Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mini Junior class overall winner Brandon Backes (9 1 ) grabs the holeshot over runner-up Mike Atkinson (5) at Spring Creek Park. - Scott Hi nesley (256) was one of two t!,r,:at~ t? 250cc Amateur class 'w inner Chris Daigle (6) at the Central MISSISSiPPi MX. Conley cruises to Sacramento MX win III~R A: 1. Michael Graif : 2. Richard Yarrow ; 3. Br ian Cas~et: 1. Matt W itt lief ; 2. A llen Sta ige; 3. Dave Hencir . By Nuklear Ne ukam SACRAMENTO, CA, J UNE 9 Sean Con ley cru ised h is Kawasak,i to th e overall win in the 500cc Pro class III round four of th e Sacra me n to R a cew a y C MC Championship MX Series sta ge d in th e MotoBowl at Sacramen to Racew ay Park. H onda-m ounted Eri c Sandstr om blasted iru o the lead of th e first moto a nd n ever looked back as he roosted to the win a head of Conley and Kaw asaki-mounted J on N icol au s: MOlO two looked to be ano ther Sa nd strom a ffa ir but the H onda pilot hit a slick spo t en tering a hairpin turn and flew over th e berm and onto the ground. Conley 3;ssumed the lead while Sandstrom remounted In last place. At th e checkered it was Conley with th e win a nd th e o vera ll bu t Sandstrom was able to ad va nce to second a nd seco nd overal l. R('m Allen won th e first 250cc Pro motu a head of Suzuki-mounted Danny Pa ladino and Mik e Memma a boa rd a Yama ha . Bu t in round two, Allen fell in th e hairpin a nd found himself restart ing from th e back o f th e pac k. Memma held o n for the win a nd the o vera ll wh ile Pa lad in o worked h is wa y up to second ' a n d second ov era ll. ABell finished fourth beh ind Yama ha-mou nted Beau Mag ley a nd secu red third overa ll. Ma~ l ey went 1-3 for fourth over all. In th e 250cc Iruermedit e class Al oh a Wi nd ow T'inringvKaw asaki -m o urued Steve Nelson liter ally flew to both mow WillS for the overa ll. Nelson logged mas sive ai r tim e as he la u nched off jumps displayi ng h is atmospheri c sk il ls. Memo Gid ley combined a 3-2 score aboard hi s Kawas aki for second overa ll a h ea d of j erry Wright. It was a nother perfect score for Ron You ng as he topped th e 125cc Begi nn er class for another week w irh Dan Murphy second overall and Andrew Cabatc third. Resu lts 500 PRO: 1. Sean Conl ey (Kaw); 2. Eric Sandstr om lHon); 3 . Jon Nicol aus (Kaw ). 250 PRO: 1. M ike Memm a(Yam); 2. Dann y Paladino (Suz); 3. Ron All en (Kaw). 12 5 PRO: 1. M ike Mi njaur es (Suz); 2. Sergio Fernandez (H~ INT: 1. Derek Curris (Han); 2. Ken Schroeder (Han). 250 INT:' 1. Steve Nelson (Kawl; 2. Memo Gidley (Kaw); 3 . Je rry W right (Kaw) . 125 INT: 1. Scott McElroy (Han); 2. Sha:ne S~ rg (Yam). VET PRO: 1. Dave W ood (Kaw l; 2. RIck Ai tken (Kaw); 3. Ala n l aredo (Kaw) VET MSTR: 1. M ike Harper (Han); 2. Mark Fort in (Han). VET J R: 1. Sill Perkins (Han); 2. Brian Andrew s (Han); 3 . Tim Ketchum (Han). 50 : 1. Dan iel Blair (Yam); 2. Bill y Gross (Yam) 60: 1. Matthew Haw kins (Kaw ); 2. Jesse Ketchu m (Kaw). PP: 1. Andrea Chamberlai n (Kaw ); 2. Lisa R o~s (Kawl 80 BEG D-1: 1. Marlin Cole (Kaw); 2. Brett Klinge r (Kaw); 3 . Troy Stotl emeyer (Yam). 