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Gary Chaplin (938) led Jeff Haase (2) and Johnny Cam pbell to the finish
line in the 250cc Expert class at the SRA Grand Prix at Carlsbad.
Vet Expert class winner Brent Wallingsford (6) roosts away from Mark
Crosby at the Memorial Day Bash at Perris Raceway.
Johnson rips Carlsbad GP
a Louisiana rider whose aggressive tactics and
reflexes had earned h im a h ol es bo t a nd a wi n
in th e first moto. Other th a n that Krempin
had excl usi ve cus tody o f li rst place in th e250cc
B Modified, th e 125cc B Modified a nd th e
250cc Stock classes.
Krempin is not a strang er to Ooodtimes.
H e grad ua ted (rom th e80cc 10 th e 125cc
in late 1987 a nd has a lways been a very stro ng
co n ten der.
On the seco nd da y Krcmpin sewed up hi s
first-p lace position In the 250cc cla sses. and
th e 125cc Modified. a nd all that remained was
to settled h is sco re with Fall a.
Wh en the sta rt ca me o n the l 25cc Stock
cla ..s, Falla aga in took th e hol eshot with
Krempin riding hi s back fender. The two
H onda s mad e th e first lap ci rc u i t with
Krem p in looking (or a n openi n g a nd Falla
closi ng (h e door o n him o ne time after
anothe r.
Well into the seco nd lap th e two H ondas
bumped together , a n d Falla went down wh ile
Krem p in saved it. Falla reco vered, but was in
the th ird pos itio n beh ind Krempin a nd J ason
Edwa rd 's Kaw sak i. Krempin kept hi s lead and
Edw ards hi s second pl ace a ll the way to th e
chec kered n ag . Fall a 's stro ng positioning
sa ved h im a class seco nd pl ace. but Krempin
ca me o u t with a clea n swee p of a ll fo u r o f
hi s classes.
The da y was a record turnout for Goodtim es , whi ch i s r unn in g L oretta L ynn
qua lifi ers in 1989 as has been done in previous
yea rs. Mo re than .300 rid ers were present in
27 classes a nd 23 even ts, In o ne class, th e 125cc
Novice Stock, 30 rid ers started . Bret Beau ch a m p, a no the r !f> u isia na rid er, was th e
winner in that cla ss.
By Ruth Roberts
Jef( H aase and Ryan J ohnson battled (or first
pl ace in th e SRA Grand Prix a t Carlsbad
Racewa y with J ohnson co m in g o u t victorious
wit h first o vera ll a n d first in the Amateur clas s.
R yan . sponsored b y Pro Circu it . charged OUI
in th e '[ITS I lap a n d remained there.
Haa se. placing seco n d o vera ll a nd first in
the Expert class. didn 't give up his pursuit
0 1 J ohnson while di cing with G reg Fountain .
Fountain bailed 0 (( prett y har d In th e (irst
la p , but still pl aced third in th e Expert clas s.
The Open class race a lso sa w heav y action
as Ga ry Cha p lin a nd Chris Crandell vied (or
the lead . Chaplin a nd Crandell were prett y
well matched u n ti l the en d o f th e seco n d lap
when Ch a plin opened up h is lead. Craig
Ada ms seized th e moment on th e third lap
a nd cha rged in from of Cra n de ll to La ke seco nd
p lace in th e Expert class.
" The co u rse was great. b ut m y a rms j us t
pumped up real fast and slo wed me do wn."
sai d C ndell. J ohnny Campbell took third ra
p lace honor s.
Chapli n didn't slow hi s pace as lat er in th e
da y he cha rg ed into the 250cc Expert class
race. giving H aase a nd Ca m pbell a no ther ride
to rem ember. Cha p li n was a ble to di ce with
H aa se and Ca m p bell a nd tak e first overa ll.
Haase had a n outstand ing weekend a lso ,
ca p turing not onl y seco nd ove ra ll a nd first
Expe rt in th e 200cc race but a lso first Expert
in the Vets race a nd second Expert in th e 250cc
race. H aase a nd Campbell put on a gr eat sh ow
(or seco nd and th ird pl ace in the 250« class.
