Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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« c ~ U 0 a: 11. W C s « e c Z w > w .... '" > > CD CD 0 0 .... .... 0 :r 0 O"l 11. 00 :r 11. O"l ,.....; 00 c-r v c ;j ~ Lou Sot o (7X) grabs the holeshot followed by Ken Wilson (80 4 ) at the start of a 2 5 -2 9 ·year-old Novice class moto at Perris Raceway. VET PRO: 1. M icha el Preston (Kaw); 2 . M ike Tripes IK.w): 3 . Val Tam ieni (Hon) . OTBEG : 1. Vasek Ulrich(Hon); 2. Tom Colema n; 3 . M ann y A rias (Yam). OT NOV: 1, Richard Stu elke IATK); 2. Steve Drew IKawl; 3 . Dav id Mills IKawl . OT INT: 1. Wayn e Cor nelius (Kawl; 2. Bill Ma lon e (Hon); 3 . George Spear ing (Hon). OT EX: 1. Al an Olson; 2. Marino B. st ioneIl ISuz); 3 . Lyle Sw eeter (Ho n). Smail, Seyer t op Albany M X By Clay Light ALBANY, O R. MAY 28 The sevent h a nd fin al round of th e CMC· sponsored Gold Star Series. held a t Alban y Supercross. saw Lance Smail aboa rd a Suzuki and Kawasaki rid ers Gary Beyer and Frank McKuhn pos ting Pro cla ss win s. The act io n was hot-and-heavy in th e 125cc Pro class as Sm ail had healed baules with Honda rid er Rick Simmer and local riders Jeff Daily a nd Mo nt y Spalding. Dai ly and Smail swapped the lead throughout the first moto, bUI in the end it was Daily narrowly edgi ng the Su zuki ace for the win. Third went 10 Simmer, who had problems wit h his Hon da. MOIO IWO saw Daily lead for two laps but Smai l soared past to take th e win a nd overall after 2·1 rides . Da ily, who was relegated 10 third early in the race by Simmer, took second aft er Simmer aga in had problems and was second overa ll by virtue of 1-2 showings. Simmer loo k third overall wi th a 3-3 score. Combined with the pro riders was a fu llsized field of l25cc Intermediates led by John Christian aboard a Hon da. Christian rode two flawl ess motos to secu re the ove rall win ahead of Suzuki rider Ty Birdw ell . J . Whi p pl e (1· 3), Ran McDaniel (2·6 ) and Chad Berr y (51) rounded our th e top rive o verall. Beyer , ridi ng for Cycle Sports of Salem, loo k simi lar finis hes to th e pay window in the 250cc Pro class aft er aci ng bot h mot os. Beyer h o wever , ha d ro ug h co m p eti tio n from Sim mer, Breu DeVries and Spa ld ing in the first co ntest wh ich Beyer won . The seco nd rnoto had DeVries taking the lead but Jess tha n a lap later Beyer was in co n tro l. Simmer was a no-sh ow in the moto and made thin gs much easier for Beyer. who bro ke aw ay from early traff ic to take the wi n. Second overa ll wen! De v ries' wa y a fter 2-2 rid es and third to Spalding via 3-3 showings. McKuhn , aboard a brand-new Kawasaki , had a brutal Open Pro class battle with Ricky LUll in th e second rnoto and after the du st had cleared. McKuhn prevailed. Another baule eru p ted in th e 80cc Expert an d 105cc classes between Ryan H uffman a nd Danny Ulven. Ulven swep t the 105ee class wit h 1·1 r id es while H uHman wa s th e dominan t figure in th e 80~ c ran ks. I Results OPEN PRO: 1. Frank McKuhn (Kawl; 2. Ricty Luu (Kaw t 3. Doug Eeltelman (KTM ). 250 PRO: 1. Gary Beyer (Kaw ); 2. Bre n DeVries (Hont 3. Mon ty Spalding (Han). 125 PRO: 1. Lance Smai l (SUl); 2. Jeff Daily (Yam); 3. Rick Simmet (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Rich linville IHon t 2. Wayne Nybl om (Hon); 3. RodCook (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Ty Birdwell ISuz); 2. Doug Orkney (Yam); 3. Brett Bani n ISuz ); 4 . Brett Caswell (Yam); 5. Todd Burchett (Yaml 125 INT; 1. John Chr ist ian (Hon); 2. Ty Birdwell ISUl); 3. J . W hipp le (Han); 4 . Bart M cDan iel (Kawl; 5. Chad Berry (Yam). 