Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IFyou ever wanted to move up to more power, m o re quality and more va lue, now's the time. Only KTM's 1989 600 4-Stroke Enduro and Motocross b ikes have the high quality and · John Ritchie (6) leads Vet Novice class overall winner Dennis (42) and the rest of the pack int o the first turn at Perris Raceway. the raw, gut-blasting power, you demand. And now, for a limited time, we're offering VET PRO / EX: 1. Bren t W alling sford CKTMl; 2 . Bob Runen (Hon); 3 . Alan Olson (Kawl. a T: 1. John White (Hon ); 2. J ody Weisel (Hont 3. Tom Cole man (Hon). 50to sails to Perris MX victory Jacks jams at Moroso RR PERRIS, CA, MAY 27 . The fina l round of the GFI/ Racing Enter: pr ises Carlsbad vs, Perris saw Lou So to capture the overall in the 250cc Beginner class. When th e gat e fell to start, Robert Bardell put his YZ at the front of the pack with 25 rid ers charg ing hard behind him, Yamahamounted Lou So to held down th e number two slo t, but qu ickl y passed Barrlett on th e opening lap. Making a mov e o n Bartlet next was th e firs t non-Yamaha rider Darin Nishimura on a Honda. With th e first two riders pulling away from th e pack, a battle rag ed for th e number three slot between Greg Ra in vill e, wh o had worked hi s was up from m id- pa ck , J ason Si m pson , Marc H esthal , Reggie Lane and Gr eg G idd in gs. This pac k of riders were two and three abreast in every com er , swapping _ p?sitio ns back and for th . La ne mad e a n in side co rner j u mp m at put him up to th e fron t of th is pa ck wi th Lane threading hi s way righ t behind Gi d di ng's Suzu ki. The two d osed o n Rainvill e, who had been defending thi rd a nd dropped th e Honda pilot back 10 fifth. On the last lap , Lane moved up to cha lle ng e Nichirn ura, and even stuck a tire a longs ide th e Ho nda jockey but co u ld n 't l:et th e dri ve 10 move pas t and a t the chec kered , It was So to, Ni sh imura , and Lane o u t fron t. with Gi ddin gs a nd Ga ry Dreew rounding o ut th e top five slo ts. Mo to two found So to a t th e head of the pack , o n ly this tim e with a n o pe n tra ck in front of him . A fir st turn pi le-up behind h im cla imed Tom m y Brackens, Bardell, and Steve Alt. Only john Mario had a clear sho t a t stay ing with Soto as the res' of the pa ck bunched up around th e fall en riders . Dwayne Prickett worked his wa y th ro ugh , a long with Chris Shipma n a nd Drew, as th e rest of th e pack look a Iiule longer to sor t th ems elves By David Procida By Joe McKay ' W. P AL M BEACH. FL, MAY 28 Donald j acks ran away and hid from everyone who dared to get o n the track with him at Moroso Motorsports Park and cap tured top ho no rs in th e GTO So lo 50 Miler , Un lim ited GP, Heavyw eight Superbike, and won the SlOoo Sh oot-Out for ici ng on th e cak e. After th e Shoot-O ut jacks let it be kn own that he was very pl eased with the way Mitch Marqui had set up his Suzuki GSXR750 and they were JU St down at Mor oso to fine tune it. Jacks said, "It's as fin e tuned as it can gel. The bike is ru n n ing super." J acks is sponsored by Cycle Riders of Orla ndo, Ara i Helmets, Yoshi mu ra R&D, Mot uI O il , Mich el in , Fox Sh ocks, Mitch Mar q u i and Gl en Furch ner. Mike Barnes led the GTU event in the dra g race to turn rive a nd looked like a ru