Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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was quickly abl e 10 leave them in his dust for a not her stellar performance and win . Open cia ss act ion Sunday saw early leader Derri ck Paiemen t yield 10 a hard-charging T om Willis. ..Alte r th e second check. Derrick and I were dicing. then he went wid e and I look the lin e straight across," said Willis after he crossed the chec kered f1a~ for a win . P a iem ent Iiriish ed second , with Chris Crandall o n a Kawasaki laking thi rd. Patrice Pa yn e clai me d th e Women 's ove ra ll ~n Sa turday . wh ile Julie Parrick ea rned the W in o n Su nday . Resu lts SUNDAY OPEN EX: 1. Tom W ilh5 (KTM ); 2. Derrick Patem en t (K.a w); 3 . Chr is Cr anda ll (Kaw) ; 4 . Abe Baumann (Ka w ). OPEN A M : 1 . J eff Capt (Han). 250 EX: 1. Ted Hu nnicu tt (K8w t; 2 . Ken j i Gau th ier (Suz); 4 . Sco tt Ste arns (Suz); 5. Robe rt Baeh, (Kaw ). 250 AM : 1. C, aig Hunter ; 2. Erik Wolfe; 3. Fran k Cha mberli n; 4 . Je rry Ew ing; 5 . Brandy B:enneu (Sull. 250 NOV : 1. Un known; 2, Tom Hend fl ck (Yaml; 3. Thom McN abb (Kaw); 4 . Han k Obermeyer (ya m). 125 EX: 1, Keith Loo nsfoot (kawO; 2 . Br ett Howell (Kaw); 3 . Kelley Pat e. 125 AM : 1, Enc Hank s; 2. Br ian Dav is (Yaml; 3. Gary chnsue (K,aw). Jeff Darland was the overall winner at the Heber 100 H&H . Kawasaki-mounted Ted Hunnicutt scored the 250cc Expert class w in at the Fou r Aces Dual European Hare Scrambles in Red Mountain. ... 200 NOV : 1. M ike Fought (Yam); 2 . All an Sc ha ible (Yam); 3 . Brandon Beggs; 4. Clay Ram o (Han); 5. Ja me s M od e e-in-uit in the ·60~. Despite the remova l b y vandals of a turn arrow m id way thro ugh the ru n, over ha ir the field perservered lO co mpere the run, Kirk, ridi ng: a vintage 1\·10 BSA. pos ted the lime dosesl 10 the ideal tim e for the run a nd was awa rded fir st plan'. All finishe rs recei ved pins for th eir efforts and a hard luck trophy was pr esented to Chris Willia lm. of Co rtland. O hio, whose 1917 GZ seized shonl y aft er the stan. Resu lt s REl RUN: 1. David Kirk (BSA ); 2. Ed Br itt (BSAI; 3 . Mike Hosafros (BSA ); 4 . Chuck Vr otney IBSA) ; 5..Steve Pi nk ston 18SA). . HARD LUCK AWARD: 1. Chris William s ICZ) Darland's day at Heber 100 Hare & Hound By M ichael Ro ss U EBER. AZ. AUG. 27 Jeff " H oll ywood " Darland w ok a no ther ste p duseT 10 his fourth ro n secu t ive overall Arn el iran Descn Racin g Association (ADRA) Champion ship rodav when Ill" bested arch rival Garth Sweetland an d Ji m Thompson at tilt" 121h Annual Heber 100. R ;u " i lt ~ conditions ruuld n't han' been 1Jt.,~ ter for the- Marl of lilt' pe nulti ma te rou nd of ran ng in j lu- ADRA Desert Champio nship Seri es. C lear blue skit's wit h temperat u res in the hig h 70.., g:n'l ,lt 'd racers as Ihe)' pr epared to cha llen ge tl u ' var ied a nd ex tre m e ly popular S f- m ile co urse la id o ut in th e lush Si tg rca ves Nationa l FO Il'~1. Wt,t'k-Ion g: rains left th e course ill perf e-c-t con d it