Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Sharon Cl ayto n, I' ublishn Mike Klinger. Ca mparalln Sk ip J ohnson . ASJociau' Publish er t Nat ion al Sal t's Mana g ,., Jack Man ~u~. Associate Publishnl Edit o r Rh eba Sm it h. Circulation Afana gn Ca ro lin e Oe n drv , Ext'cu tilH' s,cu rary In th t' Pu b li.~h n Editori al Ja ck Man gm" Edi to r Kit Pa lmer, A ssocuu e Ed itor Pau l Ca rr u thers. Assocuu e Ed itor Na te Ra u ba . ASJQC'iatt' Editor Brian Ca uerso n. A .uorjatt' Ed itor Ken Faugh t. Anislan l Editor Edwina M.IOp;Ulii. Cal,.ndtJr Edi tor Advertising Skip j ohn son . Na t " Sates Mana gn Mikr Ch u rrb . S en io r 54 1,..5 Mana ,tt'T ' Terry rral l. St'ni or Sa lt's Ma na g" M ark Them e. Wt'Jlr'rn Sa lt's Man agn Run Davidson . Wt'.5ttT71 Sal"s Mc:maKl'T T ho ma s R. Genter , W,.sln n Salt'S Ma nagl'T Ma r k Miu-hr ll . Ea.dt'rn Salt' s Mcma gt'f G reg MilCht"! 1. Eas tern Salt's Mana gn J oa n R U!lo~ i a n . Wt'. itt'm Ad Coo rd inator ! Ca rla Borden . East ern Ad Coo rd ina tor Holl y Co wa rt. Ees iern A d Coordina tor Graphics end Prod uction R~ Joh n!lun, Prod ucti on S upnvisor Ma ndy Lo u . Producti on Mano ,ICt'T Dennis Gr eene, Lab. T ech . Sla c(')' CUOI . r. rap h ic A rtut Ji m m ir O'Dell . Grap hic Artist Mu-had Gruvh. G rap h ic A rtut Ca rol yn Branha m. T vpeseuer Arirnnr Telias. TYfN'Y I(t'r Accounting /Data Proce ssing [)o nnol Brya n. A ecLs R t'ct'lva blt' Coo rdinator C.rn__a Rrp.n~. Au i5tant Fra n Hamwey . Crt'dit Cir cul at ion Sar ah T ay lor . Au u lant AIT1\,;I AnJ:;u i:.l no .A uil tdnt Mari ta Nf'h.o n.Aui5Idnt H erl a ne Richmon d. A.U1Atdnt Ca rn l Ma p; :in . A .u iMdn t R Dealer Sa les Godspeed, Chuck The world lost a good man th is week and motorcycling lost a contributor to its cause. The motorcycling and general public may not immediately recognize Chuck Long's name. His grandson's nam e is, of course, well kn own to all motorcyclists. Chuck believed in Eddi e (La wson ) before he ever won a race and everyone else said he never would. But Chuck al so believed in other sportsman racers and motorcycle enth usiasts and he supported th em with the most valuable com modity a man can give to others. himself. Chuck would help an y motorcyclist with any motorcycle problem and take the responsibility to resolv e it. If he lacked th e expertise (no t often ) he would gain it or en list o thers to help. When we were in the motorcycle business together, Ch uck would take in repair jobs destined to lose money. H is expla nation was sim p ly, " If we don't help th ese people, wh o will? " We cou ld all use so me of his vision in our day-to-day decisions. Chuck's con tribu tio ns to others was not limited to mot orcyclists. He served in severa l co mm uni ty volunteer orga n izatio ns. I am sure that th eir publicati on s will receive sim ilar letters. and th ey will feel the loss th at we do. Godspeed, Chuck. We will miss you! JACK DANNENBERG Albuquerque, NM Kevi n Beaubien . Mdn ag tT Want Ads Debbi e w ell er . W an t A d Salt'5 Service an d Support Ch ris Aiu -hl"!>CJn. lIt'adq U/JrttT5 R t'ct'pt ;on Leon ard lI f'tr in ~. Snv.C't'and Sup port National Headquarters 220 1 Che rry Avt:.. Lo ng Beach. CA 9OHOfi. P.O . nox -198, LunK Bead•• CA 90801·0498 12 131127·7133; 2 13/ 636- ll811. FAX (2 13) 127·6685 Eastern Office 4190 First Avr ., Tucker. G A. 30084; ma iling addu'!ls P.O . Box 805. T uc kM". G A ~0085·0805. (101 ) 931·7R50. FAX (10 1) 93,1 112 ·3 Cyd t" Nt"w\ (USPS 141·340) i\ pu btiebed w",kly exce p t th e first a nd last week of the cal enda r vea r fur $50.00 1lM' yf'.u by Cyd f' News, Inc.