Russ Hoffman (4) and Randy Anderson battle for position in the Vet
Intermediate class at Los Angeles County Raceway.
LACR Dunestown tWX
win to Brown
By David Procida
Suzu ki Co untry's Mike Brown won the overa ll
in the next to last round of eRe'sDunestown
Series a' L A. Co unty Ra ceway.
Tim Telford hol eshot moto o ne aboa rd hi s
Answer Prod ucts Suzu ki a nd had com pa ny
in th e form o f Yamaha-mounted Chris
Radzinski. T o 'he rear of th e lead pair, was
a three-wa y di ce C third be'ween j eff Black,
Brown , and Yam ah a hotshoe , Ru ss Wageman.
Telfo rd began to open u p so me breathing
room as Radzinski was jo ined by Black and
Brown. Bro wn pow ered by Black's Honda and
dosed on Radzinski's YZ, leaving 'he Honda
rid er to deal with Wagem an. T elford was
enjoy ing an ope n tra ck in from of him as
Brown was co ncen tra ting on clo sin g the gap
between Radainski a nd himself. Black was
no w a d istan t fourth with David Bagwel l and
-T im Wi nslow now in fro nt o f Wagem an.
Brown pushed ha rd, forci ng Rudzinski lO pick
up the pace and th e pa ir closed o n T elford
q u ickly. Usi ng o ne of the tig hter sections of
the track, Bro wn stu ck a tir e to th e insi de of
Radain ski, fo rci ng: th e YZ pilot to the outside
of the tu rn . Utilizing a clean bloc k pass,
Bro wn went into seco nd and was look in g for
the leader. T elford was losing his cus hion as
he - enco untered lappers late in the rnot o ,
a llo wing Bro wn to d ose.
Back in the pack , o ther action was tak in g
p lace as \Vagem an was making a charge of
hi s own , hluwing by winslow, Bagwell a nd
Black. T he chec kered came out o n the next
lap for Telford, with Brown less th an a bik e
leng th behind. Radz in ski held o n to third,
fo llo wed by Wageman , Roundin g o ut the top
five was Black.
Black holeshot mota two a fter not being
sa ti sfied wi th h is firs l malO . Rad zin ski,
Wageman , a nd th e pack C owed Black in,o
th e first turn. Black led for two laps before
R:>dzin sk i ' ook ch:> rge, wi'h Wa Ke m an
sta rli ng to press for Ihe lead . Black lost a not he r
slot to Bro wn , wh o was al so o n th e g;:IS, and
bega n close o n 'he lead pa ir oCYZS.
As Ihe rid ers came over th e lar ge tabl etop,
Brown pulled an aer ia l feat which carried him
pas t \Vageman 's Yam a ha . Ho wever , lOo mu ch
speed o n Brown's pa rt carried him up and
over th e berm, giving \Vageman back the
number two position . Brown quickl y recovered, but was back into th ird a·gain.
\V~ gem a n now pi cked u p the pace and
pu lled to th e rear of Radzinski. The two racers
diced fo r su per iority for four laps befor e
Wagem an KT" bbed:> handCul oC
'hrollle. go ing
down a wh ooped o ut suaightaway, pass ing
Radzinski in Ihe pr ocess. Brown wasn 't far
beh ind and S:lW Radzinski usin g 'he o utside
ber m in th e lu rn s. so div in g to th e insi de ,
he took o ver seco nd pl ace. Brown closed o n
Wageman with tim e running o ut and the
Suzuki pi lot got wild in a pass aHemp l a lmosl
.ing down. This gave Wagem an 'he brea,hmg room he needed and 'ook 'he checkered_
Brown fini shed seco nd for the second time
,od ay, bu' he was s,ill ha p py as ' he pair oC
seconds were go o d for th e overa ll wi n.
Wagema n was sl" nd wit h a 4· 1 scor e,
Collowed by T elCord via hi s 1·4 . Ro und ing
o ut Ihe top five .were Radzinski wit h a 3-3
and Bagwell , who C
inished 7-5 [or ' he da y.
WMN NOV : 1. Carrie Martinez (Han); 2. Joy Am es (Honl.
WMN INT: 1. Lori Hedst rom (Han).
80 BEG : 1. Tracy Ash er (Suz); 2. Aaron Wasnea (Kaw );
3 . Paul Gilmartin (Kaw ).
