250: 1. Jake Zemke (Hon); 2. Bob Gabler (yam); ~ . Joev
Winston (Honl .
SOOJR: 1. Loren Bjorkma n (Yam); 2. Akira Kazuoka (Hon);
3 . Joey Winston (Yam).
VET: 1. Bob Gabler (Yam); 2. Skip Cristy (Yam); 3. Ellion
Iverson (Yam).
OPEN EX t . Skip Cri sty (Yam); 2. Jake Zemk e (Hon);
3 . Rick Schroeder lSuz) .
Elliott Iverson (15V) took third in the Vet class at the Carlsbad Short
Track. while Jake Zemke (2) finished second in the Open Expert class.
W eston (KTM I; 4 . Dan iel J . Hall ed ll IKawl; 5. Fran k Beach
125 NOV: 1. Don ald Upton (Hon); 2. Ro bb V Hock (Kaw ):
3. Tim Olson (Han): 4 . Bobby Grah am {Suz); 5. Angelo
M organ (Hon).
250 BEG: t . Chad M cint osh (Hon): 2. Brian M ill er (Suzl:
3 . Ni ck Kraus (Han); 4 . Ron Burrows ISuz); 6. Frank Pagli a
OPEN BEG: 1, St eve Reeves (ATK).
2 50 NOV: 1. Brett Stub bs (Kaw): 2. Br ian All en tCag) ;
3 . David Barlow (Kaw) .
125 INT: 1. Jeff Lambson (Yam l.
250 INT: 1. Pat Wom ack (Hon).
OPEN INT: 1. Joh n Anderson IH onl~ 2. M ike Dough erty
(ATK~ 3 . Patr ick M arkham (ATK); 4 . Georg e Kohl er (ATK);
OPEN JR : L Bill W arin g (KTM); 2. Ton v Shelton (Honl ;
3 . David Hankin s (KTM) .
OPEN INT: 1. Mik e Joh ns (Hon); 2. Tony M art in (Honl.
OPEN PRO: 1. Ron Westl ake (Kaw ); 2. Ben Wagenm an
(Hon); 3. Shawn Colangelo (Kaw) .
UTH: 1. Keith Foidel (Yam); 2. Ron West lake (Kaw); 3.
Rod Nees (Yam ).
OTH C: 1. Can M eeker (Hon); 2. Milt Harden (Suz); 3 .
David Sio ssar (Kaw) .
OTH B: 1. Larry Legarr a (Yam); 2. J esse Dean (Honl; 3.
David Hank in s (KTM ).
OTH A: t . Tom Vi ell e (Hon); 2, Dave Eaki n (Han ).
OT NOV: 1. M ike Reuth er (Suz).
OT EX: 1. Jim Lampk in (Hon); 2. Gary Bonds (Kaw) ..
5 . Bill Keef e .
125 /0PEN PRO: 1. Larrv Brooks (Hon ); 2. Buddy Antunez
(5 uz); 3 . Willy M usgrave (ATK); 4. Bryan Emig IKaw) .
25 -29 INT: 1. John And erson (Hon); 2. Mi ke Dough enV
(A TK); 3. Patrick M arkham (ATK): 4 . Scott Highland (Hon ).
OT: 1. Vic Allen; 2. Tom Wh it e (Hon ); 3 . John Wh ite
(Hon); 4. M ar ino Bastion ell (Suz); 5. Jody W eisel (KTM).
VET NOV: 1. Scott Mays (Hon ); 2. Frank LaVres (Kaw);
3 . Wall v M oor e (Suz); 4 . John Rit ch ie (Hon); 5. Steve Card er
VET INT: 1. Wi lly Haney lHon ); 2. W ..J Bradb ury lH on );
3 . Ray Pisarski (Hon); 4 . Nick Cost ello (Hon ); 5. J im Ashcrah
VET EX: 1. Gary Jones; 2. Tracy Hrach (Honl; 3. Ron
Lawson; 4 . Marc Crosby (Yam); 5. J eff Lembsc n (Yam ).
