Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kevin Varnes (98) led Georgie Price (1) to the finish line in the 250cc Expert class at Pine Grove. Price later won the Open Expert class. ' Vandercoy victorious at Mathias ST By Kevin George NE W P HI LADELP HIA, O H . MAY 27 John Vandercoy do mina ted Open Pro class action at Math ias Ra ceway with heat and fea ture victori es. Vandercoy had his mach in e di al ed right from the first pract ice and rod e every lap at the limits. The race was for seco nd through fifth as Vandercoy opened a co m fortable lead. The ba ttle for second was a good o ne between four riders. Larry Kins ey, Jeff Friess, Mu rray And erson and Tom Hod ges all diced for the position. Whe n th e chec kered flag dropped, T om H od ges held on to seco nd wi th Kins ey, Fri ess and Anderson chasing h im across the li ne . In 250cc action it was H od ges up front again st a good turnout of rid ers. Anderson held off Andrew H eise for seco nd. Kin sey Iinally go t to spray some dust o n .H od ges in th e Sen ior cla ss main as he pulled a hol esh ot and led to the str i p.; each la p with Hodges pulling alongside through the turns. J im Beck took th e third spot. Shawn Thoma s dominated M ini class actio n, ta king both 50 and 80cc races with no problem . Thomas raced a 125 in the 250cc class. fin ish ing third in heat race action but was the victim of a fir st-l ap cras h in th e feature. Thomas was okay but deci ded to sit th e race out, Results 50: 1. Shawn Thomas; 2. Mike Miller: 3. Jeffrey M ille r. ao: 1. Shawn Thomas; 2 . Dilan Singleton. SR; 1. Larry Kinsey; 2. Tom Hodges; 3. Jim Beck. 250: 1. Tom Hodges 2. Murray Anderson; 3. Andrew : Heise . OPEN PRO: 1. John Vandercoy; 2. Tom Hodges ; 3 . larry "\.Kin sey. .. Varnes, Price repe~t at Pine Grove TT By Len Breech PINE GROV E, PA, J UN E 4 Kevin Varnes and Geor~e Price each repeated th eir wins of the o peni ng race as the Fl yin g Dutchmen M.e. held their second event of the season, a IT scra mbles a t Pine Grove. Both riders had to battle o ther rider s before taki ng th e lead lat e in each race. Varnes had to ba ttl e his cousin. Mike, earl y in the race and Pr ice in th e lat e laps befor e taking th e 250cc Expert class win, while Pri ce o nly took the lead from Tom Majeski comi ng off th e fin al turn to win the Open Expert class. Mik e Varnes took th e lead in th e 250cc Expert fin al with Kevin , Kenny Mohler and Ken Yoder very close beh ind. By the th ird lap, Price had worked his way into a very close . third pl ace as th ey battled for the lead. As they went down th e D-shaped back stra ight on th e fourth lap. Pri ce took the lead. By halfway, 'there were two closely bunched races in front, the Price/Kevin Varnes lead battle and the Yoder/Mohler third scra p , with a brakeless Mike Varnes fading backwards. On the seventh lap, Kevin Varnes pu t hi s Penn State Cycles Yamaha in front of Price a nd held on for the win . The Open Expert Iinal a lso had two clo selyfought battles in front with the D & S Cycless~nsored pa ir of T om Majeski and Price fighting for the lead , wi th Rob Majeski and Joe Bromley figh ting for th ird. Mike Klopp also jo ined the second pack