Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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619/489-1380. Fax: 619/4891531 . America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI a ..yto n, Pu blis her Mike Klin~. Comp tf'ol ln Sk ip J ohnson . Associate' Publ iJhtT/ No 'iorud Sd l~s ."h nag n' Jack Man ~J.. A u0ci4 f~ Publishn}Editor Rhma Sm ith. Citcula.tio n MlI.nagn Sha ron Ca ro1i n~ .Ctndry . E:re'CU1~ &cufary to thl" Publuhn Editorial J ack MaRgu t., Ed ito r Kit Palm " . A ssoci ate' Edi to r Paul Carruther s, As.sCKUatt' Editor Nat e Rauba, Associate Edi tor Brian Ca uersc n. Asso ciate Edi to r Ken Fa ug h t, Anislan t E.ditor Ed wina Man gu s, Calendar Editor Advertising Sk ip j ohnson . Na t " Salt's Man 4gn Mik e Ch urch. S m i01 Sa l~s Mana gt'r Terry Prau, Smio r Salt's Managt'T Mar k T ho rne, Wl'$ttTn Salt's Managt'r Ron Dav idson , W l'.stt'm Sales M an aj{ t'r Thoma s R . GOO!t'f. Wt'stnn Salt's Managn Mark Mllchdl . Eas'nn StILt's M anag t"'J' e rq; M i ll "hd l , Eester n 541t's M an4gt'f Jo an R ussia n . Wt'sfnn A d Coordi nato r Carla Borden. Ees trr n Ad Coo rdin ato r lI o lly Co wart . E4J/nn A d Coordinator Gra phics and Productio n Ree j ohnson . Prod uct io n Superuuor M andy Lou. Producuon Managn Den nis G reene, Lab. Te ch: Sway G UOI. G rap hi c Ar/ut Jim mie O ·!>t·II. G raphic Artist Michad G ruuu. G rap hic Art ul Carolyn Bra nham. T vpeseu er Arie nne Te lias, TY1Ns~ttt! Accounting / Data Processing Donna Bryan. Accts Ru rivablr Coordiruuor Oeneva Repa ss Assistan l •. Fran Hamwey, Cred it Circulation Sarah Ta ylor. A SJutant Alma Ang uia no. ASJisra nt Mariu Nelson . A ssistan t Her la ne Rich mon d. Assis tan l Carol Ma gx io . Assistant Dealer S a le s lU:vin Beau bien. ~fanaKn Want A ds Debbie weller. Wanl Ad Sol es Service and Support Q uis. Aitch eson , H rtulq uaTtr rs R ecep tion ist Leo n ard Herring, Senner and SUp pOTt Nationa l Headquaners 220 1 Che rry Ave.• Lo ng Beach , CA 90806. P.O . Box 198. Lo ng Beac h. CA 9080 1·0498 (2 131 427· 7433 ; 2 13/636-8814. FAX (2 13) 427·668 5 East etn Office 4190 First Ave.• T uck er . G A. 30084; m4liling 'add ress P.O . Box 805. Tucker. GA 30085·0895. (401 ) 931· 7850. FAX (401 ) 934-3 112 Cycle News (lIS PS 141-3i O) is published weekly except the rint a nd last week, o r the cale ndar yea r Io r $SO .OO pet year by Cycle News, lnc.. 220 1 Ch erry Avenue, Lo n g Beach . CA 90806. Seco nd daM. pos tage paid a t Long Beach , CA. a nd addi tio nal m a iling oUicn. '0 POSTMASTER: Send fo,," 35 7 9 c~ News. P.O . SOJl: 498. Lon g Be a c h . CA 90801·04 98. To determine the eJl: iration

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