Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Billy Hamill (left) w on the Handica p main and Mike Faria (ri ght) won
the Scrat ch main at IM S. Fari a's daughter, Jada, w as t he t ro phy girl.
Phil Co llins wheeli ed hi s way t o his sixt h -straig ht Scrat ch m ain win at
A sc-ot's Sout h Bay St adium ; Brad Oxl ey capt ured t he Handicap main.
Faria, Hamill star
at IMS Speedway
By Scott Dalo isio
U/ l EX: 1. Kye Gunn (Suz); 2. J oh n Burgo yne (Yaml :
3 . Ken Older (Yam).
M /W S / BK EX: 1. Tom Hickma n (Yaml; 2. J ames Cox
fYaml; 3 . Br ian Jode r (Yaml: 4. M ard Mc Kenny (Yam ); 5 .
Brad Stephens (Yam).
MIW S/B K NOV: 1. Danny lyon (Han); 2. Roben Dick
(Yam); 3 . Eric Wilson (Yam): 4 . Gene Redmon (yaml; 5 .
Kraig Kess ler (Yam).
• H/ W SIlW: 1. Nige l Gale (H· D); 2. J ason Pereira (Kaw l;
3. Rob in Bender (Kawl; 4 . loren Poole (Kaw i.
UWT EX: 1. M arc Shaff er (Yam); 2. Dale W hel an (Yaml;
3. J oe She lto n Sr. (Yam).
UW NOV: 1. Martin Harvey (Yam).
H/ W EX: 1. Kye Gun n (Suzl; 2. Jo hn Burgoyne (Yam );
3. Ken Older (Yam); 4 . Char les Harri s (Suz).
H/W NOV: 1. Tom Tetosian (Suz); 2. Gene Conno r (Kaw );
3 . Ron Gentile (Suz); 4 . Eric Wilson (ya ml; 5. Carlos
Kimbrough (Yaml
MIW EX: 1. Tom Hickm an (Yaml: 2. James Cox (Yaml;
3 . Bria n Jade r (Yam): 4. Charl es Dixon (Yam); 5. Mard M c
Kenney (Yaml .
MIW NOV : 1. Danny lyon (Honl : 2. Robert Dick (Yam):
3. Kraig Kessl er (Yam); 4 . Todd Gessel (Honl ; 5 . Gen e
Redmon (YamI.
ClBMN EX: 1. Dale Wh elan (Kaw); 2. l oren Poole (Kaw);
3. Bill Jamison (Kaw l; 4 . Tom FUJ ibayashi (Kaw) .
VINT GTO EX: 1. Dan Ray (Tri).
VINT GTU EX: 1. John SCali ('Tri); 2. Mike Haracourt (Tri);
3. Eric M aass (Yam),
The Knights storms Beaver
Dam Hare Scramble
By Karen Kemp
The Kni ght family dominat ed three of th e 11
classes o f co mpe titio n at the fourth round of
th e Southern H ar e Scra mble Championship
Serries in Vossburg, Missisaippi. Don Knight
took th e Senior class win, while his youngest
so n. Nathan. easily topped th e Mini class. BUI
then in the A and B race, another Knight was
lined up o n the start. Don 's o ther son, No lan ,
domi na led the AA class. All th ree rid ers held
thei r first-place po sitions from start to fin ish.
Honda rid er David Hall finis hed second
behind Knight in th e co m pe ti tive AA class .
with ISDE·bo und Tim Singleton coming in
[or third aboard his Yam aha.
In th e Junior class co m pe titio n Hondamounted Stephen Reed took the lead at th e
start o f th e race, but in the third o f hi s four
lap race he go t h is bike stu ck in on e o f th e
few mud holes in th e co u rse. SeriesJuniordass
points lead er. Larry Peevy, jr.. then took th e
lead from Reed an d piloted hi s Honda acr oss
the fini sh line in first place. Brad Lan e ca me
in [or third pla ce and j eff Allman [or fourth .
Birm in gh am rid er s Phil Williams a nd
Larry Deck er test ed th e 200cc B Novi ce
co mpe titio n. Williarn s took first and Decker
second , while Cleve Altman was third.
