Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c That add in g to oUT Riding Ranks w as so mehow a m ission that included Me. It was Mid-Summer, right on th e nose. Sunda y, th e Sixth Day of August. T he season half gone, half still a dream to happen. And m y riding took on a dimension. It was lik e a birthing - I was all of a sudden brin g ing so meo ne in to m otorcycl ing. An en try-lev el civilian, a non-rider, an until now dyedin- the-w ool Car Person ? Yeah? H e's been a best buddy since grade school and sudden ly now was my passenger. I could feel that electric rush of tension, his almost impercept ible ' C UTTen t of anxiety and worry as we rode. But I also felt the gradual relaxing, his settling in to it and lik ing it, those su btle h int s of his getti ng looser and more confident there on the seat behind me. To extend th e pleasur e, we stopp ed and ate, p ouring over our pasts and reca lling places and p eop le we hadn't m ent ioned in years. H ow close my friend had com e to riding so many times, to actually getting on bik es, bu t th en never did . Always with some reason for not taking that step to the saddle. Somehow always 011 the edge, looking in . And then we were again two-up on the long boulevard at dusk. His balance and ease were so much bett er no w . I almost forgot he was back there. And it made me th ink of my own beginning when I rode behind m y father, reach ing around him to hold on. And how th e world going by then chanfed, and changed me! How traue ever since has been so much more than just getting from A to B and back again . I seriously don 't kn ow how I would live my life w ithout rid ing. Just lik e my frien d here doesn't know how he's go ing to live h is as a New R ider. H e can't begin to im agine w hat w ill becom e. Th ere's no way he can fatho m the range of elation awa itin g. Because motorcycling is a progressive th in g th at is forever fresh and always evolving. Th ere is no sum m it, no goal , no reachable en d of the road. Th at feel of [oo tpegs and handlebars today is every bit as exc iting as the fi rst time I eve r rode, that first sp lendid solo. I' m -still on it, riding that maiden ride. Like m y buddy is headed for here. I th ink we're both ju st beginners. ROAD RACING : Chandler gets a grand slam with Mid-Ohio victory 6 Kocinski reigns in Mid-Ohio Castrol 250cc GP 8 Mertens, .Falappa score wins at French World Superbike race . .. 16 MILE: Parker runs away at Albuquerque 12 HARE & HOUND: Smith sqeaks out victory at Wells National 14 NEW BIKES: Honda unveils w hite-f ramed 1990 CR motocrossers 18 LOCAL RACING: Dirt and pavement racing around the world 20 CALENDAR : Preview the coming attractions 32 RESULTS : A complete li st of where everybody fin ished 38 WANT ADS : Buy, sell or trade bi kes , parts and accessories 40 O N T H E FRONT PAGE: Doug C handler (t op) became o ne of f our riders to co m pl et e a g rand slam when he w on t he S uperbike final at M id -Ohio. J o hn Kocinski (b ottom) moved a step c loser t o the Castro l 250cc GP crown w ith anothe r w in at M id -Ohio. Coverage begins on page 6. Ph otos by Bert S hepard . William Edgar r-----------------------------------------------------------------, SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ _ .,.,-::-:-:=-:-:-:-:-:=cc-- _ I P l E A S E P R IN T CLE A R LYI Addre ss ..:.... City State Order Date: .-£.7ip _ _ _ o T his is a rene w al o Please b ill m e o Encl o sed is chec k or money order C ha rge my . 0 Visa 0 Mastercard .~ OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper Signa ture o every week for one yea r (50 iss ues) for $35.00 o every week .f o r two years (100 issues) for $65.00 o six months second class (2 5 issu es) for $18.00 Me I One year (50 issues], 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $75 ,00 (U.S. f unds) . I I ~ -'- _ V i sa# _ Expi ration Date -'- First class and airmail rate s availab le upon request . Send to : CYCLE NEWS, Inc., P .O. Box 498 . Lo n g B each . CA 908 01 - 0498 / (213) 427-7433 • . ------------~3

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