80 BEG 0 -2: 1. Steve Young (Kaw ); 2. Nick Scarmazzo 3. Joe Spen cer (Kaw ). 80 JR : 1. Shaw n Trantha m (Kaw); 2. Ja rred Packard (Kaw ); 3. Neil Goodman (Kaw). 125 BEG D- l : 1. Tim Young (Kaw); 2. Dan M urphy (Kaw); 3, And rew Cabato (Sur ). 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Kevin Felkins (Han); 2.. Phil Amato (Hon); 3 . Ji m Faulk ner (Yam). 12 5 JR: 1. Jimm y Mech em (Kaw); 2. Jo hn Shipman IKaw ); 3 . Andy Adams (Han). . 250 BEG 0 - 1: 1. David Ad ams (Kaw); 2. Dan A ugl no . (Han); 3 . Pern ell Gutt ierz (Kaw) . 250 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Mike Lewis(Ya m); 2. Fred McCart y (Han); (Yam~ 3':50 ~::rt~~:r~i~G~:·v iet (Yam); 2. Brad lynn (Han); 3. T~PG~"d~~~~evin Felkins (Yam); 2. Alan Kelly (Han); 3..~h~~~.(~i~ITiPton 3 . Kris Svenson (Kaw). (Hon~ 2. John Smallwood (Han); Herndon, Barry score at Sebring RR By Joe McKay SEB RING, FL, JUNE 4 Rick H erndon and G lenn Barry both rooe to viclOrie s in their respec tive classes, GTO and GTU, at the famous Sebring Race Track in central Florida. The th ird race in the eigh t- race Florida G ran Prix Rider s Assoc ia tio n Seri es sta rted wit h GTO ac tion a nd H erndon led th e wa y. aft er a sho rt baule \4;"ith Nate Donohew for th e lead . H erndon s Su zu ki GXSR IIOO was faster in the ha lf-mile line, sweeping right turn th en Na te' s GS X R750, allowing him to fly by o n th e seco nd la p. Herndon was a lso first overa ll in the ShOUlo u t. Nate Donohew went o n to wi n t~ e Mod ified Pr oducti on feature, th e G ra n Pnx Four class. a n d took a th ird p lace in the sh ooto u t. Yamaha FZR600- mountcd Barry and teammate jon Roberts (Tea m Toomer). ba tt led o n th e first lap of the GTU fea tur e With Robe rt s tr im m ing the gras s on the sho rt back straigh ta way . As th ey wen t in to a ver y tig h t rig:h thand co rner ( 110 degr ees), Rob erts lost fO OLIng and slid 10 a SLOp a nd Bar!'Y ~c n t.o n to . a n easy victory; lapping th e en LIre field inc luding the second place rid er. G lenn we nt o n to victories in the G ra nd Prix class a nd fini sh ed in seco nd pl ace in the shoo t-o u t. Mik e Ro nan ca p tu red overall win s in th e Lightwei ght classes on hi s To ny D u~ a s Ra cing Yamaha RZ350, Ronan led RIck J ackso n a nd hi s FZ400 to the checkered fla g Irt bot h even ts. They were th e Iirst win s for th e Novice rider. Engstrom excels at Spring Creek Park MX By Rolfe Otterness MILLVILLE, MN, MAY 28 Ro b Engstrom had a gr e-at cJ:'y a t the lat est round of Distri ct 23 MX a t Spring Creek Park. H e ca p tu red overall wins in the 125 and 250cc A classes on his Honda. T hree mOLD wins a n d a very clos e second made him th e on ly ra~r to ta ke two classes today. Around 300 en mes competed on the john Martin-prepped tra ck . , Eng strom l a u nch ~ int o a n ea rl y l ee;t ~ in th e firs t I25cc mote with Cory Keen ey trailing. Pa t Riley cha llen ged Keeney a n d t~~ ov~r seco nd on th e seco nd la p . Keen ey, ridi ng ~n h is first A class mote, £oug