Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tommy Lynch, T od H ebert , Scott Zamp ac h , Ya m ah a FZR600mou nted Gary D'Alu isio and Kye Gunn ro und ed o ut t he top 10 finis hers. " I just concent ra ted o n go ing as fast as I could withou t overs hooti ng any of the corners ," James said. " I think my bik e was just ru nning a littl e bit better th an h is (Sado wski's)." Results Cam Roos w on h is thi rd st ra ight 600cc Supersport rac e. Dale Qua rterley an d Randy Renfrow were this close throughout the restarted Pro Twins final; Renfrow took the w in . AMA/CCS Yokohama 600cc Supersport Series: Round 4 - - - It's Roos again at Loudon By Pau l Carru t hers Photos By Henny Abrams LOUDON, 1 ' H . JU T 18 E Yamaha-mounted Cam R oos continued to be king of the 600cc class, winning his third such event i n a row. The 14 . G eorgi an to pped lo cal fa vo rit e David Sadowski an d hi s Van ce & H ines uzuki Ka tan a 600. Roos nai led down th e holeshot a nd never look ed back as he rod e hi s FZR600 to a thi rd stra igh t victory. Sadowski battled bri efly with Tom Kipp before th e latter crashed on the fourth lap , and then held on fo r an unchall enged second-place finis h . T hird place went to Yama hamount ed John Ashmead wi t h similar ly-mounted Mark Ch in a nd Scott Zampach rou nding out the topfive finishers. Sadowski's Suzuki was th e on ly non-Yamaha in the to p 10 as th eir 1989 cla ss do m i na t ion con tin ues. , Roos and Sadowski gave Dunlop a 1-2 fini sh with Ashmead's Yamaha clad in Michelins. Roos, wh o hails from Woodstock, Geo rgia , won th e 19-1ap final in 22:58.589 mi n u tes for a n average speed of 79.385 mph. H e averaged 79.385 mph on the l O-turn. 1.6-mile road course. J ohn Eidenberger, R oo s and Zampach were invo lved in a threerace tussle in the first 600cc heat race on Saturday, but in the end it was Roos scoring th e win . Eidenberger was seco nd wi th Zam pach third. Ashmead and Steven L o m ba rdo rounded o ut the top-five fin ish ers. The second heat race saw J eff Farmer g rabbi ng the hol esh o t, He was chased a nd event ually passed, however, by Sado wski o n the all-red Suzu ki. 'Sk i would lead to th e finis h, foll owed by Farm er and Kipp. Mark Ch in a nd Bill Loo mis rou nded ou t the top five finishers. A field of 41 started the 18-lap fin a l u nder su nny skies on Sunday, but nobod y co u ld match R oos. T he Georgian led int o tu rn one and was never headed. It was not wi thout effort fro m Sad owski, however. The Suzuki rider held off th e advances o f Kipp , who event ually cras hed in turn eig h t on lap four, and would pi ck a way a t Roos' lead onl y to be turned away near th e end. No tably ab sent from th e field was Farmer, th e vict im of a practice crash that forced his withdra w] from the fin al. Ash mead ca me from fifth on th e first lap to slow ly wo rk his way past the ba ttli ng Zampac h a nd Ga ry D'Aluisio, who woul d lat er cras h o n the 14th lap. Zam pac h th en cam e u nder attack from Ch in , giving way to th e Floridia n on ly seven laps from th e finish. T op Ca nad ian producti on bike race r Pasca l Picotte held off Bill Loomis in a battle to the chec kered flag for eigh th pl ace. "T ha t's about as fast as th at thing will go ," Sadowski said. "Cam's got a great future." Roos was hurriedly escorted from th e wi nner's circle to th e grid for the 250cc G rand Prix class; he would finis h 10th . Results 600cc SS : 1. Cam Roos (Y ml: 2. David Sadow s ki a (SUl ); 3. J ohn Ash mead (Yam); 4. Mark Chin (Yam); 5. Scan Zampach (Yam); 6. John Eidenberger (Yam); 7. Bill Loomis (yam); 8. Pascal Picott e (Yam); 9. Stephen Magu eira (y am); 10 . Jon Roberts (Yam); 11. Doug Tosten (Yam); 12 . John IIlich (Han); 13 . Raben Wru blevski (Han); 14. Je ff Perry (Han); 15 . Newton Heston (Yam). AMA/CCS Yokohama 750cc Supersport Series: Round 4 James' victory extends point lead By Paul Carruthers Photos By Henny Abrams LOU DON , N H , J U NE 17 Yos hi m u ra Su zuki 's J am ie J am es upset lo ca l fa vo rite David Sadowski to wi n the 750cc Supersport race a t th e Ne w H am p shire Int ern a t io n a l Speedway. . Despite giving u p a good deal of" tra ck kno wledge to th e Vance & H in es-sp onsored Sad ow ski, J am es was th e better rider o n the day, beating th e New Hampsh ire nat ive by 2.59 seconds. Thi rd p lace went to Georgia 's Mike H arth with Ca lifo rni a 's Doug Chandl er fin i shin g fourt h , afte r starti ng on the back row of the grid, T he top three riders were Su zuki m ounted wi th Chandl er a boa rd a Ka wasak i ' ZX-7. Chr is H a rt on e ro de a 1987 Suzuki G SXR 750 to a fifth pl ace fin ish. Mi ssing from ac tio n wa s last week 's class winner a t Brainerd, Scott Ru ssell. The Yoshimura Suzuki rid er crashed his Su pers po rts ent ry o n Frid ay morning, breaking h is ' co lla rbo ne. He wo uld elect to si t o ut the 750cc Su perspo rt race in a n effort to save h is littl e remai ning physica l streng th for th e Superbike National. Jam es' win ex tends hi s po ints lead to 22 points over Sado wski, 76-53, wh o in turn leads H art h by a single poi nt. J ames and Sado wski