VET EX: 1. Jeff Haase (Kawl; 2 . Craig Adams (Hon ); 3
Danny Sanchez (Hon ); 4 . Tom Kn app (Hon ); 5 . Paul
Vogelsang (Hon).
VET AM: 1. Lanee M cRobe rt s IVam); 2. Kirk Chand ler
lHon); 3 . Mark Lynett fKaw~ 4 . Robert Brauer (Yam); 5 .
Chr is Brook e (Kaw) .
VET NOV: 1. Rich Stue Util (Yam); 2. J im Calk ins lHon);
3. Mark Rouch l Kaw~ 4 . Brad lindsey (A TK~ 5 . Lou
Dup lessi s lHanI.
VET BEG: , . Jeff Gr ay (Hon l; 2. Sterling Ashby (Hon );
3 . David Detwiler (KTM ); 4 . Rick Diekmann (Vam); 5. Glenn
Plummer (Kawl.
200 EX; 1. Jeffrey Haase IKaw); 2. Cliff Oaks (Kaw ); 3 .
Gr eg Founta.n (Yam ).
200 A M : 1. Ryan Johnson (Hon); 2 . Ed Vit .,a (SUZ 3 .
David A. Cincona (yaml.
200 NOV: 1. Joseph Nevins (Kaw l; 2. Ryan Easley (Suz);
3. Jeremy Pist illi (Kawl; 4 . Tim Tucker (Kaw~ 5. AlredQ
Montiano (Yam)
200 BEG: 1. AJlen laytOn (Kaw); 2 . Wade Baebler (Hon );
3. J amie Campbell (Sur); 4 . Thomas J . Cincotta (Yam); 5 .
Ryan Cooley (Yam ).
OPEN EX; 1. Gary Chapl in l Kaw ); 2. Craig Adams (Hon);
3. Johnny Campbell (Hon~ 4 . Chr is Crandell (Kaw ); 5 . Tom
Knapp (Hon l.
OPEN AM: 1. T.J. Jones (Hon); 2. Tom Singleton (Hon);
3. John Wh itaker (Hoo); 4 . Mark Lange (Yam); 5. Chri S
Wi llinski lHon).
OPEN NOV: , . Bert Schu lte is IHon); 2. John Taylor (Hon );
3 . Bill Riggs (Hon) ; 4. Eric Kingston (Yam); 5. Scon Parkes
(Hon) .
OPEN BEG: 1. Martin A Stephenson (Hon); 2 . Shawn
Taylor (Hon); 3. Rodger Linler (Hon); 4 . J im Pinman (Han);
5 . Kelly Nagy (Honl.
AM: 1. Erik WrighllSuz).
BO NOV: 1. Ma lco lm M cCassey (Vam); 2. Eric Thoma s
(Sur); 3 . M ike Ste vens (Yam); 4 . Dyla n Kings lon (Kaw) .
80 BEG: 1. Brand on Cro uch (Suzl; 2. Chris Borges IKa w);
3. Aaron Altam irano (Vam); 4. Ja mes Land s (Hon); 5 . David
M iller (Kaw) .
250 EX: 1. Gary Chaplin (Ka w); 2 . J eff Haase (Kaw) ; 3 .
Jo hnny Campbell (SUl); 4 . J .S. Hanson (Hon): 5 . Earl
Roberts (Han) .
25 0 AM: 1. Scon Sease (Kaw l; 2. Dttvid Trager (Vam);
3 . Dunn Voyer (Hon ); 4 . Eric Hailm arson (Hon~ 5 . M ike
Scray (Hon)
250 NOV : 1. Brian Hicks (Kaw) : 2 . M ark L Garvias (Kaw );
3 . Dusty Householder (Kaw); 4. Doug Lon IHon~ 5. Marco
Tabita (Hon) .
250 BEG: 1. Lance Polloreno (Hon ); 2. Jason Ledbett er
(Hon); 3 . Mike Blair lKaw); 4 . David Peel (Hon ); 5. Thomas
Denny (Sull.
SR EX: 1. Jim Berry (Kaw ); 2. Charlie Con way (Hon l;
3 . Steve Bus sell (Yam ~ 4 . Bill Carr (ATK); 5. Vern Hath
(Vam) .
