Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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different race. A race that went to the · wire. On th e fin al lap , Quarterl ey took over the lead, but Renfro w was the aggressor, pushing th e little H o nda up the inside in turn six, holding his line an d bea ting Q uarterley to turn eigh t. The New Englander tried to get it back in 10, but to no avail. " Da le was a rea l ge ntlema n," Renfro w said. " I stuffed it in th ere and even used th e apron. 1 drifted o u t and 1 kn ow he had to lift up." When questioned abo ut hi s politeness in turn six, Quarterl ey said: " Don' t start any rumors." • AMA Circle Bell Pro Twins Modified Results h is first race of th e season. Erion, a boa rd hi s co ntin ua lly-deve lopi ng Two Brothers Racing H o nda , rode a mas terfu l race , leading from sta rt to fin ish for th e win. Seco nd p lace went to Pete J ohnson o n h is Du cati after a thri lling, race-lo ng du el wi th Edward Abdo and h is Honda Hawk. T he two PRO TW GP: 1. Randy Renfrow (Han); 2. Oale Quart erley (Duc); 3. Kevi n Erion (Han); 4. Duane Sum mers IDue); 5. Werr en Elliott (Due); 6. Frank Shockley lD uel; 7. Kurt Liebmann l Duel; 8. Rich ard Paxson (Oue); 9. W illiam We idner (Due); 10. Ja mes Adamo (Oue). POINT STANDINGS: 1. Dale Quart erley (52); 2. Randy Renf row (40); 3. James Adamo (31 ); 4 . Duane Summ ers (22); 5. Randy Shemwell (2 1); 6. Warren Elliott (19); 7. (TIE) Kurt Liebmann/Frank Shockley (15); 9. Kevin Erioa (13); 10. (TIE) John Long/Pete John son/Pablo Real (10). Production Series: Round 3 Finally, Erion • wins one By Paul Carruthers Photos by Henny A brams LOUDON, N H , J UNE 17 Defending class ch a mpi o n Kevin Erion put an end to wha t has been a dismal start to his title defen se by winning [Q)fJIJ~1l11 WHEelS UNUMlTEO 5410Hwy. 52 S. Rochester. MN 55904 (507) 288-5630 MISSOURI MUNROE MOTORS 412 valencia Street DONElSON CYClES SanFrancisco. CA 94103 (415)626-3496 PAUL 'SOFf-RDAD SUPPl Y 142Idaho MarylandRd . G Valley. CA 95945 rass 420North Front Streel Grover C CA 93443 ity. (805) 481-0830 421 Amherst St Nashua. NH 03063 (603) 889-2166 NEW YORK GHOST MOTORCYCLE SALES PRIHTAIJA MOTORS 194Ma Street in 3518North Verdugo Road Glen e. CA 91208 dal (818)249-57 07 Port washington. NY11050 SONNY ANGel MOTORCYCLES 34 E 18th Street . NationalC CA 92050 ity. (619)m-812O . COLORADO (51 6) 883 -7246 OHIO DlRT 'NROAD WORKS 10523MahoningAve. . NorthJackson OH 44451 (216)S3 ·2220 B BOOKCUFF CYCLES 2920 No Aven rth ue GrandJunction. CO 81501 (303) 242-7649 CONNECTlCtrr MARSIl MOTORCYCLE CD. 36North Rd . East Windsor. CT 06088 (203)623·m5 T MID- OWN KAWASAKI LTO. 1864Silas Dean e RockyHill. CT 08067 (203) 72H 1193 DELAWARE Forpertect alignment. maximumstrength. 4130 Chromolyframe is handfabricated and welded. ---- GREAT LAKES HARLEY·DAVIDSON 7429 T Blvd. yler Me ntor.OH44060 (216)946-9600 OKLAHOMA ATlAS CYClE SALES 6708 E 11t Street ast h Tulsa. OK74112 (918) 835- 959 9 OREGON 2A King A venue New Castle. DE 19720 (302) 323-9044 FLORIDA YAMAHA GOLD COAST CAGIVA 2240 N. West 119th St. . HALL·SHARLEY·OMnOSON RR# 5 Springfeld IL 62707 i . (21 7)528-8356 M.C.C. 1015 East Charies Rd. lombard.ll80148 2 (312) 415- 273 MAINE BRUNSWICK CYCLE & SLED 145 Pleasant St. Brunswick. ME04011 (207) 729-3023 MARYLAND BAmEYCYClES 2610 W. University Blvd. Wheaton. MD20902 (301 ) 942 ·9440 MASSACHUSElTS eng placedlow in Ine the frame givesyou maximum control. Smgle Weber DCNF r two-barrel carboFo faultless fuel metennq ~ . ' . . 42mmMarzocchi M1R an ti-dive racing forks come with ex ternal damping adjustments. Single Marzocchi rear shock features adjustable damping controls and rising rate linkage system. 