io n for S unday's ran ' a nd, a lrnos l un kllo wn 1 dt,st'rl ran'rs, Iht'f(' was 0 nodusl. T he lat·k of dusl It'd 2S-year-0 Id Darland 1 us(' a psydlO logka l pl o), tha t ca ug ht tltt> 0 ("(unpt' tition off gua rd. By virtut' of his third 4 p lan' fini sh at Ihe lasl ran' in Fla gsla ff, Darla nd merited a fro Jll ~row sta rti ng: pos ition fOl th(' Hc :ber eveJll, bu t instead the (-age)' racr;-r lint"d up o n lIlt' last row of Expt' ns. Si nn' ADRA racin g i'i. do ne o n t'OfTnu'll time, if Darla nd ",lUglll the lead ('rs ht' wouldn 't hav e to pa ss Ihe-In to win. \\'ilh lIlt' 9:30 a.m . dr op of the ~('(' II flag for tht· firM of tluet' 1001' 0;, . Snm Davis lOok ' th t' lead (I osel )" follow ed by Swt."t,tland, Dan Mardland, Todd John~on and Ken KO/.lik. Ont' of Iht' firs t vktims of th t" day was Gary \\ 'e-iis. \V(·lIs. wh o ~K h i e ved nOlOri('ly for his atu'm ph·tI j um p of lilt' fO Ul1lailiS in front of Cat'S~lr' s I)a la," n asht"d within Ihe first mil t' e, wh t'n h e t'lIdoed a nd brok e- his Itoh k g:. By tht' ('nd of till' firsl lap, Sum Davis slill he-Id th t" It'ad ph syicall y b UI Darbnd h ;ul wor k('tl his wav in to ~t"nH1d pla( ·r;- allt'ad of T hompso n ;u id Sw eetland. Oarl~lI1d was I t'adi ll~ o n nJrrt'( ·H limt'o 'd \\' h('n Iht, Experts swr tt'tI their third a nd filial lap. f)artllld h~ld lak t'll the l e~l(1 frol11 Davis who ft'll ba("k I:x-hi nd T hom pso n wi lh a long p il SlOp. Swet'tlalld was lot'ked in Ihi rd a lu'ad of Davis a nd Todd J ohnso n. At th t' fi nish lin t' Darland t.·allt·d tht, u ;Kk " aw('so mt'" and " besl Ont' th is yt"ar." Resu lt s 46 OPEN EX: 1. Jeff Darl and (KTM ); 2. J im Tho mpso n (Ha n); 3 . Gart h Sweell and (Ho nl; 4 . Scott Davis (Han ); 5 . Todd J ohn son (KTM ). 250 EX: 1. M ark M ill er (KTM) ; 2.-Randy G ilm or e (KTM); 3 . Dan M ar ch and (Han); 4 . Ken Kozl ik (Han); 5. Merlen Slaughte r (Su zl. OPEN AM: 1. Dav e Gi lbe rt (Han); 2 . Mike Berk ner (Han); 3 . Chr is W oodrow (Han ). 25 0 AM : 1. Bryan Brunmg (Yam.); 2. Neal Ign ace (Han ); 3 . Adam Burton (Han); 4 . Todd Smi th (Ha n); 5. Dirk Lang e (Han) . 200 AM : 1. Bob Hend er son (Han); 2. M all Slaughter IKaw); 3 . Robert Kinnamon (Suz); 4 . Andy Reid (Han) : 5. Dest ry Abbou. OPEN NOV : 1. Dav e Dougan (Han); 2. M ike Gail (Han ); 3 . J i m Francis (KTM ); 4 . Dan Su therland (Han); 5. Todd Thompso n (Han ). 250 NOV : 1. Juan Rivera (Yamt 2. Mark Winkleman (Han) ; 3. Andy Smallhouse (Yaml; 4 . Rocky Robling (Yam); 5. Robert Velasquez (Husl. ICagl. 4 -STRK: 1. Mike Dick ey (Han); 2. Kevin Thonh off (Han ); 3 . Doug Hastings (Han ); 4 . M ark Canterbu ry (Ha n). OPEN BEG: 1. Tim Berg st rom (Ha n); 2. Jack Nelson (Han); 3 . Curt is M in eer (Kaw ); 4 . Levi M yer s IHon ); 5 . Ste ve Buer gey (Yam ). 250 BEG: 1. Ron SCOre (Ha n); 2. Shawn Schmitz (Han ); 3 . A rthur Thr ockmorton (Han); 4 . Rob Paquett e (Ha n); 5 . Parri sh Traweek (Han). 200 BEG: 1. Ken Watts (Yam); 2 . M ike Ga rcia (Yam); 3 . Perry Tubbs (Yaml; 4 . Ben Tyminsk i (Yam) ; 5 . J ason Al egria (Yam) . LA DIES: 1. A li cia Turner (Han); 2 . Tamara Nie to tHan) ; 3 . Liz Paqu ett e (Suz) . 