SR AM: 1. J im Smdh (KTM ); 2. Denn is M'ddleton (Hon);
3 . Fra nk Harlan (Yam); 4 . Paul Ziegl er (Yam ); 5. R. Berdyck
(Vam l.
SR NOV : 1. Frank Benacke (Hon); 2 . Steve Drew lKa w);
3. M ike Niegsch (Hon); 4 . Bar ry Simon (Yam I; 5 . Larry F.
SR BEG: t . Robert Belanger (Yam l; 2. Don W . Voyer (Hoo );
3. fred Boyd (Hon ); 4 . Frank Benef ield (Yam); 5 . Blade Nunez
(Yaml .
Richards dominates
By Susan Willian
More th en 300 riders ini tiated a grass surface
a t th e o pening o f Ken worth y's mot ocross
season as the race had a n in ternational flavor
with a co m pe ti to r fro m Ja pan a nd specta to rs
lrom Czechoslo va kia.
Kawasaki Team G reen 's Ha yden Richa rds
was a dominant force in th e Min i Seni or class.
R ich ar ds blasted ou t of the sta rti ng ga te in
mot a o ne , as he was pursu ed by J erem y J arrett
a nd Greg Rand. By lap IW O, Rich a rds had
a lread y put so me distance bet ween h im self
and seco nd p lace J arrell. The third ro u nd o f
ac tio n sa w J usrin Phelps file by J arrell to La ke
over seco n d, as Jarrell dropped 10 th ird . A
healed bailie (or Iourth developed betwee n
Rand and Robbie Sturgell . St urgell cruised
by Rand a n d was kept o n h is toes u nt il th e
fin al lap when Stu rge ll rod e o ut o l co ntrol
over a jump allowing Rand to go by taking
fourth a t the chec kered with Sturgell next in
line. T h e first three fin ishers were Richards,
Phelps a n d then jarreu .
The seco nd mota Rich ards aga in g lided to
th e lront 0 1 th e pa ck with Stu rge ll a nd Phelps
in p ur suit by th e end of lap o ne. Ph elps made
a qu ick charge past Stu rge ll. lakin g o ver
seco n d. Rand was a no-sh ow, as Rich ards
cha lked up a no ther malo win for the o vera ll.
Phel ps remained second with Sturg ell La ki ng
th ird .
Resul ts
4Ot': 1. Rodger Shumaker (Kaw ); 2. Henry Gref (Yam);
3. Sian Courtad (Hoo); 4. Tom Ball ing er (Hon ); 5. Dan Post
30+: 1. Philip A ldert on (Hon); 2 . Ken Re" (Sw); 3 . Denn is
Harl an (Yam); 4 . Ma rk Schaaf ( Kaw~ 5 . J im Pers inger (Sul).
HIW A : 1. Chu ck Reed (Kaw); 2. David Hand IHan ); 3.
Chr rs Knox (Kaw); 4 . O iff W alke r (Kaw ); 5. Ryan Smith
(y aml.
M INI JR : 1. J .D. Collins (Kaw); 2 . James Post l Kawl; 3 .
Doug W illiams (Yam); 4 . Joey Balli ng er (Yam ); 5 . Cory
Alb right (Yam) .
VW A: , . James Eigk el (Yam); 2. J erom y Bueh l (SUl );
3 . Chuck Reed (Kaw); 4 . David Hand (Hon); 5 . Jason Gray
(S uzl.
125 B G·2: 1. Doug Kra mer (Yaml : 2 . Jim Krauser lHon);
3 . Scot1 Krauser (Hon ); 4 . Adam M err o (Suz); 5. Jay Gr et
(Yam l.
MIN I SR: 1. Hayden Richar ds IKa w ); 2. J ust in Phelp s
(Hon ~ 3 . Jeremy Ja rrett (Vam); 4 . Robb, e Siu rge ll (Kaw);
5. John Grasso (KTM).
125 SCHBV: 1. Joshua Steel (SUl); 2. Hayden Rtchard s
(Kaw) ; 3. Kevin Lampe (Yam ); 4 . Kevin Swee ney (Kawt;
5. John Souders (Hon).
OPEN B: 1. Dean Baker (Hon); 2 . Dan Daven port (Kaw) :
3 . David Perry (Hon); 4 . Seon Krauser (Hon); 6 . Denn iS
Harlan (Yam).
