Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ ~ O"l 00 - O"l ....... 0 C'I .... v ..0 s· v ...... 0. v Steve Ru ssell leads Shawn McConnell in speedway action at Costa Mesa . McConnell f inished second to Phil Co llins in the Handicap ma in. by w alker. Wentze! rode co nsis tently [or th ird while Eic ket earned fourth after a dead la st sta rt. Results AUT O: l , Mi cha el Iver s (Yam); 2 . Je ff Gibson (Yam); 3 . J osh ua Long (Yam); 4 . Paul Pet erson (Yam ): S. Corey Arnold • (Yaml. 65: 1. J .D. Colli ns lkaw) : 2. Chris Considine IKaw l; 3. Charl es Dun aw av (Kaw ): 4 . JasonJuskae lKaw l: 5 . DeAndre Brown (Kawl. M INI JR: 1. J .D. Collins IKaw); 2. Chr is Consid in e (Kawl: 3. Ray Oenig (Kaw l: 4. Wilham McCoy (Yam); 5. James Post (Kaw). MINI SR: 1. Greg Rand IYam~ 2. Hayden Ric hards (Kawl; 3 . Robbi e St ur gell IKaw ); 4 . J USlln Phelps (Hon): 5 . Brad (S uz). 250 B: 1. Bill Burba (Kawl ; 2. Bob McPh er son IKawl; 3 . Cobv Robb (Hon); 4 . Brian Hawtt s (Kaw); 5. Georg e Molnar (Kaw) . 250 C: 1. Robert Snave ly (S uz); 2 . Doug Bl ine (Hon); 3 . Eric Leite nber ger (Sud; 4 . John Sowers (Han); 5 . .Jerem y Basham ISuz). OPEN B: [ , M ike Jenkin s (Hon); 2. Ken Fish er (Kaw); 3 . Jeff Gh indea IKaw l; 4 . Eric Hale (Yam); 5 . Scan Steve ns (Hon), 25 +: 1. Brad Wood (Kaw); 2. Dan Gillispie (Han); 3 . Richard Robin son (Han); 4 , Ken Fisher(Kaw); 5. Dean Howard (Hon l. VET: 1. Kenny Reif (Suzl ; 2. Hayes Blainey (Suz): 3. Kevin Cla rk (Kawl: 4 . Paul CUPPISu zl; 5. Vincent Loyola (Hon). S/SR: 1. Henry Gref (Yaml : 2. Dan ie l Post (Kaw); 3. Que nt in lewis (Kaw l; 4 . William Hoover (Hon) . Faria's fairground at OC Speedway By Scott Daloisio COSTA MESA, CA, AUG. 25 Po p ul a r riders Mik e Faria a nd Alan "Crazy" Christian sp lit a pair of sen sa tio na l Scratch races at th e Orange County Fairgrounds Speedway Friday nigh t. Christian won round ' o ne in their Scratch sem i wh ile Faria stood on top o f the heap in the Iour-lap mai n event, " In th e sem i, Christian edged Faria by a valv e stem a fter a sid e-by -sid e showdown. Christian pulled th e pol e for the main with Faria drawing p osition tw o . As wa s the case throughout rhe sem i, th ey wer e side. by-side at the sta rL Fa ria reacted first to the gate but Christi an . o n th e potent STP j aw a . won the bailie in to tum o ne. Sco tty Brown a nd Bobby Schwa ru we re side-by·side fur thi rd over the fir st ci rcui t. As lap o ne Glme to a n en d, Faria and Ch ristia n were dea d -even in the ba ttle for the lead . Down lh e b.,c k straigh t o n la p two. Faria pu t a wh eel a hea d o f h is vetera n opponen t. a nd stretched 'hat adva mage to a bike len gth. Ch ris ria n wou ld nol 1('1 Faria rest ; tim e a nd limf' agai n h e looked ha rd at the low lin e, but every tim e Faria, nn th e Off Shore/ O ilT.a ll/ Team Scopelitte/ShoeilTsuba ki G odden . had eno ug h to p u ll Christ ia n dow n th e next stra ig ht. For Faria , it was h is seco n d win o f the wttk. Schwa rtz fin ished th ird wi' h Bro wn founh. Don "T ()() Tal l" Od om , finis h ing the best week in hi s care t'r , set th e pace wh en the Hand icap main ro lled off th