The club wanted 10 th ank th e Beaver Dam
Huntin g Clu b for a llo win g the m to use their
property a nd ca m p.
AA:. 1. Noland Knigh t (Hon); 2. Oavid Hall (Han); 3 . Tim
S ing leton (Yam) ; 4 . Dw ighl Wheal (Kaw ); 5 . Gl enn
Hollingshead (KTM I.
OPEN A : 1. Jerry Peavy (KTM) .
250 A : 1. Tom Krag (Suz); 2. l ee Fugl er (Han); 3 . Mi cky
Voung (KTM ); 4 . David Shutt (Han); 5. Craig Irby (Vam).
200 A: 1. Benn ie Wa ldrop (Kaw); 2. Gary Goff (Kaw);
3 . Tim Fine (Kaw); 4 . Mik e Canlrell(Kaw); 5 . Jo nny Kemp
OPEN B: '1. Dary l Fosl er (Honl; 2. J eff Kennedy (Hus);
3 . Ricky Foster (Han) .
250 B: 1. J ohn Delee (Hont; 2. Chr is Burchfie ld (Suz);
3. Ladd Dilworth (Ma i); 4 . Andy Hayes (Han); 5. Scoll
Blankenshi p (Yam).
200 8 : 1. Phil Wi llia ms (Kaw) ; 2. Larry Decker (Kaw) ;
3 . Cleve A lt man (Kaw) ; 4 . Dennis Gr iffith (Kaw ); 5 . 80
BurroughS (Hon ).
125 B: 1. Corey Martin (Yam); 2. Bruce Nugenl (Suz);
3 . Gary Mc Gee (Hon).
SR: 1. Don Knighl (Han); 2. Billy WulfersIKaw); 3 . Tommy
lane (kaw); 4 . Bob Babcock (KTMI: 5. Carllvey (Kawl.
M INI: 1. Nath an Knigh t (Honl; 2. Chrislopher Whatley
(Suz); 3. Asa Whatley (Suz); 4 . Kyle Henderson (Han); 5 .
(TIE) Chris Cantre ll tSuz)lZach Ivey (Kaw).
J A: 1. larry Peevy Jr . (Hon); 2. Step he n Reed (Han); 3 .
Brad Lane (Kawl: 4. Jeff A lt ma n (Kaw); 5 . Davey Sh ulz
WMN: 1. Karen Kemp (Kew) .
OPEN C: 1. John Smilh IKawl: 2. Perry Slo~dey (Suz):
3. Glenn Kraft (Suzl; 4 . John Barr (M ai); 5. Jam es Web b
(Suzl .
200 C: 1. Denv il Smilh (Suz); 2. Danny Windham (Hon);
3. M ark Feallock {Kawl; 4. Mart Woola rd (YamI; 5 . Earl
Nugent (Han).
Collins owns
Ascot Speedway
By Sc ott Dalo isio
Phil Co llins set a new track record wh en he
wo n hi s sixth Scra tch main in a row a t Ascot
South Bay Stadi um . br eakin g the previous
record o f five wi ns in a row set by Bobby
Schwartz in 1987.
After a red nag du e to Schwa rtz falling o n
the o rigi nal sta rt, Co llins too k th e lead o n
the restart. He went o u tsid e to the cush io n
in (Urn two 0 0 lap one a nd opened up a huge
lead ov er Mik e Faria a nd S teve Lu cero.
