Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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0") 00 0") ,...., Bertram's second place is his highest f in ish of the series in '89. National Forest Service a nd the entire town of New Waverl y, Texas , for all o f th e su p port a nd help with the event. • Results SATURDAY - 0 1 A: 1. Todd Harris. AA : 1. Barry Franklin; 2. Wa~er Birchlield; 3. Andrew Cooksey. 125 A: 1. Larry Rausseau ; 2. Kenneth Langham. Jr.; 3. Bria n Storrie. 200 A: 1. Ken Watkins : 2. Roy Pool: 3. Terry Bainbridge. 2SO A:. 1. Larry Crane; 2. Richard Kirkpa trick; 2. Gary Jackson. OPEN A: 1. Jud Cowley; 2. David Culpepper; 3. Charles Worley. OV ER 40 A : 1. Bob M c Kn ight; 2. Vernon They're a bunch of hot and shapely wild th ings. And on Sunday; September 24th, they'll be showing all their wares at Knott's Berry Fann. It's the spanking new line of 1990Yamahas. Blazing FZR·s. Down and dirty YZs. SportyATV's. Zippy Scooters. And lots of other models. All there for your salivating pleasure. It's part of Yama ha's Endless Summer Sunday. Which will also feature lots of fun things to do between gawks. Like volleyball , frisbee, and dance contests. K ROQ jocks. Prize giveaways worth thousands of dollars. Not to mention hot KROQ music and bands that will have you rocking. As well as some big time comics that will keep you rolling. So cruise on down to your nearest Yamaha dealer to pick up a ticket that'll get you into Knott's for only $10. And while you're th ere, sign up for the ride and rally happening the day of the event. But we're warning you. Once you get an eyeful of these beautiful models, you'll wan t to take them home. Markwon h; 3. Will Hendrix. OIA B: 1. Josh Whitaker . 12 5 B: 1. Joey Houghton; 2. Chartie Sim mons; 3. Ford Strei. 200 B: 1. Richard Watson; 2. Bill Crowe ; 3. Steve Hadar n. 250 B: 1. David McKelvy; 2. Chris Denney; 3. J eff Pearson. OPEN B: 1. Jimmy Roben son; 2 . Bob Pan in; 3 . Ph il M cD an iel. 0 1A WMN : 1. Carol J ones. WMN A: 1. Lacy Jon es; 2. Julie Yerigan ; 3. An it a J ones . OVER 4D SHRT: 1. Don Br un er; 2 . Ken ny Ono ; 3. J ames lanford . OVER 50 S /SR : 1. Stan Simpson; 2. W endy W endroc k; 3. Dave M eers III. OVER 57 : 1. Marvin Younglood; 2. Frank W endrock. 125 C: 1. Sean McKay; 2. Scon Verigan . 200 C: 1. Russell Dismuke; 2. Kerry Whitaker; 3. Ray Gru pp. 250 C: t . Shannon McKee ; 2. Jeff Kollmeie r; 3 . Roben Dav is. O/AC: 1. Steve Pair. OPEN C: 1. Daniel Myers; 2. Gordon' Roben s; 3. A ndy Smith. 16 & UNDER BIG WH L: 1. Hayden Franklin . SUNDA Y NAT"L O/A: 1. Kun Houg h (Kaw l; 2. ' Dave Benram (Suz~ 3. Randy Hawl1m Smith Motor<)des SI23 S. RosemeadBlvd . 7S63lodiana 213-ll61-4lJ9 71H87-1JOO ~~~ Motorcycles Wh ere the Difference is Caring for Y ou • Yama ha - Wa ve Run ner • KT M • Wave Jam mer • Husqv arn a • Mou ntain Bikes • Cagiva - Financing & Insura nce • Mail Order Mo n.-Sal . 9:00 • 6:00 7563 In dia na. Riverside ( /l wy. 9 / j .\fad i.w'lI (714) 687-1300 FON TANA John Burr Cyt:1es 9008 Sierra Ave. 714-823-13:l8 T &0 Yamaha01Buena Park 7521 Orangetborpe BUF .NAPA RK CORONA Sunwest C}<:k:s 1111 East 6th St. 714 ·522-8200 71 4·7.l5- 1 m GARDEN GROV E Oran.. County Cyck 13666 Harbor Blvd . ·5:J).7340 714 LAWNDALE Del AmoYamaha 161114 ~1hom< Ilhd 2l3-m-8340 HOL LYWOOD Hollywood Kawasaki-Yamaha lJ39 II:. Hi>:h\and Ave . . LONG BEACH long IIeach Yamaha 4001 E. AnahOm St. 213-498-6518 213-466-84.<;1 O:>lTA R IO Mmtdair Yamaha 11195-1C164 818-352-3277 BY POPULAR DEMAND We Are NOW T.IO", Deposits On J990 KTM Moton:ldes! Remember, Jst Come Jst Served· Doll" Be Left Af The Surti., LiIH/! . WHITE POWER SUSPENSION SPECIALIST Oui ck Turn aro und - Professional Servic e By Barry Higgins - Reasonable Pricing KTM'S LARGEST PARTS AND MOTORCYCLE DEALER ~."''IIIwiij Ship Around The World. FAST UPS serVi;ce'IIIIi=1 e l ~ 21

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