Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th eir hosp ital ity tent in Mid-Ohio by th e AMA and track offi cials. The event featured Camel sponso rship. America 's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Sharon Cl ayton. Pu blisher Mikf' Klin ger , Comptrotler Skip j ohn sen . AJJ(xi4U Pu blisher t N ationa l StJl~s Mana gn j ack M a n ~u s . A ssociate Pu bli sher! Edi tor Rheb a Smith . Circulat ion M a nagn Caroli ne ~ n(ll)'. Executive S t'ctt'14ry to l hi' Pu bl i sher Edito rial J ad Man gus, Edito r Kit Palm er, A ssoc iate Eduor Pa ul Ca rr u t hers . Ass ociate Edi to r Na te Rau ba , Associate Edi to r Urian Cauerson. Associa te E.d;lot Ken Fang lu . .4.u i.itolll Editor Ed win a Ma n gu s, Calt'n da r Ediun No B.S. Godspeed, Denny T he letter from Rick Siema n in the Ju ly 19 issue was a bl ast. Yo ur response was certainl y on th e mo ney. I'v e seen and read the ads in q uestion , yet I wo nder if Siernan 's reasons for wri tin!? stem more from the J ul y issue of DIrt Rider and their "No B.S. 250 Enduro Shootout." The no B.S. part was apparently in response to Dirt Bike's April issue o n more or less th e same 250 Enduro subject. Did yo u read both stories? Wh at do yo u think? Dennis Salam on , a dedi cated member of th e Amherst Meadowla rks M.e. passed awa y on July 23. Denny was a devo ted husband and father of three, and a special friend to us all. Most of yo u will remember Denny as a competito r in many CRA and AMA racing events, but we will rem ember him as a club brother wh o devoted mu ch of his tim e, patience a nd hard work designing and pr eparing o ur track for rac m g even ts. Our club suffers a great loss by this tragedy a nd Denny will be deep ly mi ssed by all of us. Our club, and we are sure everyone else wh o knew Denny, wou ld like to extend our deepest co ndo lences to his wire, Jan, and his ch ildren , Marcy , Mike and Randy. . Our club will be hav in g a benefit motocro ss race for Denny's fam il y on Sep tember 24. JEAN PAUL New York , N Y Advertising Ski p JO h IlIOOll. N at'l Salt's MaFUI!{l"r Mike Ch u rch. Se n io r Sales Mana .I{ '" Terry Pratt. Senio r Salt's M anagt"T Marl Thorne. lVt'.\tn n Salt's Ma na,!{t'r Ron Da vid so n. Wt'stt'm Sa tes M a n a.~ t'T Thomas R. Go n ln. Wt'slt'ffl Salt'S Managn ~b(k Mill·hdl. Eastern Sal t's Mana K" G rrx Mitchr ll. Eastern Salt'J ,\ fanagn J oan Ru !>!>ian. Wt"'stt'm Ad Coor di nator G l rld B orden. w '"n Ad Coordvuuor I-Io ll y Co wa rt. E.a.slt'm A d Coo rdinato r Graphics and Production Ree John!>Cm. Produ ct ion Supt'nIUor Mandy Lou. Producti on,., l Denni... G r(Tne. l.Ab. Teen. Sucr y Ouest, G rap h ic A rtist j imrn ie O ·Ik-11. Graphi c Artist M i('had Gru'>lk a . G rap hic ;frl isl Carol vn Branham. T y/Jt"'si'ttn :\ril"'n nl'" Telias, T ypt' st'ttt'T Accounting /Data Processing Do nna Bryan. •-feeLsRe ceivab le Coordi nator Ge neva Repass, A ssistant Fra n HoImwry . Cudit Circulat ion Sarah Ta ylo r. A.Ulslan t Alma Ang u iano . Assi.'ila nt Mari ,.;!Nelson. A ssistant Herl an e Ri ch mo nd . A SJis' artt C;unl MaKgin. A .ui.'ita nt Dealer Sales I th ink Dirt Bik e's attem pt to pass off a modified Suzu ki RM250 as being o ne of th e new S uz u ki RMX250s was B.S. - period, end of subject . . . Editor. Enthusiasm ru n n eth over Your coverage of motocross ha s been getting pr etty skim py. I was very di sappointed wi th th e covera ge of the Una dilla MX des Nat ions. The wh ole issue should have been dedica ted to it. Who knows if we will ever get to have it aga in . And what abo u t Bob Hannah? T here sho uld be half of an issue dedicated to him. Why is roa d racing gelling so mu ch covera ge? I' m no t knocking roa d raci ng. CARY ARMBRUSTER W. Bloo mfi eld , MI Kevin Beau b ien, MaFla g N Want Ads Debbie \\'dltT. Wartt Ad Sales Service and S upport r.b,i,. Aitcheso n. Ht'a dq ua r t~'s Re ception ist Leona rd He rr ing. S~TIJICt' and Su pport Nati onal Head quarters :t'.!OI Cherry Ave.• Lo ng Beach . CA 9OH06. P.O. Box 498. Lo ng Brach . C A 9080) ·0498 (213) 127·7433: 213 /636·8811. FAX (2 13) 127·6685 Eastern Office 4190 Fint A ~.• Tucker. G A. 30081: ma iling address P.O . Box &J5. Tucker. GA 30085-0805. (101 1931-7850 . ~'A X ('101) 931-" 12 Cycle News (USPS 111·310) is published w~k l y C'xct'p t th e [iut a nd )01\1 week o f th e.' calendar y...1J (or $50.00 per y~a r by Cyc le New s, In c.• . erry Aven ue . Lo n g Beach. CA 90806 . 220 1 (".h Seco nd c1a~s. postage paid at Lo ng Beach . CA. a n d add itional mailing o ffices, POSTM A STER: Send form 3579 t o Cycl e News. P.O . Bo x 498. Long Be ac h. CA 90801 ·049 8 . To determine the e xpiration date of yo ur s ubscriptio n. check the four numbers o n the fi rst line of your address label. The fint two dig its indica te the issue num be r you'lI receive en d the la.t two characters ind icate the year of the last issue. Subscripuon ra in : Rat es Ior th e Unued Sta tes and it s possession s for o ne yea r, (50 issues), 150.00; I WO Ye"dn ( 100 in u"). 195.00 : six months, (25 i!i.!i.un). 126.00: tr ial su b (15 i5.\ues). 1 19.00. Ca nad.l and Foreign. o ne yea r (50 issu n ). I90 .00; t wo yran (100 iUIJM ). 1 175.00; si x mo nt hs. (25 i!>!>un ). 115.00; trial sub (15 is\ unl. 138.00. Cvc te N('ws welcom es un so licued edito rial matll"rial i nd udi n~ stori es. ca rtoons. ph ot o s. etc. SUC h m a ter ial . If p ub li sh ed. becom es the e xclu sive propl"' ty o f Cycle' New s. Suc-h accepted r ma teri al is su bject 10 revision a,. is nn :Mo!\.ary in the \01(' disc retion ur Cyd e News. Unsol ici ted mau-r ial which I!> not used will be retu rned if .n ro m pa u ied b y a \d r ad d re ssed sta m p e-d envelope. All u nsolici ted ma reria l will be handled wi rh rea sona b le ca re. h o wever. Cyc le Nc'ws ass um es no r~ pll l1 !o i b i l i l y (or rfu- safety , loss or da mage to suc h matrrial. R t"pr i nli n ~ in w ho le.' or pa ri o n ly by pt"rm is.!> ion o( t h e rti!>inK r

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