Schw artz wa s eli m ina ted for ca usin g th e
with th e Briti sh -born rid er in th e lead , the
question was no t wh ether he wo uld win, but
by how much . With the fans chee ri ng h im
o n , Co lli ns put th e Kelly Micro Systems / ] T
Ra cing /Cirell o Ra cin g / STP / Ro vazzi n i
Electr ic-spo nso red Weslak e til TOugh i ts paces,
a nd by th e lime the race ended. he too k the
victory with room to sp ar e. Lu cero, wh o
fini shed second to Collins in th e pr eviou s five
victories, gave up second o n the n ight, with
that honor going to Faria,
Billy Hamill impressed everyo ne but referee
Dave Sim s with his start in the Handicap
main . Si ms saw H am ill leave ear ly and
penalized th e 19' year-old a ll the way to the
80-yard· line. Wh en the pack started th e second
tim e, Tony Bienert, riding with a broken bone
in his hand. led over Don Odom. " Rad Brad"
Ox ley. coming 0[[ th e sick list. badthird b u t
lost it 10 Sco tt Brant. T wen ty-year-o ld Bra nt
co n tin ued hi s drive a nd went by Odom for
second. A few moments la ter, Odom parked,
forcing Oxley to tak e evasive ac tio n. Brant
was reeling In Bien ert , but on lap five, he
d id a hu ge wh eeli e ou t o f tum two , and
sudden ly found himself in a fight with Ox ley.
At the end o f lap si x. Ox ley a nd Brant were
side-by-side. Oxley. th e 1987 Nati on a l Champi on , wen t inside Brant in turn o ne o n th e
last la p , and began to pr essure Bien er t.
Coming o ff the fina l tu rn , Bienert folded
under Ox ley's pr essure and park ed it. Oxl ey,
pumping his left hand into the n ig ht air, went
Inside and too k the lea d. Bran t. a lso takin g
advan tage o f Biemert 's m iscu e, went by on
rhe outside. As th ey took th e Roy Kelt in g
chec kered na g. Ox ley held a slim lead o n hi s
Co ors Extra Gol d / KL OS / Fra me S ho p /
Sh oei / Cirello Racing w eslak e. Bra n t ca me
across in second with a di sgruntled Bien ert
After th e race, Oxley cred ited his fath er
Harry for the win: " He told me I beu er win
wn ight becaus e my mom is hert' wa tch ing ."
Craig Dempster a nd Peter Lewis again
g uided th eir Kawasaki 10 the victory in the
Sid ecar main even t. Rand y McInt yre a nd new
partner Rob ert Fox p laced seco nd w ith Steve
Stanton a nd Tom T ufts thi rd. T he wildes t
ac tio n in the main ca me when Sta nt o n and
Tulls tangle d wil h Frank Brow ell and j ohn
Thompson. Both teams vl'ered ou t of co n tro l
a nd almost smacked a pickup tru ck in th e
cen ter of the infield .
SCRATCH: 1. Ph il Collins (Wesl; 2. Mike Fari a (Gdn); 3 .
Steve lucero (Gdn); 4. Bobby SchW8rtl(GM).
HDCP: 1. Brad Oxley (Wes); 2. Scott Branl lJ aw l; 3 . Tony
Blenert (Wes); 4 . Bill y Ham ill (Wes).
0 · 2: 1. J ohnn y Walker (Wes); 2. Gary Ackroyd (Gdn):
3 . Don Ambrose (Wesl; 4 . Ma rk Faul (WeSI.
0 · 3: 1. Jason Rock (Wesl; 2. Tom Norris (Gdn); 3 . Dave
We ndla ndt (Jaw); 4 . Bobby Campbell (Wes).
SDCAR: 1. Craig Dempst er / Pel er lewis (Kaw l; 2. Randy
Mcl ntyre / Robert Fox (Kawl: 3 . Ste ve Sl anlonlTom Tuh:s
(Kawl : 4 . John Tho mpson /Frank Srowell (Kaw)
Mik e Faria and Bill y Hamill stunned a huge
crowd with a breath-taki ng di splay in the
Scra tch ma in at In la nd Motor Speedway. Faria
edged Ham ill for the win. but la ter H ami ll
ca me back to win the H andicap main.
O ff the po le. Far ia ca me off th e line like
he had been sh ot out o f a ca n no n. Bobby
Sch wan z trie d to hang wi th him as they
attac ked the first bend. but he hooked up and
fell in turn two , giving Faria a big lead . O n
the.' second lap , Hami ll went to th e o u tside
in th e first bend and blaz ed aro u nd th e boards.
As he headed down the back ch u te. he hooked
up a nd shot a hea d of Faria. T hey went
thro ugh turns th ree and ff!ur side-by-side a nd
as they ended th e lap . Fana had a sma ll lead.