635 E astPo ll • we Gresham. OR97030 (503) 667 -3970 PENNSYLVANIA JAMES P. HOWELl 24E. MaIn 51. New Ki gstown. P 17an n A (717) 766- 366 9 Dual hydra front ulic Brambo d,seandsingle rear disc mean maximum stopping power. MONTGOMERYVILLE CYClE CENTER 980Route 309 Montgomeryville.PA 18936 (21 5) 699-7511 SOUTM CAROUNA CAROUNA WHEELS AND PROPS 31 IndustrialD~ Myrtle Beach. SC 295n (803) 626-7920 WKES KAWASAKI 7001 Rive Road rs N. C harleston. SC 29418 (603) 572-4541 TEXAS CYClE SHOP INC. 2646 PriceRoad Brownsville. TJ( 78521 (512)544 ·3141 STORM'SCYClE SALES 3000 E. Jeff rson e Gran Prairie. TJ( 76001 d (214) 331-5134 WASHINGTON GRAN PRIX MOTORCYClES 19926B. HWJ 99 l ynwood. WA 98036 (206)nl-2661 Massivealumi umbox n section swingarm en sures flex-free responseat speed. Stainless steel cross-fl w o header exh aust sys tem means maximum scavengin longer lite. g. The reliable one. The performer. With no springs to tail or noatil canonly be the Desmodromic valve train. Paso for less than you ever thought possible. But hurry, our factory-to-dealer incentives" end July 30th. Which means if you wait until A ugust 1st, it'll cost more to take one out and open it up. -Off r avaibble at participating dealers e [Q)fJJJ©~'[f[] CAGIVA NORTH AMERICA, INC. 5W ashington Avenue F airfield, N 07006 J Complete mechanic:l1 Y.!M oontrol ofthe IV'E IVIOER ~ ~ . . .~ ~ r'l~ u>wprofile pertormanee radials make every move youdemand. Until July30th, you can turn your motorcycle into a Ducati Paso for less than ever before. W knowyou don't need any ine centives to want a Ducati Paso. So we decided to give you a few well-timed incentives to buy one. And when you stop by just to make sure that the Ducati Paso is everything you know it is, remember that inside that sleek, exotic, perfectly formed body beats the heari of a pure Desmo engine. So now it's up to you. Stay with a motorcycle. Or buy your very own Ducati TOUR NTRAIL 3954 OixStreet Uncoln Pari<. MI 4814 6 (313) 386-4150 " .~~~ Open It Up! HUSOVARNA O FGRESHAM TRACK NTRAIL Beverlv. MA019 15 (617) ~22-3707 MICHIGAN 3328 Woodson Rd. St louis. M063114 (314)427-1204 NEW HAMPSHIRE KAWASAKI EAST (916) 273-9 119 PHIL'SMOTORCYCLE SALES EASTERN CYCLE SALVAGE 87 Pari< Street PRO TW M OD PROD: 1. Kevin Erion (Han); 2. Pete Johnson IDue); 3. Edward Abdo (Han);4 . Pablo Real (Duct 5. Richard Paxton (Due); 6. Frank Shockley IDue); 7. Richard Frost (Han); 8 . David Karten (8MW]; 9. Robert GriHiths 1M-G); 10 . Steve Sott ile IKaw); 11. Craig Shambaugh (Duct 12. Steve Aspland (Due); 13. Jam es Whitaker (Kaw); 14 . Walte r Sakow ski ( O u c ~; 15. A lan Hippenstea l IYam). _ POINT STANDINGS: 1. Craig Shambaugh (40) ; 2. (TIE) Robert GriHiths/Frank Shockley (35); 4. Pete Joh nson (27); 5. Dennis Liebrecht (21); 6. (TIE) J ames Emo ry/ Kevin Er ion (20); 8. Joseph Wall ace (14); 9. (TIE) Chris Thomas/Ed Abdo (13). MINNESOTA OYNOCYClE 428Stata Street santa Bastlara. CA 93101 (805) 965-4855 Miam Ft 33167 i. (305) 685-8333 ILUNOlS Results Take One'Out If price is the only thing that ever kept you off a Ducati Paso, these dealers want you to know there's nothing to stop you now. CAUFORNtA . led co m fort ably at fir st, bu t th e .experienced J ohnson slo wly reeled him in and made a pass o n brakes in th e fin al corn er. " T he last two or th ree ' races 1 cou ld n' t get into it," J ohnson said. " But I started gelling into it today. I wo uld catch up and the n hit traffic, catch up and hit more traffic." Behind Abd o came Real , wh o had go lien th e best of a du el in volving himself, R ich ard Frost, Paxson and Frank Shockley. " Evenhi ng j ust wor ked good today," Erio n said. • inheri ted a race for second on th e fina l la p whe n Cr aig Shamba ugh tossed hi s Du cati away in turn six wh ile ru nning a comfortab le second. Pa blo Rea l and Ri ch ard Pa xson ro unded ou t the to p five finis hers . Erion started from the fourth row , but led from the seco nd lap to th e end of the 19-1ap affa ir after getting past holeshot grabber Shambaugh. H is win vaults hi m to sixth in the point standings, ' so me 20 poi nts behind still-leader Shambaugh. "I ran 1-2 seconds slower tha n in practice," Eri o n sai d later. " T h is was our small motor (700cc); we'll have th e big o ne (800cc) fo r next week (R oad America ). We've cha nged so me thi ngs ' to m ak e i t more rel iabl e." Altho ugh Sha mbaugh co u ld n 't ma tch Erion 's pace, he would hold a co mfor table second until the fat efu l final lap . .Abdo and Johnson , meanwhi le, had th e best battle of th e ra ce. Abdo Desm odromic vaNe train ~sures flaw less intake and exh3ust scavenging at any engine speed. Ride safe Alwa wear a he ly. ys lmet, eye protection an protective d dothin~. .'

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