Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A brief thunderstorm Sat urday evenin g left the race track saturated f or Sunday ' s 15 run-off moto s. Naoki Serizawa and Yamahamounted Rich ie H or ton. Partridge could do no better than sixth in the moto for third overa ll, with Windham taking second overa ll. In th e Modified race, Windham took th e run-off win , but it wasn't eno ugh to bea t Reyn ard, wh o went into th e run-off with one po int and took second in th e moto. Reyn ard ended up with three total points, while Windham had four. Third in th e m o to a n d in class went to Pa rtridge. . Su zuki rider- Mike Atkinson carri ed two poi nt s into th e 80cc Stock No vice (12-Plus) run -off a nd pu lled off the overa ll class victor y after lead in g from start to fin ish in the final. H is nearest co mpe titor in the overall sta n di ngs was Kaw asakimounted Erik Anderson, wh o took thi rd in th e mot o for second overa ll. Suzu ki pilot Bradley Stru nk ca ptured thi rd overa ll with a second place in th e final , wh ile fourth overall went to H onda rid er Fredd ie Mit ch ell , who also landed fourth in th e mot o, Joey Pratt rounded o u t the to p five. In th e Modified di vision, Kawasaki rider H eath Wallis ended up the overall winner after taking second in the ru n-off beh ind another Kawasaki rider, J ack Cox. Mitch ell led the race af ter th e first la p but cras hed, giving Cox th e lead and even tua l win. Ta ki ng th ird ov erall wa s J eff Hen sley. . Both the 80cc Stock and Mod ified Intermedi at e (12-Plus) classes ran two mot os to determine th e overa ll w in ners. Ka wasaki r ide r Dann y Ne lso n claimed the overall in the Stock divi sion wi th a 1-4 ta lly, 'edging BrianDeegan 's 6-1 com bination. Tommy Kirk went 5-3 for third, whil e Doug Stone and Gregory Rand finish ed fourth and fifth. . Deegan came back and topped the Modified class via a 1-2 tall y, whi le Rand improved hi s placing in the St ock class by finishing seco n d overa ll with 5-1 moto finishes. Stock class winner Nelson settl ed for third overall. Suzuki rider Mich ael Kurz railed to th e 80cc Stock Beginner (12+) class win with an impressive I-I score . Kurz had Kaw a saki rid er Josh Wagner to co nt end with in both motos, th ough. Wagner was a lways in the hunt with a 2-2 score for second overall. T hird went to Honda rid er Tommy Burger who went 4- 3. Sean Page l (1 8 ) won both run-off motos and overall v ic tories in the 1 2 5 cc Stock and Modified Novice classes. Jason Edwards was a top contender in all four of the 125 and 250cc Stock and Modified Novice classes; he won the 250cc Modified class. Twenty-seven riders battled in the 125cc Stock Beginner class, which did not need a run-off moto. The winner was Kawasaki-mounted Alex McElyea, who used consistent 2-3 moto finishes' to edge Kawasakimounted Chris Dennison's 1-4 tally. A 6-1 score gave Suzuki ri der Benjie T ras k third, whil e H onda rid er Scott Moore (5-2) a nd Kawasaki-mounted Garr et Schi ld (3-10) rounded o ut th e top five. In mi n ic ycl e act ion, Reyn ard cap tured hi s second and third overall win s of th e da y by topping the 80cc Stock a nd Modi fied (9-11) clas s. After toppi ng th e I05cc (9- 11) eve n t, Reynard went into th e 80cc Stock run -off wi th o ne po int, as di d Ka wasa ki rider Jason Partrid ge. Reynard began th e ru n-off mo to in th ird pl ace, wh ile Zach Brads ha w led th e wa y. By th e seco nd lap, Reyna rd was in second, then took o ve r the lea d w hen Brad sh a w crashed. Reyn ar d mo to red o n for the win ahe ad o f Kevi n Windh a m , Bradshaw. Suzuki rider from Japan, In the two-moto format J r. Cycle Sto ck (6-8) class , Kawasaki-mounted Chris Considine left no doubt in anyone' smind that he was the top rider in the class after winning both motos. His nearest competitor in the overall standings was Jacob Martine, who combined two second-place finishes to secure second overall. Rou ndin g out the top five were Matt Walker (6-3), Bubba Ellis (3-7) and Derek Chase (7-4). Justin Blak e went into th e Jr. Cycle Stock (9-11) run-off moto with two points but ended up th e class cha mp by taking a narrow win over Ri cky Carmichael, with Greg Years ley - th e winner of the Modified clas s - taking third. Bill y Gartman, wh o went into th e fin al with one po int, was battling wi th th e leaders un til hi s chai n brok e on th e fin al la p , kn ocking him o ut of th e run n in g . H o wever, G a rt m an ' s da y was n' t a total disappointment, as he wrapped up second overall in the Modified div ision. In th e pop u la r Pee-Wee Stock class, 29 riders went at it in th e twomo to forma t. Consisten cy paid off for Ju stin Bu ck el e w. Bu c kel ew gassed-it to th e overa ll class win af ter (Co ntinued to page 59)

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