e line. T he 2 1· year-o ld had a 20·ya rd adva ntage a t ' he sta rt and wa s nol go ing to g ive it up w ithou t a figh t. Shawn Ml·Connell a nd Phil Co llins ga ve < :hase ea rly, but Od orn was o n a perf ecl line. O n the. thi rd lap, Coll ins, in his third season of southern Ca li forn ia racing, rinall y disp()s~d of McConnell and 5;e hi s sigh ts o n t Od orn . ('..olli n s co n tinued to work th r o utsi de and as he went down th e ba rk ch ute o n la p five, he pu t hi s Kell y Micro Systems/ J T R aci n g / Cir ell o Ra c in g/ STP / R o vizzi n i Electr ic:-sponso rl-d \Vesla ke into the ledd . and he q uickl y pnlled away. O dom ran in !Jt"(:om.! unti l l\'IcConnell got by him ncar the end of the six th orbi t. Abou' t ha t tim t', " T oo Tall " gOl too wi de and ). dropped to the back. McCo nnell foug ht nff a la st -la p bid from C hristian to tak e second. Resu lts t-. _ .. SCRATCH: t . M ike Faria (Gdn ); 2 . A lan Chr ist ian (Jawl; 3 . Bobby Schw:artz (VIles); 4 . Scon y Brown IJa w ). HOCP: 1. Phil Colli ns (Wes) ; 2 . Shawn McC onn ell (Gdn); Bud and Kerry Kubena t ook Best of Show honors with t heir 1960 BSA Sp itfir e Sc rambler at the Ohio Vintage Trials Meet in Toronto, Ohio. 3 , Al an Chris tia n (Ja w); 4. Mik e Fan a (Gd n). 0 ·2: 1. M ark Faul lWesl; 2.. A rc hie Perez (Gdn); 3. Jerry Black eWes); 4 , Johnny Wa lker (We s). 0 3: 1. Bobby Campbe ll (Wes) ; 2 . John Kelly IJa w); 3 . Dave We ndlandt (Ja w); 4 . M ar k DeVay IW es). SOCAR : 1. CraIg Dem pster /Peter Lewi s (Kaw); 2. John Thompson/Fra nk Bro~IIIKa wl; 3. Ken hrt/ Robert Suggs k./ (H·DI; 4 . Stev e HardwlC J an ine Cum mIngs (Kawl . 4 St ru nk IKawl. SCHBY; t . EriCAr let (Hon); 2. Josh Brown (Hon); 3 . Jerry Fyffe (Kawl; 4 . J ason Fletcher (Han); 5 . Jos h St eel (Hon). 125 A: 1. Chuck Reed (Kaw); 2. Greg Bowen (Hon); 3. Ja mes Eickel (Yaml ; 4 . Cli ff W alker (Suz); 5. John Grewe (Suzl. 12 5 B: 1. Manul Arnold (Kaw ); 2. Rodger Mo lnar IKa wl; 3 . Josh Steel (Han ); 4 . Phillip Sizem or e IKaw); 5. Co by Robb (Honl. 125 C: 1. Shawn Ehrhart (Sud; 2. Cory Trucksess ISu zJ.; 3. Clarenc e Sm ith (Kaw); 4. Todd Harro IKawl; 5. M ike We lsh (Kaw) . 250 A : 1. Chu ck Reed (Kaw); 2 . Clift Walker CSuz); 3 Jay We ntzel (Kawl; 4 . Jo hn Grewe (Suz); 5 , John Kro tzer rf1 Eickel, Bowen bomb Ohio State Fair MX By Susa n Willian COLUM BUS. O H, AUG. 19 Yama ha /Scutt/ Answer/ PJ I-ba cked James Eicke l a nd Honda-mo u nt ed Greg Bowen wer e the tOP winners at the seco nd ro u nd of action at th e Distr ict It Ohio State Fair Mot oc ros s Ch ampionship. Eickel vaulted off 'he starting lin e in the firs! 1250c mo to and led from start to finis h. Chuck Reed . who was the top money wi n ner o n Frida y n ig h t. got ta ng led u p in the banners on th e start and sett led for a DNF wi th a ben t cl utc h lev e r . Bowen moved des pe rate ly th rou gh th e pac k up to thi rd where he tried to ge t by Jo h n G rewe. Bowen attempted mak e a pa ss o n the ins ide but bu mped the rea r o f Crewe a nd lost time o n h im . Bo wen th en slid down to drop to fourth a llowi ng Grewe to breathe eas ier fo r a second in th e mota . The seco nd