Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kawasaki rid er Roy Sch ell enberger (12). Despite go ing into the run-off with two po in ts in the 125cc Modified Expert class , Ernig secu red th e overa ll class win wi th an other runoff victor y. G oi ng in to the fina l m ota , Antunez a nd Kaw asak i rider R yan Hugh es had o ne point each after winning th eir respective divisio ns, but it was Em ig, once aga in, blastin g into the early lead and taking a n easy victory. Antunez sta rted th e mot a in sixth, lab ored u p to seco nd by the third lap and wound up finishi ng about 10 seco nds behind Emi g. Hu g h es wa s runnin g in fou rth beh ind Emig's brother, Bryan ; near the end of the mota before hi s KX backfired a nd quit running, mak in g the mota's fina l finishin g order J eff Emig, Antunez, T inney, McGrath , Bryan Emi g, Yamaha r ide r Phil Lawrence and Kawasa ki-mo u n ted Ray Crumb. J eff Em ig took the overall class win over Antu nez, T in ney, McGrath, Crumb and Yamaha rid er Grayson G oodman. J eff Emig domi nated bo th 250cc Sto ck and Modified Pro classes . H e to pped both his di visions in each class , wh il e McG rath topped the o the r Stoc k div ision a nd Hugh es the o ther Modified d ivsion. The 250cc Stock Pro class ru n-off mot a was the first of th e day Sunday , bu t heavy ra ins the n ight before left the track very wet and muddy for th e fir st few run-off mo tos. As th e . pack sp las he d it s way throug h the first "S" turn, a number of ride rs went down in the slop, in clud ing Hu gh es a n d Yamaha mount ed ri ders Mik e Stahl man a nd Kip Sandel l. Hughes, who went into t he run -off wi t h se ve n poin ts, wat ch ed th e rest of th e race fro m th e sidelines. Kaw asaki rider J ay Wentz el led for three laps before Emi g, wh o had a fifth- place start , passed him for th e lead. From that point o n, th e ra ce was all Ernig's, as he rode the muddy track as tho ugh it was dry. Vohland, who started the moto back in eig h th, battled through th e flyin g mud to finish second, while Yamaha rider Pedro Gonzalez, from Mexico, took third. Roundingout th e top five were Crumb and Lawren ce. . The 250cc Mod ified Pro race was th e fin al ru n -off of the day a nd . unlike the Stock mota , was run on dry ground. For th e fourth straigh t time o u t, J eff Emi g led th e way unc ha lle nge d. H e j umped ou t in front as soon as the ga te dropped a nd ex tended h is lead with every lap over Brown, Stah lma n a nd Vohland. It was a n uneven tfu l moto, as the top half of th e pa ck becam e fairly spread out by th e halfway point. Em ig motored across th e finish line with about a IO-second lead over Bro wn and took th e overall clas s win. Second overall went to Br own, followed by Stahlman, Vohland and Hughes. In the 125cc Stock and Modified Inter m ed ia te cl asses , Honda mounted T im Hodes was the rider to bea t. In the Stock run-off, Hodes went into the race with one point, as did the other 125cc Stock Intermediate division winner, Yamaha rider Richard Saxton. However, the final moto was dominated by Kawasakimounted Anthony Paggio. Paggio grabbed the holeshot over Hodes and Kawasaki-mounted Billy Silverole. The three riders battled for the lead for two laps until Kawasaki rider Jason Johnson passed Silverole for third, while another Kawasaki rider, Brian Ro th , moved in on the leaders. Hodes ressured Pa '0 for Kaw asaki ri der Ezra Lusk (2 98) ch ases Steve Olson (6 3) en route t o t he 80cc Stock Expert (12+) cl ass victory. most of th e race until bac king off th e pace late in the race. Paggio took the win , bu t H od es' seco nd was good enough f or the overa ll class win over Sax ton, who fin ish ed sevent h in th e mo to. T h ird in the moto wen t to Ro th , who was fo llow ed by J ohnson and Si lverole. In th e Modi fied ru n-off, H od es o nce agai n had o ne point going into the final mo ta but wound u p finish ing fourt h beh ind mo to wi nner Kawasaki pilar Corey Keen ey, wh o led every lap, and H onda ri ders J ason Krempin and j o]o Falla. But H od es' fou rth was pl enty to claim hi s second overall win of the series, this tim e o ver Falla,' Roth , Silverol e a n d Krempin. Saxton, wh o had the o ther one-point score going into the runoff , was running fifth before crashing back to 25th . Ro th ca me back to win both the' 250cc Stock and Modified Intermedi at e classes. The Kawasaki rid er went into both run-offs with two points , but a second place in th e Stock class and a win in the Modified class were more th an eno ugh for Ro th to capture th e overa ll wins o ver Yamaha rid er Shawn Morga (Stoc k) and Kawasaki-mounted Andy Grider (Modi fied). In 125 and 250cc Stock and Modified Novice action, Suzuki rider Sean Pagel a nd Kawasaki -m ounted J ason Edwards, so n of former pro dirt track racer T edd y Edward s, were the riders to wa tch. Going into th e 125cc Stock Novi ce . class run-off, Honda-mounted j errod Fortune and Kaw asaki rid ers Bill y Felts, Ra y Mcintosh a n d Edwa rds .all had one point eac h (there were four 125cc Sto ck Novice di visions). ' In the deciding final mota, Pagel roosted into th e lead with Honda rider J osh Kuchta (two points ) in close pursuit. Pagel set the pa ce but Kuchta sta yed close throughout the rnoto. The Suzuki pilot crossed the finish line just a few bike lengths ahead of Kuchta for th e mota and overall class win; Kuchta took second overall. Pagel once again led from start to finish in the Modified run-off mota, while Edwards started th e moto in 12th and worked his way up to second. Pagel and Edwards cross ed the fini sh line just inches apart. The class win went to Pagel over Edwards, Kawasaki riders Chad Brown a n d R a y Mclntosh , a n d Suzuki-mounted Shawn Waring. Edwards ruled both the 250cc Bubba .Ellis used a 1-2 mota combination to claim the overall w in in t he Pee Wee Modified class. Second place went to Monte Montague. Stock and Modified Novice classes . The Kawasaki pilot easily dominated the Modified run-off moto over Yamaha-mounted Shane West, McIntosh, and Kawasaki riders Bill y Felts and Chad Dogger. ' However, after winning the Stock class run-off mota Edwards was la ter dis ualified when he was protested for accepting outside assistance when he fell down near the mechanics area. His disqualification gave Felts th e overall class win over Suzuki riders Ramon Noriega and Ray Boruff, Yamahamounted Brett Bierek and Kawasaki ilot Mcintosh. 33

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