65 : 1. J .D. Coll in s IKaw); 2 . Charlie Dun aw ay {Kaw} ; 3.
Doug W illiams (Kaw ); 4 . Ja son Ju skae (Kaw l; 5 . Shawn
Randol ph (Kawl.
125 B G· 1: 1. Carl William s IKaw) ; 2 . Coby Robb (Hon); _
3. Dean Baker (Hon ); 4 . Kevin Sw een ey (Kaw); 5 . M an
Powers ISul).
250 B G- 1: 1. M ike Cain (Yaml; 2. J eff Bergman ISuz);
3 . Rick Boepple (Suz): 4 . Br ian Pos1(Kaw ); 5. J ohn Vanhorn
250 B G-2 : 1. Joshu a Sl eel (Kaw); 2. Coby Robb (Honl;
3 . J im Krauser (Hon ); 4. Sl eve Kiesl er (Kaw ): 5 . Richard
Hennesy (Hon).
Krempin cruises to
Goodtimes MX win
By Warren E. Domke
Jason Krempin had a lready wo n three classes.
but wa sa liuleworriedaboulthe 125cc BStock
class. The (irst moto had gone to J o J o Falla .
250 A MOD: 1. Roy Sch ellenberger (Kaw) ; 2 . Jason
Langford (Yaml; 3. Ti m Hodes IHon~ 4 . Grayso n Good man
(Vam ): 5. Heath Kirkland (Han).
250 B MOD: t . Jason KremplO lHon); 2. Man Harlan
(Yam); 3. Trey C1
ingfrost (Kaw); 4 . Joe Benyak (Kaw); 5.
Kevi n Dollar (Kaw l.
12 5 NOV STK.: 1. Bret Beauchamp (Kaw); 2. Chr is Thomas
(Hon t; 3 . Trey Sech ler (Kaw); 4 . P.J . Kerr (Sw); 5. Clifford
Adaptante (Hon).
125 A MO D: 1. Jason Langford (Vam~ 2. Grayson
Goodman (Yam ); 3 . Heath Kirkland (Han ); 4 . Roy Schel·
le nberger lKa w); 5 . Tim Hodes (Han) .
B5 MOD (9 - 13); 1. J eff Dement (Kaw); 2. Br ian Deegan
fKaw ); 3 . RobtHe Reynard (Kawt; 4. Joffrey Easley (Kaw);
5 . Cody Green (Hoo ).
250 NOV MOO : 1. Jeff Schwiru (hon ); 2 . Eart Ingra m
l Kawl; 3 . Jason Jones (Hon); 4 . Michael Huisey (SUl); 5 .
Trey A llen Blanchard (Han) .
125 B MOO : 1. Jason Krempin lHon ); 2 ....JasonEdwards
lKa w); 3 . J ason Owe ns (Hoo~ 4 . Jody North (Hon); 5 . ·Joe
Ben yak (Kaw) .
5 1 STK AUTO: 1. M ichael Lowery (Yam ); 2. Barry Tunle.
Jr. Vam ); 3 . Alea Sh inn (Yam); 4 . Amy Haner (Yam ); 5 .
Brady Rodr iguel (Vam)
WMN: 1. Me lissa Hendrix (Vam ); 2. Snookie Tinnerman
(Kaw ); 3 . Kat heri ne Nielsen (yam).
25 . : 1. Mark Lowry (Kaw); 2. Kirk Clovis (Hon) .
125 MOPD : 1. Clifford Adoptante (Hoo ); 2 . Jerry Bullard
(Hon); 3. Allen Ross (Hon); 4 . M onl e Frank (ICaw); 5. Brad
She llon IKawl.
65 STK: 1. Ricky Cermich&eI IKaw ); 2 . Vidor Aden lKaw~
3 . S1eve M enon (Kawl.