Gant styles to
Portland MX win
By Dan Meeker
Mike's Suz uki ride r, Rian Gam took the
hol eshot in the first 12Scc In termed iate mo ta
class at Portla nd Internati on al Ra ceway's
Mo tocross No rt hwest even t.
In the begi n ni ng , it loo ked as if G ant would
run away from the field for an easy victory,
bu' by th e end of the mo to he found h imself
involved in a four-way bau le fo r the lead that
proved to be one of th e most com pe ti tive races
of the sea son. Fo llowing G ant, Mike H am ness
was bei ng-pr essed hard b y Shan e Donaca and
Ern ie Roberts. The battle for th e second-p lace
position soo n p ush ed tho se riders within
striking ran ge of Ga nl, and th e four began
a series of. pass a uemp ts, so me successfu l,
others not. Fina lly, o n th e last lap , D<>naca
used a tigh t inside lin e on a 180 turn through
some wh oops lO get by Ha mn ess lo take over
secon d. On the fina l back stra il?ht 5eries of
jumps Roberts pu shed his Suzu kl'o lhe lim il
and wi th two turn s to go, go t by H am ness
to fin ish third bt~h ind Ga nt and Donaca .
Moto two found Don aca lett ing the rest of
'he field try 10 catch him . Ga nl started th e
chase in seco nd. wit h Roberts and Ha mness
cl ose beh i nd. T he four fro n t-r u nner s
remained wi thi n seconds of each o ther, but
the or der was un ch an ged un til lap five when
Robe rts was forced to retire with mecha nica l
problem s. Robert's misfortu ne wo rked in
favo r of Craig Ru dge. who linsi hed the mo to
as well as th e o vera ll in fourth posi tion_
Do naca hung on to h is lead a nd claimed th e
o vera ll victory for the nigh t wit h G am ~econ d
and Hamness th ird .
W/P/W: 1. J oh n Hardy (Yam); 2. Jason M oor e (Yam);
3. Michael Todd (Yam).
P/ W 6 -8 : , . John Hardy (Kaw ); 2. M icha el Smi th (kaw);
3. Jason M oor e (Kaw) .
P/ W 9 -" : , . Travis Webber (kaw ); 2. Cory J ohn son
(Kaw); 3 . Travi s Mu rph y IKaw ).
PP: 1. J u lie Hier sche (Han); 2. J anet Dean (Yam); 3 .
Rachel Brock (Kaw ).
VINT: , . K8lt h DiBr in o (Hon); 2. David Siossa n (Kaw);
3. Gary Roe (Hon).
MINI BEG: 1. Cory Johnson (Kawl ; 2. M inn Zenn er (Suz);
3 . Nath an Gravelle (Kaw) .
MIN I JR : 1. Todd Kibble (Suz); 2. Shaw n Sow le (Kaw) ;
3 . Brandon White (Yam).
125 BEG D-' : , . Sh awn Lowe ry (Han); 2. Bob William s
(Hon); 3. Larry Rowl and (Hon).
' 26 BEG 0 -2 : , . Devin Roe lHon); 2. David Hucke (Yam);
3 . Josh Gaipeau (Hon).
125 JR : 1. larry Legarra (Yam); 2.Jim McBryde (Yam );
3. Ben Park er (Han).
125 INT: 1. Shan e Donaca (Hon); 2. Rian Gan t (Suz);
3. M ike Hamness (Kawl.
125 PRO: 1. David Germ ain (Han); 2. David Brownin g
(Yam ).
250 BEG; 1. Paul Gagn er (Hon); 2. M ark Tolma (Han );
3 . Rav Hamn ess (Kaw ).
250 J R: 1. Louw Caulk ins (Suz); 2. Todd Dolan lHo n);
3 . Rod Nees (Yaml.