In turn (WO on la p three, H am ill go t a no the r
drive, bu t th is tim e it sent h is front tir e straigh t
int o the air. T he \Veslak e rid er never 10Sl a
spo t, bu t he did lose grou nd.
After Ha mill 's near m ishap o n lap thr ee,
Far ia seem ed to be hom e free. H ami ll , th e
feat ur e sto ry in th e local newspaper ea rlier
in th e day, ha d other plans. H e cha rged Faria
on the last lap a nd pulled to his rear tire in
turn thr ee. Fari a drifted wide and H amill
pu shed h is front end a nd tr ied to co me
un der neath. Cro ssing the line Fari a had a halflengt h adva n tage for the Off Shore/ Sh oei /
Oi lzall/Tea m Scopelitte / H i. Po int·spo nso red
Don Odom had "the in iti al lead in th e
H andicap main, w ith Steve Russell taking
over by th e end o f the opening revolution.
Il ami ll, 0 [ [ th e 60, mad e hIS move o n lap two.
weavin g h is way through traffi c and securing
secon d. As H ami ll moved in on lead er Russell,
he had a familiar rival just behind his rear
fend er, as Faria found h is way through th e
traffi c, As Hamill ca me off turn two on the
fourth ci rcu it, he went lO the grippy o u tside
and p icked up a big dr ive, and shot aro u nd
Ru ssell to tak e o ver th e po int. On lap five,
he did a big wbeelie o n the Denny's Forming/
Monrovi a Diesel/Quak er Sta te/ST P/ C rea t
\ Vh ite L im ou sin e-sponsored w eelak e, but on e
lap later he went wid e. hit th e deepest dirt
on th e track and began to swap , end ing u p
O"'Tr the bars. Som eh ow he managed to save
it. O ver th e fin a l two laps, he took a more
co nser vative line and , event ua lly, th e victory.
Afterwar ds, the weary l il-year-Old slipped
o ff h is helm et and said , " Ma n, I am tir ed.
I co uld bar ely han g th e last two laps."
SCRA TCH: 1 M ike Fari a (Gdn): 2. Bill v Hami ll (Wes); 3 .
Steve l ucero (Gdnl: 4. Bobby Schwartz (GM ).
HDCP: 1. Bill y Hamill (Wesl; 2. Steve Russell (Wesl; 3 .
Mik e Far ia (Gd nl; 4 . Sieve lucero (Gdn ).
0 ·2 : 1. Dave Reep (Wes); 2. Chri s Castin (Wes); 3 . Jerry
Black (Wes): 4 . Gary Ackroyd IGdnl.
0 ·3 : 1. Ma rk DeVay (Wesl; 2. Bobby Camp bell (Wes);
3 . Ben M ears (Jaw ); 4 . John Gflffill s {H· DI
Nielsen reigns at Mt. Baker
Hare Scrambles
By Paul Ni elsen
BEI.I.I NGHAM . \VA. AUG . 2 1
En u mclaw Cycle/ O p timal Lubrialllts/ Smith
Go gg les· sponso rffi J ohn Nielsen took th e
O (X'n Ex}X'rt d ass and th e o vera ll win at the
MB~-1 C H are Scra m bles. The last race o[ a
nine-r;lC ser ies. had five closely co ntes ted
S('a ~ o n class cha mp io nsh ips o n th(~ line.
T he Open Experts were lh e first bik es o n
lhe s ta rt g rid. N ielsen, on h is big ~bor e
Kawasaki , was in fro m when they dissap(>eared over th e hi ll. However , a t the co mpl et ion o[ th e firsl lap. Keith Cayt on had taken
th e lead w ilh Mik e Schmidl second and
Nielsen ru nning third. At the end of lap two ,
Cay to n was sti ll leading and Nielsen had
mu ved to st'co nd .
By th e end o f lap three. N ielsen had the
lead and held it 10 the finis h. Cayton withdrew
on th e fifth lap with an in jured root . Schmidt
went o n to a seco nd -p lace finish with Dan
Hart taking third and Ted McDow ell fou rt h.
