4 . Deen York. LEGENDS 0: 1. Dubb Ferrell; 2. Jan Ballard. .... v ~ o .... Wallace wins two at Orleans MX o ORL EANS, NE, SEPT. 17 Ron Wall ace took the 125. and 250cc A cla ss overa ll win s at Orleans MX , but was pr essured all day by Jeff Bargell . Bargell took hi s shar e of th e cash by sweep ing th e Over 30 clas s desp ite runnin g in six rno tos for th e day. Mini rid er Tracy Kell ogg shocked th e l25cc B riders by borrowing a bike and proceeding to claim fir st pl ace. The l 25cc class may have proved Kelloggs' undoing, how ever, as he bailed off in th e Mini A class final mot o and Pete H azlitt flew un challenged to th e chec kered flag . The Sportsman class proved a treat to watch as Glenn Weinman was back .astri de a bik e a fte r a lO-year absence . H e wrestled th e unfamiliar bik e a nd ca me to ninth the first moto , but found hi s stride to ta ke first th e seco nd time aro und. Results By Jesse Wessels u Phil Collins closed out Ascot South Bay Stadium's speedway season with a win in the Scratch main, his 11 th of the season. was followed by Getty. wh ile Moraski stayed o n the track to tak e a th ird. T he Open Expert class was the main event of th e day . Geo rge Pri ce finished firs t as he d id in the 250cc Expert class, bu t pushed har d waiting for Pr ice to slip u p . but it di d n't hap pen. Duan e Veeder ra n four th and tried the hi gh lin e co mi ng in to th e first corne r , got in th e fluff a nd was passed undern ea th by Co nrad Parshall and Brian T ill son. The bailie co n tin ued for Veeder whe n Craig Estelle mo ved into play. Results 60: 1. Aaro n Creamer (Kaw). 80: 1. Ken Coolbetl'l (Kaw l; 2. Morgan Coolbeth lKaw); 3. Aaron Creamer (Yam); 4. Jason FuJler (Yam); 5. Ja rv is Haag IHanI. SR B: 1. Peter DeSanti s (Kaw) ; 2. Dave Gamble (Hon); 3. Joe Goukt (Hon); 4 . Je rome Haag (Hon) . SR A : 1. Jay Skidmore (W-R); 2. Gary Neal (Hon). 12 5 AM; 1. Ken Coolbeth (Kaw); 2. Joe Me ier tHon); 3 . Dave Dan iel _ lHon ); 4 . Stan Nitt iskie (Hon); 5 . Dav e Gamble tHon " 125 EX: 1. J ay Skidmo re (Hont 2. Robert Weiss (Hon); 3 . Bill Newkirk (Hon); 4. Ken Dahlin (Hon); 5 . Steve Aldi (Yam). 250 AM : 1. Roben Getty Jr . (Suz); 2. Joe Meier (Hon); 3 . W ill Adams (Hon); 4 . Da ve Gamb le (Han); 5. W ill Wa rlo rd (Yam). 250 EX: 1. George Price (Yam); 2. Duane Veeder (Han); 3. Cra ig Estell e IHon ); 4. Robert Weiss (Han); 5. Ken Dahlin IHon). OPEN AM : 1. W ill Adams (W-R); 2. Robert Getty Jr . {WR ~ 3. Doug Mor aski (H-D); 4 . M ike Clark (Han); 5. Ju sti n Coolbe th (Yam ). OPEN EX: 1. George Prtce (W.R ~ 2. J ay Skidmore rNA R); 3. Conrad Parsrn.II (H·D): 4 . Brian Till son (W·R); 5. Craig Estell e (W -R). Vertucci blazes Hyman Myers MX By Gwen Millan TALLAHASSE, FL, SEPT. 17 The seco nd round of the 6th Annual Florida Gold Cu p saw close to 300 rider s at Hyman Myers Speed way to co mp lete in th e WorldSports AMA Sta te Ch ampionshi p points payin g series. The. Senior clas s looked lik e anything but a n " O ld Ti me r 's class" a s David Ellis launch ed into a n early lead i n th e first mo to, he was close ly follo wed by Fred Vertucci while th ird and fourth was a toss u p between Jeffery Hu ~ hs and Dave Wagon er. Bidi ng his time in ftfth was Rog er Ambs. In j ust a short time Vert ucci bla zed