Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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600 National winner Chris Carr (center), runner-up Andy Tresser (left) and third place finisher Aaron Hill (rig ht) celebrate in w inner's circle. Kiser and Hale sett led into second and third, respectively, and finished in those spots, whi le Huff and Pegram fought over fourth . Huff to ok fourth over Pegram at the ch eckered flag but th at wasn 't good enough to hold o n to the p oint sta nd ings lead he had coming into th e race. T he win by Tresser moved him into th e points lead over Huff, 50 to 44. Kiser rem ains a close th ird with 43. In winner 's circle, T resser said , " I was chasi ng Huff, down by three points. I had to keep a t it. Things are working out." 600 National At th e start of th e 25-lap 600 National Carr put the H arley with the number o ne pl a te out fro nt immediat ely, with Aseltine, Eklund, Tresser;Orr a nd H ill bunch ed close beind him. By th e end of lap two , Carr a lrea dy had a l O-bike-len gth lead and everyone's attention fell o n the grea t race for seco nd. The fury of that action brought out th e red flag o n lap six wh en Orr unloaded over th e ' j ump. Orr was banged up but o therwise uninjured. Everyone pi cked up wh ere th ey left off on th e restart with Carr again taking th e lead. Adams a nd Graybeal tangled in turn two as th ey battled fo r 10th with G ra ybeal falling but unhurt. Aseltine's bad lu ck stru ck again. Following hi s heat race, Gardner Racing's crew di agnosed his problem as a sco rched pi ston and a quick searc h of the p its tu rn ed u p Rex Fisher 's spare Ro tax and in a rush th ey pulled Fish er 's engi ne and put it into Aseltine's frame. This time out he had no p roblem s wi th th e motor but his rear tir e went flat a nd he was left to circula te arou nd th e track slo wly, pi ck in g up poi nts for an 11th pl ace finish. At th e halfway mark , Carr held a . lead the len gth o f th e front stra ig h t over Eklund, wh o was running a lo ne after h a vin g pull ed a way from Tresser. Hill a nd Farri s were still locked tog ether , fighting overfourth, with Kiser, Da vis and Mertens battling for sixth. As most of th e field was struggling ju st to finish , Carr lengthened hi s lead. Then Eklund's Harley all bu t gave up the fight a nd he limped around , dropping to ninth at th e che ckered flag. Carr romped acro ss the line with Tresser a lonely second. The battle between Hill a nd Farris for third saw Hill take the spot as Farris' bid just fell short and he had to settle for fou rth , ahead o f Mertens w ho worked his way past Kiser for fifth with two laps left. "I was extremely happy with the way things wen t," said Carr. " Un fortunately, both Eklund a nd Aseltine had trouble. It would have been ni ce to see those g uys running up th ere." The Californian co ncl uded with , " I think you've got to ride a Harley to win Peoria. " • Results 25 -LAP 600 NATIONAL: 1. Chris Carr (H·D t 2. Andy Tresser (W·R); 3. Aaron Hill (H·D); 4 . Rodney Farris (H· D); 5. Tim Mertens (H-D); 6. Kris Kiser (H-D); 7. Will Davis (H-D);.8. Rex Fisher (W-R); 9. Steve Eklund (H-D); to. Mike Hale (W·R); 11. Steve Ase lt ine (H-D); 12. Scan Adams (H-D); 13. Erik Graybeal (W-R); 14. Charlie Orr (H·D t 15.. Rich King (Han). 600 NATIONAL CHAM PIONSHIP SERIES POINT STANDINGS: 1. Chris Carr (56); 2. Steve Aselt ine (49); 3. Kris Kiser (39); 4. Rodn ey Fa",s (32); 5. Will Davis (27); 6. Erik Graybeal (26); 7. Tim Mertens (21); 8. Aaron Hill (20); 9. Terry Poovey (19); 10. Andy Tresser (18); 11. Dave Hebb (16); ' t 2. Ricky Graham (11); 13 . (TIE) Dan Ingram / Ronnie Jones (10); 15. Marc Gifford (9); 16. (TIE) Mark Gruber/Jay Sprin gsteen (8); 18. (TIE) Kevin Atherton /Brian Bonesteel / Rex Fisher /Mike Hale (7). JR. NATIONAL: 1. Andy Tresser (W-R); 2. Kris Kiser (H·D); 3. Mike Hale (W- R); 4 . Audie Huff (WR); 5. Larry Pegram (W · R); 6. M