Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1990 Kawasaki KX mofocrossers Kawasak i' s 1990 m otocross lineup is spearheaded by th e all-ne w KX125 and 250, th e two most radically changed mac hines introduced thi s year by any of the big four J apan ese manufacturers. Wh at sets the KXl 25 a nd 250 a part fro m th e'crowd is th e a ll -new , box sect ion . peri meter frame also found on Kawasa ki's streetb ikes. H owever , on ly the KXl 25 and 250 got the perimeter fram es. Kaw asaki left the KX500 a nd KX80 relatively unch an ged with sus pe nsion a nd engine refine ments. All bik es feature new radi cal bri ght pin k a nd blue KX graphics. The perimeter fram e fo und o n the KX250 is designed to p ro vide exceptio na l rid igity over co nventiona l fra me s for superior hand ling. A pe rim eter fram e a lso a llows th e ... ; The all-new KX250 features a & , perimeter box-section frame. new upside-down cartridge .fo rks. low-rout ed exhaust system. redesigned exhaust port and a new f loat ing type clutch that was featured on last year's KX500 . New dual radiators ; the perimeter frame and all-new styling make the KX125 look very similar to the KX250; in fact the seat. tank and shrouds are interchangeable. The KX125 also gets a new piston. revised porting and carburetor. _ Very few changes were made to "Y the KX500. the most notable being a switch to inverted forks. 18 slim mer fuel tank to be positioned lower for a more cen tra lized center of gravity. After being th e only 250cc motocrosser with standard forks in '89, Kaw asaki has made th e switch to upside-down cart rid ge forks with com p ressio n and rebound damping adjustme n ts this year. At the rear end, a new doub le cross pipe-type swinga rm has been adop ted with Uni -Trak linka ge si m ilar to la st year 's mod el. T he KX 250's power pl a n t h a s redes ig ne d exha ust a nd scavenging po rts, and the pi ston ha s been treated with a lu rnite for in creased durabil ity. With th e lower tank a low -boy exha ust pipe is utilized to further br ing down th e cente r of gravit y, and th e ex ha us t si le ncer ha s been cha nged fro m round to oval to help reduce noise. A new floating type clutch , like th at a lrea dy found o n th e KX500, is now used for improved feeling. a nd th e tran smission gea rs have wid er teeth. An extra generator coil is used in the digital ign ition system to improve spark. Suggested reta il pri ce will be $3899, up $300 from last year.

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