moto saw Bowe n with a thi rdp lace start, but by 'he end of lap one he too k co ntro l of the [ra n t posi tio n. Mota one win ner Eickel, had a case of the crashes a nd d id n 't fare as well in rnoto two . Reed sky-jumped second past Grewe. Reed the n closed the gap to Bow en, as the pair bumpe d in a curve. Reed went full throttle as he p ushed for Bowen . Bowe n and Reed go, in to la p ped traffi c as Reed attempted to ~ss Bowen aro und a corn er. Reed bobbled giving Bowen the edge . In th e fina l la p of action. th e Bowen and Red duel continued, as Reed slid o ut losing rim e, Reed 'hen cra shed o n 'he final sect io n of th e tra ck, as Bowen secured the win foll owed by Reed in seco nd. [n th e 250cc A class , Eickel ' imed the drop of 'he ga te to perfect ion. as he shot fro m th e sta rt ing lin e fo llow ed by All en Horne a nd Grewe. Reed had a poor sta rt but worked h is wa y to fifth m idway 'hrough 'he mo to , as he pr essured fourth place Jason Gray. The pa ir ta ng led as Reed mo ved mt o fourth. Reed th en tried fo r G rewe in th ird b ut was unsu ccessful in h is a ttempts. Reed tried agai n but Grew e slammed th e door. Way o u' in fro nt, Eickel del ig h, ed 'he spectators as he styled h is mach ine over the j um ps . Eickd claimed th e mOlD win followed by Horne, G rewe, Reed and Gray. Reed was better p re pa red in maLo two , as he took co ntrol off the start a nd he ld it to the·finis h lin e. Reed was chas ed by Eickel wh o u ied un su ccessfully tn ca tch Reed. Eickel finis hed second. Results '0 '0 AUTO ; 1. Mi ch ael Ivers (Yam); 2 . Ad am Short (Yam); 3 . J oshu a l ong (Yam); 4 . J eff Gibson (Yaml ; 5. Cor ey A rn old (Yam) , 65 : 1. J .D. Coll ins IKaw); 2. Nate Barnhart IKaw) ; 3 . Jo ey Stepl eton {Kawl; 4. Chr is Considi ne {"awl; 5. Cha rles Dun away (Kaw l. MINI JR : 1. J .D, Colli ns (Kaw); 2. Ja mes Post ("awl; 3 . De Andre Brown IYam) ; 4 . Nate Barnhart IKaw); 5. Chr is Considine (Kawl . MINI SR: 1. Hayden Richa rds (Kawl; 2. Gr eg Rand (Yam); 3 . Ju stin Phelps {Honl; 4 . Tom my Coll ier {Suz}; 5 . Brad Strunk (Kaw l, SCHBY: 1. Shaw n Ehrhart ISuz); 2 . Jos h St eel tHan) ; 3. Miles Cook (Su z); 4 . Trav is M cCra ry {Kawl; 5. Brandon Drak e (Yam l. 125 A: 1. Gr eg Bowen IHon); 2 . John Gr ew e (Suzl; 3 . J ason Gr ay (Suzl; 4. Ja mes Eickel (Yam); 5. All en Horne IHon). 125 B : 1. Rodg er Mo lnar (Kaw); 2. J am es Larg e IKawl; 3 . Cobyu Robb (Hon ,; 4 . Josh SteeI IHon ); 5 . Jo hn Hatfield (S ....I. 250 A : 1. James Eick el (Yam); 2. Chuck Reed (Kaw ); 3 , All en Horn e (Han); 4 _Joh n Grewe (Suz); 5 . M ike Bla ir (Suz). 250 B: 1. Geo rge M oln ar (Kawl; 2. Dar cy W alter (Honl ; 3. Bri an Hawks( Kaw ); 4 . M anul A rnold( Kawl; 5. Ti m Griffit h (Suzl. OPEN B: 1. Jeff M ill er (ATKI; 2 . Jeff G hindea (Kaw ); 3 . Ken Fisher (Kawl ; 4 . M ike Je nkins (Han); 6. J im St am baugh {Honl. VET: 1, Ken nv Relf (S uz); 2 . Hay es Bla iney (S uzl; 3 . Gene Hodg e ("aWl; 4 . Henry Gr ef (Yam); 5 , Vincent Loyol a (Han) . S/SR: 1. Hen ry Gref (Yam); 2. Da niel Post (Kaw); 3. Q uentin Lewis IKawl; 4 . Gar y Christian (Kaw); 5 . Robe n Blake (Yam) Klesh tops Ohio Vintage Trials