250 INT: 1. Terry Hamess (Hon); 2. Doug Gravell e (Kaw );
3 . Mike John son (Hon).
250 PRO: 1. Dan Boesptlug (Kaw ).
OPEN BEG: 1. Lonn ie Mu sick (Honl ; 2. Brian Carn es
(Hon); 3 . Lance Daggy (Kawl .
Bjorkman blasts
Carlsbad ST
By Elliott Iverson
Lor en Bjo rkm a n. rid ing his new Shell Racin g
Yam aha 500; took the wi n in Saturday night's
Open Jun ior class o n Car lsbad Raceway's
eigh th-m ile ova l. Hot and heavy sho rt tra ck
action was th e topic of th e n igh t. with barban ging action in a ll classes.
Heat o ne for the Open Ju n ior class riders
was a drag race to turn o ne, wit h three riders
side-by-side go ing in a nd Van Nuys rid er
Akira Kazuo ka lead in g the pack down the
back stra ig ht, Bjorkman and Joey Winston
jo in ed in to add to the chas e for first. On lap
six, jus t as Bjorkman tri ed to pu t a move o n
Kazlloka , Win ston tossed h is Yamah a down
to brin g o ut lhe red flag and a single-file
resta rl. Bjorkm an 'ook th e ad vantage and held
on to 'he flag .
Hea t two was Bjor kma n 's wir e-to-wire.
leavin g th e fight fo r seco nd to Win ston a nd
Kazuok a. Several lim es, \Vinsto n tri ed to p ush
his Yamaha un der th e former road racer's
Honda . with no luck. Whil e Bjorkman cruised
to hi s second heat win , Kazuo ka held 0 [£ the
charges of \Vinston to ta ke run ner-up spo t.
When 'he gr een flag dropped for the mai n ,
\Vin slOn a nd Bjor kman left,.K.azuo ka 's sp utterin g Honda behi nd 10 fighl for top Ju nior
ho no rs. Bjo rkman pu t his Yama ha in fro nt ,
riding a smoo th, sma rt lin e, defea ting- every
auempl by Winston to sna tch the lead. Akira
pulled off during lhe race with engine tro u ble.
Open Expert class actio n was ju st that, with
Jake Zemke pUlling his Rod Lak e Raci ng
Honda 125 OUI in front of a pa ck of lar ger
bik es. T he 13-year-ol d from Paso Robles
fo llowed Ell ioll Iverson a nd Skip CriSl.y into
lurn o ne next to Rick Schroeder's Suzu ki SP.
Racing was sto p ped to rem ove debr is o n lap
four, wilh Cristy leadin g Iverson , Zemke. a nd
Ken Barro w a ro und C..arlsbad 's q uick li ttle
tTack. Zem ke tried to go o utside Iverso n twice,
then bulled his way Ins ide, seuing his sig hts
on Cristy. Somehow Zemke 's 125 was abl e to
get by Cristy 's Yama ha 490 on lap eigh t to
ta ke and hol d lh e lead. Cris ty foll owed in
second, wi'h fverson and Schroeder beh ind.
Rick Sch roeder rod e flaw lessly to lead the
second hea t, holding oil Cristy a s th e two
pu lled a way. Iverso n led th e rema inder of th e
group un til Zemke's elfor ls spooked lhe YZ250
rider into the marbles. giv ing Zemke third a nd
a llowing Barrow to tak e fo ur th .
Cristy put hi s DTX' Slyle Yama ha 490 in
the fron t to lead the ma in (ro m th e green ligh t.
Iverson too k o ver second , ho ld ing off a hard. chargi ng Zemk e on lhe Ma xi ma / Shoei Honda
125. Sch roeder and Barro w sell led for lh e next
two spots. O n lap fou r, 125cc Nation al cha m p
Zemke skitte red in to turn three, pu shing
Iverson to the o utside of th e groove to sta rt
h is q uest for the lead. Schroeder followed h is
lead to sli p his Suz uk i illlo third. Zemke
meanwh ile had ca ugh t up with Cris lY 's.
