Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 10 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ENOUR CIA: 1. K&N Racing (120 1 2. Team Smoke (66); ; ; 3.Team Excel 1581; 4 .Time Band its (49 1 5. Romp and Stomp (431 . Paggio plows MX of Marion County By Gwen Millan R EDDI CK, FL. SE PT . 24 The third round of th e 6th An n ua l Florida Gold Cu p Ser ies started o ut good wi th 300 rid ers setti ng u p for pract ice, but not lon g after th e races were underw ay a clo ud co ver developed and soo n after it was ra ining. It qo ickl y satura ted th e a lrea dy sodden gr o und. making for ro ugh go ing for lot s o f riders. Snagging th e ho lesh ot in th e first 125cc Interm edia te class rno to was Ryan Dean , but he had Anthony Paggi o as a sha do w. In third was J osh La tin a while fourth was a five man race as Lo nny Bisch off , Rand y Chum , Rob Cass ub e, Paul Cu m a nd Bobby Mor ia ry fou gh t for the spot. Thro ugh ou t the rnoto it was slice a nd di ce bet ween Dean a nd Paggi o swapping th e lead severa l tim es. Lati na held back waiting for a pl ace to move but Ca ssu be had ga ined gro und and now was nudg ing h im as the battl e raged o n in fro nt. No riany came up to fifth and goi ng strong. When the white Ilag made its debut Dean co nti n ued to hold off Pa ggio. Cass u be mad e a smooth pass on Latina for th ird . fn a last di tch effort Paggi o was unable to tak e o ver th e lead despite a ga llan t effo rt. Cassube held third while La tina was bein g seriously cha llenged by Chris Brown, wh o had work ed his wa y up from 'he back of th e pack. Time was o u t a nd th e race ceased wit h positions ho lding. By second mota it was Mud Ci ty and ap pea red to be more a n end ura nce race than mo tocross. Paggio, Dean and Brown wer e tight off th e start and it was a ny man 's race as th ey wrestled o ut uf th e axle-dee p mud. Mori arty had Vinny Carquillo trying 10 edge him out. Go ing underneath him in a turn Carquillo a lmo st pulled it off but Mor iart y slammed th e door o n him. Dean ni pped Brown for second but Brown didn 't back off and remained a stro ng con tender until mor e's end. On the last lap Cassube pow ered hi s way past Carqui ll o for filth. Results • PIW: 1. Tyler Shie lds (Yam); 2 . Tyson Hasell (Yam); 3. Scon Perry (Yam); 4 . Brad Dill on (Yam I; 5. Jo nathan Pereyo (Yam). 60 : 1. J arr ett Tippi ng (Kawl ; 2. Erik Wa ters IKaw); 3. Mackenzie Perry (Kaw ); 4 . Joseph Haley (Kaw); 6. Je remy Shunlewonh (Kawi. 85 7- 11: 1. Jarrett Tipping (Yam); 2. Eri k Wat ers (Kawl; 3. Ken neth J ones (Hon); 4 , Christopher Buck (Kaw): 5. Josep h Haley (Kawl. 8 5 12-1 3: 1. Tony Haynes (Yaml; 2. Kenny Yoho (Kaw~ 3. J onathan Burr ell (Suz); 4 . Tony Pocorobba; 5. Joe l Gregor. . 951 4-1 5: 1. Trey Snail (Kawl ; 2. M ike Woodcock lKaw ); 3. Chr is Brow n (Kaw); 4. Brian Poggie (Kaw); 5 . Steve All red (Kaw). W M N: 1. Beth Rew is (Kaw); 2. Catheri ne Priest (Kaw); 3. Laurie Hampshire (Yam); 4. Dean Joiner (Kaw ). 125 A: 1. Fary Paul (Kaw ); 2. Derek Youngblood (Hon); 3. Daryl Youngb lood fKaw ); 4 . M ic hael J ones (Han ); 5. Dave Gall ager (Hon). 125 B: 1. A nthony Paggio (Kaw); 2. Ryan Dean (Hon); 3. Chr is Brown (Hon); 4 . Rob Cassube (Hon); 5. Bobby Horiarty (S"z) . 125 C: 1. Bryan Harper (Hon); 2. J osh Hinso n (Hon); 3 . John Urban (Han): 4 . David Dunh am (Hon ); 5 . Glen n Campbe ll (Yam). 125/2 50 BEG: 1. Rob M ilks (Hon); 2. David Stutler (Kaw); 3. Kevin Davis (Hon); 4 . Gregory Boyle (Hon); 5 . Shan e Adki ns (Yam). 250/OPEN A: 1.J ohn Coll ins (Hon); 2. Ala n Andreu (Honl; 3 . Ernie M ill an (Hon ); 4 . Ricky Lee (Kaw); 5. Fred Vertu cci (Suz). 250 B: 1. Anthon y Paggio (Kaw); 2. Todd Gardne r (Hon); 3. Al an Sm ith (Kaw); 4 . Chris Brown (Ho n~ 5. Carey Jones (Hon). 