Meet By C.A. Francy TORONTO, O H. AUG. 13 The Best of Show award. given in memory of th e late Joe Ell is, was pr esented to rhe fath er /son tram of Bud a nd Kerr y Ku ben a at 'he 8t h An nual Classic Briti sh / Eur o pean Mo torcycle Rall y. T he Co kebu rg, Pen nsylva nia, residents top ped a n outsta nding field of classic mach in es with th eir rece n tly res to red 1960 BSA Spi tfire Scrambler. Accnr din g Ku ben a , th e Spitfire Scramb ler was a limited p roductio n model based o n the road -going 650cc BSA A- IO Rock et models, and was . produced for the North Am eri ca market o n ly. "Their ar e man y parts unique to this model and finding th em all was a rea l cha llen ge since the bike was not ava ilable in En gla nd wh er e man y BSA spares are still obtainable," add ed Kube na. Ov er 100 classi c Br itish and Europea n mo torcycl es were displayed in the show whi ch culmina ted a lo ng weeke nd filled wit h a vari ety of activi ties. With so me 30 classes to co m pe re in. there was no sh ortage of en tra n ts. " T he judges had a rough rime toda y." rem arked Chief Judge Don Kautz . Contesti ng Ku ben a for th e top award was former Ohio end uro ch a m p D ick Brown. Brown 's 1952 Triumph TRS Trophy model was restor ed to th e " T " a nd was th e Iavo rit e of man y. Brown sa id he had loca'ed ' he o rig inal o wne r of th e bik e wh ich had been p urch a sed n ew from a La ncas ter, Ohio. Tri umph deal ership a nd th en cam pa il:ned for man y years o n th e Ohio enduro ci rcu n before Dick picked it u p . T he Bes, Triumph awa rd. spo nsored by th e Triumph International Ow ners C lu b, was p resented 10 Bro wn for h is efforts. After th e awards p rese nta t io n. a dra wi ng was held to ~ 1('Cl th e winner o f the dub's a n nua l raffl e for charity. T h is yea r's p rize was a 1968 BSA T hunderbolt and the ho lder of the win ni ng ticke l was Gary Sa wc hu k of Slo n ey Creek. O nta rio . Pr oceed s (ro m th e ra rfle h ave been ea rmar ked fo r rh e loc- ) d Special Ol ym pi cs ann m iu ee. Resu lts '0 BEST OF SHOW : 1. Bud & Kerry Kubena C BSAI . PEOPlES CHOICE: 1. Denn is Brown (BSA I. BEST BRITISH: 1. Gr eg M azza lTril, BEST EUROPEAN ; 1. J ohn Ma zeska (BMW). BEST BSA : 1. Don Good CBSAI. BEST TRIUM PH: 1. Dick Brown lTr il . BEST BRITISH SPECIAL : 1. Roland Trem onti (BSA I. LONG DISTANCE : 1. Stewart Wallace. SLOW RACE CHA M P: 1. Mik e Hosafr os (Norl . Collansky captures win at Spring Creek MX By Ro lfe Ot t ern ess M[ LLV[LLE, MN , AUG . 19 Troy Dol1a n sky moto red to the ove ra ll w in in ( h e 25Oc A class a l Sp ring Cr eek Pa rk 's cam.;llc ur da y, held (h e da y heforc th e openi ng ro u nd or the Na tio nal Ch amp io ns hip 50Da: MX Series. J)oll ansky ra n a slrunK seco nd in the rir~1 mow with fo rmer pro rider Bru ce Gates leadi ng th e way. In th e seco nd mota, Doll ansky took th e win o n hi s Anoka Sports Ce nt er/Flame Racing -su p po rted Suzuki R M. C hris H ug hes ra n st rong-t o take seco nd overa ll with a 3-2 sco re. G a tes ca rne through for th ird o vera ll a fter a second m o to crash left h im seventh a t th e ch eckered . Ja y Hoen k was lou rth on