2 8+ EX: t. How ard Dendy {Han I; 2. Tim Abril (Ha n); 3 Tim Leehe (KTM ); 4 . Tom Bryan (Han ); 5 . All en Poore (Hus ) 38 + EX: 1, Rob Begg s (KTM ); 2. Wayne Oeckl ever (Kaw) ; 3 . Al an Wheatcroft (Hu s); 4 . Tom Fr an tz (Ha n); 5 . Bar ry Hare lson (Hus). 30+ NOV: 1. Glen Coch ran (Yam l; 2 . Ron Sm ith (Han ); 3. Bar ry M yers (Han); 4 . Neil Goodell (Hon) ; 5 . Ted Kukla (Yam) 40+ NOV : 1 . Doug Seltz (KTM) ; 2 . Rell Goodell (Han); 3 Ed Taylor (Kaw ); 4 . Gerard Fr eedman (Hus); 5 . Bill Wolfe (Yam) 30+ BEG: 1, M ike Furr; 2 . Dave Hawthorne (KTM ); 3. Steve Holland (Han); 4 . M an ly Betcher (Ceg); 5. Larry Besha w (C· A). 45 +: 1. Ron lellitti (KTM ); 2. Hugh Dunlap (Han) ; 3. AI Frobe s (Yam); 44 . lee Balicki (KTM I. 50 +: 1. John Kozlik lHon) ; 2. Joe Prosser IKTM); 3. Delbe rt GarSI (KTM ); 4 . Merrill Robbins (KTM ). DINO V : 1. Robert NeiIlIMai ); 2. Mi cha el Wadding (Yam ); 3. A lan Ben nen (Yam); 4 . Paul Hu tson (Ha n). DINO C: 1. Da... Trombley (Han); 2 . Brian Arnold (Hus ); e 3. PatAllen(Hon);4. Caseyledford (Hu s); 5 . Mike M cGough (Kaw) BUD DY: 1. James Roseman / Scott Kathan (Han): 2. Ron Willoughby /Gregory King ISuz); 3 . Cynthia M cShane/lillis Sweetland (Kaw); 4 . Pat O'Con nell/ Andy Wise (Han) ; 5 . Tom Landreth / He nry Creek (Han) I·MINI : 1_David Farr (Ha n). M INI AM : 1. Mike Sh ivers (Kaw); 2. Davi d Farr (Ha n); 3 . Robb ie Ver m il via (Yam); 4 . Chris Freed ma n (Kaw );· 5 . Ton y French (Han). MIN I NOV : 1. Brad M art in (Han) ; 2. J im Edwards IKaw); 3 . Randy Anson (Yam) ; 4 . Bob Du vall (Kaw); 5 . Joshua M an ford (Hon) . MINI BEG: 1. Sh ane Kingman (Yaml ; 2. Preston Pier ce (KTM ); 3 . Rich ard Ramo s (Kawj; 4 . Ma tthew Murph y (Ha n); 5. TraVIS Vermil yea (Yam ) F· R: 1. Elm er Attson (Yam). SPRTM N F-R: 1. M ar k Su tt on (Han); 2 . Floyd Fisher (KTM) ; 3. Liz Blevin s (KTM); 4 . Martin Jan us (Yam). Kasten doubles at Fairbury Fair Short Track By Ed Ahlf FAIR BU RY. IL. AUG. 24 Str;-ve Ka stt.'n of Ha tley, \Vash in gto n. lO ok bot h Iht" .~OOcf and Opt'n d ass finals duri ng tht. annu;J 1 Fairbury Fai r. The Badgerl AMA ' ("vent was the first mOlOlcycie raft.' (() he held a t l..t'g ion Spt"t'dway. . Rar lll took the 250('c ht"' ()\"(~1 KaMel), ();m' Allan and Shawn Wad e. Kasten I;ra bbt-d lh(" It"ad in tltt' final o n his S-K CH It" Sen.'iceba(·krd SU/uki until the fo ur th ' la p , wh en Bart h "' t.1Il im;,ide 10 tak e' o\'('r lilt.' to p spnt . " After a rt'start , Barth ad ued to hi s lead and was insured the vinory wh t.· n Kasten dr ' o ut with mot or problems on hi s usu a lly troub le-free Sliluki. Kurt Kro m m y, who had finis ht"d fifth in the h (,3 1 o n hi!