Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

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Garth Sweetland was knocked back to second in the Prescott 10 0 when he f in ished without a spark arrestor. on th e three-mi le co urse a nd when the dust had cleared "Elv in ' .. Mike Shiver s had sco red Kees Van der Ven took the overall win at the Swedish 500cc GP. Trampas Parker (58) won his third 125cc GP of the season in West Germany and remains 23 points ahead in the t itle chase. World Championship 12Scc MX Series: Round 6 Parker outduels Puzar in German GP GE RSTE"ITEN, W. GERMANY, JUNE 4 American T ram p as P arker came away the winner after ba ttling rival title-contender Alessandro P u zar in bo th m o tos of the German GP at Gerstetten. Pa rker lost the battl e to Puzar in th e first mota , bu t tu rned the tables to win mota two and stay 23 points ahead of the Italian in the points sta ndings . Parker 's KTM teammate and Am erica n co mpa triot Bob Moor e, com pleted the . top three overall wi th 35 moto fini shes. Pa rker went down in a first-turn pileup a t th e start of mo to one. Also inv o lved in the cras h were Ameri can Mike H eal ey, Pedro T ra g ter a nd three other riders. Aft er restarting la st , Parker. cha rged through th e field a nd by th e halfway point of th e 40 minute plus tw o -lap motow as into sec o nd . Heal ey tri ed to follow Parker up th rough the field, but a flat tire knocked him out of th e race at the halfway point. Parker 'finall y ca ugh t Puzar with three laps to go, th e two banged bars as they battled for th e lead and Parker came away from' it with a broken' shift lever. Puz ar got away for th e win while Parker was forced to settle for second. Moore held second for th e first half of th e moto but was push ed back when Parker went by, but hung on to third over Yves Demaria, who had won a battle for fourth with Massimo Contini. Puzar led th e start of th e second moto for two laps before Park er too k the lead from him then pulled awa y for the win. After threatening to " kill th e field ," Healey managed a thi rd in th e moto over Andrea Bartolini, and Moore rounded ou t the top five. Czech rider - Petr Kovar held off Contini in a battle for.sixth ear ly in the moto. Contini soon dropped o ut with a gearbox failure, and Kovar fell to Michele Monti, Rick Ryan and the Dutch pair of Pedro' Tragter and Edwin Ev ertsen, who had been engaged in a race -long battle. Resu lts MOTa ONE: 1. Ales sandro Puzar (Su z); 2. Trampa s Pa rker (KTM): 3. Bob Moore (KTM); 4 . Yves Demaria (Yam); 5 . Ma ssim o Contini (Cag): 6. Adrea Bartolini (Hon); 7. Berndt Eckenb ach (Yam); B. Thierry Godfroid (Kaw); 9. St efan Everts (S uz); 10 . Marco Van Drunen (Han); 11. Gun th er Geert s (Hon); 12 . Edwin Evertsen (Suz); 13 . Mich ele Mont i (Hen); 14 . Fabrio Monti (Hen); 15 . Bernard Maga in (Kaw). MOTa lWO: 1. Par ker; 2. Puzar; 3. Mike Healey (KTM ); 4. Bart olini; 5. Moo re; 6. Michele Monti; 7. Rick Ryan (Suz); B. Pedro Tragt er (Suz); 9. Everts en; 10. Petr Kovar (Cag); 11. Van Drunen; 12. Demaria ; 13. Godfroid; 14 . Evens; 15 . Petteri Kvtota (Hon). POINT STANOINGS: 1. Parker (20 7); 2. Puza r (1B4); 3. Oave Strijbo s (13B): 4. Hea ley (109); 5. Moore (106 ); 6 . De ma ria (99); 7. Contini (78); B. Bartolini (64); 9. Evert sen (61); 10 . Traqter (52). World Championship SOOcc MX Series: Round 6 Van der Ven conquers Swedish GP HUSKVARNA, SWEDEN, J UNE 4 KTM's Kees Van der Ven capped off a successful tour th ro ugh Scandinavia with the overall win at the Swedish GP in Huskvarna, one week after he won a moto and placed third overall in Finland. Van der Ven 's 1-2 score in Sweden gave him th e o verall ahead of KTM teammat e J acky Martens , whil e Georges J ob e took thi rd overa lL Local rid er Stefan Lar sson go t th e hol esh ot in th e first mo to, but starte d 10 fad e after just two laps. J eff Leisk th en too k up the lead wh ere he stayed for 15 minutes of th e 40 minute plus two-lap moto before pressure from Jobe and Van der Ven , who had been on his tail th e entire distance, caused . him to go 0[£ the track. Leisk hurt his right hand in the resu lting cra sh , but rejoined th e ac tion and eventually finished 12th . J obe stayed out front until just past the halfway mark when Hol- la nd's Van der Ven, comfortable in the sandy cond itio ns, got by and was in front to th e finish. Kurt Nicoll made a lat e challenge after he passed lobe and finished just behind Van der Ven , with jobe a close th ird some 30 seconds ahead of th e pack. World cha mp Geboers head ed that pa ck in fourth, finishing a head of Martens, Jacky Vimond, Leif Pers son , Stuart Coyle, Karl Sulzer and David Thorpe, wh o crashed on the fir st lap a nd had climbed back up from la t. At th e start of moto two Larsson aga in go t the holesh ot a nd quickl y faded , gi ving Jobe th e lead . Marten s ca me th rough fr om third , first passi n g Van der Ven a n d th en moving by l ob e for a lead he wou ld . never relinquish. Van der Ven also passe d J obe and the top three was set. T ho rpe followed Geboers for 15 m in utes before he took over fourth, the n the two stayed fairl y close until T ho rpe u pped hi s pace a nd p ulled away in th e last 10 minutes. Geboers dropped a no ther po sition as America n Bill y L iles moved by la te in th e race to claim fifth . . Altho ug h Leisksaid th at h is hand wo uldn 't affect hi s ride , he didn' t ap pea r to be as aggressi ve in th e second o u ting and was on ly a ble to cla im ninth behind Persson a nd Di rk Geu kens . Nico ll cou ld n 't match hi s fine first ride as he crashed and event ua lly claimed 12th. • Results MOTa ONE: 1. Kees Van der Ven (KTMI: 2. Kurt Nicoll(Kaw); 3. Geo rgesJobe (Hon); 4 . Eric Geboers (Hon); 5 . Jacky Martens (KTM); 6. J acky Vimond (Hon); 7. Leif Per sson (Hon); B. St uart Coyle (Kaw); 9. Karl S ulzer (KTM); 10 . David Thorpe (Hon); 1 1. Inge Edberg (Kaw); 12 . J eff Leis k (Hon); 13. Stefa n Larsson (Kaw); 14 . Dirk Ge uke ns (Hon). MOTa lWO: 1. Jacky Martens; 2. Van der Ven; 3. Jobe; 4. Thorpe; 5 . Billy Liles (Kaw): 6. Geb oers; 7 . Geuk ens; 8 . Persson; g. Leisk; 10 . Mervyn An st ie . (Ha n); 11. Su lzer; 12 . Nicoll; 13 . J o Martens (Kaw ); 14 . Frank Pa linckx (Han ); 15 . Joha n Boonen (KTM). POINT STANDINGS: 1. Geboer