Zemke tried to slide by o n th e o uts ide. but
the horsepo wer of the leader 's big bike was
more than a mat ch for the lillie 125. Zem ke
switched hi s lin e 10 lhe inside a nd lJ'ied agai n ,
but Cristy held his line lO ta ke the win . Iverson
p Ul his DTX YZ250 o n the rear wh eel of
Schroedor's Suzuki , bu' fou nd no way to ge t
back in to thi rd. Barro w dropped OUI wit h
wha t was later found to be a brok en swingarm
bo ll.
Dickson wins Cal Classic
DeAnza MX win
By David Procida
Owen Dickson overcame a six th- place fin ish
in mota o ne of the 125cc Beg inne r class to
win mo ta two and captu re th e overall victory
today in SMX's fourth ro u nd of 'he Ca l Class ic
Series a t DeAn z .
In mot o one, Yam ah a rid er Valberto Si lva
led th e lar ge pack of l 25cc Beginners u p 'he
DeAnza sta rt strai gh t. Running in hi s sha do w,
Suzu ki-mo unted Mike Gagno n was studyi ng
Valberto 's lin es and a fter o ne la p, Gagn on
o ut-bra ked the Yamaha rider a nd look the
lead . Silva nex t felt th e hea t of Mar c DeShan e's
Honda. DeSh an e look a cou ple of la p's befor e
sli p p ing by 10 ta ke second away . SIlva nex t
fell victim lO Jonn Izworski, who had a
midpack start. Mo vin g u p from even fart he r
back in the pac k was Shay Fretw ell , aboa rd
a Suzu ki RM125. Fretwell di spl aced Len ny
H ul bu rt , Dickson a nd Izwor ski, selling h is '
sig hts o n DeSh an e. ' On lap five, Fretwell
jum ped past DeShan e to ta ke o ver seco nd,
while DeSh an e fell back into fourth behind
Izwo rski. Kei th Evers m ad e a la te-m ota
cha rge. passin g Dickson o n th e last lap. Kei th
Shigeta shot up th e sta rt straight to lead the
pack th ro ug h turn o ne. Dickson wa s in a
m uc h bett er sta rt ing positi on th is mo ta,
runn in g in th e number two sia l. Evers , Briu
Hastey and Lenny Hulburt, were all lightl y
bunch ed up behind the lead pair. Sh igeta held
o nto ' he lead for a co u ple of laps befor e
Dickson too k over, wh ile both Hulburt and
J im m y Mart in ez powered by Ha stey. Evers
was the next rider to im pro ve o n his position
a nd rocketed past Shi ge ta for seco nd. Hulburt,
not o ne to be left behind . d raft ed by Sh igeta ,
w hen Evers went by, th e po sitions rem ained
intact th e remai nder of the rnot o with Dickson
tak ing the win, foll ow ed by Evers a nd th e
pack . Wh en the res u lts wer e po st ed . a
surprised Dickson took th e ove ra ll with EVeTS'
5·2 good for seco nd o vera ll. Fretwell 's 2-6
earn ed hi m th ird , wit h DeShan e' s 4·8 a nd
Gag non I-II ro undi ng o ut th e top five slots .
MIN I BEG; 1. Vietor M are s (Kaw); 2. Mike Batti sta lSuz);
3. Joey Edward s (Kaw); '4. Mik e Nickel (yam); 5. Stan
125 BEG: 1, Owen Dickson (yaml; 2. Keith Evers (Suz);
3. Shay Fretwell (Suz); 4. Marc DeShane (Hon); 5. Mike
Gagnon (Suz).
250 BEG: 1. Jim Edmiston (Yam); 2. Chris Ladey lSuz);
3. Don Valliver (Yam); 4 . Jim Williams (Kaw); 5 . Ray
M art in ez (Yam).