\ 8 0er SlJluk i, did some nifty rid ing to fhlS,5 Alla n to lak e 5tn md. Brian Graybea l wok over fourt h plan~ in tht" latt'r laps. Kastt'li LOok the 500(·f heat oVt'rTony Rulli, Chad Banh a nd Sha wn Wade. III Ihe final. Ka stell and Rull i had a good ban le for scv('ra l lap s. when Kasten beg-an to pu ll away . Bart h fin isllt'd thi rd a hea d of hornt'to wn rid(' r Gordy Sho t'll. In th t" first O pen class heat , Rulli look th e ('ar! y kad o ver Shad Reinkt·, as Cha mp ine kill ed his motor on th e lin e. Devon Pri ch ard fdl hard 0 11 the ma in straig ht a ftt'r passi ng Rt·inkt. for st"f on d a nd m ~tdc tht~ 5hon trip , ro Iht' local hospital. Cha mpi ne, wh o hat,l rt'started hi s Harl ey, rock t.'t ed int o the lead as the ract' was, o nce aga in. flagged orr he It.'d Rt:>inkt' and Rulli to th e fin ish . Kasten lOok the st'fond heal o \ler G ary Davi s, Bri an Kromroy and Jim Hauptman, Ch ampine took th e lead in th e final. o nly to have Rulli fall in turn ,hree. Kasten too k the po int o n th e restart o ver Ch a mp in e and DaVIS, Reinke fell in a lmo st the same spo t as Rulli in the next lap, T he final was shor tene d to eig ht laps o n th e resta rt , with Cha mpine gra bbing th e lead. Kasten look th e hi gh route aro und Cha m p ine in th e best hallie of the nigh t for his second feature win of the evening, Results 50 :·1. Jo sh Toungen (Suz) . 80 /125 COM BO: 1. Kurt Kro mr oy ISu z); 2 . Bob Lucas (Kaw ). 250: 1. Chad Bart h (Han) ; 2. Kurt Kromroy (Sull; 3 . Dave All en (Yam ); 4 . Br ian Gr aybe al (Han) . 500: 1. Steve Kasten (Han) ; 2. Tony Rulli (H·Dt 3. Chad Barth (Han); 4 . Go rdon Schr oo n (Ha n). OPEN: 1. Steve Kasten (H· D); 2. St eve Cha mpine (H-DI; 3 . Gary Davis (H-D); 4 . Brian K,omroy (H-D); 5 . J im Hauptma nn twR) . DFC: 1. Steve Kast en; 2. Steve Cha mp ine; 3. Gary Dav is; 4 . Shad Reinke. Coleman edges Ogilvie at Four Aces Euro Scrambles By Donnetta and Bob Murray RED :'IOUNTAIN . CA. AUG . 26 &: 27 Sunday's Vet race p rovided the most exciti ng fini sh of the FOln Ace~ Dua.14Dua! Eur~)pt'an . Scram bles held III co njuncti on with Ridger rest 7\1.G. o ver the weeke nd at Charlie's Pl a ce near Red Mountain. Ho nda rid er Cla rke Col eman pushed ha rd a t the sta rt knowi ng he had to ge l in fro m qu ick ly becaus e of a short bomb run: \Vit h th a t accomplis hed. he th o ugh t .10 himself , " All rig ht, I' m o ut here. Now I need to stay o n th e hike." Stayi ng on his CR500 wasn 't Co leman 's o n ly threat to the win . Lurking behind was Hon da "s Bnl < Og ilvie , aboard an XR 600, :e who had been dead last off th e line. Co leman fin isht'd the first lo()p well ahea d of his next two competitors, J im Evela nd a nd Mik e Sixbery. o n 2S0cc Yam aha s. Og ilvi e had pass ed d ose ro 40 riders to th under thr ou gh Ih(' ho me chule in fou rt h p lar e. By th e fin ish . Co lema n was ha ng ing o n by hi s tt't'th . as a chargin g O g ilv ie nearl y caught him al the finis h lin e. II was Co lema n's first overall win in lhe Vet class. Ogilvie settled for second, following a first pla ce in Saturd,I\":s Vel ('ven l. Kaw asaki Team Gr een 's T ed H unn icutt baw:d a th ousand in the 250tT classes for th e \,,t"ekend of raci ng. He won a ll four of his · rafes by severa l minutes. incl ud ing th e two Four Art's. t' \"e- I1I ~ Salurda y and Su nda\'. In the sta rt of his last race on Stinda)', he a nd SUluki pilot Chari it" 7\lonis bumped bar s (~o m i ng off tht"lin e. H unn icutl ~Ol sideways, but was abl e to pull it u ul a nd pull away from Iht, cro wd , win n in g- by a hi g margin . ·' It ·s been a good bUJl(:h uf r.Jces: ' sa id H u nnicutt. " L uf k was on my side this wt't"kr;-nd. It 's abo ut tim t.