• 220 1 Ch err y Aven ue, Lo ng &- ch. CA 90806. .. Seco nd dass pos tag e paid at Lo ng Beach. CA. a nd add itio nal ma iling o££ien . POSTMASTER: Sond lonn 3579 to Cye lo Ne ws. P.O . BOJl: 4 9 8. Lon g Be ac h. CA 90801-0498. To determine t he ex piflltion date of yo ur sublCtipti on. check the fo ur numbers on the first line of your add ..... Jebel. 'The first two d igits indicat e the la at isaue n umber you'l receive and the " It two c hara cters indieate the yea r of th e last isaue. Subscrip lion r .II": Rai n for Ihf' Uni ted St aSJo tl nlM nn rnpnm ibi lil Y lor Ihr salr ly. loss o r darnagt' 10 such m31l"rial. Rt" printin fit in wh ol t" o r part o n ly by pt'rmi ssion 01 Ih e:publislll:'t. Advrtt isin g rat n a nd ci rcula lin n mfnrrn.u iun will bfo !>C"n1 u po n f(·q un l. SnS.R .[).S ~BPA AUDITED V 4 CIRCULATION Copyright8 Cycle Ne ws. Inc . 1989. Trade mIIrk Cycle News registered U.S. '.tent Office. All righ tl .....rved . And thanks to you Thanks to all th e rid ers, parents a nd fans who made th e AMA Amateur/Youth Dirt Track Nationals a huge success. A special thanks to Walter Bros., Ha rl ey- Da vidson, S&G Honda . Smitty's , Suzuki , and Grayboy Kawasaki for making the boat ride possible. And thanks to A&A T ire Service, Circle Bell, Nolan Helmets, O'Neal USA. Answer Products, Grab-On , White Bros. and Hap Jones for their sponsorship. We would also like to thank all th e workers. It would have been impossible without th em. JERRY HOLM Peoria M.C. Tote Gray Racing Assoc. Peoria H eights, IL We want to race For th e past couple of months I have read , in Cycle News and several magazines, about the sidecars-at the U.S. GP at Laguna Seca. While I rea lly think this is great for all fans , I have not read one word, anywher e, abo ut American and Canadian teams that have raced many times there and at all the other tracks that hosted AMA Nationa l events (Lo udo n , Road America, Mid-Ohio, etc.). I kno w tha t our rigs were not as exo tic as the $50,000 G P racers are, bu t I' ll bet we put on just as good of a race. I' ll also bet that if you ask a ny of the fans who saw us race, they will say we were the highlight of a race weekend. How about it, promo ters?The fans wa n t us back. When we raced . nobod y went to th e toil ets or left th eir seats. BILL ALSTON Landowne, PA a ll parts of this bill, but we all compromised our positions to achieve the fina l draft . Also involved in th is fight were Jon Lund (a dea ler from Decatur), District 17 Club Council, United Motorcyclists of Illi nois, A.B.A.T.E. of Ill inois and Dirt Riders M.C. of Decatur. I also th ank these people for th eir help. Now we need all Illinois motorcyclists to write th e Governor and urge him to sign HB225 into law in its present form. His address is: The Honorable G ov erner J am es R . Thompson , Room 207 , Capitol · Building. Springfield , Illinois 62706. Manneh a Scandinavian? H ey, guys ! What's th e idea of using a photo from th e second moto start of the Dutch 250cc MX G P with your French 250cc MX G P story (Jul y 5 issu e)? France was dr y, remember? Bone dr y, actua lly . I kn ow, because I was there. Also , mentioning Bader Manneh as a Scandinavian rider? Come on. Don 't you proofread Hodgkinson 's stu ff? Your Bob Hannah interview was great, though. Maybe Kit Palmer sho uld proof Alex. ALAN WISE Middletown, O H Our policy is to identify file p hotos as suc h when we use them. We apologize for not havin g done so with th e photo you m ent ion. Go back and read the paragraph about Bader Mann eh one more time, Alan. It says, " Scandinavian riders