80 NOV: , . David Evil sil'8r (Sul); 2. Jason DePan o (Han);
3 . Man Hal l.
80 aNT 1. Bob Sage (Suzl; 2. Terry Parsons (Hon ).
125 BEG 0 - 1: 1. Robin Hall ; 2. Russell Fox (Hon); 3 .
Mark Edw ards (Yam).
12 5 8 EG 0 -2 : 1. Frank Cabral (Hon); 2. David Brad shaw
(Yam); 3. Eddie Tanne r (Hon).
250 BEG: 1. Russell Fox (Hon) ; 2.Jeff W . Frey (Han); 3.
Donn y Moore (Kaw) .
500 BEG: t . Don Jandt (Varni : 2. Sieve Schrobsor'f; 3.
Danny McKee (Han).
125 NOV : t . Joe DePan o (Kaw); 2. Tiger Garcia (Hon);
3. Bnan Nail (Han),
250 NOV : 1. Mike Linle ISuz ); 2 . Robbie Dunham; 3 .
Tony Sedtman (Han ).
500 NOV: 1. Greg Keirn ,"on ); 2. Tony A less i (Yam); 3 .
Rob Manindace (Hon) .
12 5 INT: 1. Joel Torarsky (Han); 2. Mark Higham (Kawl;
3 . Jeff Finch (Han).
250 INT: 1. Ronnie Densford (Han ); 2. M erle Hammer
(Yam); 3. Chuck Bagwell (Han ).
500 tNT: 1. Chuck Bagwe ll (Honl .
125 PRO: 1. Randy M oore (Honl ; 2 . M Ike Dun lop (SU1);
3 . Jeff Black (Han) .
2$0 PRO: 1. Michael Brow n (SuZI: 2 . Russ Wage man;
3. Tim Telford (Suz).
500 PRO: 1. David Bagwe ll (Han); 2. John Pack (Han);
3. Ron M alon e (Yam),
J R VET BEG ~ 1. Pat M cDonough (Yam); 2 . Dave Koda
(Han); 3. Joe Beee (Suz).
JR V ET NOV ; 1. Gr eg Mani naz (Han); 2 . Georg e A ndrews
IHon); 3 . B.J. Lehn (SU1).
VET BEG: 1. lenny Baker (Yam); 2. Bret Green ing (ATK);
3 . John Su ll ivan (Yam).
VET NOV: t . Mik e Martin (Yam ); 2 . Chri s Leiker (Yam);
3. John Tapar (Han).
VET INT: 1. Randy Tinlem ier (Sud; 2. Russ Hoffman (Hon t
3. Frank M lerau (Han).
VET EX: 1. Greg W inters lHo nl; 2. A ndy Sega le (Yaml;
3 . Russell Garcia (Han).
SR INT: 1. Robert Linv ille (Suz).
SR EX: 1. Bob Millner IHonl ; 2 . Ron W ay (Hon).
aT NOV: 1. Gary Phill ips (Hon ); 2. Gle n King (Kaw); 3 .
Rid!, Kimes (Kaw) .
aT AM: 1. James Dills (Yaml; 2. Tom W tdick. (!n, with Schmid' ta king the
l25c c class and Silverole the 250.
In 'he Cirst l25c c Am at eur mo to the DP
Tool/Peck 's Home-sponsored Schmidt holeshOl wi'h jamie Goodno in second and Gary
Squier third. By lap 'wo SiIverole had pushed
by 'he competition and pulled ou, the stops
as he moved in C Schmidt. On lap Cour
Silv:>rol e pushed h is fron' wheel beside
Sch midt's Ho nd:>, bu' wan't able m:>kethe
pass . Ben Dressner moved by Goodno, ' hen
Squier. Cor th ird, with Schmidt regroupi ng
to ta ke the win.
The second mota saw Silva role and Schmidt
run on e and two the wh ole mota. The two
riders swap p ed places several times but
Sch mid' made 'he I:>st pass o n ' he Courth lap.
Brad Ghidiu ba' tled Dressner and Squier and
took fifth place.
The wildest race action cam(: out o[ th e
l25cc Expert cl:>ss firs ' moto. Phillips pulled
'he holeshot wi'h Fitzger:>ld second a nd
Coleman third, Pe,er Malij Courth and Mike
Dries rounding oUI th e top C
ive. On I:>p 'wo
Coleman had reeled up o n P hillips' rear
Cender and couldn't grnb a lin e Cor a pass.