in the ear ly go ing until he broke an oil lin e. T om Maj eski had kept Price at ba y all race and kn ew wha t he was going to do , but he drifted a little hi gh and slipped under him as th ey left the fourt h j tu m . . . Randy Sh ank gra bbed th e holesh ot at the start of the 85cc Co m bined class over Ri cky Winsett, amat eur Mike Hacker a nd experts Jerry Alexa nder and Todd Wi nsett . By th e end of the second lap, th e expe rts had ta ken over the top four spots, wi th Hacker getti ng into a battle with Roy. Miller for fifth a nd firs t a mateur . Wit h Sha nk and Ricky Wi nsett securely in fro nt , Todd Winsett and Alexander ba u led fo r th ird spot which Winseu too k as th ey too k th e halfw ay flags. Den nis Aungst took the poin t position (ro m Chuck Buch an an and Merv Sense nig as the 250cc Ama teur class headed into the infield porti on, but he fell com in~ out of th e in field with Donal d Weiss ta kin g the lead a nd pullin g awa y. Randy Buzzard and Ra ym ond J en kin s moved up to bat tle Buch anan and Sen senig for seco nd in a battle th at went to th e chec kered flag , and th ey cha nged positions a t various spots o n th e track. By the lat e stages, Buchanan had taken co ntrol of seco nd fro m Sensenig . Sense nig came back la ter and eas ily took th e Open Ama teur fin al Iro rn Darryl Baer , Damon Lengle and Phil Libhart . Len gle a nd Baer trad ed seco nd back a nd forth in th e early lap s until Baer drop ped out with th e same problem that sideli ned hi m in th e hea t-. Results 56 : 1. Brody Miller (M -M ). 60: 1. John Winsett {Kawl; 2. Tom Skethway (Honl. 86 AM: 1. Mik e Hacker (Kaw); 2. Roy Miller (KTM ); 3. Chuck Blessing (Yam); 4. John Winsett (Yam). 85 EX: 1. Randy Shank (Kaw); 2. Ricky W insen (Yam); 3. Todd W insen (Yam); 4. Jerry Ale xander (Kaw) . 2ooAM: 1. Perry Phi1lips (Yam); 2. Korey Showers (Yam I. 200 EX: 1. Randy Shank (Kaw) . 250 AM: 1. Donald We iss Jr. (Yam); 2. Chuck Buchanan (Suz); 3. M eN Sen senig (Suz); 4 . Raymond Jenk in s (Han); 5. Randy Buzzard (Han). 250 EX: 1. Kev in Varnes (Yam); 2. Georgi e Price (Yam); 3. Ken Yoder (Yam); 4. Kenny Mohler (Suzl; 5. Joe Bromley (Suzl · SR: 1. Stev e Bromley (Suz); 2. J oe Heberl ing (Yam); 3 . Ken Synder (Yam); 4 . Tom Showers (Bul); 5. Georg e Price (Han). . OPEN AM: 1. M eN Sensenig (Yam); 2. Damon Lengl e (Yam); 3. Denni s Hurley (Yam); 4 . John Dun kelberger (Hu s); 5. Byron Vafiadis (Tri). OPEN EX: 1. Georg ie Price (Rtx); 2. Tom Maj eski " (H-D); 3. Rob Majeski (H-Dl ; 4. Joe Brom ley (Suz); 5 . Dave Duhaine (W ·R). Brooks rules at Frozen Ocean MX By Dave Denman AU BU RN , NY, MAY 29 La rry Brooks topped off the exci ting weekend of race actio n a t Frozen O cean Motocross Park, winning both motos of th e l 25cc Amat eur class. In th e first mota Pr o-Circuit sponso red Steve Overslaugh pulled th e holeshot with Brooks, Bill Malley and Robert Knapp at h is heels. After the first lap Brooks an d Oversla u g h ha d mov ed up to a fi ve-sec o n d adva ntage over Malley. Brook's extremely . aggressive riding paid off as he used his speed th ro ugh a tough jump sectio n to set up Overslaugh for a pas s down a ro ugh straig ht. Brooks quickl y ope ned up