dominated the placings but amongst th em was Bader Mann eh . . . " A mongst them in logging good fin ish es (9-2), not one of th em. Kit Palmer does ed it Hodgk inson 's material . . . Editor. On 'the pipe . After a great race weekend at Road America (secon d in Superbike, first in Supersport 600), there was for reasons unknown no mention of our sponsor, D&D Performance Exhaust. Special tha nks to Dave at D&D for the fas test Superbike at Ro ad America. J EFF FARME R G REG KVITKAUS KAS Orlando, FL Bad law I wou ld lik e to tak e this opportunity to publicl y than k Jim Bensberg from th e AMA Legi slative Depart ment on behalf of the Ill inois motorcyclists. Illinoi s has a bad ATV / O H M (offhighwa y motorcycle) law taking effect on October I , 1989. called HB612. It is better known as " The All -Terrain Vehicle Act of 1987." This law puts many restrictions on Illinois off-road riders and co mpe titor s. H owever , through the help of J im Bensberg it looks like this bill will not co me into effect. Jim worked very hard with many members of th e Illinois legislature and Ill in o is motorcyclists, to get another bi ll introduced. This bi ll, HB 225 passed through the H ouse and Sen ate. This bi ll is awaiting action by the Govern or. H B225 lowers th e age lim its set by H B612, th e old age at whi ch a person ma y operate an ATV / O H M was 10, no w if passed the age will be six. If yo u have p rivate property to ride on , there are no age restricti ons. Competitio n ATV / O H Ms will be exempt from regis tration. HB225 requires no safety train ing (o u r state has no su ch program available). If HB225 is signed into law, we then have a base to work with. All parties con cerned are not hap py with PAUL HAYES Ottawa,IL Published letters do not necessarily reflect the posit ion of Cycle NeWS, Inc. Send letters to Voice s. P.O. Box 4 98 . long Beach. CA 90801 . -WYND ~y PflPfi WfflLfY (Con tinued from page 2) AP POINTED: J im Lewis as president of Malc olm Smith Products. In c.: Lewis ha s been with th e Malco lm Smith organization for 18 years. most recentl y in the po sition o f vice president o f sa les a n d market in g. PROMOTED: Terry Tietz to position of national sales manager of White Bros. ; Tietz's past duties at White Bros. included domestic sales and suspension service. Speedway racer Chip Stockwell , who was in a co ma as a result of injuries suffered a t Speedway USA in Victorville. California, J uly 8. regained conscio usness and was released from th e Lorn a Linda Medical Center on J uly 29. Stockwell is wa lki ng and doctors expect a full recovery. Dallas/Fort Worth (Texas) motorcycle enthusiasts now have a radio show of their own . Metroplex Motorcycling, a live talk show hosted by Jack Rhodes and Shelly Mann, airs every Tuesday night from 8 :00 to 8 :30 p.m. on KSGB, 1540 on your AM dial. Green Sticker funds dispersed in Sacramento By Mike Bishop SACRAMENTO, CA JULY 20-21 T he annua l grants meeting of: the Ca lifornia Off H ighway Motor Vehicle Recr ea tion Co mm ission too k p lace in the Capitol Bu ildin g in Sacramento, and $11.3 mill ion of OH V Green Sticker fu nding was dispersed to the Burea u of La nd Management (BLM), Fores t Service and local a~encies. T hose age ncies that ha d stgnificant user support ended u p wi th most of th e money they had req uested. an d th e total requested was $33.5 million. A tota l of $5. 1 million was allocated to th e agencies for opera tio n and maintaina nce, while pla nning. acq uisition, development a nd (Continued to page 43)

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