80 EX: 1. Ryan Huff man (Yam); 2. Danny Ulv en (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Ryan Leach (Cag); 2. Chris Wye rh (Hon); 3. Gle n Noli n (Hon);A. Chu ck Walter (Kaw ); 5. Bruce Isaacs (Suz). 250 J R: 1. Al ex Kavany (Yaml ; 2. Ma tt Barnhart (Han); 3. J ason Fick (Yam); 4. Jon Har rison (Suz); 5 . J erem y Harwood (Kaw l. 500 J R: 1. Pat Decker IHo n); 2. J eff W ilson IATK ); 3. Grant Reuler (Kawl. ~~~: ~Rg~~~~~:R"c!I~~~ tH::)~2.H~i~ ~';e~~~~lHOn); 3. Mike Chase (Ya m). 34 VET INT: 1. Rod Crale r (Honl; 2. M ark Ennis (Han); 3 . Rick Robert s (Yam). UTH: 1. Brett BaUln (Suz); 2. Doug Orkney (Yam); 3 . Rod Cook (Han); 4 . J im Faw (Hon); 5. Randy Brown (Hon ). . VET JR : 1. ,Jerry Wi lso n (ATK ).; 2. 'ri m Fukyama (Han ); 3 Rick How ard (SUI ). 60 19-11 ): 1. Matt Wi llia ms (Kawl ; 2. Troy Howard (Kaw); 3. Robb ie Ratliff (Kaw) . 60 10-8 ): 1. Enc Willlaim s (Kawl; 2. Tyler Kavany (Kawl. O'Ne al wraps up Dunestown GP By David Procida PALMDALE, CA, MAY 30 J im O 'N eal, Keith Ph il ips, Fred Kalm ick a nd Manuel Serrano. all ca me away wi th class win s in the final round of CRC's 12th An n ua l Dunestow n Seri es. Tim Cash had an ear ly lead in the Old Timers Expert class with O 'Neal and Ro ber t Mennell lead in g a large pa ck of riders. Ca sh held o nto the lead arou nd the long sandy track that zig-zagged across the dr ag strip and out into the back acres of th e LAC R property for a co u ple of laps. befo re O'Neal put a move on him for the lead. Bob Millner had go uen a mid-pack sta rt, but wasn 't lett ing th at slow him do wn . blo wi ng by Ro n Way and th en Men nell. \Vay was n 't goi ng to take a back seat to thi s and began 10 reel ~liIln er's Honda back withi n reach , slipping back by o n lap four. Millner reacted by pick ing up the pace a notch repa ssin g Way, this time for good. Way cam e under attack fro m Steve Du nlap next but successfully defended hi s third place standing for the duration of the ra ce. Up front, O 'Neal took the overall win with Millner not far beh ind. Ro und ing out the top five were Way. Dun lap an d J im Draves. In the O v"er The H ill Gang Amateu~ class , Gene Dempsey j umped o u t 10 a n early lead before fall in g victi m to a hard-chargi ng Keit h P h illips. Phillips was kep t compan y by Dempsey and Tom Widick th ro ugho ut th e race with th e o nly change being Widick and Dempsey swapping second a nd third. James Dills put his YZ int o th e n umber four slot. while roundin g out the top five was Suzu ki hot shoe Ga ry Gi les. Division One of th e Nov ice Over T he Hi ll Ga ng was domina ted by Fred Kalm ick ab oard a Hon da . Kalmi ck was cha llenged ea rly in the race by Wiley Sei tzler, bu t by mid-race, was way OUl Front cr u ising co m fo rta bly. Se itz ler had h is Suzuki sc ream ing and ma intained second during th e maj ori ty of th e race. Bob Ho rrell didn 't have as easy a time as Sei tzler, havi ng go uen a poor start. This di d n't stop the ATK· mounled Horrell as he picked o ff riders every lap until he had wo rked his way in to third late in the race. T h is left the remaining top five slo ts up for grabs and that is exac tly what Bob Kla n a nd John Braasch did , working their way up through the class. _ Resul ts .... 