his W heel Unlimited-ha ck ed Cagiva. ta king .1)-3 finis hes. The John Martin /Hi wi nd ers-prepped tra ck was in excel len t shape earl y in th e day. but rain fe ll in th e middle of the day . necessitati ng rerouting: to bypass Mlme. of the greasy uph ills. Mo re than 200 r iders gave it a shot o n one o f the co u n try 's best tra cks. Top A r iders q ual ified fo r a special amateu r race held on Su nd ay . Bruce Gates wo n both motes with Chris H ugh es and Cory Kee-ney Scr.Jppi ng for seco nd and th ird . . On Sa turda y Keen ey scrapped with Tim H odes in th e first I25cc A mota before securing the wi n . Brian Fern a nd d a ve H uber filled the top fo u r. H od es won the seco nd mot a with Keeney p la yin g ca tch- up to fi n ish th ird behi nd Pa ul j a m iso n. Fern tra iled Keeney fo r fo u rth . Results 125 B: 1. Craig Noack ; 2. Ma rk Morris; 3. Jon Deegen. 125 A : 1. Tim Hode s; 2. Cory Keen ev; 3. Brian Fern . 250 C D·' : 1. Dan La Croi x; 2. Dean Nieuwenhuis; 3. John Al t man. 250 C 0 -2: 1. Todd Ma thwig; 2. Rick Li lle no; 3, Rory Vese l. ' 250 B: 1. Craig Noack; 2. Kyle Love; 3. Tony Park er. 250 A: 1. Tr oy Dollansky; 2. Chris Hughes; 3. Bru c e Gates . . . OPEN C: 1. Dust in Al tman; 2. Boyd Peterson ; 3. Jerry Hoff . OPEN A : 1. Jeff Sorenson; 2 . Rusty Sorenso n; 3 , Curtis Cohrs. • Kirk wins Ohio Reliability Run By C.A. Fran cy TORONTO, OH, AUG . 12 BSA Rider David Kirk n f Wa shington , Pennsylvania , tOPped a large field of riders in th e OVBSAOC Ann ual Rel iabl i, y Rim . This grueling 10 plus mil e end uro- like event was o ne o f man y activi ties fe-d tu red durin g the 8th An n ua l Brit ish / Eu ro pean Cl assic Motorcycle Rall y. " We 'o ugh en ed u p 'he co urse this year:' said Jim Ca ble, the cl ub's roa d captain . TIle riders found Cable's claim to be no exa ggera tio n as th ey had 10 tackl e a woods sect io n immed ia tel y aher Ie- vin g the d sla riing lin e. The riders ha d to face a stream crossing fnllowed by a climb up a mu ddy bank, more stre-d m <.Tossi ngs , and a narrow tra il throug h a thi ckl y-wooded area befnre reaching th e seeuri ty nf a paved road. After a short respi te o n the tarmac. it was time for th e rough st u £(again as the rid er s were rou ted u p ' he first of man y steep a nd bum py di rt roads. More cree k <.Tossings a nd a ba ndoned roads, in tersper sed w it h a minimum o f high wa ys. c ha llen~cd the rid ers th rough out the ru n. La st yea r 's win n er , jason Pell illcri , who took to p honors o n a 1911 Wh izcr, was un able to (:o mpe le due to a broken leg su ffered ea r lier. However , th e resulting slac k in od d ba ll bik es cOl1lcsting th e even t was mor e than tak en up by Kevin Hill yar d 's '6 1 Hu sqvarna , Terry Baxter 's '5 1 Fra nas Barn ett , and th e '5 1 BSA C- t l o f J o h n Fost er. O ther riders cOtlle5ting th e event rod e a va riet y o f o ldt'r mach in es incl ud ing BSA s i ng l~ , NOTlO Il Commando 's. T rium p h T R -6 T roph ys and o ther sim ila r models. ' 'Th is reall y brin gs back mem ories: ' said fo rmer e nduro rider Ch uc k Rob in ("ue, wh o ca mpaign ed a BSA on the ro ug h O hio en duro 45