a tra il that earned him first place by la p two des pite Elli s trying to dodge him . All held snug unti l the last lap as pos uions spread ou t. Vert ucci grabbed the chec kered wi th a la pped r ider between him a nd Ellis. Hugh es was in Ellis' shadows while Wagon er and Ambs ga ve chase but sett led for fourth and fifth. The seco nd mo ta saw Ra ben Aber the man to bea t with Woody Strickla nd being serious ly challen!?ed by Amb s, who ha d Wagoner and Vertucci doggi ng h im . Vertucci 's bad sta r t di dn ' t phase h im a t all as he moved from fifth to first in less th an a lap. Ellis co nq uered bo th Aber a nd Stric kla nd a nd set h is sig hts o n Vertucci, but Vertucci held on to first and firs t overall. Ellis , Aber , Strick la nd and Wagon er (allowed Vert ucci across th e lin e. In the Su per Sen io r class Al Ga rd ne r stormed the (irst turn with Cha rles Lehi ng and Geor ge Sma ll both kn ockin g o n his door. Back a sho rt di stan ce Alfred Claisse an d John nie Raulerson were close eno ug h to p ull teeth. Raulerso n too k som e pretty wild lines but they paid off as Sma ll dropped back. Buck Dal e a lso upseat ed Cla isse. Rob ert Go dfrey moved up to th ird halfway th rough th e rno to, Gard ner had a smooth fini sh while God frey moved u panother notch lO cla im seco nd over Raulerson and Dal e. Ga rd ner and Godfrey took co mma nd in mo to two while Lehing a nd Sma ll rou ((ht for thi rd and Raulerson was biding hi s u me in fifth . By the seco nd lap Ra ulerso n passed Small then edged Lehi ng o u t next and push ed Godfrey hard. Godfrey held him off for second as Gard ner too k a dou ble ma lO win . Results PIW: 1, Aaron Lindsey (Yam); 2. Scon Perry (Yam); 3. Tyler Shield s (Yam); 4. Jonathan Perey (Yam); S. John Gillesp ie (Suzl . 60 : 1. Rieky Carm ichael (Kaw); 2. Jerrell Tipping (Kaw ); 3. Eric Waters (Kaw); 4. Eric Quick (Kawl ; 6. Aaron Lindsey (Kaw ). 807-11 : 1.JarrettTipping(Yaml; 2. KennethJones(Hon); 3. Eric Waters (!(aw); 4 . Chris Buck (Kaw l; 5 . Matt Walker l!Caw). 80 12 ~ 13: 1. Kevin Windham IKaw~ 2. Tony Haynes (Yam); 3. Jeffery Easley (Kaw); 4. Ja son Gr ier ISuzl ; 5. Andr ew De$p8in (Han). 125 A: 1. Derek Youngblood ( H on~ 2. Chad Montero (Han); 3. JUSlln Jackson lHon); 4 . M ichael Jo nes (Hon); 5. Dave Gallagher (Han). 125 B: 1. Ryan Dean (Han); 2. Bret Beauchamp (Kaw): 3. Chr is 8ro lon (Han); 4. Lon ny Bischoff (Han); 5. Travis Blackburn (Kawl . 125 C: 1. Glen n Campbell (Yam); 2. Josh Hinson (Hon); 3. Joe Pearce (Han); 4 . Scott Stephens (Kaw); 5. Kevin Lampe (Han ), 250 A: 1. John Collins lHo nl; 2. Alan Andre u (Han); 3. Earl May (Hon); 4 . Jeff lampe (Hoot 5. Ricky Lee (Kaw ). 250 C: 1. Seen Suave (Han); 2. Shau n Smtth (Yam); 3 . Chris Harbin (Hon); 4 . Jerry Taylor (Han); 5. Don Pataky ISuz). OPeN NOV; 1. Todd Gardn er (Han); 2. Charles ThompSon (Hool; 3. Steve Decker (Hon); 4 . Joh n Gillespie (Han); 5. Jim i Herr ing (Yam). SR: 1. Fred Vert ucci (Suz); 2. David Ell is IHon); 3. Robert Aber IHon ); 4. Dave Wag ner (Yam); 5. Roger Am bs (Yaml. S/SR: 1. A I Gardner (Han); 2. Robert Godf rey (Han); 3. Jo hn nie Raulerson (Han); 4 . Charles Lehing (Hon); 5. John Kitsc h (Yam). 25+: 1. Earl May ( Hon~ 2. Alan Andreu (Han); 3. Josep h Carter (Han.; 4. Kevin Seien (Han); 5. Steve Rayborn (SU%). 