naway unt il th e end of the firs t lap. G len n Barry do gg ed Barnes o n every turn fo r the next 21 laps. On severa l la ps he wou ld lead a fter passing but Barn es would come right. back. On th e wh ite nag lap th ey passed each o ther twi ce on the 2.25 m ile Circu it. Barnes carne out o n top a t the chec kers by a ha lf a bik e len gth. Newt Heston normally a contender in th is class, brought home th e third place trophy. Barn es and Barry were ci rcl ing in th e I:28.2 ra nge o n 600cc bik es. They repeated th eir sho w in Middleweight Superbike, a nd in Middleweight GP wh ere Barry just nipped Barnes a t the fla g for a win . Heston again finished a lonely th ird in both of th ose ra ces. Res ults GTO 50 MIL ER: 1. Don J acks (Su zl; 2. Dan ny Robert s 3. Nate Oonohew (5 ull; 4. Frank Kinsey (Yam); 5. Thomas Thompso n (Sull. GTU 50 MILER: 1. Mike Barnes(on); 2 . Glen n Barry (Yam l; 3. Newt on Heston (Han); 4. Dann y Ar no ld (Han); 5. J ody Chodkowski (Yam). UW GP EX: 1. Stan Pollack (Yam); 2 . J eff Jo hnson 1 5uzl; 3 . Bob Bossard el (ya ml ; 4 . James Ronan (Yam); 5. Bill Kranenber~ (Suz). UWGP NOV : 1. Eric Gumpher(Hon); 2. Perry M elneci uc . (Yam); 3 . David Murphy(Yaml; 4 . Ron Ginto (Yaml; 5 . Gonzal Mejia (Yaml. HIW 5S EX: 1. Nate Oonohew ISuzl ; 2. Dan Roberts (SUl) ; 3. M ike McK in ley (Suz); 4. J im She lt on (Sut); 5. Rick Miller (Honl . HIW SS NOV: 1. John Diericlor. (SUl ); 2. Chr is Temm e (S uzl; 3. John Spitulski ISuz); 4 . Bruce Pog ue; 5. Roger Chin (Suz). MIW S/BK EX: 1. M ike Barn es (Hon ); 2. Glenn Bar ry (Yam); 3 . Newton Hest on (Han); 4 . Pacrick Jo hn son (Yam ); 5 . Jody Chodkowski (Yaml . MIW S/SK NOV; 1. Sieve Siegfr ied (Han); 2. Bruce Pogue (Han); 3. M ike Luke (Hont; 4. Dan Arn old (Hon); 5 . J erry Pell igrino (Honl . U/L GP EX: 1. Oon Jacks (Sull; 2. Ter ry Barker jSuz); 3 . Frank Kinsey (Yam); 4 . Paul Schwemmer (Han ); 5 . Wa yne W atts . U/L S /SPRT: 1. Ted Oake (SuzJ; 2. Nat e Oonohew (Sut); 3 . Regan Shaw (Suz); 4 . J immy Shelton (Suz). MIW S/SPRT EX: 1. M ike Barn es (Hon); 2. Pat J ohnson (Yam); 3 . Jody Chodkowski (Yam); 4 . M ike lehn ing (Han); 5. Tom Francis. MIW S/SPRT NOV: 1. Danny Ar nold (Han); 2. J im Ericson; 3. Kevin M ackie (Han); 4. leon Backus (Kaw); 5. Terry Greene (Han). HIW S/BK EX: 1. Donald Ja cks (Suz); 2. Terry Barlt er ISuz ); 3. Frank Kinse y (Yam ); 4 . Pau l Schwemmer (Han); 5 . Nate Oonoh ew (SUl ). HIW S/BK NOV : 1. Chris Teeme (Suz ); 2. Mike Luk e (Han); 3 . Ch ip Crowther (Suz ); 4 . Phil Stamatyades (Suz); 5 . Roger Chin (Suzl. UW S/BK NOV: 1. Jeff John son (Suzl; 2 . Ji m Ronan (Yaml; 3. Gary Stumm (Yam); 4 . Greg Flagg {Kawl. l/W S/BK NOV : 1. Eric Gumpher (Yam); 2 . Sieve Wishin sky (Suzl; 3. Perry Meln eciuc (Yaml ; 4 . Mike Ronan (Yam); 5 . Gonzalo M aji a. SITW EX: 1. Randy Kirnec IH ~ DI; 2. David Hand (M · GI; 3 . Gregg Flagg (Kaw ). SITW NOV: 1. Dana Phelps (Duel; 2. Pete Migli (BMW!; 3 . R. Rex; 4. A. Burn ey; 5. M ike Wad e (Cagl. VINT l /W EX & NOV: t . Doug Medema; 2 . Ji m Page. M/W GP EX: 1. Glenn Barr y (Yaml; 2. M ike Barn es (Han); 3. Newt on Heston (Han); 4. Randy Kirnec (H- D); 5. Pal Jo hn son (Yam). M /W GP NOV: 1: S t eve Siegfried (Han); 2. Bruce Pogue (Han); 3. Maurice Arango (ani; 5. Tom Watkins. U W S/SPRT EX: 1. John Cox (Yaml ; 2. Rick J ackson (yam l; 3. Gonzalo Majia (Yaml; 