ike Eadie (H· D); 7. Shane Joll y (Hol>l:8. Bill New kir k (Han); 9. Kevin Bicker (Honl; 10. Jay Skidmore (Rtx); 11 . Todd Booten (W-R); 12. David Lloyd (Rtx). JR. NATIONAL CHAMPIO NSHIP SERIES POINT STANDIN GS: 1. Andy Tresser (50); 2. Aud ie Huff (44); 3. Kris Kiser (43); 4 . Larry Pegram (30); 5. M ike Eadie (26); 6. Mike Hale (25); 7. Dan Stsnley (22); 8 . St ev e Raymon d (19); 9 . (TIE) Gary Ferravan ti /Shane Jolly/ Steve Rasmussen (8). Old Time Newsies HM to Ingram ' By Bert & Deanna Shepard DAYTON, OH , J UNE 10 " I' ve been com ing here since 1981 and this is my first one," said a happy Dan Ingram aft er winning th e 19th Annual Dayto n Old Time Newsies H alf Mile, a ro u nd o f the AMA Eastern Regi onal Ch ampionship Dirt Track Series . The Sponsell er Ra cing p ilot had a perf ect n ight, setting fast time in time trials , win n ing the fastest heat, th e 2nd Annual Edgar Fuhr Dash For Cash , a nd the main event. Jam es H auptman II won th e Junior final , hi s fir st main even t victory in four yea rs of raci ng. Greg Sims logged his first-ever professio na l win in the Pro-Am fin al. Gary SCOlt'S six-year-old tr a ck record o f 26.117 seconds remained intact a fter 27 Experts and 33 Juniors went up against th e clock s a t the Montgomer y County Fairgrounds tra ck. Ingram was th e quickest a t 26.186, Kevin Atherton next at 26.651 and Ingram 's teammate, Steve Morehead , was th ird quickest a t 26.754. Dayton Old Time Newsies Half Mile winner Dan Ingram holds contingency prize checks as J.R . Kelley interviews him after the rl.lce. Larry Peg ra m was the quickes t Jun io r at 27.579. Pro-Am q ualifying heats were won by Harol d Dorsey, Greg Sims, Pat Behrle and Mike Butler with . Dorsey's the fastest. Junior heats went to Da vid Ll oyd , Jay Skidmore, Hauptman and A.J . Snoop. In gram won the fir st o f three Expe rt heats with George Roeder . taking seco nd and Doug Davis third. Fourth pl a ce fini sher Dar rin Erichse n adva nced to th e main by virt ue o f having co mpeted in th e fastest heat. Heat two saw a red flag when Tom Trout a lmost set a h igh a lti tude record wi th hi s crash . On the resta rt, Athe rton took off a nd went o n to win ove r runner-up Will Da vis a nd th ird p lace fin ish er Donnie Estep . .T he fin al Expert heat saw Sco tt Stump a ll over Mor ehead as th e latter's H onda turned o u t to .be a handful for th e veteran rider. His crew had tried to get th e bike to steer a ll night long and wha tever adjustments were made betw een time tri al s a nd th e heat rac e failed to help things. David Mi ller took third. H arold Dor sey go t the hol eshot in the Pro-Am main but Si ms soo n took ' over, riding a hi gh line in tu rns three-four. Dor sey closed on Sims as th e race wound down but ca me up short. Pat Behrle, who had won here in '88, finished third. Skid mo re was o n th e pol e for the Jun ior ma in but o nce th e race go t under wa y it belonged to H auptman. " I kn ew it was m y n ight. I just kn ew it! " sa id th e Illinoi s ri der in win ner 's circle. Pegram took seco nd a nd a th ird pl a ce battle involving Kris Ki ser, An d y Tressor a n d J a son Fletch er went to Fletch er. Will Da vis scra tched from the Expert ma in du e to an ig n itio n o r possibly cam fai lu re a nd first alternate Da vid Ra yburn took hi s pl ace, o nly to fin ish last. In gra m went quickl y to the front a nd never looked ba ck , sai ling home th e winner in front of Mor eh ead , wh o sa id, "We finally found th e com bina tio n but it took me a few laps to ge t some co nfidence in th e thing a nd by that time Dann y was gone." Roeder, Atherton and Doug Davis ro u nded o u t th e top five. T he even ing ended with the run ning of th e $1000 Edgar Fuhr Dash For Cas h which pitted th e five fastest Ex pe rt qu a lifier s -a g a i ns t o ne another. In gram added a win in that event to cap hi s perfect ni ght, with tea m m at e Morehead , Erich