Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 26 of 59

- _ -- -- f t •• ~A --- -. --- ••, - ...... -- - '.. .- ~- ~ ~ _-~--- The RJ Rep lica V-4000 Shoulder Pads ~ y J T Racing offers excelle nt coverage a nd freedo m of movemen t plu s it s po rts u n iq u e Bad Bo y graphics. Avail abl e for a sugges ted retail pr ice of $ 135.95 from yo ur local J T dealer, or contact J T Racing, Dept. CN, 5 15 O ta y Valley Rd ., Chula Vista, CA 92011, 619/421-2660. Mike Corbin has two saddles for' Yam ah a 's FZR600, the Gun fighter solo saddle a nd G unfi ght er & Lady wh ich is a d ual -spo rt touri ng saddle. Both are built o n fib ert ech base p la tes and use cas t molded space urethan e foam paddin g covered with Uniroya l nau gah yde to match the FXR 's graphics. Bo th saddles sell for S189.00, and an optio na l backrest is avai lab le for the Lad y model for an addi tio nal $99.00. Fo r more inf ormation contac t Mi ke Cor bin , Dep t. CN, 123-C Lee Rd. Box 1562, Wat son ville, CA 95077-1562, 800/ 538-7035 (US) or 800/ 662-6296 (CA). 500ee Wo R rld acing Championship Road Racing Series, Yugoslavia GP KEVIN SCHWANTZ - 1st. 500ee H ei n G eri ck e 's Ca det J a ck et is co ns tructed o f heav y-duty Kodr a nylon a nd 100%to p-gra in leather o n th e sho ulders, elbo ws, sleeves a nd wa ist and features elas ticized flex pan els on the sides p lu s a dro pped kidney belt. Avai lab le in men 's a nd wom en 's sizes XS-XL in red, blu e, grey o r black a t a sugges ted retai l pr ice of 175.95. For mor e info rma-tio n see your Hei n Ger icke dea ler or co n tact l nterspo rt Fashions West , Dep t. CN, 333 S. Anita Dr. Ste. 1025, Oran ge, CA 92668, 714/978-7718. • AMA Nan Championship Supereross Series. Los Angeles, CA JEFF STANTON -- ls t 250ee MIKE KIEDROWSKI - l st, Shoot-Out AMA Nat'! Championship Road Race Series, Brainerd, MN RICHARD OLIVER - 1st. 250ee G rand Prix CAM RODS · 1st, 600ee Supersport AMA 600ee Natl' Championship Dirt Track Series, Peori a. IL CHRIS CARR - lst F an Arai D or ual-DecaULite rature P ck a Including our latest brochure, send $2.00 in cash or stam 1 ps $3.00outside U.S to: .) Arai Helmets,LId., Dept. CN, P Box 421, .O. T enafly. NJ 07670. ~ -r- . / . ~ / ,7 /1e t7"(/I('S ,//(/l lJ t~0((("/1. RICH OLIVER

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