Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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en w ~ Z ..., 0 cj ex: > CD I 0 >0 :r lL 0") 00 0") ,.......; G(j c-r ..., en ~ eo ~ ~ National Speedway Champion "Stevie Wonder" Lucero had a perfect night at Gold Country Speedway, turning in five winning rides. Sowders; 3 . Gary Well s; 4. David Khoury; 5. Gary Rich tm eyer . . OPEN AM /250 EX: 1. Ty How ard; 2. Ross Bachlor; 3. Mar k Fillmore; 4. J oe Mo ff an; 5. Dan Litt le. . McElroy tops Dade City MX By Scott Sheperd OAD E CITY. FL . J ULY 29 Cagiva-spo nso red Brian McElro y overca me a first mo to pil eu p a nd a seco n d mot e poor sta rt to win the Open Mo nev class a t th e filth a nd final rou nd o f th e Dade Cit y Raceway Sum mer MX Series. Over 250 riders com pe ted in the 2 1 founds of the series. In a mad da sh to the first turn at the sta rt of th e firs , mo to of the Open Money class. o n lv ha lf of th e field mad e II to the torn. half did ·not. B o mb riders Dave Ellis and Ca rey Jon es were th e first rid ers to head do wn the ba ck strai gh ta wa y, followed close ly b y Yamaha riders Fred Vanw ag o ner an d Ricky Ha m p sh ire. As the fi eld ca me arou nd to sta rt the seco nd lap . medica l flag. were being di spl ayed. The Irotu ru nners slo wed down . some lookin g for a red n ag th al wou ld have sto pped the race. Ellis said. " 1 sa w a lot of machines a nd riders who wen' very clos e. to th e ed.~e of th e track a nd emergency nags were wavlllg. I th ou ght th ey were tr yin g LO sto p the race. I mad e a mi stak e. I sho uld have kept go ing a nd not have slowed down:.I assumed th ere was an emt·rgency ." By the hal fway poi nt of the race, everyone had sell led down . j o nes was lead ing, wit h Hampsh ire and Yamaha ride r Don nie Del gudo pres surin g him . On rh e la st la p , Ha mpshire go t a ro und J on es to take th e win . Vanwagon er moved int o third behind jones after Delgado fell and McElro y finished fourth aft er having worked hi s way u p from seventh. T he seco nd mo te saw Jon es. Elli s and Delgad o cha rge off th e lin e first a nd th e o pc ni ng lap en ded with j ones leadin g , Delgad o running seco nd and Van wagon er thi rd . A. jones a nd Delgad o stretched out a 30· yard lead. McElro y mad e a charge fro m the back of th e pack a nd by th e halfway point he had moved. in to fourth a nd was pr essuring Vanwagon er. McElroy got by Vanwagoner a nd in th e clos i ng laps of th e race he moved by Delgad o and bega n pr essure j on "". Corning ou t of a dropoff, he pa ssed jon"" and went o n to win with a 20-bike len gth margin o ver Delgado wh o had also gOllen arou nd j one. . - '0 Re sults PIW: 1. Kenny Burkholder (Yam); 2. Josh l USl1C (Yam); 3 . Tanner Mathis (Yam ~ 4 . A ndrew Bell (Hon); S. Tommy Bragg Jr. (Honl . 60 A M : 1. Jarrett Tipping (Kaw ); 2. Erik Waters (Kaw ); 3 . Sha un Sapuppo (Kaw). 