125/ 2 50 BEG: 1. David Stutler (Kaw l; 2. Dan Nicho's (Han); 3. Troy Pfost (Kawl; 4. Alvin Davis (Hon); 5. AJlen Kandrog (Han). Collins again at Ascot South Bay Speedway By Scott Daloisio G AR DENA, CA, SEPT . 21 British-born Phil Collins clo sed Ascot Sout h Bay Stadium's season in fin e style by winnin g his II th Scra tch main 01 th e year o n Gardena soil . Mike Faria, determined to take the last regular Scrat ch main of th e cam paign a t Ascot , went into th e first cor ne r trad in g elbows wi th Collins. ft was a game fight by Far ia, but Co lli ns beat him 'off th e second corner a nd ass u med com ma nd of the po int pos ition. By the end of th e o pe n ing lap, Fari a had dropped all th e way to th ird as young Bill y H am ill roc keted by and set after Co llins. O n every track except Ascot, sma rt mo ney wo uld be p lace d o n the lig h tni ng-quick Ham ill , bu t at Ascot, no cha nce l Collins has the tra ck wi red. O nce he placed the Integr a ted Micro Systems / Rovazin ni Electric/j'T Raeing/Castrol/Troy Lee Design Weslake into the lead , th e race was over. Hamill never gave up, bu t whe n Roy Kell in g waved the checkered na g, Ham ill was a d ista nt seco nd to Co llins. Far ia finished thi rd wi th Sco tt Brant, who dropped o u t with mo to r problems , fourth. Team Blaze Racing US A's Steve Furman passed ear ly lead er Billy Gray o n the openi ng circui t of th e eight- la p Handica p main. Furma n, rid in g (as ter th an he ever has in his five-year career , immed ia tely moved o u t a nd built up a comfortable lead. He needed it, as before the fir st lap ca me to a roaring co ncl us ion, Ham ill an d Faria were situa ted in th ird and fourth. Ran dy Bedd ow bobbled near the end of the fir st circuit , and wen t from seco nd to last. That moved Hamill and Far ia to seco nd and th ird. Gray took a seal in turn two t he second ti me aro und and he joined Beddow a t th e back of th e eig h t-rider field . Co llins had to sta rt o n th e 70-yard lin e due to hi s recen t prosperity a t Sout h Ba y Sta dium . He (ini shed the event o n the inf ield as hi s mach ine gave u p th e ghost. Befor~ the race was over, he was joi ned o n cen ter gree n by Faria , Gray and Furman . Fur ma n joined th e in (ield spectators at a very ino pportune ti me. He had a co m mand ing lead, bu t as he came off tu rn two the fifth tim e, he smacked th e back stra igh t wall. T ha t Mark Dwyer won the Legends A main at Costa Mesa, put Hamill and h is Monrovia Diesel/Great Wh it e Lim ousine/Mesa Muffl er /STP / Quaker State Weslak e int o th e lead . Seco nds before Fari a jo in ed th e infield specta tors, Schwartz mot or ed by him for second. It was too lat e for th e " Boogaloo Kid " to cat ch the strea king Hamill a nd he had to be co n te n t with second. Ed Ca stro and Beddow , th e only o the r fini shers o u t of th e or ig ina l eight, too k third and fourth. Steve Sta nton and T om T ufts warmed up for th e first-e ver Ca liforn ia Sta te Sidecar Cham pions hi p (two nigh ts la ter at IMS) by winni ng th e si x-la p Sidecar main . Ne w Zeala nd's Craig Dempster a nd Peter Lewis fin ished seco nd. Both of the lead teams were mounted on Kawasak is. Fu n n y Ca r mechan ic Bobby Stillwell took the Stillwell Trucking Weslak e to th e Division Two main event wi n. Results SC;RA TCH: 1. Phil Coll ins (We s); 2. Billy Hamill (Wes).: 3. Mik e Faria lGdn); 4. Scon Br. nl lJawl. HOCP 1. Billy Ham ill (W est; 2. Bobby Schwartz (Wes); : 3. Ed Castro (Wes ); 4 . Randy Beddow (Gdn). 