Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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500cc Pro c lass w inners. respect ively. while Rex Staten (Hon) topped the Vet Pro div ision. Spud Walters (Kaw) aced the 80cc Expert class. Kurt Ho ug h (Kaw) was the overa ll winner in ro und nine of th e AMA Nat iona l C ha m pio ns hi p End uro Se r ies in Ne w Wav erl y, Te xas, Sep tem ber 3. Second pl ace went to Dave Bertram (Suz), whil e th ird pl a ce wa s ta ken by def en din g Nation al Ch ampion Randy H awkins (Suz). J oey H o pk ins (Kaw) fini shed fourth. Team Suzuki (Suz) turned in 257 laps at the Memphis Motorsports Park in Tennessee on September 3 to , w in the WERA S ix-Hour Endurance Road Race. Team Suzuki topped the Human Race Team (Ya m) by t hre e la ps w ith Roya le Racing (Ya m) finishing t hi rd overall and first in Midd le weig ht Superbike. E&H , Racing (S uz) won t he Heavyweight Production c lass. Kurt Hall (Yam ) won th e \VERA/ Toyo ta / Du n lo p For mul a USA round held in conj unctio n with th e \VERA six -hour at Mem phis Mo torsports Park in Ten nessee, September , 3. Hall beat Paul Bray (Suz)a nd Mike Sm it h (Suz) in taking the win. Camel Supercross Champion and 250cc MX National Champion Jeff S tanton (Hon ) was the w inner of t he Dutch Supercross in Rotterdam, Holland . September 3 . Second place went to Australia 's Jeff Leisk (Hon), who was fol lowed by Belg ium's Werner De Wit (Kaw) and Holland's John Van den Berk (Yam) and Gert Jan Van Doorn (Suz). Other Americans Mike Jones (Yam) and Broc Glover (KTM) fin ished 10th and 11th. Damon Bradshawj Yam) and Mike La Rocco (Yam) fini shed first and second. respectivel y, a t the Fast Cross near Mil an , Italy, September 3. Rounding o ut the top five were Guy Cooper ( H o n) , Fin land' s Pekka Vehkonen (Yam) and Larry Ward (Hon). Pekka Vehkonen (Ya m ) edged American Larry Ward (Hon) to win the Swedish Supercross in Goteborg , Sweden , September 1 . Th ird through fifth went to Americ a ns Guy Cooper (Hon ), Mike Jo nes (Ya m) and Broc G love r (KTM). Dutchman Racing II 's Dal e Q uarterley and Tom Kipp (Suz) wo n the AMA/CCS EBC Brak es End ura nce Road Race Series round at H eartland Park T opeka in Topeka, Kansas, Sep tember 2. Rou gh Stoc k Racin g's J ohn Ashmead and Doug Brauneck (Hon ) fini shed second o n the same lap as th e lead ers with Dut chman Racing's Kevin Rentzell , Mike Harth a nd Don ald Jacks (Suz) fini shing thi rd o ne lap behind in th e threehour race. T he GTU division was won by Robbie Petersen and Frank Klem erui ch of Team OTS (Yam), who fini shed sevent h overa ll. 2 In t he opening ro und of the CMC Trans-Cal MX Series in Sacramento, Californ ia, September 3, Tallon Vohland (Kaw), Tyson Vohla n d (Kaw) and Steve La m s o n (Yam) were th e 1 2 5, 2 50 a nd Juan Tintos, assistan t director of , Baja California, Mexico's Bureau of T ourism , sa ys th e probl em s between , SCO R E and the ej idos (ranchers) in Baja have been solved and the Baja 1000 will take pl ace as sched uled o n No vember 9. " The go vernor, th e ej idos, and th e Ensenada tou rism gro u p have go tte n toge the r a nd reso lved the problem and the event will take p lace. T om orro w (T h ursday, Augu st 31) we wi ll begin layin g o ut the co urse." The Baja 1000 will run betw een Ensenada and La Paz. Yosh imura recently debuted these auxiliary oi l coolers on the Suzuki GSXR750 Superbikes of 1989 AMA Superbike Champion Jamie James and series ru nne r-u p Scott Russell. According t o Yos h imura tuner Dan Nakaj ima. t he coolers drop o il temperature by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit. resulting in a