OPEN BEG: 1, Mike Carr (Hon ); 2. Michael Villa (Hon);
3. Ja ck Flynn (Han); 4. Chris Taylor (Hon~ 5. Tim Halcombe
(Kaw) .
125 NOV: , . Roger Hamptman (Kaw); 2. Travis Flem ing
(Hon); 3 . Conald Upton ( Ho n~ 4 . Kavika Shibuya (Kaw ); 5 .
J im my Butl er (Suz).
250 NOV : 1. Tony Hadsall (Suz); 2. Carlo s Johnston (Yam);
3. Jeff Jenon (Suz); 4. William Dickson (Yam); 5. Tonrod
Rodr igu ez (Yam).
125 INT: 1. Tim Enoch (Kaw) .
250 ITN: 1. Ja mes Mor eta (Kaw ): 2. Raymond Swartz
(ya m); 3. ,Tony Morete (Kaw ); 4 . David Sar ian (Yam); 5.
Joe M err iam (Yam).
125 PRO: 1. Don Burk e (Sud; 2 , Dustm Evans (Suzl.
250 PRO: 1. Stephan Shipp y (Suz); 2. MarcJohnson (Sut ).
VET NOV: 1. Brian Ren shaw(Yam l; 2. Tim W ill iam s( Kawl;
3. Donn Sarian (Hon); 4 , Dani el Weber (Hon).
VET INT: 1. John McCaughey (Suz).; 2. Oan Shaw (Yam).
VET EX: 1. Mar c Johnson (Suzl; 2. Marty Smit h (Hon);
3. M alcol m M cCassey (Yaml.
Paladino hot at Argyll MX
By Nuklear Neukam
DI XO N, CA, AUG. 27
Dieffe/Fox Racin g/Hayward Honda·Su zuki backed rid er Dann y Pal adino co mpeted 'in the
125 a nd 2"O<:c Pro dasses a l lh e Argyll Park
CMC motocr oss races an d too k the o vera ll in
bo th, by winning three of his [ou r mOlDS,
whi le a thi rd in the final 250<:c race was j us t
eno ug h in tha t class . Hon da -mounted Rich
My,h en wpp<-.!the 500<:c Pro dass, whi le Alex
J or gensen proved it doesn' t have to be n at
for him lo go fast. J or gen sen roosled his
Kawa s. ki w th e V et Pro win.
Pa lad ino led from start to finish in both
125cc Pro mo tos for th e o vera ll. SUl uk imo unu'd Gr eg T irhe imer followed Pal adino's
Hon da in for second each lime o ut for second
o verall. Yama ha ·mounled Todd Hi cks 'ook
third ov (.'rall wi th h is two founh-place
fin is hes, whi le a second- mo ta th ird fo r
"Ja m mi n ' " Jed Green, co mbined with his
siXlh in th e first ro und, secured fou rth overa ll
for the Ya mah a rider . Kawasaki -mounted
Ricky LUIZ had to sett le for filt h o vera ll af' er
h is fine first mot o thi rd was marred by a six th
in the second mo lD,
Suzuki-mou me d Pal ad ino held oil Gr een
a nd hi s Yam ah a YZ fo r th e win in the first
250 Pro mo w , wh i1e third p lace we nt to Sea n
Co n ley. Hon da-mounted Kurt J o rgen sen and
Kawasaki -mounted Ron All en rounded o u t
the top five.
Pa ladi no a nd Conley sho t in to th e lead of
the seco nd mo lO with rider G ra m Mich aelson
in hot purs u it. Mich aelson was tryin g to
im pro ve on h is first mota seven th an d a fter
a lap he had moved imo lirst. Al midmo to
Con ley passed P alad in o a n d went a fter
Mich aelson , bUl G rant was ridi ng flawl essly
and held o n for ' he win, with Co nley a nd
Paladino second and thi rd. Paladino had
eno ugh for the overall with the runner-up spot
goin g to Co nl ey: Filth in th e moto earne d
Gree n th ird o vera ll with Michaelson fourth
ove ra ll a nd Alle n (5-4) rou nding ou t 'he top
Mich aelson wo n the first 500cc Pr o mo ta
but a DNF in th e second kept him o ut of th e
mon ey. Rich Myth en foll owed Mich aelson in
(or seco nd in the open ing mo ta a nd th en
roos ted to th e win in round two for the overall.