s (163 ): 2. Thorpe (15B); 3. Nicoll (134); 4. J acky Martens (12 7); 5. Leisk (123); 6 . Va n der Ven (12 1); 7. J obe (911: B. Persson (B7); 9. Ge uken s (86); 10. Vimond (69). Darland handed Prescott 100 win By M ichael Ross PRESCOTI', AZ , MAY 28 Perfect weather co nd itio ns, a cha llenl?ing co urse an d a record rid er turnout co mbined to ma ke th e 12th Annual Pr escott Mo untain 100 th e best a tten ded and most exci ting American Desert Racing Association event . run so far th is year. There was al so pl enty o f d rama as G arth Sw eetland ca ugh t a n d passed KTM· m ounted Jelf Darland late in th e third lap o f the 93·mile ra ce to w in b y o ne m i nu te a nd 21 seconds, exce p t th at Sw eetland came to the last chec k point with out a spark arrestor. ' A co u p le o f da ys fo llow in g th e event, th e AD R A co mpe ti tio n bo a rd revi ew ed th e Sweetla n d m a tter a n d deliberated his expla- na tions fOT th e mis sin g spark arrestor, the n aw arded- Darla nd th e overa ll win . Sweetl and wa s cred ited with second place with the addition of a five-m inute penalty while Mark Miller claimed third overall. At 7 a .m . the Minis gridded for nine lap s an other Mini Amateur wi n. But Shivers had another cha lleng e wa iting for him a t th e fini sh lin e in th e form of a tech inspec tio n an d tear down. Shiver's dominance of the Mi ni Am at eu r class has been so co mp lete this year that hi s co mpetitors felt h is KX80 must be displacing at leas t 105cc, but he was found to be lega l. Sh iver's legal KX wasn 't th e o n ly a mazin g thing about the Mini race. After a 10th row start, Mini Beg inner Sco tt Clifton scorched th e co uurse to tak e second o vera ll . two minutes beh ind Shivers. Steve Murray rounded out th e top three a bo a rd his Honda. Bikes were started on e at a tim e at 15·second intervals , with Jeff Dar land lead ing th e a ttack o n a brand new 250 cc KTM and Sw eet land 15 seconds ba ck o n Darland 's o ld Honda CR500. Alter the fir st lap it looked like j ust another Darland benefi t with a 1.5 minu te lead o ver Sweetl and bu. Sw eetland picked up th e pace on th e second la p a n d ' closed th at gap to eigh t seconds. On th e third a n d fina l lap. Sw eetland caugh t Darl and in th e sa nd wash and motored past to take th e win by I:2 1 seco nds. Un fortunat el y, Sweetla nd 's spa rk arr estor was gone and a fter several exp la na tio ns from Sweetland 's crew. ADRA president Ph il Auern- hei rnm er decided to let th e com pe tition board decide th e matter. . Dar land ended up th e winner a nd at the fini sh lin e was q uick to tha nk hi s spo nso rs Dirt U n lim ited/Yoko/ Be ll / Re ntha l Maxim Powers/ Trick G as. T h ird o vera ll wen t. to Mark Mill er ahoard a KTM. Miller averaged 28.35 mph. Fourth overa ll a nd F irst Seni or Expert was T im Leeh e in one of his best races this year , and The Dirt U n l imited /Du ra lu belTea m DG I/Zipper s·backed KTM 500 ri de r was well pl ea sed w it h h is fini sh . R e sults OPEN EX: 1. Garth Sweetl and (Han); 2. Scott Davis tHonl; 3. Pat Prosser (KTM ); 4. Todd John son (KTM ). 