250 C: 1. DavKt Dun ham (Hon); 2. Bryen Abel (Hon); 3. Edward Butl er (Hon); 4. M itchell Holestein (Hon); 5. Jerry Tavlor (Hon). . 25 PLUS: 1. Alan Andreu (Han): 2. Josep h Cartier (Hon); 3. David Ell is (Hon); 4 . Kevin Slid el (Hon); 5. Fred Vertu cci (Suzl. SR: 1. Fred Vert ucci (Suz); 2. David Elli s (Hon); 3. Steven Rojda (ya ml; 4. Chip Galli ano (Kaw ). $ / SR: 1. AI Gard ner (Hon); 2. Dick Raulerson (Han); 3. Alfred ela ine (Hon ); 4. York Somervill e (Kaw ); 6. Robert Godfrey (Hon). . OPEN NOV: t . Todd Gardne r (Hon); 2. W illi am Hobson . (Kaw l; 3. Terry Chumbley (KTM): 4 . J esse MacDonald (Hon). Coolbeth quick at New York TT Championship . By Pat Gamble SC HENECfADY. NY . SEPT. 24 Once again Ken Coo lbe th showed why he holds the number o ne plate in the 80cc cla ss as there was no question from th e start of the race tha t he wou ld take th e first place trophy home at the New York State Championsh ip TT. As usu al in th e 125cc Am at eur clas s, he go t off somewhere in midpack but wo rked hi s wa y up throug h and by th e hallway mark look the lead . The race was between T o m Weiss, J oe Meier . Dave Daniele and Sta n Nittiskie. T his pack was tight with position cha nges throughout th e co urse. Tom Weiss mis sed. in th e back ha irpin and the pa ck left him behind. fn the I25cc Expert class th e ra ce was a battle for third betw een Bill Newkirk and Ken Dahli n. J ay Skidmore held first and Bob Weiss a clear seco nd. Robert Gett y Jr. was not threatened in th e 250cc Amat eur class, taking th e lead from the start. Meier. w ho look a second in the 125cc Amateu r class. was chased by Will Adams. Dave G amble controlled fourth a nd Will Warford hung o n for th e fifth spo t, Chris Wnuk a nd Ben Sagl embeni were duk in g it o ut for the lead fro m the star t in the Open Am ateu r class. It was over for both, ho wever, wh en th ey co ll ided 'in th e fir st hairpin. Will Adam s took th e adva ntage. H e Jim Holley Wins 1989 Mickey Thompson Off-Road Championship G.P. Series With PJl -AndJim Holley wins 1989 Montreal Supercross With PJl ..... eu ..0 o ...... u o Jim Holley insists on PJ1 Goldfire Pro racing oil and the complete line of PJ1 oils and lubricants to power his Yamaha YZ250 to the checkered flag each and every time. , Jim, on a job well done! PJ1 "The Innovator Not The Imitator." Cycle News Advertising gets results. Call 404/934-7850 East 213/427·7433 West METZELER HELPS U.S. TEAM BRING HOME THE GOLD METZELER is proud to announce the support and sponsorsh ip of both the 1989 U.S, Trophy Team and 1989 U.S. Junior Team competing in the 64th ISDE events held th is year in Walldurn, West Germany, September 25th through September 30, 1989. The 1989 U.S. Trophy Team Gold Medalists Larry Roeseler Terry Cunn ingham Jeff Fredette Kurt Hough Jeff Russell Dave Bertram Kaw 80cc Kaw 125cc Kaw 125cc Kaw 250cc Yam 250cc Suz 500cc GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD The 1989 U.S. Junior World Team Medalists Please join METZELER in congratu lating all 46 Aaron Hough Fred Hoess Randy Hawkins Todd Harris Kaw 125cc Kaw 250cc Suz 250cc Hon 350cc GOLD GOLD· GOLD SILVER METzELER is proud to have been selec ted as the Official Tire for the entire U.S. Team for the second year in a row. riders of our U.S. Team for bringing home 23 GOLD , 20 SILVER and 3 BRONZE MEDALS. METZELER FEEL THE DIFFERENCE _ .@ 4520 107m Street S.W.• Everett WA 98204 • (206) 348·4000 Looking to buy or sell a classic? T FAIRINGS AND BODY PANELS • • Factory body parts repaired and painted to stoc k specif icat ions at wholesa le pr ices. Fue l ta nks. fai ri ngs. towers. side panels and t ail s for mos t popu lar late model sport bik es. FERRACCI FZlFZR, GSX-R, CBR, VFR. 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