ht back to regain seco nd a few la ps la ter wh en Ri ley h it some sha rp hu mps at the topof the hi ll andswap'ped out. Brya n Hunt took advantage of RI ley's mishap to grab th ird. At th e ch eckered , Engstrom took the win ov er Keen ~y , Hunt and Riley. Troy Da llansky held filt h after co m ing fro m last on the first la p. Ri ley established a lead in th e first moto with Do llansky and Engstrom ba ttl ing over seco nd . Engstrom d ispatched Do llansky, th en R iley to ta ke th e lead nea r th e halfway mark. Do llans ky also snuck by Riley a t about the 'sa me time. making the top four En!?st! om, Do llansky, Riley and Keen ey. They fin ished that way wi th Tim Bar tylla fi.fth . , Pat Riley pushed ou t from m the first 2?Occ A mo to , wh ile Engstro m got awa y about fift h. After several la ps Engstom clo sed 10 ch allenge Ril ey for th e lead, b ut a bobble caused him 10 drop back . He slowly reeled in Riley '!ve r th e remaining bps and made a last ditch a ttem p t to tak e the win at th e chec kered £lag, falling only inches short, Chris Bense , Scott Mi ller and jack Lane ro unded ou t th e top five. Riley led for the first la p of the seco nd moto, hut fro m th ere on Engstom took over. Be.nse challe n ged Riley a nd took ove r second. RIley wen t down soon af ter and lost many pl aces. Chris H ug hes a nd Dolan sky diced 10 3-4 finishes over La ne at the flag . Results MINI JR: 1. Tim Pospisil ; 2. Dusti n Noble; 3. Bill y Edmonson. . • 25+: 1. Scott Miller; 2. J ad lane; 3. Tim Bartyll a. 125 YTH: 1. Cory Keeney; 2. Pat Donaho; 3. Brandon Backes. PIW: 1. Sh elly Kann; 2. Lance Cunni ngham; 3. Danny EdM:N;SS~: Povolny. 1. Brandon Backes; 2. Mi ke Atkinson; 3. Jim SR 40+: 1. Roger Niedzielsk i; 2. W alt er Knig ht; 3 . Marlon 12 5 A: 1. Robbie Engstro m; 2. Cory Keeney; 3. Troy Do11~5B~Y1 . Ja son Kempel; 2. M ichael Thompson; 3. Mitch W,'rs C G- 1; 1. Je remy Shoni ng; 2. Kevin Erickso n; 3. Russell Wi ltseheck. 125 C G-2 : 1. David Opreer; 2 . Dan Vosespka; 3 . Clark co~~r A 1. Robbie Engstrom; 2. Chri s Sense; 3. Chri s : HU2g5hO~: 1. Bob DeOt is; 2. Mi chkey Mickelson;' 3 . James W~~~iCi(t. 1: 1. Cra ig Schw arz; 2. Paul Kramer; 3. Brian He~';;e~ G.2 : 1. Tim Rood; 2. David Opfer; 3 . Thomas W illiams. OPEN A: 1. Jeff Sorensen; 2. Chad Cun ningham; 3. Raben M itchell. OPEN C: 1. Ma rk Smi lanish; 2. Brett Vesel; 3 . Gary Pangbur n. Daigle dominates Central Mississippi MX By Luther Stowers PEARL, MS, MAY 28 Chris Dai g le rook [our moto wins on hi s wa y to th e ov era ll victory in bo th th e 250cc Am at eur a nd Senior class at th e Ce n tr al Mississippi Motocross Association's Mem or. . ia l Da y weekend race.. Dai gl e had a relativel y easy tlm ~ III both classes with hi s only th rea t corrung fro m H onda-m ounted Scott H in esle y a nd J im Allen , who wer e a lso racing both classes. Several times during th e day Dai gle jumped to a n early lead , then slowed and let se ve~a l ri de rs pa ss him. Once. he let th e enure Sen ior class pas s him th en w~thin o ne lap rep assed everyo ne to cr u ise to