Hol esh o t specia list Kurt J or gen sen PUI h is
Hon da in to the lead in both mo tos and
fin ished with a 3-2 score for secon d overa ll.
Clay ton Blood wasn't up to h is usual fast pace
this day and a thi rd o vera ll was all he cou ld
get wi th his 4·3 pl acin gs.
Alex J or gen son wo n bo th Vet pro mOlOS
for the overa ll , wh ile Wes Broby (3·2 ) and
SIeve La wrence (2·3) were second and th ird
overa ll, respectiv el y.
500 PRO: 1. Rich Mythen (Hon); 2. Wes Broby (Hon);
3 . Steve Lawrence (Suz).
250 PRO: 1. Dan ny Pal adin o (Suz); 2. Sean Conl ev (Kaw);
3 . J ed Gr een (Yam).
125 PRO: 1, Pal adi no (Honl ; 2. Greg Tirh eimer (Suz); 3.
Todd Hicks (Yam).
500 INT: 1, Scon M cCoy (Kaw ); 2. Loren Stewart (Hon);
3. Bob Shaf er (Yam).
500 JR: 1. M ark Alvarez (Kaw ); 2. J eff Christ ensen (Hon);
_ 3. Bob Au st in (Hon).
500 BEG: 1. Dan Nel son (Honl; 2, Joe Grave (Honl; 3 .
Chuck Reldmuller (Hon) .
250 INT; 1. Jo hn Startk IKaw l; 2. Tim Riggs lKaw); 3.
Dave Pile lHon •.
250 JR : 1. Troy W ing (Kawl; 2. J eremy Fortin (Suz); 3.
Steve Weng er (Kaw ).
250 BEG: 1. Brian Smit h (Hon ); 2. J an Opperman (Yam):
3. Keith M aves (Kaw) .
125 INT: 1. Joe Bruc e (Yam); 2. Stan Finnev (Hon); 3.
Brett Comer (Hon).
125 JR : 1. J im William s (Kaw) ; 2. Rick Alves (Yam); 3.
M ike Sexton (Han).
125 BEG: 1. Greg Norm an (Hon); 2. Tom Bridgeman
(Kaw ); 3 . Johnny Chavez (Kaw) .
VET PRO: 1. Al ex Jorg ensen lKaw); 2. W es Broby (Hon);
3. Steve Lawrence (Suz).
VET MSTR : 1. Dan Sturgeon (Hon); 2. Loren Stewart
(Han); 3. Bill M cClinton (ATK).
VET JR : 1. Neal Peters (Kaw); 2. Curt is Dachtl er (Suz);
3. Jack Baken (Suz).
OT MSTR: 1, McCl inton (ATK); 2. Baken (Suz); 3. Larry
Baker (Hon).
OT INT: 1. M errill Rempher (KTM); 2. Jim Boyd (Yam);
3 . Glenn Pru in (Hon).
OT JR : 1. Jam es Ferric (KTM); 2. Dennis Pangburn (Suzl;
3 . Russ Paden (Suz).
80 BEG: 1. David Retzelof (Kawl: 2. Donovan Placenc ia
(Yaml; 3, Jak e Gilbert (Kaw ).
80 BW; 1. Kevin Newman lKaw).
80 JR : 1. Brett Klinger (Kaw); 2. Tom Burger (Hon); 3.
Casey Hink ey (Kaw) .