OPEN BIC: 1. David M itchell (Hon ); 2. Matt Harlan (Yam);
3. Ricky lamb (Honl ; 4 . Horace Slay (Kaw ); 5 . Marc Baker
(Kaw l.
125 A STK: 1. Tim Hodes (Hon); 2. Jerry Ben ner (SUl) ;
3. Jon Garner (Kaw) .
85 STK: 1. Robbie Reynard (Kaw) ; 2. Kevin W indha m
(Kaw); 3. JHohn Haner (Kawl ; 4 . Kenneth Jones IHo n); 5 .
Jason Mo ses (Kawl.
250 STK: 1. Jerry Benner (SUl); 2. Ricky War e (Hon);
3 . Kelly Angele"e (Vam ): 4 . Tim Hodes (Hon) .
12 5 STK (12 - 15): 1. A lle n Ross (Hon ): 2 . J erry Bullard
(Hon l: 3 . Pele Brasw ell (Vam); 4 . Chr is Tho ma s (Honl ; 5 .
Che ROlramb le (SUl) .
85 STK (12 -13 ): 1. J eff Dement (Kaw ); 2. Brian Deegan
fKaw ); 3 . Cody Green (Honl; 4 . Brad W oo lsey IHon); 5 .
Fredd ie M itchell (Honl .
250 B STK: 1. Jason Kr empi n( Hon); 2. R.C. Bennen (Yam);
3 . Ti m Hawthorne (SUl); 4 . Tr ey O,nglrost (Kaw); 5. David
M itchell (Hon).
85 MOD (14 .15): , . Steve Olson (Honl : 2 . Kevin Bloxom
(Kaw ); 3 . Clinl Walker (Suz); 4 . Bry an List (HoNI : 5 . Ty Hams
SR Jo.-: 1. Robert Reynar d (Kaw); 2 . Chuck Tresidder
(Ho n); 3 . Lyn n Hicks (Hon); 4 . Ricky Uimb (Hon); 5. Ji m my
Bearry (Kawl.
12 6 NOV MOO : t . Cliff or d Adop18nta lHon); 2. Brei
Beauchamp (.c.w); 3 . Trey Sech ler (Kawl:;: 4 . Denlon Hicky
(Kaw); 5. Ja mes M itchell (Kaw) .
125 B STK: 1. Jason I(rempin (Hon); 2. Jo Jo Falla (Hon);
3 . Jason Edw ard s (Kaw ); 4 . Trav is Hodges (Kaw); 5 . Lon nie
Brown (Kaw).
SR 40+: 1. o.rrell Bishop (Hon ); 2. Michael Lambert
(Kaw); 3 . Jerry Bore n (Kaw); 4 . Jesse Porter (Suz); 5. Smok ey
Joe M il ia n (Yam).
85 STK (14 -15): 1. Steve Olson (Hon); 2. Kevin Bloxo m
(Kaw); 3 . Bryan Ust (Hon ); 4 . O in1 Walker (SUZ); 5. Brian
Saue r (SUl) .
250 NOV STK: 1. Jeff Schwiett (Hont 2. Jason Jon..
(Hon); 3 . Sam Redmond (Hon ); 4 . Trey AI&enBlancard (Hon~
5. Steven Hun ler (Kawl.
McGrath storms Perris MX
By David Procida
Jeremy McG r.uh s to rmed the 12Scc Pr o class
ar rhe Znd An nual P ro-C ircuu/ Gf'l Memorial
Day Bash ur Perris Raceway.
Tea m Gr een /whne Bro s. ride McGr.l1h
pulled o ff th e Iirs t h ol esh o t 0 1 th e day .
narrowl y ('dg-in,:; o ut Bubba Erick son and
M ik e H ooker in the fir st turn. McGrath
immed iat ely began to p u ll a way as Hooker
got ar ound Er ickso n. but by th e end of the
seco nd la p Mike Youn g had thread ed his way
through tr affic: a n d c lea n ly o u t-po we red
Hook er to go into !I('"Com J. Young chi p ped
a wa y at McG r.llh 's lead bu t McGra th roosted
aw a y for the win. Erickso n was third, whi le
Pete M Ul"r~1 Y a nd Dar r en H oeft made la te-race
ch arges pa st H ooker.