0 -2: 1. Bobby St illwell (Wes); 2. Mark Faul (Wes); 3. Randy Skinner (Wes); 4 . Jeff Hoyt ewes). 0·3: 1. Mark Powers (Gdn); 2. Rudy Maresca (Jaw ); 3. Bud Carroll (Wes); 4 . Jerry Mor ehead (Wes). SOCAR: 1. Steve Stan tonI'Tom Tufts (Kaw ); 2. Craig ~Drter / Peter Lewis lKaw).: 3. Ken Ohrt/Ooug Wh itson Legends of Speedway return to Costa Mesa By Scott Daloisio CO STA MESA, CA, SEPT . 22 Speed way legends from the past returned to th e Oran ge County Fairgrounds for a speci al evening of racing Friday night. Bru ce Penhall, Ron Preston, "Slidin ' " Sonny Nutter a nd Dave Sims were just a few of the fam ous names added to the weekly program. Penhall , the two-time World Champion, took o n Preston, the 1979 Under-Zl World Ch ampion, in a series of Match races. When th e dust cleared, Penhall edged Preston 2-I in the best-of-three mat ch . The result was th e same in th e other match race series with Sim s bea ting Nutter. In the Legends of Spe edway A main, Riverside, Ca liforn ia's Mark Dwyer took th e win (or the second year in a row . Bill y Meister . Jay Gianelli a nd Steve Nu tter foll owed Dwyer ho me. In th e three othe r Lege nds of Speedway ma ins (B,C and D). T om Burb a , Cycle Neurs graphic artist J immie O 'DeIl a nd Dubb Ferrell won the trophies. One o f the hi ghligh ts of th e Le gends portio n of the sho w was the return of crowd Ia vo r i te " T umb le wee d" Walton . It wa s Walto n 's first appearance back at the trac k he never won o n and it d id not last lon g. In hi s heat , he hooked up in th e o utsi de di rt in turn one and h it th e turn two wall with the thrott le wid e open. The wa ll scored a kn ockou t as Walton's bike was D.O.A. Walton was sha ken up a nd lat er took a trip to th e local " Cra sh House" for o bserva tio n. In regular raci ng, lon gtime veteran Alan "Crazy" Christian shook off the. mech anical grem lins that have pl agu ed him in recen t weeks and won th e Scra tch main. The first tim e th ey tried to run th e main, J im Sisemo re tagged Ch ristian 's rear tire as the y exi ted turn two and th ey went down in a spectacu la r heap' along wi th innocen t bystander Ed Cas tro. Phil Co llins managed to weave his way throu gh the flying bikes and bodies. Once th e race restarted, it was all Christian. He pl aced th e STP/ Cody Racin !;/FOXrrroy Lee Design/Bell Helmets J aw a Int o the lead and set the tem po all th e way. Co lli ns gave Ch ristia n a baule and finished second. Third went to Cas tro wit h Sisemo re. after borrowing a bik e from Kelcey Gordo n , pulling o ut and fin ishi ng fourth. . Kevin Jo rdan q ua lified for a spot in the eig h t-lap Ha nd icap main. ft was th e first time th a t Jordan mad e th e main a t Costa Mesa all MINI A:. 1. Pete Hazel in lKaw); 2. Tracy KeUogg (Han). MINI B: 1.Scon Doolry (Kawl; 2. Travis Esslinger lKaw); 3. Trent Hansen (Honl: 4 . Brad Brase (Kaw). 125 A : 1. Ron Wall ace (Han); 2. Jeff Barge" lKawl; 3. Tim Arnold (Hoo); 4 . Jam es Puis lHonl . 