4 . Bob Bossardet (Ya m~ 5 . Dave Batzer. l/W S/SPRT NOV: 1. J . Cardinale (Yam); 2. Steve Siegf r ied (Yam); 3. P.San in; 4 . R. Stone; 5. B. Ray. VINT HIW EX & NOV: t . Ja mes Brewer (Tri); 2. Pete ~i~~k~:~.3 . All en Burney (BMW); 4 . Doug Medema; (SUl) ; $1 000 SHOOT·OUT: 1. Donal d Jacks (Suz); 2. Rick Shaw (Yam t; 3. Glenn Barry (Yaml;4. Terry Bar1l:er (Suz); 5 . Dan ny Robe rts . OUL. . Shi p ma n mad e a serio us cha rge on Prickett, blowing by in search of the lead ers a t mid..mala. He worked hi s way up into second, bu t was nowfeeling th e pr essure from Nish imura. Nishi m ura railed a hi gh berm o n th e o utside of Ship ma n to go int o second, wh ile Pri ce St. Cla ir moved u p into fo urth. On the last lap So to took an easy win . while Nish imura went too wide in the very last co rner, a llo wing Sh ipman and SI. Cla ir to d ive und er and by. The H o nda rider ha d to settle for fourth ah ead of Drew. The overa ll wi n went to So ro, w hil e Nis hi m ura's 2·4 was suff icient for seco nd. G idd ings cap tured th ird o vera ll via a 4-5 set of m otos. Fo urth a nd fifth went to Drew a nd Prickett, Resu lts 80 BEG: 1. Paul Ito (Kaw); 2. larry Unkogle IKaw ); 3 . Joseph Robens (Ka w) . 80 NOV; 1. Ty Kady (Kaw ); 2. Tra vis Prest on . 80 INT: 1. Ja son Carr oll (Han) . 125 BEG: 1. J ason Foxe (Han ); 2. Bill Reimer (Ya m); 3. discounts up to $900!·· Lightweight and ultra re liable, these brand new' liquid-cooled, OHC bikes are the top of their class. They've got White Power fully adjustable front forks. And they carry a '6 month warranty on engines and transmissions. Whether you're a racing pro or a weekend fun-seeker, you can't afford to m iss this chance. DON'T MISS OUT ON THESE POWERFUL SAVINGS. HURRY DOWN 10 YOUR KTM DEALER NOWI KTM AMERICA , INC. East 1906 Broadway. Lorain . O hio 44052 • (216) 246-1060 West 435 " 8" W. Bradley. EI Cajon , CA92020• (6 19) 440-399 5 Suggested retail · $4,889 Enduro $4,686MX Marc DeShane (Han ). 250 BEG: t . Lou 5oto (Yam); 2. Dar in Nishimura (Honl ; 3. 8~tt~~,~ ~~Z~eill (Hon); 2. Adam Sptiz (Yam); 3. John Comstock (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Donald Upto n (Han); 2. Danny Seeyler (Yaml ; 3. Bill $a ura (Han). 250 NOV : 1. Bryan Curtis (Kaw); 2. Guy Gri ff in {Su zl; 3. David Sm ith (Yaml . OPEN NOV: 1. Eddie Ken nedy (Hon); 2. Raben Fa ilin~ (Hon); 3 . Rick A . Price (KTM ). • 125 INT: 1. Randy Oanylo IKaw); 2. Gary Butcher (Kawl; 3. Ron lawson (Han). 250 INT: 1. Brian Beach (Han I; 2. Scan Sease (Kawl; 3 . Tom Ulrich (Yaml . OPEN INT: 1. Kevin Fringer (Honl; 2. Bill Erb (Hon); 3. Donnan Burg (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Gordon War d (SUl ); 2. Mike Beier (Han); 3 . J ohn Griff in (Hon). 25 -29 BEG: 1. Price St . Clair (Kaw) ; 2. Tom Loucks (Honl ; 3. 25-29 NOV: 1. Vincent Gonzales (Yam); 2. Tom lyman (Han!; 3. Bill Koikman IHon). 25 ·29 INTT: 1. Bill E.p{Hon); 2. CliffWalls(Hon); 3 . Patr jck M arltham (ATK). VET BEG: 1. Jo hn Harri s (Hon l; 2. Marcus Myl es (Kaw); 3. [).avid Pritchard (KTM ). VET NOV : 1. Denn is Burns (Kaw); 2. St eve Fry (Kaw ); 3 . Brad Bielel . VET INT; 1. Huff Hadl ey ( Hon ~ 2. Randy M inier (Kawl; 3. Don Wallingsford (Hon). VET EX: 1. Jon M ill er (Kaw); 2 . Steve Wiseman (Yam); 3. Tracy Hrach (Han). 33

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