80 BEG: 1. J immy O 'Neal; 2. Aar on W asnea; 3. Tracy 80 NOV: 1. Jason DePan o; 2. David EY$ls iler; 3. M an Hal . 80 INT: 1. Terry Parso ns; 2. Bob Sage . V1NT 1. Ron Aldrich ; 2. Terry Pratt; 3. Len Ande rson . : WMN INT; 1. Lori Hedstrom. WM N NOV: 1. Joy Ames; 2. Cane Ma rt ine z.; 3 . Carol Kramer . VET BEG: 1. John Sullivan; 2. Bret Green ing; 3 . J im W ill iam s. VET NOV: 1. Jo hn Topor; 2. Devid M ason; 3. Randy WysockI. VET INT: 1. M .ek Gosse laar; 2. Mike Webb ; 3. Paul Tomor ie. VET EX; 1. Greg Winters; 2. A ndy Setilale; 3 . Jon M iller . SR BEG: 1. Bob Horr ell. SR NOV: 1. Denn is Carl isl e; 2. James Dill s. SR INT: 1. Robert l mvill e. SR EX.: 1. J im O' Neal. 125 BEG: 1. Robm Hall ; 2. Owen Dickson; 3. Kevin O·Brien . 250 BEG: 1. Chuck Kober; 2. Jeff Frey; 3. Donn y M oor e. 500 BEG: 1. Dann y M cKee; 2. Don J andt; 3 . David Mullen . 125 N OV ~ 1. J ason Me lton; 2. Joe DePan on; 3. Chuc k l ove. 260 NOV: 1. Larry Lawa nce; 2. Tony Seckm an ; 3 . W ill Dickson. 500 NOV: 1. Tony A lessi; 2. M ark Hit echen; 3 . Joh n Gomez. J R VET BEG; 1. Pat McD on ough; 2. Stan ley Norwoods; 3 Bob Mi chael . J R VET NOV: 1. Georg e Andrew s; 2. Greg Ma rti nez; 3. W alt Kelly . . J R VET INT: 1. David l ynch; 2. A lan Anderson . JR VET EX: 1. M ichael Brown. 125 INT: 1. Dustin Evans; 2. Ryan Carlisle; 3. Steven Kotajarvi. 250 INT: 1. Tony M erle; 2. Hamme r; 3. Ronni e Hensf ord OT NOV 0 ·1 : 1. Fred Kalm ick; 2. Denn is Wilson; 3. Bob Horr ell . OT NOV 0 -2: 1. M anuel Serrano; 2. J im Cooper; 3 . Jack Hooper . Kr is Kiser (4R) holds off Pat Behrle (99). Mike Butler (34) and Grady Phillips in Open class short track action at Lawrenceburg Speedway_ OT AM : 1. Keith Ph illi ps; 2. Tom Wi di ck; 3. Gene Dempsey. OT EX; 1. J im O 'Ne a l ~ 2. Bob M ill ner; 3 . Ron Way. Edwards conquers Mosier Valley MX By Vince Guy. Jr. EU LESS , TX, J UN E 2 Jason Edwards earned th e overall victory in the Combined In termed ia te class tonight wit h a co nvi ncing seco nd mo to victory . after falli ng to Charlie Winn in the firs t. a t Mosier Valley Motocross Park. In first mota act ion , Winn grabbed th e ho lesho t to lead wire-to-wire for the firs t moto win . Behind w in n. Edwards and Scott Moran battled briefly before Edwards took command of second place and mounted a cha rge tha t even tually brought him to \Vinn's rea r fen der. Winn and Edwards mixed it u!' for the las t half of th e race wi th Winn maintaining the upper hand a t th e finis h. Kawasaki-mounted Chad Clark ro unded o ut the top th ree. In the seco nd mo to Edwards too k command from th e sta n and ra n away fro m the pack 10 win th e overall. Chad Clark pushed his way through the pack a fter a poor start and earn ed a dista nt second to Edwards for seco nd overall hon ors . Winn. unable to fin d h is first rnoto pace, fell fro m second a t th e first turn to event ually pl ace fifth, ro unding o u t th e to p three for th e night. The kids provided some o r the nigh t's best raci ng as th e 80cc Begin ners kept th e cro wd on its feet. In the first moto the lead cha nged at least three ti mes in the first la p while th e en ti re pa ck stayed bu nc hed togeth er. Thi ngs di dn 't coo l down mu ch on the seco nd lap as Van Wh itley worked h is way in to the lead ahead of T y Howard. Whi tley a nd H oward even tually pulled away from th e pack wi th Whit ley co m ing o ut o n top a t th e fin ish . Beh ind them Brent Jorda