250 EX: 1. J eff Darland (KTM ); 2. Mark M ill er (KTMI.: 3.Ken Kozlik (Kaw); 4 .Dani el March and (Hon); 5. Phil Means (Han I. OPEN AM : 1. Mik e Berkner (Han); 2. Bob Kirkwood (Hon); 3. John Albr o· (Yam); 4 . Farr ell Rodgers (Han ); 5. Garr ett Swe etland . . 250 AM : 1. Bryan Brun ing (Yam); 2. M ike Kozlik IKawl; 3. Dirk Lange (Hon); 4. Kirk Mai er (KTM ); 5. Todd J. Smith (Han). 200 AM : 1. Destr y Abbott {KTM}; 2. Richie Chur ch (Han); 3. And y Reid (Han); 4 . Bob Henderson (Han); 5. Alex McElyea (Kaw) . OPEN NOV: 1. Dave Dougan (ATK); 2. David Gilb ert (Honl; 3. Chr is Higdon (Yam); 4. Robert Gent sch (Han); 5 . Jimmy Francis (KTM). 250 NOV: 1. Danny Tiptol (Suz); 2. Ma rty Miha y (Han); 3. Erik W itt (Han); 4 . Mark Winkelman (Han); 5. Jamie Auernheimer (Hus): 200 NOV: 1. Jason Beli sle{ Hon); 2. Brandon Beggs(KTM); 3. Allan Schaible {Yaml; 4 . William Rowe (Han ); 5. Darren Lantz (Yam). 4-STRK: 1. Gilbe rt McDa niel (Han). . OPEN BEG: 1. Mike Gail (Han); 2. Tim Bergst rom (Han); 3. Steve M urphy (Han); 4 . Curti s Mi nnee r (Kaw ); 5. Ryden Wold (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Robert VeglaSQue (Hus); 2. Shawn Schmitz (Han); 3 . Marty Grossman (KTM); 4 . Arthur Throckm ort on (Han); 5. Tano Ronqu ill o (Suz). 200 BEG: 1. M ike Fought (Yam); 2. Kevin Thonoff (Ca~ ): 3. J ason Suarez (Han); 4. Perryu bbs (Yam); 5. Mike GarCia (ya m). LADIES: 1. Ja nice Smitth (Hus); 2. Tamarra Nieto (Yaml : 3. Liz Paquette (Suz). 28+ EX: 1. Tim Leene (KTM); 2. William Chambers (Kaw); 3. Elmer An son (Yam); 4 . Richard Genovese (Han); 5. All en Poore (Hus). 38+ EX: 1. Rob Beggs (KTM); 2. Way ne Decklever (Han); 3. Boyd Abbott (KTM): 4 . George Tachick (Yam); 5. J erry Smith IHus). 30.- AM : 1. Ken neth StumpH(Suz); 2. Bob Gutterud (Han); 3. Steve Bigler (Hus); 4. Butch Odom (Han); 5. Randy Chamberlin (KTM). 30.- NOV: 1. Gary Chaidez (Han); 2. David Trombley (Hon); 3 . Barry Meyers (Honl; 4 . Randy Mil ler(Ho nl: 5 . Neil Goodell (Hon). 40.- NOV: 1. Dou g Seitz (KTM): 2. Himey Means (Han); 3. Dave McEly ea (Kawl ; 4. Rex Goodell (Hon): 5. AI Corte (KTM) . 30.- BEG: 1. Ronald Smit h (Hon); 2. Bob Barnfi eld (Han): 3. Russ Freund (Han); 4. Jim Conne r (Hon); 5. David G. Mi ller (Han). 45 '" OTHG: 1. Robert Murphy (ATK); 2. Hugh Dunlap (Hon); 3. Marty Watkin s (Han); 4. Lee Balicki (KTM); 5. Ron Zellitti (KTM). . 50+ SR: 1. John Kozlik (Han); 2. J oe Prosser (KTM ); 3. Bert Stewa rt (Cag); 4 . Delbert Garst (KTM): 5. Merrill Robbins (KTMI. DINO V: 1. Robert Neill (Mai); 2. David Pringl e (Mai); 3. Michael Wadding (Yaml; 4 . Brad Daniel (Kaw); 5. Mike Young (Suz). DINO C: 1. Todd Griswold (Suz): 2. Pat Allen (Hon); 3. Mike McGough (Kaw); 4. Conrad Sch illing (Hus); 5. Michael Hack (Han). BUDDY: 1. Dave Burn slTom Row land (KTMI : 2. Bobby Creek/Chuck Creek(K TMI; 3. John Wola n/Dan Sutherland (Han); 4. Gregory King/Ron Willoughby (Kaw ); 5. Charlie Neidhart/Brian Krau se (KTMI. IRON M A N: 1. Tony French (Honl . FUNRACER: 1. Ja mes Dunlap (KTM). SPTSMN FUN RACER: 1. Tim Curt is (KTM ); 2. Robert W islon (Kawl; 3. O. A lex Duran (Han); 4 . Floyd Fisher( KTMI; 5. David Zook (Han). •

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