Young Ilew o u t of th e sta rt ing box 10 head
moto (WO a nd imm rdiau-l y 0 l x'II<'tJ up som e
room o n !\Ic'Grat h and H ook er. Erickso n had
~O tl l' n a mid-pack sta n. LUll had quickl y
wor ked h is wa y up int o fo u rth. On lap th ree
Young ~ (' 111 dow n a nd M<-'G rath look co mma nd o r th e lea d . Yo un g was up a n d
un derw a y qu ickl y, bu r SlOp ped befo re rom plt-tin g th e lap as t ilt" rear brak e ca liper had
bro ken Ic x.!I(' a nd was a lmo st jamm in g the rea r
wh n 'l.
Beh ind McG rat h . Er i,k""n had moved u p
10 < lleng c Il ook l'r , swapping IX)!lilions back
a nd rorth befo re Eri ('kso n to ok n m uo l.
Murr.Jy was lIf'X t to pa~s H ooker , bur he welil
d o w n . ~kG r.lth tcx)k tt w win, Erkk.-'\on wa lt
. a dislan t M uu l a nd f"
.trnro secu nd overa ll ,
rouo'Wetl by Hooker a nd Malt Fon d it'.
Resu lts
M INI BEG: 1. Larry U nkag le(Kaw); 2 . Nathan Penry (Yam);
3 . Mike Davis (Han).
M INI NOV: , . Ti m Sl auf enbei l (Hon l; 2 . Aaron Wenstrup
(Surl; 3 . Denni s Turner (Kawi.
M INIINT: 1. Mike M et ZV (SUl) .
XR 80: 1. Rodger Doggr ell (Kaw ·Hon); 2 . M ike Hanley
(Han); 3 . Ray Groom (Kxr).
125 BEG: 1. Shawn Mcintosh (Kaw); 2 . Ja son Foxe; 3.
Kevin Karp iak (Han )
250 BEG: 1. Jason Simpson (Yam); 2 . Tom my BracQns
IHon ); 3 . M organ Gr anl Steel e (Hon) .
OPEN BEG: 1. Adam SPill (Yam ); 2. Chr i s Scon IHon );
3 . Tim RobeIIHon).
125 NOV : 1. Danny Seyler (Vaml : 2 . Bill Sau ro (Hon); 3 .
Ja mie Knox (Yam ).
250 NOV: 1. Bryan CurtiS (Kawl; 2. Lor Riih imaki (Yam ~
3 . Ray Mclnlosh IKaw).
OPEN NOV: 1. Willi Zart h; 2. Ron Nort hup (Hon).
125 1NT 1. M ike Chamber lain fVam ); 2 . Br ian Calhoun ISuz);
3. Sea n PageI ISu z).
250 INT: 1. Kurt Metcalf (Vam ); 2. Br ian Beach {Honl; ...
3. Robe rt Laine (Hon) .
OPEN INT: , . Mike Doughert y (ATKI: 2. Patrick Markham
(ATK): 3 . Tom Engl e (Honl .
125 PRO: 1. Jeremy Mc Gra lh (Kaw) ; 2. Bubba Erickso n
(Cag); 3. Mi ke Hookeer (Suli.
25 0 PRO : 1. M ike Young (Cag); 2. Ph il Law rence (Vam);
3 . Bubba Erickson (Cagl.
25 ·2 9 BEG: 1. Jim DeFord; 2 . Tom Loucks IHonl; 3 . John
Stra uss (Han) .
25 -29 NOV: 1: Bob Kerl (Kaw) ; 2 . Br ian Allen (Ceg); 3.
Lou SOlO(Yaml .
2 5·29 INT: 1. Tom Enger; 2 . M ike Dougherty (ATK); 3.
Patr ick Ma rk ham (ATKI .
VET BEG: 1. Tim Williams (Kaw ): 2. David An lhony (Cag);
3 . Steve Larsen (Hon) .
VET NOV: 1. J im Bacon (Hon ~ 2. Chuck Freeman (Suzl;
3 . Lao Saul .
VET INT: 1. Don Wall ing sfor d (Hon); 2. Wa lt Olson (Hon~
3 . Greg Green (Honl.