cooler-running motor. Four-tim e Nati on al Enduro Ch am p ion Terry Cunnin gh am (Kaw) had to be carried off the co urse o n a stretcher after sufferi ng from heat ex ha us t io n at th e Caney Creek National Enduro in New Waverl y, T exas, September 3. In temperatures near 100°, Cunningham was reportedly found trying to coo l off in a creek during the enduro. He was immediately taken to a local hospita l and then was released later that even ing in good condition. WERA Formula USA road race competitor Chuck Graves was involved in a traffic accident on Thursday. August 31, just outside of Winslow, Arizona. while on his way to the Memphis. Tennessee, round of the series. Graves 'was asleep in the camper when the accident occurred and was thrown from the vehicle, but was fortunate to receive only mi nor injuries. However, Graves' truck and both h is ra c e b ikes were destroyed . Motorcycle R oad Racer Ill us trated, w h ic h ha s been publish ed b imonthl y since April 1988 by Cycle News, Inc. will becom e an annual pu blica tio n. The last bi-m onthl y issue, the November issue, is in the mail a nd o n its way to subscri bers and newsstands. Subscriptio ns will be fulfill ed with th e subscri ber 's choice of Cycle N ews or Personal Watercraft Illustrated and all current subscribers will also receive the first Motorcycle Road Ra cer illustrated Annual. Sure to be a collecto r's item, Motorcyclr R oad Racer Ill ust rated . A nnual will contai n a Gr and Prix a nd Nati onal Championship Series wrap-up and will be avai lable in January by mail o rder and at newsstands and motorcycle dealersh ips nati onwide. Ro n Lechien has e lected no t to ride ' as a replacement for Rick J o hnson in t he 1 2 5cc cla ss at t he September 10 Motocross des Nations in Gaildorf. West Germany. Johnson's Honda teammate Mike Kiedrowski will now join Kawasaki's Jeff Ward, who will ride the 500cc class. and Honda's Jeff Stanton, who will be aboard a 250, on the American team . Kied ro wsk i ha il s fr om Can yon Country, California, and is currentl y second in th e AMA National Championshi p 125cc MX Seri es point sta ndi ngs, II points behind lead er Dam o n Brads ha w. His most notable achievemen t to dat e is th e win he scored in th e $25,000 125cc Cam el Shoot-O ut whi ch was conducted at th e fin al Ca mel Supercross of the 1989 seaso n, th e June 10 Los Angeles Co liseu m rou nd. That victo ry earned th e 20-year-old Team Honda rider $10,000. Two other Americans will also be competing in the MX des Nations, although not for the U,S . Newlycrowned 1 2 5 cc World Champion Trampas Parker, who races w ith an It a lia n lic e ns e, w ill ride in the 500cc class for the Ital ian team. where he will be jo ine d by Michele ' Fa nt o n on a 250, and the man Parker battled with fo r his crown, Alessandro Puzar in the 125cc c lass. American Billy Liles will ride the 250cc c lass fo r the Luxembou rg team since he holds a Luxe m bo urg license. His team mates will be Jacky Martens (500 ) a nd Hans Mertens (1 2 5 ). O th er teams th at will be trying to stop America's MX des Nations win streak at eig ht, will be the Belgian team of Georges J obe (500cc), Eri c Geboers (25Occ) and Peter Dirckx (125cc); the Netherl ands ' Kees Van der Ven (500cc), Gert-jan van Doorn (250cc) and J ohn van den Berk (125cc); Finland's Kurt Ljungqvist (500cc) , Pekka (250cc) and Ismo (125cc) Vehkonen; Fra nce's Jacky Vimond (500cc), Yannig Kervella (250cc) and Yves Demaria (125cc); Australia's Jeff Leisk (500cc), Craig Dack (250cc) and Glen Bell (125cc); Great Britain 's 500cc Wor ld Champi on David Thorpe (50Occ), Jeremy Whatl ey (250cc) and James Dobb (125cc); and