> il was goi ng: my \\·a)'. " . Kt"nj i Gauth ier , mounted on a SUZUki , decided to ma ke up for what he termed , " lo usy rid in g a ll weekend " by pUlling it a ll o n the line for Sunday's 250(·c race. He rod e banzai down a treacherousl y rock y do wnhi ll IU p.a5s Scou Ste"drns a nd stea l s('cund plact.'. Slearns was third. Keith Lo on sfoot lu rn ro it o n in Ihe 12Scc race Sunday at lh e start a nd nt'vcr look ed back o llce. T he uj)·an d-coming young rid er, aboa rd a Kawasaki , sho w(> he had what il takes to d win wirh a tremendo us lead, FIn ishi ng senmd was Amal t"ur rider Eric Hanks, "The co urse was fast and I was by myself ," sa id Han ks al the fin ish. l. oonsfool fini shed st'cond to Kaw asaki's Brell How ell in Sat u rday 's race. ·In Ihe Senior classes. Yam ah a pilot AI Hull fini shed bot h events way a ~ea d of his near est fo mpe tito rs (a f~t he acco~ plis.hed in th e - RCMC evellls. a bo). T wo nden Jumped off th e sta n lin e ahea d of h im Su nday. bu' he 12 5 NOV: 1. Geoff Brownell (Kaw); 2 . Aa ron Ara gon (Han). 125 BEG : 1. J am es Furn Ish (Yam) . MINI: 1. Jim Buntin; 2. Donovan Ludwig (Ha n). WMN AM: 1. Jul ie Parrick. S/SR EX: 1 . Dick Postma (ATK); 2 . Denn is Davidg eIATK); 3 . AI Gu zman (Kaw); 4 . Alkiso n; 5 . Bill Sta ley . S/SR AM : 1, Ed Heyne (Yam); 2. GeOl"ge Scott (Kaw). WMN EX: 1. Jolen e Kurisu; 2. Donell Aure. WMN NOV ; 1. Chri stine Ogren (Cag). VET 250 EX: 1. Mike Sixbery(Yaml; 2. Jim Eveland (Yam); 3 . Bill Becker; 4 . Charlie Inm an (Kaw) ; 5. Scott A nderson. VET OPEN AM : 1. Kri s Gool sby (Kawl; 2 . Rus sell Boyd ; 3 . Chris Peter son (Hus) ; 4 . larry Kunkel (Hu s). ' VET 2 50 A M : 1. Larry Georg e; 2. Jack Shannon (KTM) ; 3. Chris Singleton (KTM) ; 4 . Ja me s M ill er. VET OPEN EX: 1. Clarke Coleman (Han); 2 . Bruce Ogil vie (Han); 3. Mike M cDon ald (Han); 4 . Ron Bragdon (Ha n); 5. M ike Mulconery (KTMI. SR 250 EX : 1. ~I h ull. (Yam ); 2 . Phil Haskell (Suz);.3. Ron Hall (Suz); 4 . J im SmI th; 5. Dave Johnson. SA OPEN EX: 1. Tom Holmes (KTM) ; 2. Gary Ga rland (Yam); 3. Don Bur ch (Yam I; 4. J im Sturt ttewcrtn (Kaw); 5. J im Far rand. SA OPEN AM; 1. St eve Jenning s; 2. Dave Pott s (Han); 3. Kim Bennen ; 4 . R. Chr ist en son Sr . SR 250 AM; 1. Dea n Bert o; 2. Unknown; 3 . Land Hodgin (Han): 4 . J ohn Barnett . SAT URDA Y 250 EX : 1. Ted Hunnicul1 (Kaw ); 2. Cha rl ie Morris (Suz);: 3 . Randy M osel ey (Yam ); 4 . Sco tt Stearns (Suz); 5 . Eddie Ogden IYam) . 250 AM 0 - 1: 1. St eve Ogren. 