60 NOV: 1. Shawn Beal (Kaw t 2... Bill y Wood; 3. Rya n Kelley (Kaw); 4 . J eremy Doctor (Kaw); 5 . Adam Crossley (Yam). 80 A: 1. Kenny Yoho (Kawl. BO B: 1. M ike W oodstock (Kaw); 2. Tim ea rr (Kaw ); 3. Brad lustic (Suz); 4. Tony Pocaroba ( H on ~ 5. Dav id Sanderson (Han I. 80 C: 1. Gary Bren nen (Kaw~ 2. Daniel Woodcock IKaw ); 3 . Jacob Kielty (Suzt 4 . Jody Cape (Suz); S. Enk Wa ters (Kaw) . BO BEG: 1. Vi nny Hopper (Yam); 2. Scott Enyait (Kaw ); 3 . Joshua Kie lty (Yam); 4 . Scott lamb (Han); 6 . J eff Pankey (KlI w ). 125 A: 1. Don nie De l ~ado (Yam); 2. Steve Gibon ey (Hon l. 125 B: 1. C.J . Cw iklin ski (Kaw ~ 2. Tim Everhart (Han); 3. Sha un Capu to (Kaw); 4 . Eddie Sanderson (Han); 5 . David Sande rson IHon). 125 C: 1. Greg Bagent (Kaw); 2. Tim Hafk e (Kaw) : 3 . Ken Bill s (Kaw); 4 . Lane Str om snes (Kaw); 5. Mark l ee (yam). 125 BEG 0 · 1: 1. J ay PonkeYIKaw l; 2. M ark Payne (Han ): 3 . George Csanadi; '4. M itch J erge r (Kaw~ 5. Jaso n Keene (Kaw) . 125 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Rob Sheppard; 2. Ken Emery (Hon); 3 . Roy Pi8f" C8(Han); 4. Rtcir.y Kn ig ht (Yam); 5 . Davtd Sun seri (Yaml . 2 50 A : 1. Donn ie Delgado (Yam ~ 2. Fred Vanwagon er (Yam). 2 50 B: 1. M ichael Oliv er (Yam); 2. Steve Stofack (Yam); 3 . Ja ~ Stewert (Kawt 4. Mike Taylor (Ya m~ 5. Robert 25 0 C: 1. M ike Padgett; 2. W esley Shallow (Han); 3. Gary Osteen (Han); 4 . J ay Ho lzhuel u (Yamt S. Brian Calhoun (Han)). • 250 BEG: 1. Steve Dan iels (Han); 2. J 8f" Hartman (Honl ; ry 3 . Scott Smit h (Hon); 4 . Wei Wilson (Suz); S. Rich Pierce (Hon). SR 2 5· Pl US: 1. Dave Ell is (Han): 2. David Berger (Han ); 3. W illiam Hobson IKaw); 4 . M ichael Olivet (Yam); 5 . Greg Bagen t (Kaw ). SR 3(). Pl US: 1. Tom Bragg tHon); 2. Roben Noa (Hon t 3. Wesley Sha llow (Han); 4 . Tim Hefk e IKaw); 5. Charl es lehing (Han). SISR 4Q..PLUS: 1. Tom Bragg (Hont 2. CMrles Lehi ng (Hon );' 3 . Gerald Nuccto (KTM ); 4 . Roger White (Suz); 5 . Jack Krell (Yaml. OPEN MONEY : 1. Brian McE lroy tCagl; 2. Carey Jo nes (Han); 3. Ricky Hampsh ire (Yam ); 4 . Donn ie Delgado (yam); 5. Fred Vanwagoner (Yam). OPEN AM : 1. RIcky Ham pshire (Yam); 2. Todd Hensley (Hon ); 3. Steve Stojack IKaw ); 4 . Joe Pierce; 5 . C.J . Cw ikli nski (Kaw) . OPEN NOV: 1. David. Berger (Han ); 2. W illia m Hobson (Kaw ); 3. An thony NuCCIO (K1M ); 4 . K8It h W estbrook (Han); 5. Tom my Str ingfield (Han). • 100 S/MIN1 1. Kenny Yoho (Kaw); 2. Mike Woodcock : (Kaw); 3 . David Sander son (Han); 4 . Man Bell (Hon); 5 . Breveer Brest ol (Suz). Lucero perfect at Gold Country Speedway By R.C . J ones AUBURN. CA, AUC . 