Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c Th at th ese Dream s of mine were already T wo Y ears Old, and ridin g on in to another N ew Season. It was Lab or Day, th e approaching grand finale of Su m mer. I felt some su btle difference in th e air. No, m ore in th e Earth itself. Y eah . Ev en th ough th e days were sti ll hot , that deep inner warm th was leav ing. It was th e early begi nning of that chi ll soo n to p ierce th e dawn air, and that n o leath ers w ill k eep o u t. Th e roadsid e trees wi ll blaze with colors no w , briefl y, for a while yet, th en lose their leaves to Fall 's eager w ind. T hose favo ite blistering and twisting pavem ent s of ours wi ll harden and be slick as glass once m ore. T he wide open di rt will blanket over with frost . Face it! As m uch as we try and han g on to an Endless Su m mer! T hose last year's insu lated ridi ng clot hes are going to be coming down ou t of th e closet. We'll put on our lon gies and th ick gaun tlet g loves. A nd, fo r many of us motorcyclists, th e in evitable snows of W in ter will fo rce our bik es inside ti ll Sp ring. But before we wheel th em to th e garage and cover them up, we'll ride again and again into this Summer's fading tw il ight. We'll grab at th e goo d days and even challenge th e bad. W e'll seek th e lon g Autumn backroa ds that tak e us away from Th e News World and give us a new one, all fo r ourselves. A nd w hen th e big races are over and th e cham pionships wo n, we'll p retend we are Th e W inners. We'll tak e th ese visions South, into packed stadiums, out to fast ice. And we' ll dream of our coming seasons on dirt and pavem en t - w hen it all will happen all over again. N ew chances for everyone! T he kid from th e clu bs will rise u p and star. T he injured p ro will heal and come back again, better th an ever. T he oldtimer w ill han g it u p and tak e on some th ing new. Th ere wi ll be anot h er Sp rin g 's test in g, another Summer's trying and changing and proving, wi n n ing and losing. N ew R iders wi ll become names w hi le Continuing Champs add to legends. And if toe - don 't already kn ow w ho we are and how we ride, we' ll damn we ll find out. W e'll ex perience and g row and endure. Mot orcycles do th is to a body and soul. It comes with the package! Gi ft-wrapped. W i lliam Edga r . .. . Copyright Page 3 Productions. From an idea by Carol Sims HARE & HOUND: Searle takes charge i n Nevada National w i n . .. . 24 HARE SCRAMBLES : Lojak b urns ' e m at the Black Coal National 26 LOCALS : A mateu r motocrosser s storm to Washo uga l 27 CALENDAR : Pla n your future 32 RESULTS: T h e fast ones 38 WA NT ADS : S t eam i n' d eals 39 MILE: Parker keeps mile winn ing streak alive with Springfield victory 6 Graham wins DuQuoin 600cc National. 22 ROAD RACE: Chandler and Koc insk i score Topeka wins 10 Schwantz wins Czech GP _ 18 MOTOCROSS : Thorpe finishes u p with a bang in S w itzerland 16 ON THE FRONT PAG E: (Top) Yoshim ura Suzuki's Jamie James f inished fo urth at t he fi nal round of th e AMA Superbike Nat ional Champio nship Series in Top eka, Kansas, but it was enough to wrap up the series champi onship, (Bottom) Kawasaki's Doug Chandler topped t he Heartland Park Topeka Superbike Nati onal and became t he first and onl y repeat winner of the season. See page 10 . Phot os by Paul Carrut hers. r-----------------------------------------------------------------, S UBSCRI PTION ORDER F OR M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Nam e_ ""7-:-:-:-:-:""",-::-:::-:-c=-::- :..... _ / PL E A S E PRINT CLEARLY ' Ad dress --:'--Stat e_ _---'-_ _ -LZip Cit y Order Date: _ _ o Thi s is a renewa l o Please b i ll me o Enclosed is chec k or money order Charge my 0 Visa 0 Maste rcard 11)1 VIS4 _ OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper o every w eek for one year (50 issues) fo r $35.00 o every wee k for two years (100 iss ues) for $65 .00 C six month s secon d cl ass (25 iss ues) fo r $ 18.00 One year (50 issues). 2n d c lass Can ada or M exico an d all oth er f oreig n cou nt ries $75.00 IU .S . f un ds). First cl ass and air ma il rates avai lable upon request . Signat ure ,....- _ MC /Visa # _ Expiration Date _ S e n d t o : CYCLE NEWS, I nc., P.O . Bo x 4 9 8 . lon g Beach , C A 9 08 0 1 -04 9 8 / ( 2 1 3 ) 427-7433 ------------~ 3

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