on Overslaugh o nce he go t by, and Malley moved up 10 dic e with Overslaugh. took over second briefly but Overslau gh retaliated and retook th e po sit ion for good o n lap four. In th e second mo to Brian Vail ro unded th e firs t turn with Brooks and-Steven Raym ond righ t on his rear wheeL Once aga in on the second lap Brooks ma de his move and left Vail 10 do battle wi th Raym ond. Vail, who wen t from last to midpack in th e firs t mo to had no problem and opened a Iour-second margin o ver Raymond by mote's end. In th e 125 and 250cc Expe rt classes Chris Coleman o nce aga in buzz-sawed th ro ugh th e field to win all fo ur motos, In th e l2 5cc Expert race Rob Nessel and Bruce Stratton tri ed to hold off th e hard-charging Coleman . Mike Dri es picked off a few rid ers as he sto rmed up to second pl ace and moved wi thin two seconds of Col eman, bu t Dries cou ldn' t hol d pa ce as th e 20·minute mot o wor e him down and he finis hed seco nd ove ra ll. Bruce Str atton moved up to second pl ace in bo th 250cc Expert motos. Co leman grabbed the holeshots in bo th rnotos a n d so o n balloon ed his lead to o ver 20 seconds and he spe n t th e rest of the moto enterta ining th e cro wd. Results VINT: t . John Young (Yam). (Left to right) Charlie Venegas. Steve Martin. Scott Brant and Paul Orlandi charge into turn one in the Scratch main at Auburn . Brant won the event. SCHBY: 1. Chad Brown (Kaw); 2. John Bla ke (Kaw) ; 3. Shan e lipe IKaw). 0 -200 NOV : 1. Jim Dries (Kaw); 2. Dave Mi chel (Kaw); 3 . Matthew Pelsu e (Kaw); 4. Mike Brady (Su z); 5 . Je ff Cook (Kaw ). OPEN AM : 1. Daryl Qu igley (Han); 2. Jo hn Harr is (Kawl; 3. Robert Alfred (Han); 4. Jeff Chen ey (Kawl; 5. Joe Brillo (Kaw) . SR MINI : 1. Jon Rightmire (Suz); 2. J ohyn Blake IKaw); 3 , Eric Reilly (y am); 4 . Stev e Simmons (Suz); 5 . Shane Lipe (Yam). OPEN EX; 1. Ma rc Brown (Han); 2. Mik e Burr ay (KTM); 3. Tim Lariviere (Han ); 4. Larry Loudis (Han). 250 EX: 1. Chr is Coleman (Kaw); 2. Bruce Stratton (Yam); 3 . David Burn ett (Kawl. 125 AM : 1. Andy Brook s(Yamt; 2. Steven Raymond (Kaw); 3 . Stev e Oversl augh (Kaw ); 4 . Sean Skutnik (Kaw); 5. Rick MaltSQn(Kaw) . SR: 1. M ark M atott (Yam); 2. Bruce Stratton (Yaml; 3. Phil Dilmore (Kaw) ; 4 . Ray Goulet (Kaw) ; 5. Renn Shepherd (M -SI. t 25 EX: 1. Chr is Coleman IKaw); 2. Mike Dries IKaw); 3. Rob Nessel fKaw); 4 . Bru ce Stratton (Yam); 5. Chad Brown (Kawi. JR MINI 60 & 80 : 1. Danny Gatt (Han). SR MINI NOV: 1. Chr is Greene (Kaw) ; 2. Jim Powers (Kawl; 3 . Tom Young (Suzt; 4 . Gregg Frutchey (Kaw); 5. Jeff Tetrault (Yam). 250 AM ; 1. John Young (Yam); 2.Paul Grimaldi (Han); 3. Rich Field (Kaw) ; 4. Paul Van Hatten (Han); 6. John Bosch (Han ). OPEN NOV: 1. Chad Oliver (KX); 2. Robert Laman (Suz); 3. Tracy Updyke (Han); 4. Kevin McNamara (Suz); 5. Steve HaskelllSuzl. PLUS 25 : 1. Mike Murray (KTM); 2. Dan Field (Kaw); 3 . Gene Nighman (Kaw) ; 4. Rich Field (Kaw) ; 5. Larry loudis (Han ). l.iedberg, Metz mow down SkylineMX By Dale Bohm DAYTON.!D, MAY 13 Steve Li edberd and T ra vis Metz were th e bi g win ners a t the E.I.M.A. point event hel d at th e Sky line Mo tocr oss Park . Liedberg used II mo to fin ishes 10 domina te the 