n an d And y Go lden were engaged in a ba ttle of th eir ow n. The two riders a ttac ked eac h o the r relen tlessly wilh Jorda n finis hing third ju st a hea d of Go lden at the finish . In the seco nd mor o Golden grabbed the hol eshot wit h Wh itl ey tuck ing in close behind him. H oward was runni ng in th ird u nti l he o versho t th e ch ica ne and wo und up at the back of the pac k. Golden and Whitley pushed eac h o ther far ah ead of the field as they bega n a rnoto- lo ng duel that saw the lead change a t leas t once every lap. Neither rider held th e advantage as it seemed whoever was in seco nd was able to pass the other a t will. It soon beca me a p pa rent that th e eventual winner would be decided by timing OUI the las t pass. Whitley ma de that last pass o ver the spectators step-up. effectively usmg th e track to leave Go lden without ti me to mount a last ditch char ge. . wh it ley's second moto victory gav e him th e overall ahea d of Golden a nd Brent Jordan who finished second and lhird, res[X 'Cllvely. Results 50: 1. Alea Shinn (YamI2. Justin Bates (Yam); 3. Shan e Doughty (Yam); 4 . J .R. Patrono (Yam); 5 . Robby Sh inn (Yaml. 60: 1. Joe Mcln tyr e l Kaw l; 2. Roben Perez (Kaw ); 3. Aa ron Seldon (Kawl; 4 . Colin Eddy (Ka w); S. Bear Spencer (Hon). 80 BEG: 1. Van Wh itl ey (Kaw); 2. Andy Golden (Kaw l; 3. Brent Jo rdan (Kaw l; 4 . Ty Howard (Hon); 5. Ma thew Feil (Kawl. 80 NOV: 1. Ch ri s Youn g {Kawl ; 2. Chris Daub itz (Kaw ); 3. J .J . Spencer (KXJ. ~ 80 OPEN: 1. Ja son York (Suzt 2. J erry Hill J r. (Suz); 3 . Clin t Tredway (Kaw ); 4 . M an Holmes (Kaw ). 125 BEG 0 -1 : 1. J eff Deas (Kaw); 2. Terry McClu re (Kaw ); 3. Bud Murphy (Suz); 4 , Dann y Hort on (Han ); 5. Joh n Spenc er (Suzl. 125 BEG 0 -2 : 1. Mar k Parker {YamI; 2. Bob M cKinn ey (Kaw l; 3. Bryan Cook (Kawtl; 4 . Kent Bam en (Yam); 5 . Zac Davis (Yaml . 125 NOV: 1. Larry M assey (Yam); 2. J ud Cary (Hont 3.. Chr is Ber ry (Kaw): 4 . Doug Gilt (Han); 5 . Billy Bell ~Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Dan ny Heatd (Suz); 2. Ron Goodwin (Kawl ; 3. Bill Peak (Honl; 4. Tracy Hayes (Han ); 5, Brad Hayddiclty (Hon). OPEN NOV; 1. Pat Koch (Hon); 2. Todd Fleckner (Honl . 250 NOV: 1. Darr en Brawn (Kaw); 2. Ken ny long (SUZ); 3. Spr int Hayes (Yam); 4. Tim MacDonal d (Hon); 5. Dawa yne Donahoe (KTM). 125 BEG: 1. Ken Trent (Kaw); 2. Rodney Tedder (Kawl; 3 . Bobby Brewe r (Yem); 4 . Leonard Boilm an (Yam); 5 . M arvin M cCoy (Hon) . 250 BEG: 1. John Frsher (Hon l; 2. John Gandy (Hon); 3. Keith M att hews (Yam); 4 . Carval Key (Hon); 5. Jerry Phi lli ps (Yam). 30+: , . Hazen Smith (Han ); 2. J eff Haney (Han); 3. Dw igh t Leatherwood lH on l. 30+ EX; 1. Chuc k Treuider (Han ); 2. Rod Young (Honk 3.. Rick Curt is (Honl ; 4 . J erry HiIl ISu z); 6. J immy Jacobsen (Hon l. 25+: 1. M ark Lamb (Han); 2. M ark Each us (Yam); 3. David Pellham (Yaml. INT: 1. Jason Edwa rds (Kaw); 2. Chad Clar1t (Kawl; 3 . Char lie W innfS uz); 4 . JetfTalley (Kaw); 5 . Troy ~m ith (Han). EX: 1. Clay Hoensh ell (Suzl; 2. Chuc k Tresidcer (Han); 3. Rod Young (Hon). Staten st or ms back at Perris MX By David Procida PERRIS, CA, J U NE 3 "Rocket" Rex Staten cam e o ut or ret iremen t o nce again to top a large field of Vet Expert! P ro class riders toda y a t G F[ Saturday Motocross a t Perr is Raceway. Staten dominated mota o ne from stan to finish, while behind him a ba ttle for second raged between Yama ha -mou n ted