80 INT:1. Casey Johnson lKaw); 2. TIm Keeney (Hon);
3. Rusty Holland (Kawl.
60 : 1. David Keeney (Kaw) .
Diem doubles at Action
Park East Speedway
By Larry McBride
Making an other first at Action Pa rk East
Speed way track was Warren Diem , wh o ear lier
in the seaso n beca me lhe first do ubl e ma in
event winner , a nd now has becom e th e o nly
two-tim e double main winner.
. Co mi ng from 'he 40-yard lin e in Hand icap
hea t < , John Keh oe, withi n th ree laps,
found hi s way throu gh the front-li ne riders
for lirst wi th Diem foll o win g. Keh oe had, hy
lhen , ga ined a " 'speclable lead and pu lled off
wha t would be lh e o nl y loss a nd upset of th e
evening for Diem.
In Semi Handi c lp one , Tom Burge grabbed
the win. bar d y a head of Keh oe o n _a lastse(:o nd effort at the li ne in the closest fin ish
of th e eveni ng . Lenny McBride took th ird to
a1so tran sfer to th e mai n. Diem , in semi two,
beal Dam ien Co rnwf'l l and Tuff McBri de to
com p lete the stag e for the main even t.
Diem 's win wou ld not be an easy o ne,
ho wever, as four of lh e six finalist were
com ing from the 70-yard lin e. At the start o f
lap three, Tuff McBride was rid ing inside
Keh oe a nd 'ook th e lead off lu rn two o n lap
four with Di('m now in third. Dr ivin g deep
into tur n three. Keh oe was sidc-by-side with
McBrid e, an d both ma de co nta ct ca usi ng
McBride to drift wide wh i1e Keh oe spun ou t,
losin g four positi on s, T hi s g"dve Diem h is
op por tu n i,y to 'ake hi s Blen d zal l/D iem
Cyde/Lyma ns Cycle Shop-sponso red G odde n
to the lead. McBride reco vered to stay close
lO Diem bUI was unable to reta ke fir st pl ace_
T he Scra tch main was a furi o us on e as
Lenn y McBri de wenl over backward s o n the
straigh t a nd Danny Fallon slid down in (ur n
lh n't:, brin gin g o u ' lhe red flag . From lhe
in side po le pos itio n o n th e restart . Diem sa t
next to o n ly T uff McBrid e, with Fa llo n a nd
Lenny McBride now o n 'he 10-yard lin e. T uff
got the ga le ove r Diem and th e lead co m ing
out of lurn two, but Diem pulled to th e lead
do wn the back stra ig ht to go o n to an easy
victory in an abbreviat ed final , as Le nny
McBrid e hit a co ne o n the (ourth turn causing
hi s Godde n lo careen across th e track and int o
Fallo n. T his tim e, oul came th e red a nd th e
checkered n a~s , and fortunatel y no serio us
inj uries were Itlcu rred.
Jim McCarthy in creased hi s stro ngh old o ver
Divisio n T wo by win ning a no ther ma in event,
and Euge ne Wilmarth ma tch ed th at victory
by taking a win in Division T hree.
HDCP: 1, Warr en Diem (Gdn); 2. Tuff McBride (Jawl; 3 .
Tom Burg e IGdn); 4 . Lennv McBride (Gdn); 5 . John Kehoe
(Gdn) .
SCRATCH: 1. Warren Diem (Gdn); 2. Tuff M cBride (Jaw) ;
3 . Danny Fallon (Jaw) ; 4. LennV McBride (Gdn).
0 -2 : 1. Jim McCarthy (Jaw) ; 2. Kyle Oixon(Jaw~ 3. Marco
Morello (Jaw) ; 4. Tim Mathewson (Gdn) .
0 ·3: 1, EUgene Wilmanh (Jaw); 2. Kelli McMahon (Jaw);
3. Scott Titthner (Jaw) ; 4. Tracy Zechman IGdn); 5. Russ
Cornell (Jaw) .