Af,er clearing a set oC doub les going into a
sweeping comer, Co leman banged 'he big
outside berm and cu , orr Phillips do wn the
nex' straigh,. Dries jumped past Malij :>nd
Phillips ,hroug h a se' o( rocker bumps, bu '
cou ldn't gel closer than three seconds as
Co le ma n u p pe d the· tempo Cor ' he win.
Co leman 's second moto wi n gave him the
overa ll and Dries :>Isoba'tled into seco nd pl ace
in mota number lwo.
MIN I NOV: 1. Man Halsey (Yam); 2. Scott Keet ch (Kaw );
3. Dave Walsh (Suz); 4 . Aaron Evans(Kaw); 5. Casey Higgins
M INI AM : 1. Justin Berg (Kaw); 2. Chris Onne (Suz k 3.
Jon Rightmira (Sud; 4 . Jason luce (Kaw); 5 . Ted Bau mgart
Scott Tyler (68) flies by Darren Rogers (168) on the way to one of his
three Pro class victories at the Rose Festival MX.
2 50 EX: 1. Chri a Coleman (Kaw) ; 2. Pete Phillips (Honl ;
3. Larry Fit zgera ld (Kaw); 4 . Dan F"l8kt (Kaw); 6. Greg Meeder
(Kaw) .
SR A: 1. M ike Har asmist lHan I; 2. Bart Lucas (Kaw); 3 .
Terry Strong (M.i); 4. Br ian Broad w ell (Suz).
SR B: 1. Scott Rhine hart (Kaw); 2. Fred lucas (Yam);
3. Geo rge M an in (Hon); 4. Tom Ghidiu (Kaw); 5 . Thomas
lee (Yam).
OPEN BEG: 1. Eric Bower (Yam); 2. Ken Paton (Kaw );
3. Barry M anin (Kaw ); 4 . Stephen M at hewson (Kawt 5 .
F,ed Shortsl.... (Suz).
125 AM: 1. Don Schmidl (Honl; 2. Bill Si tvar ofe (Kaw);
3. Gary Squ ier (Suz ); 4. Ben Dreaner (SU1); 5. Brad Ghidiu
(Kaw) .
12 6 EX 1. Chris Colem an (lUiw); 2. Mike Dr ies (Kaw );
3. Pete Phillips (Hon t 4. larry Fitzgera ld (Kawl; 6. Dav id
Burger (Suz).
60: 1. Douglas Ren erer (Kawl; 2 . Casey Higg ins (Kawl;
3. Paul Carpenter (Kaw ).
MINI BEG: 1. Chr is Blake (Suz); 2 . Br ian Hinz (Yam l; 3 .
Dougla s Brown (S uz); 4 . Patrick Mills (Suz); 5 . J eremy
Russell (SU1).
VINT: 1. Rick Bisson (Vam); 2. J am ie Goodno (Han); 3.
Rich Fields (Kaw ); 4. J oe Brillo (Kaw ); 5. J ames Murphy
125 BEG: 1. Allen Hal sey. .Jr. (Vam ); 2. Fred Huff (Yaml ;
3. Todd Case (VarnI; 4 . Cubby Lane (Yam); 5. David Kristoff
(Kaw) .
12 5 SCHBY B: 1. Donald Schmidl (Han ); 2. Ben Oreasner
(Suz l; 3. Ben TrasK (Kawl; 4. Darrell Ston e (Kaw); 5. J ustin
OPEN EX: 1. Greg Finch (Kaw); 2 . M}chael Harasm isz
(Hon ); 3. Richard Swarthout (l(aw); 4. Bart lucas (Kaw);
5. Marc Brown (Honl .
OPEN NOV: 1. Jeeff WarTtck (Kaw); 2. John Fahy (Suz);
3. TrK)' Updyke (Hon); 4 . John Frey (Kaw); 5. Chad Oliver
(Kaw ).
OPEN AM : 1. Daryl Quigley (Hon); 2. Russell Bell inger
(Kaw); 3. Pau l Ashbarry (Hon); 4. Terry Strong (Mai); 5.
Mark Gillette (Kaw).
125 NOV : t . Ben Trask (Suz ); 2. Tom Wha ley (Honl; 3.
Roben Kelly (Kaw); 4 , Blake Ada ir (Yam); 5. J im Cr ies (Kaw).