an eas y WIn . Hinesley a n d All en were . left to battle for seco nd in the 2SOccAma teur and Senior classes with Hinesley co m in g o u t on top in the 250<:c Amateur class and Allen lockin g up second o vera ll in th e Senior class . The Beginner class pro.vided s?me of th e clos est racing of the da y, wtth DaVId H u sba n d going I-I for th e overall win. In mote one, Husba nd gated perfectly with D-Lo Thornton, Pa u l Weem s, Da vid Applewhite a nd Daryl Hajj in tigh t formatio n coming out o f t urn o ne. In turn fo ur, Thornton st uffed in side of H usband and sprinted into th e lead. Husband stayed close, and took a quicker lin e through the whoops to rega in the lead. By the end o f th e moto, H usband held a co m fortable lead with Thornton, Weems. Applewhite, H ajj , Bo d ie McAu ley and Travis Harrell finishing behind. Moto two saw Weems p ull the ho lesho t only to sta ll in a sha rp turn o n lap one, a llowing Thornton and Husband to get by before h e ,. co u ld ge t restarted. T homt.on was sLTetc~ing h is lead at th e end of the first la p , bu t h ighsided in the finish line sweeper, going down hard, a nd a llowing the enure class to pass as he go t back u nderway. Wit hi n the la p , T horn to n had fought back to a distant th ird. On the la st la p , Husband a nd Weems fo ullh t through eac h corner with Hus~and holding a slight edge. The pa ir were SIde by SIde as they dis appeared int o the back section of the tra ck . When they came back into view . Weems was several turns beh in d Husba n d. All riders held their positions to th e checker~ flag wi t!, H u sba nd taki ng the overall by virtue of h IS I-I finishes . Seco nd overall wen t to Weems, and Thornton took third , followed by H ajj a nd Applewhite. Results 250 AM : 1. Chr is Daigle (Yam); 2. Jim All en (Kaw); 3. t rBig Beasley (Suzl; 4 . Hughe s; 5. Wym an. 125 NOV: 1·. M ike Moak (Yam); 2. Dwayne Accardo (Kawl. EX: 1. Weinberger (Han); 2. Chr is Ready (Suz). MICRO MINI : 1. Jonathan Evans (Yam). 80: 1. Jeff Eason (Yam). ~G1:' laO:i~ ~~d (Hanl; 2. Paul W eems (Suz); 3. D-lo Thor nt on (Han); 4. Dary l Hajj (Yam ); 5. Applewhit e (Yam). SRR: 1. Chr is Daigle (Yam); 2. Ji m All en (Kaw); 3. David Burnham (Suzl; 4 . Bill Lackey ISuz); 5. Scott Hine sley (Han). Crockett controls Neoga ST By Bill Holt NEOGA , IL ; MAY 28 & 29 Aar on "The Ro cket " Croc kett is quickl y earn ing th e name as th e Pro-Am rider to heat in th e m idwest a nd he showed a ll he had to the co m pe tit ion a nd the fan s as he aced both en ds of [h e ann ua l Centra l Ill inois MC Memorial Da y Doubleh ead er in the 500cc class . C roc kett and hi s Alloy Tech / R&D Cycle / Ro bb ie Robinso n -sponsored Ro ta x found h im self in a h ea ted battle with Reed Berti lino. Berti Ii no stayed close bu t cou ldn't get under the sty lish Crockett. Rick Knu th and hi s ~o~x . were ho t on th eir tail but settl ed for th u d In front of Allen Richards and jim Hinthorn. On da y two , Cr ockett was b~ck again, th is time it was Rob Colhns providi ng th e heat, as Crockett turned in record