125 B: 1. Tracy Kellogg (Han); 2. Jason Dietz (Hon); 3. Seth McCl ain (Han); 4. Jim Hynek (Yam); 5 . arlan Stevens (Kaw), 250 A:. 1. Ron Wallace (Hon ); 2. Jeff Bargell (Kaw); 3.Je sse Wessel s (Yam); 4 . Tim Arnold (Honl; 5. Greg Dr iewer (Han). 250 B: 1. Kelly W inkelbaur lHon ); 2. Rhett Tripe (Kaw); 3. Tim Uden (Han); 4 . Paul Chapman ( Kaw~ 5. M ike Lans (Hon); 6 . Scon Joc hum (Hon ). . OPEN: 1. Kyte St ickel man (Kaw); 2. Randy Driewer (ATK ); 3. Terry Dietz (Han). OVER 30: 1. Jeff Bargell (Kaw ); 2 . Jesse Wessels (Yam); 3. Greg Dr iewer (Hon); 4 . Gary Gibbs (Yaml. SPTSMN: 1. Bill Qlppel (Hont 2. M ike Matson (Yam); 3 . Jon Gaffey (Hon); 4 . James Shiers (Kaw ); 5. Glenn W ienma n (Koawl. Benton shines at L.A. Co.unty night MX By Richard D . Thompson PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 15 G reg Benton won both rnot os to to p the Plus 30 Veterans cla ss at th e California Ra cing Club's night motocr oss a t Los Angeles County Raceway. Art Dart took off lik e a bat out of hell at the start of rn oto o ne with Greg Benton and Karel Kram er tossing dirt trying to cat ch up. By the th ird lap of th e eigh t-lap race , Benton had success fully passed Dart. Kramer, aft er mov in g in to contention for second, started to pressure Dart and th reaten his position. Benton. co n tent with his lead , continued to move aw ay (rom th e o ther two. Kram er and Dart began dicin g through th e wh oops and ran side-by-side in a few of th e tougher spots o n the co urse . Kramer moved right u p o n Dart, but Dart held fast. T owards th e end of th e race, Kram er fin all y passed Dart for second. In the end it was Benton taking the win with Kram er a nd Dart foll owing in second and th ird . respectively. The seco nd mota was a lmost iden tical to the first . Once again it was Benton , Dart and Kramer dici ng fo r the lead . T he o ld gu ys were o ut to pr ove th at th ey were young at hea rt, Dart too k the lead a t th e start a nd Beoton was o nce aga in chasi ng him. with Kramer holding third Befor e lon g, Benton passed Dar t. Dart the n had Kramer o n his tail. Eventually, Kram er took second and Dart fell back. Benton took hi s seco nd win of th e night. " It was a fast trac k," sa id Bento n. "The co mpeti tio n was tou gh . Frida y night racing is gr eat , cons ider ing tha t I just moved clo se by in Acton (Ca lifo rnia}." In th e 80cc class, David Evilsizer sho wed th e o the rs wh at winn in g was a ll abo ut . Having ju st moved u p 10 th e Novi ce class , some were not sure Evilsizer would do so well . But co ntrary to th eir beli efs, he did well , ta ki ng th e win i n both the motos. Jimmy La vorei grabbed seco nd a nd Scott Johnson claimed th ird. Results 80 BEG: 1. Jim Burtin (Han); 2. Shaun Perolio (Kaw); 3. Jason Selsor (Han); 4 . Man Clemens (Suzl . 80 NOV: 1. David Evilsize r (Suzl; 2. Jimmy lavorei (Yam); 3. Seen Johnson; 4 . Bobby Killian (Yam). JR VET BEG: 1. Wade Carley (Han); 2. Forest Wasson (Kaw~ 3. Chris Fair (Kaw ); 4. David Mullen (Suzl. JR VET NOV: 1. Denn is Jacobson (Han); 2. Mike McCarley (Hon); 3. Dean Jennings (Kaw); 4. Ron Hopfeld (Han); 5. Jeff W. Frey (Han). JR VET INT: 1. Kart Allen (Hon~ 2. Steve Kotsinadelis (Cag); 3. Eric Seider (Hon). JR VET EX; 1. John Rudder (Cag). 125 BEG: 1. David Evilsizer (Suz); 2. Mark Allen (Kaw);