+ 2 5~ 1. Greg Finch (Kaw) ; 2 . Dan iel Field (Kaw); 3. Gerald
Divelbl iss (Kaw l; 4 . Rich Field (Kaw ); 5. David Carmen (Yam).
Feland bags Big Bear
Trials Championship
By Mike Cushionbury
Ka ty Fel and ran awa y with th e Novice
Cham pionshi p class win at the Southern
Ca li fornia Tnals Association's 2! rd Annual
Big Bear Two Da y Trial. Fel and rod e
nawlessly ,hrough 'he 'hree loops oC 10
sectio ns on Saturday a nd IOSl only nine points.
On Sund:>y morning, Feland began with a
12 point lead over second pl:> Paul johnson.
By the end oC' he d:>y johnson lost 32 points
C a ' otal oC 53 while Feland lost 18 C a
' otal oC27. L:>rry Bros:>mrounded o u ' th e 'op
'hree Wilh a ' otal oC 91 C both d:>ys.
In 'he Expert cl:>ss Tom Hamann, who is
not used to being beate n , was ' o pped by Paul
Webst er. Bu' by 'he end oC Sa'urday it looked
like Kevin No rto n was the man to beat. He
held o nto C
irst p lace by 10 points Collowed
by David Webster who had:> o ne point lead
over brother Paul. Hamann was in fourth.
By the end of Sund:>y 'hings were diHerent.
. Paul Webst er went on
lose only 19 points
o n Sunday to claim first pla ce wih a IOlal
oC59. Ha ma n n rode strongly and los' 2.'l on
Sund:>y and claimed seco nd with a 'otal oC
66. Kevin Norton dropped 'hird wi'h a total
Art Webster reigned supreme o ver G:>ry
Co n r:>d and Cliv e Han non in th e Senior
Advan eed cla ss. Intermedia'e Ve" Bob Nick ·
elson rode confidently to victory in his cla ss,
as did Gr eg Bush in 'he Intermed ia' e Ch am ·
pi on ship class .
EX: 1. Paul W ebster; 2 . Tom Hamann; 3 . Kevi n Nonon .
ADV C'SHIP; 1. Rick Spruell; 2. Robert M adden ; 3 . Ed
ADV VET: 1. M ike Gr iffits; 2 . Kent Gra ham.
ADV SR: 1. An We bs1er; 2 . Gary Conr ad; 3 . Clive Hannon .
INT C'SHIP: 1. Greg Bu sh; 2 . Jeff Niel son; 3 . Charl ie
Row lett.
INTVET: 1. Bob Nickel son; 2. DaveWh inl e; 3 . M ark Miller.
INT SR: 1. Ed Heacux; 2 . John Boud eau.
NOV'CSHIP: 1. Katv' Feland: "2 Paul Johnson; 3 . Larry
Brosa m.
NOV VET: 1. Steve Youngberg; 2. Todd Rumsey; 3. Jim
Rehkop .
NOV SR: 1. John Collins; 2. St eve Beck 3 . John Haney.
NOV S/ SR: 1. Steve Hill; 2 . Dean Hambrick.
BEG C' SHIP: 1. Gary Oborn.
BEG VET: 1. Douglas Stephen s.
BEG SR: 1. Denn is Chin iaeff .
KIDS : 1. Danny Tucker.
Tyler roosts Rose
By Brian Barnes
Sco tt T yler dominated Pro class racing in the
Motocross Northwest Championship Super
Seri es by ta ki ng five of six . moto wins to
capture the 250cc Open a nd All Pro classes
a t the Ra ce Festival .
The new All Pro class with a $600 added
purs e was the first of 44 mOlDS during the
day and it was Grayson Hart who gra bbed
'he ho leshot, Tyler Cell, ,'0 start ' he day's
ac tivities with severa l other rid ers also having
problem s on lap one. By midway through the
second la p Hart was looking good with Steve
Freison, Mike Bell, Brett DeVries a nd Rick
Harner-j ackson behind him. But Hart go' o ut
oC shape in th e wh oops and nearl y go, off,
sta lli ng hi s bik e in the pr ocess a nd allo wing
th e en tire field by. Fri esen scoo ted in to th e
lead with Devries, jackson, Bell and Tyler
on hi s tail but Frie sen took 'he win. Tyler
was able to recover for seco nd with DeVries,
jackson . Darren Rogers and Bell rounding o ut
th e tOP six.