gave a fivela p dem ons tra tio n of wha t was to come in Friday's first heat race, with J am es narrow ly tak ing the win. The second heat race was wo n by H arth over Hart one.The fi na l s tart ed wi t h J am es .nabbing the ea rl y lead int o turn one. ado wski, however , was in a h urry in front of a pa rtisan cro wd a nd bash ed his way th ro ug h o n th e in side of turn fo ur. " He bu mped me and got under ," Ja mes would say lat er. " Bu t it 's no big deal , we do that all the tim e." Sad ow ski erred two turns lat er, tho ug h, running into turn six too hot a nd allowing J a mes to snea k back u ndernea th . J ames wou ld lead th e rest of the way in th e 19-1ap final , turning times in the I: I I range. Sadowsk i wo u ld fi nis h second despite com ing under a little pressure fro m H ar th la te in the race. " I was ha ving problem s gett ing tra c t ion , " Sa dows ki said lat er. " Maybe I was tryin g too hard. Jam ie had a good day an d I was n 't spot on. Harth started th ird a nd finis hed third, ge tti ng to within two seconds of Sadowski lat e in th e race. " I tried to make a drive, but we started hitting traffi c," H a rt h said. " It was backfiri ng early - maybe it was a little lean. H e got a point ahead of me o n hi s home track, so that's not too bad . We'll get him next week , a nd J ames too ." The most event ful rid e had to ha ve been Chandler 's. After a bolt worked its way o ut of th e clutch cover d uri ng the heat race, Chand ler was blackflagged because of oi l pouring onto th e e x h a u s t pipes in left-hand corn ers. Su bseq uently, he was forced to start the fin al fro m the back row. Lap one saw him mid pack; lap two he was ni nt h , a nd he wou ld co ntin ue to gain a place a lap unti l the sixth lap. It the n took him two laps to sha ke H artone - bu t he was too fa r behind the leading trio to mak e a 'run a t fin ish ing h igh er. " Everyo ne went into turn o ne low , so I wen t to th e o u tside a nd swooped a bunch of th em ," Ch andler said. ," I go t through th em o kay. I could see the m (the leaders), but I just co uldn' t mak e u p enoug h time. T he tires starting sliding around and I decided to sit o n it rat her tha n risk th row ing it away." It 75055 : 1. Jam ie James (SUl); 2. David Sadows ki (SUl ); 3. M ike Harth (SUl); 4 . Doug Chandler (Kaw ); 5. Chr is Hanone (SUl ); 6. Tommy Lynch (SUl); 7. Tod Heben (SUl ); 8. Scott Zampach (SUl); 9. Gary D'A lusio (Yam); 10. Kye Gunn (SUl); 11. Ott is Lan ce (Suz); 12. Dieter Lane tSuz}; 13. Sean Osowski (SUl ); 14. Bill Loomis (SUl); 15 . John Eidenberger (Yam). AMA/Circle Bell Pro Twins ' Grand Prix Series: Round 3 Loudon thriller to Renfrow By Paul Carruthers Photos by Henny Abrams LO UDON , NH , JU NE 18 • Co m mo nwea lt h R a cing 's Randy Ren frow was given new hope whe n the Pro T wins race was red-flagged after 16 laps, a nd he used 111s second cha nce to narrowly nip Duca ti-rnounted Dale Quart erl ey ina dog-f ig h t to the fin ish. Quarterl ey had Renfrow beaten aft er 16 laps, as th e Fast By Ferracci rider led th e Honda pil o t by five seconds. But o n the 16th lap Jimmy Adam o suffered a fri gh tening crash co ming o nto the front strai gh t when he hit o il in turn nine. Fortunately, Ada mo wa lked a way from the in cid ent. The ra ce, however, was stopped as debris and o il littered th e track, a nd Renfro w was given new life via the restart. The Virginia n th en too k co mp lete adva nt age of the situa tion, grabbing th e holesh ot and d icin g th rough o ut the remaining 10 laps wi th Quarterley. It ca me do wn to the fina l la p a nd Quarterley led - Renfro w, however, ba rged pa st in turn six and held th e lead to th e finish. Ca li fornia n Kevin Erio n fin ished th ird after winni ng th e Pro T wins Modified event th e day befo re. Duan e Su m mers a nd Wa rr en E lliott ro unded o ut the top five finis hers . T he win was the Fredric ksburg, Virginia, resident 's seco nd in a row , and he now moves to within 12 p o ints of c h a m p io n sh i p leader Quarterley - the defe ndi ng Na tio na l Cha mp ion in this class . Missi ng from actio n was 1987 Champion Do ug Braun eck . H is mount, Dr. J o hn 's Moto Guzzi, was en rou te to Ita ly, where Brauneck wi ll test and race the machine a t Mo nza in a few weeks. Prior to the race , Ren fro w lacked co nfidence a nd did n 't give himself much of a cha nce to beat Quarterley at the la tter 's home trac k. " H e' s using rea lly p a r ab ol ic lin es," Ren fro w articula ted. " He gets it turned a nd pi cked up, a nd he gets a go od drive. I' ve tried to em ulate h im, but I ca n 't do it for some reason. I just en d up running wid e. If I can ge t a good start and stay with him, we' ll have a cha nce - it will be tough, th ough. " Renfrow's prognosti cation turned o ut to be a cor rect one, initially. Quarter ley nailed the lead into turn one , a nd prom ptl y o pe ned a lead on Renfro w. Adamo was third with Eri on fourth. And the order would hold until Ada mo's cras h . On th e restart, Renfrow jetted into th e lead a n d it was suddenl y a

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