Clar k Jon es a nd Ala n O lson. Althoug h Olson slipped by o n the second lap, J on es stayed o nly a bike length behi nd, waiti ng for an error by O lson tha t never came. T ibor Pap p followed a short dis ta nce behind C la rk wit h J o n Miller ro undi ng o ut th e top five. Clark roc keted off the li ne a nd led th e pac k into turn o ne to sta rt off the second moto. Less than a lap lat er Sta ten bl ew by and was never headed. Traey H ra ch came fro m a midpack star t. passing Miller a nd th en Cla rk 10 ta ke over th e n umbe r two slo t. Clar k blocked Mill er fro m tak ing over th ird. while Ol son sta rted from the back of the pack, moved u p with every passi ng lap , and by th e end of the mo ta was runn in g in fifth . Brad Bielec had to get by J ohn Ri tchie and Riverside Suzu ki 's Ch uc k Freeman in the Vet Novice class but o nce past the pair. Bielec on ly had to deal with o ne rider , J im " Bo nes" Baco n came fro m fourth , co nsisten tl y picking up tim e o n the leaders until he parked h is l 25cc Pro Circuit Honda behind Bielec's 560cc ATK four-stroke. Freeman powered by Ritch ie for th ird a nd the top fou r slots rema ined intact un ril the checkered ca me OU I for Bielec, Mot a two bega n with another Rit chi e hol esho t, bu t with in the first lap , th e sound or Bielec's four-strok e ca me booming by for the lead. Bacon agai n gated fourth, but by lap three, was closi ng on the leader wit h Ritch ie fall ing victim to Freeman early on . Don Sa lmen moved u p 10 cha llenge Ritch ie next , and for th e followi n!: two laps, went back a nd fo rt h until lap five when Salmen slipped by for KOOd- This stabilized the top five slo ts and reflected the o vera ll resu lts. Results M INI BEG: 1. Paul nc (Kaw ); 2. Tra vis Drew (Kaw); 3. Nate Ell ert son (Suzl . MINI NOV; 1. Ty Kady (Kawl; 2. Travis Preston (Kaw). MINI INT: 1. Brian Teets (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Joe l Kirkpat r ick (Yam); 2. Chuck McCarty (Yam t 3. David $c hm;m (Kaw ). 250 BEG: 1. Reggie Lane (Yam).; 2. Tommy Bt adte ns (Han); 3. Greg B. Gidd ings (Suzl. OPEN BEG: 1. M ike Seeley (Kaw) . 125 NOV: 1. Oonatd Upton (Honk 2. Bill Sauro (Hon); 3 . Dan ny Seyler (Yaml . 2 50 NOV: 1. Pete loncarevich (Yam); 2. Dan Rudd (Yam l; 3. Adam Jones (K.awl. OPEN NOV: 1. W ill i Zart h (Jap); 2. Don Jandt (Yam ); 3. Jeff Nelson (Han). 1251NT; 1.Jeff Lambson (Yam); 2. Tommy Chacon (Yaml; 3. Steve Clark (Kew) . 250 INT: 1. Brian Calhoun (S uz); 2. Scott Sease (Kawl; 3 . Robert Lain e (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Kevin Fringer (Han); 2. Greg Smit h (Hon t 3. Patrick M arkham (A TKI. 250 PRO; 1. Brian M an ley (Kaw); 2. Craig Davis (Yam); 3 . Ulf J ohansson (Han). 25-29 BEG; 1. William Malon e (Han); 2. larry Fleck (Sull; 3. M arlin Gustafson (Yam). 2 5-29 NOV: 1. Brent Rou he (Yam); 2. M ark Brown (Han); 3 . Ken W ilso n (Hon). VETINT: 1. Randy M inter (Kaw l; 2. Larry Nannenga (Hon); 3 . Steve Donovan (Hon) VET EX/ PRO: 1. Rex Staten (Yam ); 2. Clark Jones (Yam); 3. Alan Olson (Kaw ). OTHG NOV D-l : 1. Glen A . King (Kaw); 2. Frank Benecka (Hon); 3. Gary Phillips (Honl . OTHG NOV 0 -2: 1. Pete Klassen (Hon); 2. Jack Hooper (Hon); 3. Ja ck Val io n (Hanl . OTHG AM :1 . Keit h Phill ips (Honl; 2. Milton Roybal (Kaw); 3. Jam es Dill s (Yam ). OTHG EX: 1. Alan Olson (Kaw); 2. l ars Larson (Hon); 3. Jody Weisel (Hanl .

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