Amateur raein~ featured some great act ion
:>11 d:> y lon g with 'he Min i ju nior class
providing just som e of it. Mo nt y Harris won
bot h motos
leave the rest of 'he field to
battle Cor second. Brett Boehm looked good
in the firs t race cru ising to the run ner- up spot
whi le Ben Rhoades. Cory Fu lle, Chad Reed
and Vvlam Nguyen ro unded our 'he to p six.
TIle second round found Harris up from
once mor e but thi s time Rhoades and Nguyen
go t better starts a nd chased Harris the entire
race wi'h 'he trio Cinish ing 1-2-3. Boehm,
Fuller and Reed rounded o u t 'he 'op six .
W /PIW: 1. John Hardy (VarnI; 2 . Todd Dowty (Yam);: 3 .
Michael Todd (Hon ).
PrN 6 -8 : 1. J ason Hanson (Kaw);: 2 . Mack Landreth (Han);
3. Michael Sm i1h (Kaw ).
P/w 9 · 11 : 1. Cory Fuller (Kaw) ; 2. Jessy Will iams (Kaw l;
3 . Kevin Eakin (Kaw l.
MIN I BEG: 1. Jason Par1r.s (Han ); 2. Josh True (Kaw );
3. Shawn Sowle (Kawl.
MI NI JA : 1. Monty Harris (Han); 2 . Ben Rhoades (Kaw);
3. Bren Boehm (!Ca .
M INI INT: 1. Travis Berry (Kaw ); 2. Bradl ey Boehm (Kaw);
3. Chr is Pat erson (Honl.
EX: 1. Jason M cCorm ick (Kaw) .
All PRO: 1. Scott Tyl er (Hon); 2. Steve Friese n (Han);
3 . Darr en Rogers (Han).
12 5 BEG: 1. Aaron Blanchard (Honl; 2 . Jim M unafo (Kaw );
3. M ike W ood s (Han).
125 JR : 1. Craig Rudge (Kaw); 2. Troy Ban gs (Han); 3.
Ti mbe r Pesterfie ld (Hon).
125 INT: 1. Ada m W est (Hon); 2 . M ike Hamness {Kawl ;
3 . Ernest Robens (SU1).
12 5 PRO: 1. Steven Fri esen (Han); 2. Bren DeVries (Han);
Sta rba rd (Yaml: 2. Scott Starbard
(Yam ); 3 . Scott Kelly (Vam) .
250 J R: 1. Bren Bier ek (Yam ); 2. Robe n Williams (Suzl;
3. Er ic Cummings (Kaw) .
250 INT: 1. Terry Hamness (Kaw); 2 . Chad Gravelle (Kaw t
3. Willie Phee (Hon).
250 PRO: 1. Scan Tyler (Hon t 2. Mike Williams (Yam);
3. Jamie M unson (Han).
OPEN BEG: 1. J im Kasper (Kaw); 2 . Dave Huen a (Hon);
3. Walt Woolley (Hon) .
OPEN JR : 1. Bren Bierek (Yam); 2. Kory Cr ippen (Han);
3. Grady Troglin (Kaw ).
OPEN INT: 1. Ben Wogen ma n (Hon); 2 . John Griff i (Hon);
3. Mike J ohn son (Han) .
OPEN PRO : 1. Scott Tyl er (Honl ; 2 . Scon W illiam s (Hon);
3. Reid Goldma n (Han).
OTH A : 1. Ron Sun (Hon); 2. Scott Bergr en (Honl; 3. Tom
Vi elle (Hon) .
OTH B: 1. Willie Phee (Honl: 2 . Rick Roberts (Yam); 3.
Davis lyle (Kaw) .
OTH C: 1. Jeff Lancaster (Han); 2. Richard Younce (Suz);
3 . Dan Meeker (Han).
UTH: 1. Steve Sm ith (SU1); 2 . Kun Stevens (Hont-3.
OennlS Sweeten (Kaw) .
a T EX: 1. Ji m Lamkin (Han); 2. J im Parks (Hon ); 3. Oave
M erklin {Suzl .
a T A M : 1. Jeff You nce ISud; 2 . Rusty Garrison (Kaw );
3 . Eric Berkenshaw (Hen) .
a T NOV: 1. Rob Comstock (Kaw): 2. Mike Reuther (Suz);
3. AI Hinkley (Yam).