250 AM 0 · 2: 1. Thom McN abb (kaw) ; 2. M ark Meehan. OPEN Ex.: 1. Eric Hall gat h (ATKI ; 2. Tom W illi s (Kaw); 3 . Bru ce Ogilv ie (Han ): 4 , Cli ff Thomas (Yam); 5 . Derr ick Paiement (Kaw). VET OPEN Ell 1. Bruc e OgilvIe (Han); 2 . Ron Bragd on (Han); 3. St eve Garner; 4 . John A nd er so'!'. VET 250 EX: 1. Mike Siltbe ry (y am ); 2. Jim Eve land (Yam)_ VET OPEN AM : 1. Chris Peter son (Hus) . SA 2 50 EX 1. AI Hull (Yaml; 2 . Ron HaIl IS uz). : SA OPEN EX: 1. Do n Bur c (Yam ); 2. Gary Gar land (ya m). S/SR: 1. Dick Postma (ATK) ; 2. Dennis Davidg e (ATK); 3 . A I Guzman (Kaw) . . : 1 25 EX 1. Brett' Howell (Kaw ); 2. Keith loonsfool IKaw). 125 AM : 1. Brian Davis; 2 . Eric Hanks; 3 . Brent Farr ell . ~~~'b~:~:. PU~t~i~:~~~n~· fH:'~ ~ou~~· Sh atk a; 3. Donel! A ure; 4 . Cheryl Ellis. MINI : 1. Jim Bun t in . McBride doubles at Victory Speedway By Larry McBride VICTO RY. NY. AUG. 27 w ith o nly one chance remain in g for a ny rid er to notch a twi n wi n at Victory Speedwa y, Lenn y McBrid e ga thered tha t so le dis ti nc tion. After crash ing hard in th e Scra tch main a t Action Park East th e ni ght belor e. it was q uestion abl e if McBride or h is Mar io's PizL'l1 B&A Hea llh Co nd itioni nl;-spom ored Godden wou ld make th e Su nday eveni ng program. > Bolh . however. mend ed quickl y and McBride wen l o n lO victories in bo th th e Hand icap heat a nd sem i. belore comi ng off , he 70-yard lin e in the main ("v("nt alongside hi s brother Tuff and J ohn Lewis. Alte r two gale ma lfunctio ns, the sla ll er o p ted to employ a gree n flag start. After ca utio us ly weavi ng through th e fro m tra ffic. McBride le roed in on lead er G uy Fafard. Im o the Ihird go-a ro und Fa fard went high ill lu rn ' wo, givi nl; both Le nny an d Tuff roo m to advance i nt o fir st a nd seco nd . re5pectively . For the next thr ee circu its, T uff pre ssured Lenny in C",lch tum. but los t real . estate o n the stra ig hta wa ys and Lenn y uX>k Ihe chec kered nag. In Scralch ac tio n, McBride was besled on ly in semi one hy Jo hn Lewis. J o in ing McBride to h is ri ~ht in the main was Lt'wis , Fafard a nd brother Tuff. From that po le pos ition. Lenny j u mped illlo turn one. k",di ng the field . Down th e back m et ch. Len ny walked awa y. lea "ing Lewis and Tuff hauling for "",ond wit h Tuff ta king Iha l spot off tu rn fou r. T hroughou t the bala nce of Ihe ma in . T urf was a lways wit hin stri king di slance in the tu rns; but was o utpowered o n tltt.' straigh ls, a nd Len ny al;a in loo k Ihe chec kered n ag o n the victory lap. Mitchell masters Swan MX By Joyce Ladd TYLER. TX. AUG. 27 Frt'ddi e Mi lch ell wen l I- I fo r LOp honors in the BOn: Novi ce class tod a y a t Swan MX. In molO o ne Honda-mounted Milch elltook the early lead and led from sta rt to fin ish . Fin ishing seco nd was Honda rider Jeb Stuart a nd third wa s Kaw a sak i rid er Jason Nar r.Jmor e. Mot o two agai n sa w Mitch ell take th e hol eshot a nd lead from n art to linish . Running in st.'cond position was Narramore and third was S'uart. By lap 'wo Stua rt had

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