Sch m id t's second-place finis h gave him the
points he need ed 10 claim the Open Expert
ch a m p io n sh i p ov er McDowell. who wa s
lead in g the class by two poi nts goi ng into
th e even t.
T he Open Expert Vet class was another
cha m p io ns h ip on th e lin e. b ut it ended in
a tic. Delmar Ja ckson was ahead in the points
race, hut Lyle Duronso was not a bo u t to give
an yth ing aw ay. Dur onso put in a strong rid e.
ga in ing lim e every .Iap. He fin ished with a
cc m lo nab le six-minute lead over Jackso n.
who finished second.
The Expert 200cc cla ss cha m p io n sh ip was
claimed by David Sco u. finishi ng seco nd ,
while h is close co m pe ti to r. Ed Wagsta£[
fini shed third,
EX ovss 200 : 1. John Nielsen lKaw l; 2. Mike Schmidt
(Yam); 3 . Dan Hart e (kaw ); 4 . Ted McDowell (Yam); 5. Paul
Ost OO (Kaw) .
EX UNDER 200: 1. Rob Flager (Suz): 2. David Scon (Yam):
3 . Ed Wagstaff (Kaw) .
VET OVER 35 A: 1. lyle Duronso (Yam); 2. Delm ar
Jackson (Han); 3 . Errol Borskey (KTM).
VET INT: 1. Bucom Aldridge (Han): 2. Robert Mclean
(YS~)b30~Ei~~1~~~~&:~~~:"(HOn); 2. Philip Everett (Yam);
3 . Bruce Vanderwyk (Yam).
SR C UNDER; 1. Mike Vai l (Kaw); 2. Rick Brauer (Kaw) .
JR COVER : 1. Larry Binschus (Yam); 2. Bret Vanderwyk
(Honl ; 3. Robert Hen (Han); 4 . Denis Mu rry (Yaml .
JR C UNDER: 1. Ted Conner (Kawl ; 2. Fred Sioot weg
(Yaml ; 3 . M ike Kamerling (Yam);4 . Wa yne Vanloo (Han).
Reed rolls to Ohio
State MX win
By Susan Willian
More than 550 riders co mpe ted at the inaul;ura l ru n ning o f th e District I I Ohio Sta te FaIT
Motocross C hampions hip. The Drew Wolf·
designed stad iu m su pe rcrcsstrac k was Javo rab le to Kaw asa ki-mou nted and Answer/
Ma iers/Seer Goggles/Kevi n Sh inner-backed
Chuck Reed who won the big bu cks by
swee pi ng th e 125 and 250cc A cla sses.
In round on e o f the l 25cc A moto, Reed
rook co n tro l o ff th e start with a commanding
lead. H e was unstoppabl e as he pi loted his
mach ine past the chec kered flag. James Eickel
had his hands lu ll , as Troy Graham was in
hot purs uit- Eickel held the thrott le o pen a nd
did no t a llow Crah am to ca tch h im. Eickel
landed second;
In the seco nd round of the 125cc A mo ta ,
Reed was aga in th e dominate force . Reed
stretched an ear ly lead , as Cliff Walk er fina lly
moved into second pursued by third p lace
Eickel. Eickel and Walker diced for second.
as Eickel sl id sidewa ys in a turn a tte m p ting
to pas s Wa lker. Reed was o u t of sig h t, as
\Va lker took cha rge o f second and Jason Gray
moved int o thi rd , while Eickel slip ped to
fou rth . As Reed took th e checke red . Walker
a nd Gra y had a hea tlod race for second. Gray
erred , losing valuabl e tim e but took Ihe heat
o f[ o[ Wa lker who Wed by in seco nd . wh ile
John C rewe took over th ird.
In the senm d 250cc A mOlD. Reed shot o ff
lh t" b c and wen t in to the lead as he was
chased by Walk er and j ay WentzeL Wa lker
kept Reed on t-dge throughout the fast-paeed
mow. Reed and Walker rod e in unison
thr ough th e 10 co mma nd me nt s - a set o f 10
whoops. Reed t