sen , Ath erton and Stump foll owing him acros s th e finish line. Results EX: 1. Dan Ing ram (Han); 2. Steve Morehead (Han); 3. George Roeder (H· D); 4. Kevin Atherton (W ·R); 5. Doug Davis (H· D); 6. Scon Stu mp (H· D); 7. Darren Eric hsen (H· D); 8. Don Estep (H· D); 9. David M ill er (H· D); 10 . David Rayburn (H· D). JR: 1. Ja mes Hauptma n (W· R); 2. Larry Pegram (W ·R); 3. Ja son Fletcher (Rtx); 4. Kris Kiser (HD); 5. Andy Tressor (Rtx); 6. A.J . Snoop (W·R); 7. Jay Skidmor e (W·R t 8. David Uoyd (W-Rt 9. James Hart (W·R); 10. Jamie Grylicki (W-R). P·A; 1. Greg Sims (H· Dt 2. Harold Dorsey (Rtx); 3. Pat Behrle (Han); 4. Scon ~h l (Rtx); 5. Brent Arm bruster (H· D); 6. J.J. McDowell (H· D); 7. Kyl~ Long (H· D); 8 . Mike 8utler (W-Rt 9. Bob Knapp (H-D); 10. Jack Vander kooi (Hon). Reeves tags Broome-Tioga GP win By Greg Nelson LI SLE. NY, J UNE 4 Kawasaki-mounted Joh n Reeves co llected the 200cc Nov ice overall in th e Broome-Tioga G P. Reeves started seventh in moio o ne a nd was o ne seco nd be hind Iirst-plac e finis her Mark La ke a t the checkers. Lake led the race lro m lap two after passing John Fish er a nd early lead er Brian Sawyer. In rno to two Reeves led (ro m the begi nni ng . H e had to fight 0[[ passing atte m pts from Doug Du ane. O n th e th ird lap Dua ne bulled h is way aro u nd Reeves wi n ning th e mot o , how ever, Reeves was second aga in thi s more whi ch was good for th e overa ll win. The 125cc Ex pert racing turned into a real nail-biter . Mot o o ne sta rted with Ethan Goodrich leading, until lap fo u r wh en T y Wall ace pulled u p a lon~side. A n at fro n t lire sudden ly slo wed G oodrich , and Wall ace took the lead. Rob Nessel had been patien tly riding in third , he wicked. on the gas and ove rlook Wall ace. At the same ti me Yam aha su p port rider Bru ce Stra tto n h.. adcome Crom a last pl ace s ta rt to c ha lle nge t he lea d er s. Stratton banzaied pas t both C ha d Brown and Wallace in one section. After a ll hi s work, Stra tto n 's goggles were shot C m the m ud , a nd he ra co u ld n 't keep u p his incredible pace . M O lD two was exciting for Co n kli n Cycl e! P ow er Mist / GPO Ra cin g /P reci sion Perf o rma nce-backed Chad Bro wn and his family. H e ho leshot the race and took 0 [[. as Nesse l fell o n the first lap. Goodrich was seco nd. b ut Wa lla ce Quick ly passed hi m . On lap£our Brown harla n eig h t-seco nd lead on \Va llace. He started LO tir e. Wall ace was wit hin one second b y th e white nag lap. Bro wn held him 0[[ for ha lf the lap. but Wallace used his experienc-e 10 RCt by. Results VINT: 1. John Young (Y.. m ~ 2 . Bernie Koh ler (SozJ; 3 . Scott Det rick (Hon ). PLUS 25 : 1. Tom Hurd (Sw); 2. Gregory lykens (Hon); 3 . M ike Murray (KTM) . SR: 1. J erry Newby IHan l; 2. Ed Down ing (Vaml ; 3 . Duke Finch (Varni. 50: 1. Chad Rockw ell (Yam); 2. M ike Dough erty Jr . (Yam); 3 . Justin M urr ay (Yaml. JR MINI: 1. Dan ny Gatt (Honl; 2. Paul Bradl ey IKawl; 3. Matt Rodtwell (Kaw). SR MINI NOV; 1. M ich ael Str ano (Vaml; 2. Chr is Gr eene 3. Brian Adam s (Varni. SR MINI: 1. Chad Kresge (Kaw ); 2. Er ic Reill y (Suz); 3. Jon Right mire (Suzl. SCHBY: 1. Chad Brown (Kaw); 2 . Jim Holl envedc.(Kaw ); 3 . Josh Hur lburt (Kaw). 200 NOV: 1. John Reeves (Kawl; 2. Mark Lake (Kaw ); 3. Sha nnon Eaton (Kaw ): 125 A M : 1. Dave Picarell o IKaw l; 2. Greg Maurer (Kaw ); 3 . Rick M axson (Kaw) , 125 EX: 1. TV Walla ce (Suz); 2. Rob Nessel (Kaw); 3. Ethan Goodrich (Kaw) . 250 AM: 1. John Voung (Yamt, 2. Scott Bedtwith (Kaw ); 3. Bill Safford (Vam). 250 EX: t . Ty Wal lace (Suz); 2. Bruce Stratton (Yamt 3. Dawson Ransom e (Hon). OPENA M : 1. Brian Hall iwe ll (A TKt; 2. Roben Alf red (Hont 3. Man Cempe (Kaw) . OPEN NOV: 1. Chris Poyall (Yam); 2. Tracy Updyke (Hont 3. Jeff Markham (Suz). OPEN EX.: 1. M ike Oougherty(KTMt; 2. Mark Brown (Hon); 3. J eny Newby (Hon). (Kaw);

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