125cc Expe rt class and looked to have the 250cc Expert class in th e bag af ter win ni ng the fir st mo ta. A second rno to DNF o pe ned th e doo r to a hard charging Metz as he used 2-1 rno ro finishes to tak e ho me th e ma jo ri ty of the cash . Metz also won th e lo ng jump con tesi and co llec ted an addi tio na l cash prize. • In 125cc Expert actio n. Liedberg p'u lled th e hol eshot and never looked back. Phil Forbord tried to stay with him, but the Kawasaki p ilot pulled away to a co m forta ble lead despite a n Injured fool. Rich ard Taft, Dan Carn and Mati Smi th foll owed. T he second mot o was aga in a Lied berg romp, but Sm ith turned o n th e gas and captured second. For bord, Carn a nd T aft foll owed. In 250cc Expert ac tio n, Liedberg again pulled th e holeshot in rnoto one , but Metz was hOI on hi s tail and dogged Liedberg throughout th e moto. Jason Dauage, Scott Taft and Lance Kelsey followed. The second m oto was the best of the da y as Liedb erg and Metz pulled the holesh ot and im mediately sta rted to battle. Metz was on th e move and tried desperately to pass. On the second lap , Liedberg ground to a halt, a victim of a mechanical malfuncti on . Metz cruised eas ily 10 the win o ver T aft , Kelsey, Dauage and Gl en Foste r. In Over 25 Expert acti on , Kevin Merrill pulled th e hol eshot over Jay Miglo re and Gl en Fos ter. Bob Krah went down ear ly in moto one, but was up and on th e move. Migl or e passed Merrill and held a slim lead throu ~h out the moto, while Forster held on for thud. Moto two was aga in Miglore as th e veteran pulled th e hol eshot and led the field . Merrill, Krah, and Foster followed. In I25cc Intermediat e ac tio n Brian Call used 2-1 mo to finishes to win on his home track. James Hendrickson won moto o ne, but cou ld on ly manage a second in moto two. Rob Heal . Brett Murdock a nd Blu Hayball filled out the top five overa ll. In 250cc Am at eur actio n. Kawasaki rider Robbie T aft also used 2-1 mo to fin ishes to garner h is fir st o verall . Honda rider Brian Eat on won the first mote, but had to sett le for a fourth in mot o two and second overal l. H onda rid er J eff Blakely. Rob Heal and T om R ob y finished thi rd through fifth overall, respectively. Results MINI JR : I .Jared Egl ey (Suzl; 2. lincoln Assondrup·(Kaw); .. MINI INT: 1. Jeff Cambel l (Han); 2. Troy Turner (Han); 3. M att Kerb s (Suz). 125 JR : 1. Brice Butler (Han): 2. Chad Gr iff in (Yam); 3 . .. Brad Burban k (Yam). 125 EX: 1. Steve Liedberg IKaw ); 2. Phil Forbord (Han); 3 . Matt Smith (Yaml . 250 BEG: 1. Jar ed Jen son (Yam); 2. Jeff Koford (Han): 3. Jay Ransboitan (Yaml . 250 EX: 1. Travis M etz (Yam); 2. Scott Tah (Kaw ); 3. Ja son Dattag e (Yaml . MINI MINI : 1. Mon ica Zaitz (Yam); 2. Jak e Furn iss (Yam); 3 . Terry Rodinmack (Yam). MINI EX: 1. Jam es Hendrickson (Yam); 2., Brad Ricsh 3. Greg Balark (Suz). (Surl. 125 BEG: 1. Robin Mozin go (Yam); 2. Lance Anderson (Han); 3. Jeff Coats (Han). 1251NT : 1. Brian Call (Suzl; 2. James Hendrickson (Hon); 3 . Rob Heal (Suz). 250 JR : 1. Jon Erickson (Han); 2. Kevin Watts (Hon); 3 . ·Jason Wes tlak e (Han). 