5 Steve L ucero sho wed his Na tional Cha mp ionsh ip fo rm by la king th e maximu m in points with a pe rfect night of rid es a t Cold Co o ntry Spee d way. Lu cero rod e h is Coors Li gh ll S hoe i/ O a klev-spon so red C odden :to five strai g ht victories whi le pi cking up 21 va luab le points in th e seco nd round of th e Nat ional Ch ampio nship Ser ies. As they li ned u p for the main event, Lu cero was on the po le wit h Alan Christian next to him. Ph il Co llins was in nu mber three and Sco uy Brown agai nst the wall in four. \Vhen the tapes went u p it was Christi an out first with Lu cero p laying catch u p. As they hit tur n o ne Christian drifted o ut wid e wailing for th e tract ion to shoot him down th e back ch u te. Co ll ins and Bro wn were pinned o ut and backed off. Lu cero kept it close to th e rail but found hi msel f a wh eel leng th behind Christia n. Christian dove int o turn three tryi ng to sh ut down Lucero. Lu cero h ung close and ga ined som e gr ound com ing o u t of four. Lu cero inc hed a longs ide down th e main stra igh t and was able to ge t a wh eel i n o n Christian at th e turn. This time Christian had to go real wide before he co uld hook up, and by th en Lu cero had shot past taking the lead for good. Christian ga ve it a not her try at the nex t tum bu t Lu cero had it di a led in for th e win . Results MAI N: t . Sieve lucero (21 pts); 2. Alan Chr ist ian (19); 3 . Ph il Colli ns (18 ); 4 . Scotty Brown (1 5). Rodden fast in Seattle RR By Jane Steele KENT. WA, J UL Y 30 AFM rid er Steve Rod den beat the Wa shingt on Moto rcycle Ro a d r aci n g Associ atio n ' s (WMR RA) best 10 take fir st p lace in the 450 th at sta rted in th e wa ve ah ead of 'hem, a nd a lso bega n to la p some of the slower riders in th eir o wn class . The heavy traff ic added a new dimension to the race. Ken yon had the most trouble: al ready o u t of 'ouch with the lead ers and with his cl utch slip ping, he dr o pped back. But Rod den used the tra ffic to his own adva ntage. and drafted an Open Production ma chine to slings hot pa st Seh wen . TIl e two d iced back and fo rt h un til Schwen cras hed in th e ch ica ne o n th e eig h th lap. '" m issed a sh ift in th e hairpin," Schwen cla imed . "But I caug ht u p with Rod den o n th e backstraight: 1 think my Dan ce-tuned bik e was a littl e faster. But in the exit of five (the first portion of the chicane). I lost it." Rodden cru ised to a n easy victory, wit h Kenyon in heriti ng second. Todd Powell took hi s stork FZR400 10 a th ird-pl ace fin ish and Richar d Matthews post ed forth . Rodden is spo nsored by SuperTrapp. Avon a nd Kin eti c Ana lysis. Schwen 's sponso res include Danco , Maxima , O 'N eiU and Federa l Way Cycle Ce n ter. Kenyon is sponsored by Ren ton Yamaha. Du n lop Tires and C al co. Res u lts OPEN PROD: 1. Joe Pittm an ISuz); 2. KeIth Pmkstaff (Suz); 3 . Bru ce l ind (Suz); 4 . M ichael M cBr ady (Suz); S. M ark Haskins ISud. 750 PROD: 1. Joe Pittman (Suz); 2, M ilte Sullivan (Sud; 3. Doug Renfrow (Suz); 4. M ichael M cBrady (Suz); 5. Sieve Littlejohn (Kaw ). . 600 PROD: 1. Br ian Sun on (Yamt 2. Bruce lind (Yam); 3 . Ken Evan (Ya m ~ 4 . M arvi n Braun (Yam); 5 . Scott McArthur (Hon ). 