la p s on the u nusuall y fast track. Jim Hinthorn rode hi s Honda to a close third spot o ver Eddi e H eid en , . a n d Chip Perry. ' The racing is a lwa ys d ose 1Il th e 50cc class a nd it wa s ba ck-to-back wins for Sha n no n Wri ght, as he fough t o ff Justin Filson a nd Mike Bertilino on da y one a nd ca me back on da y two to ho ld off Filson a nd Ra ndy Smith for th e top honors. In th e 65cc class Shane G arr iso n pu lled th e same trick o ver Randy Sm ith a n d Quint Eslinger on day o ne and o n day two taking th e win over Eslinger. who ' topped Ra ndy Smith this time aro und. I!, the 80cc division Chris McNutt used a last-min u te pass to top Shane Garrison on th e first day. but on day two McNuu got out in . fro nt of Garrison early and held o n for the wm . . The l 25cc class was wheel-to -wheel raci ng on both day s, Day one saw C had Barth tak e th e win over heat winner Josh But ler a nd Dave Stanfield. On day two Barth ga ve way to Butler who cr u ised home wit h th e wi n. Third went to Danny Dotson in front of Steve Hall a nd David Stanfield. The 20lkc class saw C had Bu tler taking back -to -bec k wins. On day o ne . he bested Matt Collier, john Lambrick a nd jim Kidman f?r th e top spot a nd on day two h e took the wm from La mbrick , who that day bested Collier a n d Mark Augenstein. T he 250<:c class a t Neoga is the usual domain of Doni Holeman but th is weekend it was a ll C had Barth. Barth put it to Dan Can er, Holeman and Dana McN eil on Sunday. a nd then came back on Monday to top Holeman, Carter , McN eil a nd Rex Tassart to make it a clean sweep. In the Senior class Bob Co lli er and Lew Eslinger fo ugh t ha ndlebar to ha ndl ebar with Collier co m in g a wa y with the win. George Collins bes ted Da vid -Sta n field for the third spot. On Monday it was Esli nger fighting wi th Gary Brennan for th e top spot a nd pulli !,g away in the late la ps for the wm. Col lier fought off Co llins, Stanfield a nd David York for the third spot. Results SUND AY 50 : 1. Sha nnon Wright (Yam); 2. Ju sti n Filson (Yam); 3 . Mike Bert il ino (Yam); 4 . Randy Smit h (Yam); 5. Brian Hopper (Suz). • . . 65 : 1. Sh ane Garriso n (Kaw ); 2. Randy Smith (Han); 3. QUint Eslinger (Yam); 4. Chris Mc Nutt (Suz). 80 : 1. Chris McNutt (Han); 2. Shane Garri son (Yam). 12 5: 1. Chad Bart h (Han); 2. Josh Butl er (; 3. David Stanfie ld (Kaw); 4 . J eff Williams; 5. Steve. Hall (Han ). 200: 1. Chad Butl er IKaw ); 2. Matt Colher (Suz); 3. J ohn Lambr ick (Kaw ); 4 . Jim Kidman (Han ); 5 . M ike Coll ier (Han) 250: 1. Chad Bart h ( H o n~ 2. Dan Cartg er (Han); 3. Doni Holema n (Hon); 4. Dana McNeil (Han); 5. Rex Tassart (Han) 400: 1. Terry Adam s (Honl ; 2. Bob Colli er (Han ); 3. Pete Barnosky (Hus); 4 . Troy Fischer (Han); 5. Tom Sutton (Yam) 500:. 1. Aaron Crockett (Rtxl; 2. Reed Bertil.ino lRtxl; 3. Rick Kn uth (Rue); 4 . All an Richards (Yaml; 5. J Im Hin thorn (H~W:' 1. Robe rt Colli er (Han ); 2. Les Esl inger (Yam); 3 . George Coll ins (Han); 4. David Stanfield (Yam).

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