250 INT: 1. Robbie Taft (Kaw); 2. Brian Eaton (Han); 3. J eff Blakely (Hon). OPEN BEG: 1. Chris Koford (Han ); 2. Jon Hicks (Han ); 3. Tom Freimuth (Han). OPEN JR : 1. Andy Baldwin; 2. Davtd Stites. OVER 25 A: 1. Jay Miglore (Han); 2. Kevin M errill (Han); 3. Bob Krah (KTMI . OVER 30 A: 1. Jay Miglore (Hon); 2. Kevin Merrill (Han); J . Mark Frankl in (Yaml . OPEN INT: 1. Mark Ch icado (Han); 2. Kevin Voyles (Han); 3. Robert Peterson (KTM) . _ . OVER 25 8 : 1. Wayne Campbell (Han); 2. Doug Nelson (Han); 3. Jon Erickson (Hon ). OVER 30 B: 1. Wayne Campbell (Han); 2. Doug Nelson (Han); 3. Bruc e Jackson (Han). Brant wins at Gold Country Speedway By R.C. Jones AUBU RN :CA, J U N E 2 Scotty Brant o ut -d ueled Paul Orlandi for the win in th e Scratch main a t Go ld Countr y Speedway. In th e Hand icap ma in Rory Ru ndl e ra n aw ay with th e victory as Mike Solis was unab le to get d ose. Brant lined h is Cod y Raci ng/Do n Ru ssell / NANA /C h ris P e ,erso n / CTi / NJ K/ O urysponsore d j awa in ~t e two next to the GM of po le-siuer O rla nd " a nd whe n the ta pes flew up Bra nt an d O rla ndi hit turn o ne toge ther. Both ride rs head ed dow n the back ch u te dead even, whi le not fa r behind was Steve Martin tryin g to sq ueeze into the action as they en tered tu rn three. Brant hoo ked up first o u t of (Urn fou r to ta ke th e lead , the n mot o red away from Orl andi's adva ncemen ts tak ing a co mfortable lead wit h a lap to go . O rlandi h un g o n to th e second spot aft er being 'pressured by Martin . At the chec kered it was Bran t by two bike len gt hs over Orl and i. Rundle powered hi s Maier Man ufacture/ A&R Heat in g & AirlTheo Scr uggs Co ns truetio n /Tea rn T ri m-s po nso red Weslak e to th e fro n t of th e pac k a t th e first turn and never looked back to win the H an di cap main go ing away. So lis was able to slip into th e runnerup spot a' th e ha lfway mark , but wit h John H ou ston o n his tail So lis never cou ld ge t close to Rundl e a nd co nce n trated o n keeping Hou ston behi nd him. Brant moved in behind H ou ston for fourth towar ds the end. As th e checke red came o ut Rundle eas ily pi cked up th e wi n and So lis held off th e charging H ou ston for th e second spot. In th e Division II main , Dereck Co le shot to the early lead . Bill Zirkle began sta lking Co le o n th e seco nd lap andon lap three mo ved into the lead. Mark Sq uadrito moved in beh ind Zirkl e on the last lap a nd the two wen t whee l-to-whee l towa rds the chec kered . With a last effort dr ive Zirkle held off Sq ua drito for th e win. J erom e H eiberger was on hi s way to hi s second Division 111 main win and didn 't let early leader J ay Brown co ntrol the race for long. John Pierce p ushed Brown bac k farther at the fini sh . · • Results SCRATCH: 1. Scott Brant (Jaw) ; 2. Paul Orlandi (GM); 3. Steve Martin (Wes); 4. Charlie Ven egas (Gdnl. HDCP: 1. Rory Rundl e (Wesl; 2. Mi ke Solis (Wesl; 3. John Houston Jr. (Jaw) ; 4. Scott Brant (Jaw) ; 5. Shawn Reppert (Wes). 0 -2 : 1. Bill Zir kle (W esl; 2. Ma rk Sqadr ito (J aw ); 3. Dereck Cole (Wes). ~ 0 -3 : 1. Jerome Heiberg er (Jaw); 2. John Pierce (Wes); 3 . Siev e Ar ena (J aw); 4 . Ja y W . Brown (Jaw). 39

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