450 PROD: 1. Todd Powe ll (Yam); 2. Richa rd Ma tt hews (Yam); 3 . Dave Add ington (Yam); 4 . Tim Heale (Yam); 5 . Kelly Heath (Yam) . OPEN S/ BK: 1. Joe Pitt ma n (Suz); 2. Sieve Littlejohn (Yam); 3. S hawn Sm it h (Han); 4. Ryan landworth fSuzl; S. Eric Seward (Yam). 750 S/ 81(: 1. Doug Renfrow (Suz); 2. Shawn Smith (Han); 3. Keith Pinkstaff (Suz); 4 . David Deveau (Yam ); 5. Randy Shemwell (Due). 600 S/ BK: 1. David Deveau (Yam ); 2. Joe Pitt ma n (Yam); 3. Shawn Robert i (Yam); 4 . Bruce lind (Yam); 5. Marvin Braun (Yam). 450 $ /8K : 1. Steve Rodden (Yam); 2. M ike Kenyo n (Yam); 3. Todd Powell (Yam); 4. Ric hard M att hews (Yam): ~. DaVid Add Ington (Yam. . . F·1 : 1. Doug Renf row ISuz); 2. Steve Littlejohn (Yam); 3. KeIth Pmk slaff (Suzt; 4. Shawn Smith (Han); 5. Terry Wi lliams (Suzl F·2 : 1. MlkeSulliean (Hon!; 2. Bruce l ind (Yam ); 3. Shawn Roboertl (Yam); 4 . Brian SuttoncY am ); 5. Steve Rodden (Yaml. F·3 : 1. Scott Soper (Hoo); 2. Doug DuBuq ue (Vam ); 3. Patrick Salmon (Hon); 4 . John M ooney (Kaw ); 5. Sammy Shwartz (Due). 650 Bon: 1. M ike Correll (Han ); 2. Chri s Ninaud (Kawl; 3 . David Rookiard (Kaw ); 4 . Georg e Schwen (Kaw); 5. John Davidson (Hon l. OPEN SGL 1. David John5ton (Yam); 2. Dave Crockett (Yam); 3 . Bill Birch er (Han); 4 . Chris Call an (Yaml: 5 . Ron Teal (Yam l. DINO: 1. Scott Freri cks (Han); 2. Randy Grein (Suz); 3 . Brett Parker (Han). NOV: 1. Eric Disch (Suz); 2. John Wetze l {Yaml; 3. Dave Godsen (Yam); 4 David Riggs (Yam); 5 , Mi cha el Qu in lan (Hon) Delgado grabs Carlsbad Motocross win By Donn Maeda CARLSBAD, CA, J ULY 23 Ho nda · mo unt ed Bru<-e Delg- do posted 2·2 d mOlO fini shes to Clplure the overa ll l25cc Junior clas s win a t the fourth rou nd of th e Dodg e Truck,/CMC Summer Series held at wv joe DeP a tto ri pped ou t of th e ga te in mo to o ne to grab the hol esh ot ahead of Deron Mill er. Karl Fernand ez an d Sam Ha wley. Miller and Hawley quickly work ed their wa y into the tOP two positions on th e third lap. Delgado had su ffered a seven th p lace start. but o n lap fo ur had moved int o third and bega n to pr essure Hawl ey. Delgado dove to th e inside of Hawl ey in a turn to take over seco nd. and Ha wley tried to pass in the following hai rp in . but Delgad o slam med the door. . Mill er took the checker ed wi th a co m fortable lead over Delgad o. Hawley a nd j erry jeuo n , wh o had wor ked u p from a 24th place sta rt, Ryan Pau ls ti med th e ga te just righ t in th e seco nd m oto , leading Ch ris Val dez. DePauo a nd Delgad o th ro ugh th e first turn . On lap two Delga do went wide in a turn and tried to pa ss DeP atto. but he spun OUI in the loo se dirt. Del ga d o remo un ted i n si x th th en mounted a cha rge to ca tch th e lead er s. Meanwhile, seco nd place rider Valdez lost hi s front en d in a slippery turn, ha nding the runner -u p po sit ion 10 Hawl ey. Hawl ey bega n to reel Pauls in , but a ppeared ro run out of stea m o n th e last lap. Delgado was th e fir st to tak e adva ntag,e of the tired rid er and look over second, wh