Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~he KX 125 gets the same penmeter-style frame, upside-down forks and swingarm as th e KX250 . Like th e 250, it s tank, side co vers sea t an d radia tor shrouds ha ve been r ed esi gned for better rider m ov e!TIent, and all th e bodyw ork, incl ud - ' mg th e fuel tank , is interch angea ble with th e 250. In th e past Kawasaki has a lways us ed o ne long radia to r o n th e lef t side of th e KX125, bu t n ow th ere are dual radiat ors to cool the m otor which feat ures redesigned exhaust a n d scavenging ports . A n ew co ncave piston with a single ring is u sed , and a " Jet Block " has been adde d to th e bottom o f th e carb u reto r venturi to reduce turbulence through th e ca rbo Like th e 250 th e 'exh a ust is routed down low and there is a n ew oval si len cer. R eta il pri ce will be $3249, a $250 in crease over '89. Ver y few chan ges were mad e to th e KX500 for '90, th e most o bv io us being th e swi tch to u pside-do w n forks. T he airbox now has a rotary sh u tter for increased a ir flo w , the re is a larger rIywheel , th e ste ering hea d h a s a n add itio n g usset and th e swi ngarm is n o w forged aluminum instead o f cas t. The KX500 w ill ca rry a $3999 p rice tag, $200 more than last yea r. The KX80 a lso sees few changes. A s ma ller Ke ih in ca rburetor is uti lized for better lo w-e nd response a nd th ere is a new digi tal igni tion sys tem . A Travel Control Val ve (T CV), which varies front fork damping by J.. A fter a one-year absence, the _ KX60 returns to the Kawasaki lineup for the young riders with " no changes except for the wild new pink and blue grap hics, ....... The KXBO is also relatively ........ unchanged . The biggest change is the Travel Control Va lve (TCV) and barrel-face piston in the front forks w hich va ries fork damping and enhances suspension response. There's also a smaller carburetor and a new digital ignition system. MOTORSPORTS PARK the spring tensi on o n the TCV m echanism , a n d " a b arrel -face (c r o w n i ng) pis ton a re u sed to en ha nce front suspen sion response, while th e rear shock h as increased co m p ressio n da m pin g . Suggested re ta il price h as increased $ 100 from '89 an d will be $ 1899, a nd th e bigwheel versio n will a lso be avai lable once again for 1999. The KX60 returns unchanged to th e lin eup after a o ne-yea r h iatus for 1599 , a n d Ka w a sa k i ' s off-roa d KDX 200 is back w ith a new pi ston, larger engine m ounting bolts, different kick ra tche t, new regula tor for vo ltage stabil it y an d longer -wearing sea t foam . The KDX will also be available in tw o co lors , lime green o r white, for $2849. • Fall Series Sponsors . "* :\ AIKEN MOTORCY SALES &SERVICE CLE AL LANE SU ZUKI -KA WASAKI, INC. B RE B A ROTHE S, INC. R Ed Donaldson ' BEN Y WOODR FF' S SUZUKI • N U O KAWA AL • RC Right on, K SUZUKI M&H SUZUKI CENTER • , . ~ .. MARK IV SUZUKI SUZukI SUZUKI "O W F INSTON SALEM BELL HELM ETS SUZUKI CYC CENTER LE • F SUZUK I O GASTONIA PARTS W ELCOME SUZUK I, INC . Unlimited W Y' S CYCLE SH P OOD O ~ _ ~,\\~l\ ~Q~ $25,000 .00 . M l [ "tAHOA l [w:i' " FACTORYCONNECTION TOTAL SERIE PRI ZE &C NTI NGEN ES S' S O CI SUSPENS I{)III Schedule of events: - 1ST SERIES O VERALL - $100 SAVI NGS B ONO SE PT. 3, 1989 - C MP COKER, SOCIETY HIL L. SC A 5 OVERALL SERIES CHAMP IO TROPHIES N SEP·T . 10, 1989 - MON TROSE, RAEFORD, NC 5 TROPHIES PER CLASS - EACH EVENT SEPT . 17, 1989 - ROLLING HILLS, REI DSVI LLE, N C 89 OCT. I , 19 - MONTROSE, RAEFORD, NC O G C OCl. 15. 1989 - R LLIN HILLS, REIDSVI LLE , N OCT. 29. 1989 - C AMP COKER, SOCIETY HILL, SC (SPECIAL H AUNTE H D OUSE WEEKEND) NOV. 5. 1989 - R LLIN O G·HILLS, REIDSVILLE. N C NOV. 12, 1989 - C AMP C KER, SOCIETY HILL, SC O NOV. 19, 1989 - MONTROSE. RAEFORD. NC ~IaO ~lmS I ~~&' IOt@ 1ST - $100.00 GUARANTEED 2ND - $ SO.OO 3RO _ $ 40.00 THREE PLAC ES GATE FEE - $7_00 ............~............ A MATEUR E NTRY - $15_00 PRO ENTRY - $25.00 ,.f../} .} IQ'l~ I'~:J FO ' INFORMATION R CALL: (919)342-4492 OR (919)875-3805 'J\~ .Pro Bonus ADDlTIONAL $ 100.00 m~LL 125 & 250 2-Wheel ATV PRO PURSE clas ses only 150% of Entry Fee C AMP C K TRACK ONLY O ER EACH 0-85, YOUTH 4-WHEEL AMATEUR 4-WHEEL. 4-STR OKE AM 4-WHEEL PRO O ERALL C A V L SS WINNER WILL RECEIVE A N.A.M.E. Jacket GATES OPEN @ 7AM - SIGN UP @ 7: 30 2 _ 1"IH'~~l .... I ~~I 0-85, 7-13 0-85, 12-15 SUPER M INI 125 SC O LB Y HO O 125 NOV IC E 125 AMATEUR 1 25 PRO 250 N ICE OV 250 AMAT R EU 250 PRO 500 AMAT R EU SENIORS, +25 SENIORS. +35 EN URO & VI NTAGE D PRACTICE @ 9 - RACE @ 10 19

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