the home German team of Dietmar Lacher (500cc), Roland Diepold (250cc) and Harald Ott (125cc). Yamaha factory rider Michael Craig. from EI Cajon, Cal ifornia, suffered a "medial d islocation" of the C-7 vertebra when he crashed while competing at the Swedish Supercross, September 1. According to his father. Les. Craig is u p and about and in "good shape, " but he w ill have to wea r a halo-type neck brace for approxim a t el y s ix weeks and shou ld ret urn to racing in three months. T u ne r R ob Muzzy fi xed Dou g Chandler's Kawasaki ZXT s perpetual oi l leak by fitting an externa l shi ft sha ft bear in g in thi s alum in um su pport. According to Muzzy, the primary case pr eviou sly flexed when the bik e was sh ifted, causing an oil leak betw een the primary case and cra nkcase. The fix helped Chandler win th e AMA National Superbike road races at Mid-Ohio and H eartland Park T opeka. O ur report on the August 27 French 1 2 5 cc MX , GP in which American Trampas Parker won the World Championship title was delayed en route from Europe and fa iled to arrive in time to make this week's newspaper. Check out next week's paper. Big Y Racing Services of Santa Fe Sp rings, Ca liforn ia , will be at all th e CMC T ra ns-Cal MX Series rounds, which sta rted wi th th e kick-off event at Prairie Cit y SRVA, September 23. A full ra nge of Dunlop tires and tub es will be available as well as mounting service. CMC has announced that America n Suzuki has posted $490,200 in contingency prizes for 1990 CMC events that include the Golden State MX Nationals, the Spring MX Classic. Pac-West MX Nat io nal s . California MX Series and Trans-Cal MX Nationals. The 1990 Golden S tate MX Nationals will offer $183,000 in Suzuki contingency prizes to Sportsmen / Amateur and Professional class riders. Suzuki Country of Norco, Californi a, has added the Kawasaki line and cha nged 'its nam e to Suzuki/Kawasaki Country. . OPENED : Red line Sports, a Honda dealership in Butte. Montana, by former dirt tracker Matt Krsul; 406 /782-9129. T eam Green 's J eff Ward , Ro n Lechien 'a nd J eff Matiasevich will compete in th e October 21-22 ISth Annual Kawasaki Race of Champ ions MX at Englishtown, New J ersey's Ra ceway Park. Team Green technicians will also be o n ha nd to help Kawasaki riders. Team Green support riders who p lan to compete in the Race of Champions include New Jersey State Champion Mickey Kessler and New England's Keith Johnson. Rep lacing th e Kawasak i MX Ra ce of Champions Minibike Race will be a women 's ra ce. More than a doz en entr ies have been co n firme d by Carla Nelson , the eastern representative of th e Women 's Motocross Association. Nelson says Ca liforn ia n Mercedes Gonzalez, the nat ion's top woman motocrosser, is a confirmed entra nt. Pa ul Thede, the owner and founder of th e Pomona, Californ ia -based MX high -performance aftermarket company, Race Tech, broke five ribs and suffered a bruised kidney and liver in a Jet Skiing accident on the Colorado R iver n e a r Blythe, Californ ia , September 2 . Thede was riding w it h factory Yamaha motocrosser Do ug Dubach when he fell off his Jet Ski and Dubach unavoidably ra n him over. Thede is already back t o w o rk at his Race Tech shop. T he Znd Annual Ted Bood y Memorial Ride will be a dual sport even t (no street bik e rid e) a nd will take p lace on Sunday, November 5, in Sylm ar , California. The rid e starts a t Hansen Dam Park in Sylmar and will take participants o n a 100-mile loop ride throu gh th e Tujunga Ranger Distri ct, Ang eles Nati on al Forest. For more informati on o n th e (Con tinued to page 4)

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