ile J.J. Petch el a nd Mill er also worked the ir way a ro und Hawley to ta ke o ver third and fourth. Pauls crossed th e fini sh line just seco nds ahead of Delgad o, Petchel a nd Mill er. SCUll Hoffman dom i na ted th e 500cc Beginner cla ss, cru ising to easy wins in bot h mo tes. Hoffman g ra bbed th e Iirs t-moto ho lesh ot ahead of Rodn ey Weesner and David Ma nriguez, Weesner wen t dow n o n the second lap, lea ving Man riguez a nd Marc us Gordon to chase the lea der. Go rdo n new past Man riguez a nd bega n reel in Hoffman, bu t pushed a linle ' 0 0 hard and slid o u t in a slippe ry turn. Manriguez retoo k seco nd p lace and ga ined o n Hoffm an when th e Honda rider stalled h is bike. Hoffma n recovered in time to hold o n to th e lead . a nd cruised to the mota win ah ead of Manrig uez, Mike Seeley and Jamie Monon. . Ho ffman claimed hi s second holesho t of the da y in mo ta two, but snappi ng a t his boots were Manriguez. Mich eal Castillo and Cordon . C ordon passed both Castillo a nd Manriguez to tak e over the runner-up posi tion. then pressured Hoffman for a few la ps. but event ua lly settled int o a pace that he wo uld hold until th e chec kered. Hoffman crossed the fin ish ahead of Gordon, Manriguez and Casti llo . '0 Results 80 BEG: 1. Aaron Winston lSuz); 2. Sha un Perol lo (Kaw);: 3 . Davtd Hicks (Kaw); 4 . Robert Larsen (Han); S. M ik& Sal azar IKaw ). 80 JR : 1. Ty Kady (Kaw l; 2. Guy Battaglia (Suz); 3. J eff W illoh (Yam~ 4. Jason OePano (Hon ); S. Aaron Wenstrop (SCR) 80 INT: 1. Tony Ama radlO (Han ); 2. Br.ian Teet e (Kawt; 3. Steve Hengeveld (Kaw ); 4 . Tim Staufen bell (Hon); 5 . M ike Metzve. (SCRI. 80 EX: 1. Tommy Clowers (Kaw l; 2. Damon Huffma n (S uzi. 125 BEG 0 ·1 : 1. John Clifford (Yam); 2. Tony Nguyen (Kaw ): 3. Rodney Paterson (Yam!; 4. Keno Deary (Kaw);5 . Rabe n Sloll (Hon) . 125 BEG 0 ·2 : 1. Kendall Sian ley (Hon); 2 . 8 111 Rein er (Kaw); 3 . Hltosh M ich ida ( Hon~ 4 _ Eric Larso n (Yam); 5 . Ala n Kadlec (Han). . 125 J R: 1. Br uce Delg ado (Han); 2. Deron Mi ll er (Han); 3. Sa m Hawley (Su.£); 4. Rvan Pau ls (Han); 5. J .J . Petche l (Yam ). 125 INT: 1, Raymond Antho ny (Han); 2. Je ff Fine (Honl; 3. Steven k Ol8 je rvi (Kaw ); 4 . Cole Gress (Han); 5. Dann y Barn ett (Suz). 125 PRO: 1. Brian Howland (Suz); 2. Bubba Erickson lCag); 3. Vinc e Warr en (Han); 4. Mike Chamber la in (Yam); S. Darrin Hoeft ISu z). ., 250 BEG: 1. Bob lloyd lKaw~ 2. M arco TaMa (Han !; 3. Ji m Busby ( H on~ 4 . Ch ris Shipman (Yam~ 5 . Tarek Saba (S uz ) 250 JR : 1. Guy Gri ff in (Suz); 2. Danny Seyler (Han); 3 . Bry an O'N eill (Yam); 4 . rony Seckm an (Hon); S. Danny Pacheco IHon ). 250 INT: 1. Je ff Fine (Hont 2. Sleven Kotaja rvi (Kaw); 3. Brian Calho u n (SCAI; 4 . M erle Hammer (Yam); 5 . Ken Ert>(SCR I. 250 PRO: 1. Mike Healey(KTMI; 2.l.owell Thomson (Suz); 3. Dan Berg (Kaw); 4 . M ike Young (Cag); S. Gary But cher (Han).

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